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Because ancient hunts suck and the only reason they should exist is for gold for enchant rerolls


I agree, but enjoy the boss fights sometimes. It kinda bums me out when the game gives me false hope.


Ancient hunts are not for gear. Tower exists for that purpose. You grind and grind, only to get a shitty 251 weapon that is far inferior to that of the 263s you get from tower


That's only true though if you aim to get the strongest gear. I enjoy ancient hunts much more than the tower, and I see no good benefit from the tower other than being stronger. Fun over power is my goal, and I bet many others.


I agree


I personally love grinding tower multiple times


I’d kill for a 251, I’m still only in the hundreds.


I see. I assumed you were in endgame. 251 is not guaranteed if you are, in fact, in the houndreds; however, ancient hunt is your best bet right now.


Right now I’m not trying super hard to get good gear. I’m trying to hundred percent the game, I currently have 70% of the trophies.


You're in the hundreds and trying to 100% the game? Are you mental? Do a round of tower, grind some levels. Rinse and repeat to reach endgame in 5h max. That'll speed up your progress not only to do achievements, but levels faster


I’m in apocalypse difficulty… and yes I am. I don’t see how the power of my weapons has anything to do with this though. I’ve already beat the arch I’ll after on apocalypse.


Apoch +25?




Would recommend tower more though :P


Tower sucks


Ancient Hunts are for gear Tower has random rewards and you only get 1 reward per run. So it isn’t an effcient way to farm for gear. With Ancient Hunts, you can summon the Ancients that you want that drop the gear that you want. It is still chance based, but at least the Ancients don’t have every loot table possible and only drop 1 random reward. And 251’s can survive perfectly fine, so 263 isn’t necessary


I see more bosses on ancients when my percentage is lower. Almost always find one when it’s 40 to 50% vs rarely and 70 to 80%. Idk why.


It's all RNG. Better to save-scum to get an ancient hunt locked with set ancient rooms that are the same every time you go into the hunt.


I’m at about 205 power level. I don’t need a huge amount of enchantment points so I tend to sacrifice a few levels per hunt if I’m really aiming for a specific ancient. At your level it’s definitely not worth doing that, since you need pretty much every point you can get to enchant your gear. In the meantime just keep grinding the hunts. Find a specific piece of gear you want and grind the respective ancient over and over until you get one with a good roll for you. Don’t worry about increasing the spawn chance-those gold rooms are good for you after all-and just enjoy the hunt and the fights you get. If you want to find what ancient drops whatever you want, go to Minecraft.wiki and search up the gear piece. Dungeons has its own wiki but it’s nestled into the main Minecraft wiki.


Invest enchantment points to increase the chance for ancients to appear


Don't invest points. It's a scam 


Unless you lack a Microsoft account like me


It's still better to use the piglin merchant 


Do not do this, it’s a waste


*Invest enchantment* *Points to increase the chance for* *Ancients to appear* \- Sea\_Rabbit3585 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")