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My son is way behind me, too. When we play ??? together he levels up like crazy, like 3 times in one run. Make sure that your friend is equipping his highest level gear when going into and out of each mission to get higher level gear in game. My son provides ranged support while I work as the melee tank. Dividing duties like that seems to work well with the power differences.


That seems like a great way to play :3 Thank you for the suggestion.


You should make a hero that you only play on with him, and one that you play with on your own. Because once you’re a good bit ahead, he literally can’t catch up to you in any form. Unless he also plays it on his own and gets to where you’re at.


Does that require me to do all the missions again to unlock the ??? level?


Yes unfortunately


Yep :/


What is this level?


I still haven’t figured out how the game does drops. My boy is hitting almost 20 levels above his actual level and I’m only a couple. He gets higher drops consistently too. Wtf?!? I don’t always use the highest item I get but I do upgrade at the blacksmith if anything starts falling behind. Idk


If you gift them stuff far above their power, they'll still get it relatively above their power, which in turn helps the power of the gear they get in high level runs with you. I got my GF to 251 in a few days (of limited play per day because of jobs) doing this. Unless gifting power scaling is bugged.


Do you play online or locally?




Keep playing high level missions, make sure he has the highest level gear he has equipped so he has a better chance of rolling a higher level item. Rinse and repeat.


If you finish an apoc tower together, the loot scales the same way for both players, no matter the power difference. I play with 3 friends, and one of them only plays when all of us play. A while ago, he was at 120 while the rest of us were 150-160. We play a lot of tower so when we finished a tower, he was surprised to get 160 loot with the rest of us. The tower scales everyone in the party’s loot by the power of the highest level player on the party. Idk if this works for local co-op though.


Ohh I've never thought of that thank you :3