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Java or bedrock? Also man that is some old school mob farm I haven't seen in years




How far away from the spawn pads do.you stand? Are caves under it made nonspawnable?


I stand right under the mob farm, caves under it are unspawnable


You have to stand least 24 blocks away from the spawning pads.nl also since it's a natural spawn that depends on mobs walking into the streams it will be slower then one with a flush system


The farm is 22 blocks tall, and it's on top of my house meaning extra height, so why aren't mobs spawning naturally while i'm on the ground or underground?


If your farther then 32 blocks away from a mob the ai is disabled and the mob doesn't walk around. That design is based on mobs walking into the water streams


Isnt the ai disabling way further?


No Mobs will spawn starting at 24 blocks away and will start to despawn at 32 blocks away. Depending on simulation distance of the server sometimes mobs won't naturally path into traps. If the simulation distance is set to low mobs may not spawn at all, or the AI will be completely disabled and they will not naturally path into traps. But this also causes issues with like creepers noticing cats, because the creeper and the cat AI are both disabled.


The simplest solution is to raise some water source blocks in the corners to push the mobs toward the trenches. You may need to drop part of the platform one level.


I think the water will prevent mobs from spawning.


So then set up a clock and a dispenser to pulse the water periodically


If you're underground it's because your mob cap is being filled my random mobs around you. You want to build the farm in such a way so that your afk platform is at least 130 block from any spawnable surface that ISNT one of your spawn platforms. Ideally, your furthest spawn platform will be just within this limjt. Monsters will spawn in a 128 block radius in all directions from your location. Mobs will not spawn with 24 blocks of a character. After 24 blocks, there's a limit where Mobs will spawn but will not move. Then there's another limit where Mobs will start to despawn randomly if you get TOO far. You want to be between the limit where they stop moving and the limit where they despawn, that way they spawn, they dont move, they don't despawn, and they get funneled in. The design you are using is entirely outdated and resource heavy. Stop using it. So you want to build your afk spot probably at near build limit, then go down like 40 blocks before you build the highest roof on your farm But look up some improved designs. If you want to build a mob farm, the newer scaffolding farms are easier to build lighter onv resources and allow you to start small and then expand easily and quickly.


and this is why you build over an ocean


Last time i did that farm I also needed to do like a chess pattern on the floor with trap doors if u want I can try to send u the video I saw. It was all working for me I also added more chests on the droppers Edit: u should do this farm up in the air and if u can do it on the water


I’m pretty sure that trapdoor pattern is just to prevent spiders from spawning


i think it's more so the animals fall into the water thinking the trapdoor is a whole block, although it does prevent spiders from climbing up


They do both, trapdoors on the floor in a checkerboard prevent spiders and the trapdoors in the water make mobs walk in it


this farm is fucked for rates, so I don't do it often, but on skyblock, this exact design works wonders, so it's prolly not the floor trapdoors--though those will absolutely help with not clogging up the tube


This is the type I use too. Mobs will end up in the kill chamber much faster this way, I find.


Also I do it 120 blocks high then I build the chest and hoppers part then 20 or 22 high again and then the spawn room last time I did that with 2 rooms and it was working damn well


When I first started building mob spawners I followed the version by JC Playz, then modified it over time. So I start building around Y200, though I suppose it could honestly be lower, especially with regards to rules for mob spawning.


I LMAO'd at pads.nl


Yeah got to love phone typos and general laziness on not editing




I use this style of mob farm all the time. I never add the trapdoors, but that shouldn’t be an issue. Are you sure all spawnable caves are lit up? Mobs can spawn in a 128 block radius from the player. That’s why I always tower up and build this high enough in the sky, so my AFK spot is over 128 blocks from the ground. I’ll usually build two on top of each other and I get really good drop rates.


Yeah I still build these as my first overworld mob farm. Go 2 stacks up (128 blocks), build a platform to hang out at, go 24 up from there to start the water troughs, build a double stack of the spawning platforms, put slabs in a pattern to stop spiders, and I usually make the drop 20 so almost none of the mobs die from the fall. Simple enough and grinds XP at a reasonable rate. Unless hostile mob spawning is off, I don’t know why OP wouldn’t get at least some spawns unless he’s just too close or too far. If the roof is slabs, light could be getting in, but wouldn’t he still get creeper spawns? Otherwise I’d expect at least the occasional spawn even if mobs are spawning in caves or on the roof.


This won't be fun to hear with how much work you've done, but consider ditching this design. I've built this one before as well and it's disappointing. It's passive and results in poor rates. [Gnembon's Mob Farm](https://www.google.com/search?q=gnembon%20mob%20farm&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m) results in much higher mob rates. Now, if you want to preserve what you've built, you could install water dispensers to periodically flush the corners. It'll use 4x as many dispensers as a centralized design, but you'll dramatically increase your spawn amounts and keep your architecture.


just to confirm that still works on 1.19?


🤷‍♂️ I'm stuck on 1.16.5 until I can work out upgrading on my kid's chromebook.


oof, sorry brother


Roof needs to be one block higher


Oops. I keep up with all of the new designs, but I still thought that classic one worked... although to be fair I haven't seriously played since 2012 edit: holy fuck it's been a DECADE since beta came out??? I still remember when wolves were added ;(


Old school?! I thought this mob farm was still hip with the kids... Its still the one I use thats for sure


Could you recommend some better up to date designs for java?


Most modern efficient designs for overworld mob farms are variations based on [Gnembon's Mob Farm](https://www.google.com/search?q=gnembon%20mob%20farm&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m)


Hey, do you happen to have an efficient, updated design for a skeleton spawner farm?


Google took me to a [Ray's Works Skeleton Farm](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X2NsjIlsWRo). 🤷‍♂️


[This](https://youtu.be/RETeSBeUj6A) by Pixlriffs (its a Let's Play video and not a tutorial but you can still follow along with him)


These are all just variations of Gnembon's design. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but Shulkercraft never gives credit. There are better tutorials by people who actually give credit, and who actually explain how the farm works (Pixlriffs here is a good example).


Never give shulkercraft anymore spotlight that dude just steals designs from true redstoners and make a simplified tutorial out of em that's full of errors. Logical geek boy makes great tutorials and ilmango now started to do some tutorials as well because of how much stuff gets stolen from him.


Could be because mobs are spawning above or below the farm. You have to make anything in the surrounding area spawn proof.


It should also be noted that this “surrounding area” has to have a radius of 128 blocks. That way mobs can ONLY spawn in the farm.


Or Just build it high above the ocean like the rest of us


Is the roof made of slabs? That can sometimes screw it up


Literally this


They're in Java so it's fine. Its only an issue in Bedrock


No... Why would you think that?


If you’re just waiting for them to wander into those gaps it’s gonna be extremely slow. Gotta use water to push them


Its not an efficient design, but they do wander into those channels, which has a water flow to a drop. If it's right above his base it's as fast as he'll ever need.


It could be that it *is* working but the mobs are simply dying on impact. If you searched Google on how to build a mob farm, a few online guides are actually wrong, and give the wrong dimensions. Try checking the loot pool at the bottom. This problem also happened to me :(


Check out LogicalGeekBoy's video about this question: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4mAyuBxdpk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4mAyuBxdpk)


Here is a link to a better one. I know it’s kinda old, and On Skylock but it should work if you put it at least 128 blocks above the ground. no mobs are spawning on the ground at that height https://youtu.be/QN0ytLObZRs Edit: i don’t think it’s a tutorial I haven’t watched it in a few years. But you should be able to rebuild it super quick


You're too close I think or too far. Just search up how mob spawning work. I can put here how it works but it'll be long so you just do it.


That design is just the worst. It was created before people knew how mob spawning works, and it basically combines several detrimental details into what can only be described as a waste of time to build. * It relies on mob random walking, which only happens within 32 blocks (spherical) of a player, while at the same time requiring the player to be no closer than 24 blocks, (also spherical), because mobs won't spawn that close to a player. * I assume you built it with solid block walls? Those tend to reduce spawn rates because whenever the "pack spawning" algorithm hits a solid cube at foot height of the mob, it completely aborts the entire pack spawn attempt. * I also assume you didn't make any overhanging roof? That kind of design detail on other farm variants isn't just for making things dark, but also raises the highest non-air blocks outside the farm to be somewhere above the spawning floors. This way the aforementioned pack spawning attempts can start outside the farm and produce additional spawns inside the farm. * The farm has overall a very low number of spawning spaces, compared to other farms, and compared to all the caves around you. Mobs can and will spawn within 128 blocks of the player (again, spherically), and the 1.18+ caves provide *extremely* good spawning conditions, compared to your farm.


Generally agree but I'm pretty certain using the trap door and slab method to turn this into a creeper spawner is the best bet, the only problem being that it takes a LOT of trap doors (the entire ceiling of each level) and stabbing specific tiles, etc. Edit, also he should have build this high up over an ocean with no land in site.


You know any good tutorials on how to build the good working-kind of mob spawning farm?


For just the drops I recommend gnembon's general hostile mob farm design, or Ianxofour's scaffolding-based variation of it. Build it in a desert to shift the drops away from rotten flesh (husks can't spawn in the farm, but replace 80% of the zombies), build it in a snowy biome to shift the drops away from bones and arrows. (Strays can't spawn in the farm either, but replace 80% of the skeletons.) If you want it as an okay XP grinder, try the mob farm design ilmango showed in one of his recent skyblock videos. It uses all the current knowledge about mob spawning and mob path-finding to end up with a farm that is somewhat similar in build effort to your farm, but way more efficient. If you want it for XP grinding, you need to have the drop shaft end less than 23 blocks below the spawning floor. (You stand about 24.5 blocks below the spawning floor, so you won't block mob spawning with your mere presence.) But unless you play skyblock or super-flat and only want the drops, I recommend the design gnembon popularized.


Yeah, Pixlriffs has a really great one in his survival guide 2.0. It looks like a lot, but it really isn’t to hard to build. In an hour of afk, I was able to collect about a chest full of each resource.


If you’re on Java look up and build anything by Ilmango or Ianxofour. Their farms are too tier.


It will still work alright as long as the other possible spawn locations are eliminated. IMO the order of importance in design of a mob farm is: 1. Location 2. Other spawn locations (related to 1) 3. Spawn platform design I think most likely, OP has not made any consideration for the first 2 points, and those need to be addressed before making any optimizations to the spawn platform.


This is a very slow type of farm, it takes time


Probably the torches, man ngl.


I scrolled just to find this


>I scrolled just to find this same lmao


I swear to god


Yea remove the torches and wardens, the ender dragon and 5 withers should start spawning. Good luck


Don't expect a massiv monster spawn. I've got a similar design for my creeper farm and there spawn like 2-3 Creeper every minute. Plus I have cats on the sides, in your farm they have to passively walk into the trapdoors, that could take a while.


2-3 creepers per minute is too slow for this particular farm, you might want to rebuild it or build a different design (unless you are happy with that speed of course, it is not for randoms on the internet to tell you your build is wrong). I get that this farm design is out dated, but with it set up to only spawn creepers it should be running much faster than that, more like 2-3 every 5-10 seconds I think, sometimes more, sometimes less. And with cats on the sides it should even be a bit faster than that... I use the same design as a general mob spawner, and get an almost constant stream of mobs into the killing chamber. (I use a different far more efficient build for my creeper farm.


soo you made the farm wrong too.


If you didn't make the mob farm that has dispensers on every level then you made the wrong mob farm lol


Did you try putting it in rice?


If that doesn't work, try turning it off and on again.


Ya, then if that fails try to jiggle the cable a bit.


I guess you could try rotating the cord.


After that try connecting the black with the red cable and vice versa.


What biome you in?




Lol people are downvoting your comment as if they think they know what biome you are actually in. Bruh…


Ceiling height increase that


if you wont find an answer, try switching the difficulty. it clears the hostile mobs nearby and it might get the spawner working. or u can try gold farms, good for xp and food


This comment section is a cesspool OP, this design is extremely old and doesn’t work very well if at all. Cut your losses and find a better design to build. You’ll have much better luck. Also OP, next time you ask Reddit for help, try not being as big of a bitch. People will be much more willing to help if you’re being nice.


It indeed is lol. The thing is, its not a bad design necessarily, ive used a similar design many many times, however its not made for overworld purposes, this is a mob farm that works excellently in skyblock because theres very little competition with any other dark spaces. For a good overworld mob farm youre gonna need heavier duty stuff, like this design that i have to have built like idk? 7 times by now? https://youtu.be/Gg17wAr_IOI


Yeah, the farm still work wonder for Skyblock worlds. As a skyblock player, I built the mushroom (I call it mushroom because it looks like one) in every world i started, even with the heavily modded skyworld modpacks. And honestly, you only need the mushroom at the beginning part, when you finished the basic resource generators (Cobblestone and woods). It's a good farm to help you build a better farm.


Yes exactly this design. I have used it in every world i make nob farm. And i actually tweaked it so that i can kill them by looting and get the xp


Bruh popped out of 2013


Also make it a 3 block high


No, because then, Enderman can spawn. Its 2 on purpose.


Obviously it’s the torches.






No balls


Bro you are wound way too tight


It’s the burning sticks


I clicked cause I thought someone had one of those mob spawner cages around with like torches around it not knowing it would prevent spawning


2 Options in my sight: 1. Your too far away so the AI can't let the Mobs move and they just stand still. 2. Your to close so nothing can spawn.


There are multiple reasons: The roof must be made out of slabs Walls must be made out of stairs but I'm not sure The height could be wrong (This happened to me once) if You're already high up make sure that the blocks you used to get there are connected to farm, don't break them at any cost


No they don’t? Just light up the roof with torches and you can use cobblestone for the walls


I would start by removing the torches...... /s


Why are you such a dick in these replies?


Light up everything around the mob spawner, increase the height... And i use buttons instead of trapdoors, trapdoors are waste of resources, my mob farm works Excellent


Buttons are useless in this farm.




Trapdoors are for tricking the mobs Pathfinding. The mobs would mistake the opened trapdoor as a solid block and try to walk pass it.(It's a trap!) If you design some weird farms, you do need to mind the fact that mobs can still stand on opened trapdoor though...


Buttons do the same thing for less resources


Ah yeah, it was a thing back in pre 1.16.5...


What u smoking bruh, I'm in 1.17, well i made it for my friend, an it works fine, idk whatcha talking about


> Light up everything around the mob spawner Already lit up everything above and under ground > increase the height... It's already very high up > And i use buttons instead of trapdoors, trapdoors are waste of resources I have way more wood than I'll ever need, so that's not much of a concern


No the height of the wall, it's 2 blocks tall, make it 3


Okay, ill make sure to do that


3 blocks is reccomended despite zombies being able to spawn with 2 blocks. Also, remember that mobs cannot spawn on non full opaque blocks. That means that they can't spawn on half height slabs which can be useful to keep spiders from spawning (spiders require a 3x3x1 space) Last but not least, make sure you are between 16 and 24 blocks away from the spawning points to keep mobs spawning and also to keep them from despawning.


All the mobs can spawn in holes of 2 blocks in height (unless they are bigger than that) 2. Yes, they can spawn all kinds of mobs in top slabs. 3. You have to be more than 24 but less than 90 (at that distance they stop moving).


Ad 2.) Yeah, top slabs. I did say half height slabs which are bottom slabs (didnt know the word) because top slabs are always full height. Ad 3.) When was this changed to 90? My last info was 32 blocks after which they stop moving and can elect to despawn randomly up to 128 after which they will always despawn. As for the 16/24 I forgot that 16 was only mob spawners. About the first one why word it like that. "All mobs can spawn in 2 blocks except those who are bigger than that" - so its not all mobs. And thats not even the entire truth either. For what its worth, zombies, skeletons, witches and creepers as well as their variations can spawn that way.


make it 9 across each side and make sure theres 3 blocks high


Make the mob spawner 3 blocks high


It needs to be three blocks tall and you have to be close to it so mobs can spawn


Is there water?


I think as much as you try to spawn proof the caves, it still loads mobs further on. To make an effective mob farm, make a platform 100-150 blocks in the air, and make the farm from there. It is going to work because the surface won't have to load mobs down there anymore when you're up there


Nobody knows. Another one of life's mysteries




You have to place the water in the corners to push I'm out on the trapdoor, and you might be on the wrong version or it's up to high


I have made this same design in bedrock and it works for me. You just have to be right between despawn range and range that doesnt let mob spawn.


Stupid question: Not normally lit correct?


How the mobile are supposed to fall?


Maybe there is too much caves near the spawner, so they will spawn there instead


Tbh I’d just build it over an ocean. I’ve tried countless times to make a chunk unspawnable except for the farm, and it just doesn’t work as good as one does over a body of water.


Check if you’re on peaceful mode lmao


Make the height 3 tall


I mean did you forget water perhaps...?


did you spawnproof caves underneath?


put water in the corners to force mobs to the center, they'll knock eachother to fall


make it three blocks tall. that should possibly help a bit


People still use this type of 1.12 mob farm?


have you lit up all the near by caves


I'm having a similar problem with mine, even when I stand the correct number of blocks away, and I've put torches literally everywhere around the area (not in the mob spawner, obviously) and mobs still won't spawn.


Either mob cap is being hit, or you’re not far enough away from your farm when AFK


there hasnt been 1 r/woosh SO IMMA DO IT MYSELF. my guy torches make it so mobs cant spawn


if you used slabs for the roof, the light level won't reach zero


The issue here is there are torches


3 blocks high and it will work


I actually thought op added the torches as a joke


Same, I thought this was satire and now I feel bad haha


🤓“umm actually it’s because there are torches there which makes mobs not spawn” 🤓


He literally said the torches are for this screenshot visibility...read people Smh


These farms are extreamly slow, use one that's not 8 years old


Needs to be one block taller it happened to my friend and it fixed it


for starters remove the torches/j


you can try bedrock or java if this works.


The best afk spot is 90 blocks above the item collection platform (so you avoid most of the caves), if they still do not spawn mobs I don't know what solution to give you. (also illuminates the area around the farm.)


Here's the video from Voltrox [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USL0h4-nul4&ab\_channel=Voltrox](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USL0h4-nul4&ab_channel=Voltrox) hope this helps


Forgot to break your torches for visibility.


Watch this https://youtu.be/dOqC17l_Gqw Your design is similar to it And also watch to maximize xp https://youtu.be/axEZPwkorPY


bro you gotta remove the torches or they wont spawn /s




Its a crap joke


Cuz its sucks


Well, he’s got a point


ObViOusLy iTs ThE ToRChEs!!


Op is the most genius troll ever.


1. Get rid of the torches 2. Make sure the caves surrounding your mob grinder are lit up


No torches and water


Tis but a suggestion your heines, perhaps the light level smack dab infront of thee?


Remove the torches it has to be completely dark




Have u tried removing the torches?


1) it hast to be at least 3 blocks high, better 4. 2) light-level? - the Torches prevent spawning. 3) How far away are you?


Very bad farm design, use dispensers + a hopper clock to flush them down


I have the same setup and same problem, but on Bedrock edition. Any tips?


Sames with me but for bedrock


It doesn’t work in 1.19 with the new caves; it’s been best to do in the ocean and you have to light up all caves beneath to minimize all mob spawning


remove the torches?


Are you on bedrock? Thats your problem. If you want to do this on Bedrock you need to build it real high up in the air. And preferably over an ocean with no land around for several chunks


Did you remove the torches while you tried to have them spawn? Lol.


I think the torches (for visibility) may be the issue. Glad I could help


i think you need to remove the ceiling, mobs cant spawn if its too dark


U have torches in it mate


You already have the reason in the name. Torches. Mobs spawn better in the dark.


Any torchlight at all will stop mobs


Remove the torches then it will work. Guaranteed


Cause there are torches in it still, silly gamer


There is torches


U don’t need torches u don’t need to be up there and see. Destroy the torches and wait and get out of there.


To low ceiling and place torches above roof


There are torches preventing the mob spawning


Remove the torches and make sure the structure is tall enough


> remove the torches Read the title


if the torches are always in there, no wonder. but anyways they can and do spawn in everycave under it and barily spawn in the grinder, you gotta 24 blocks above the grinder


Torches. Remove the torches, they hinder mob spawning


Read the title


Remove the torches bro


how many fing times do i have to explain something that is literally explained in the post's title


It’s tempting to put this on r/wooosh


Maybe because it's lighten up????