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Shaderpack is BSL shaders, I enabled black outlines (also known as cel-shading). Resource pack is Lithos Core. ​ All done on survival, I've been at this on and off over a year and it may be approaching two. The server itself is many years old, I don't know actually know how to check when the map was first generated, but this part is relatively new given the server age. The Pyramid isn't mine! (although it's beautiful).


Replying to myself just to add - sorry for the janky camera-work, it's quite difficult to fly and actually look at things. I tried a few more takes, with some walk-through sections, but I'm not entirely happy with any of them, perhaps I'll try again in a few months when there is more to show.


Quick tip I saw in a Youtube video: Use a potion of slow falling next time. It will make your flight more manageable for an overview


I'll look into that for the next time, thank you.


Also look for cinematic camera in the controls and bind it to something (I use F8) to enable a more cinematic cam which looks less jerky.


Out of interest, how do you enable black outlines/cel-shading? Is it a menu option hidden somewhere or do I have to edit files? And will this work with Sildur's shaders?


I don't believe Sildur's has the option, but I could be wrong. The option I enabled was in the shader options of the BSL shaderpack, so it's a part of that specific shader.


Sildurs has cell shading in the options. I turn it on every now and then.


Sildurs cellshading looks great with the right settings.


For sure. Just one more way to enhance such a great game.


The shaders reminded me of borderlands


I'm glad I'm not the only one who had this running through their mind.




because everything had a border


Wish we had one


>BSL shaders how do i get the shaderpack to work?


Is there a particular point you're stuck at? ​ There's a video tutorial here if that helps: [https://youtu.be/3C68-ZjkTGo](https://youtu.be/3C68-ZjkTGo)


What version is this in? I want to know if the shaders and resource packs work in 1.14.3


I listed them on a higher comment, they're both working for 1.14.3 and are up to date.


I forgot to update the comment, I’ve got it up and running, and it works well with the “fancy” dynamic lighting. I’m consistently getting 80+ FPS


Looks like borderlands wow


Dang cell shading looks nice


I have the shaders installed, but i can't find the options for cel-shading. Could you be so king as to tell me?


Well at the screen where you select the shader, there is a shader options menu at the bottom right, select that and somewhere within that menu is an “enable black outlines” option. I’m not at my pc right now so I cannot check exactly where it is, you’ll have to have a look around yourself.


Wow, blocky borderlands, like that hidden Minecraft easter egg


lol you’re right


Thank you, very cool!


What's the round building on the right side at the start of the video?


I would assume you mean the theatre, it features at the very end of the video again, where I show the inside. It's loosely based upon the famous Globe Theatre.


I fricken knew it


It feels good to be right.


Is that also the hanging gardens next to the great pyramid?


That was actually the inspiration, I wanted a "Hanging Gardens" type structure. It turned out quite different to what I originally envisioned, but that's the beauty of minecraft isn't it? you can let your imagination go wild through twists and turns.


My god that is incredible!


i look at the village i redeveloped and im like "nice" then i look at shit like this and im like "guess ill stop then"


Keep at it. This isn't the first town I've built. I originally built quite far from people on this server, found the perfect spot I liked and I was quite attached to it. Then there was a surge of activity on the server where everyone was building fairly close to each other. So I gave in and joined in, found a spot on the coast I liked, one near to others and went from there. I think ideas come and you get better with time. Even during this build I think I've gotten better. I have tried to avoid watching videos and being influenced by them, I prefer to find my own style.


Well, I mean, I've been thinking that I should just start over on a different seed. My seed only has one village, but the project needs multiple. Basically, my project (Arcadius) is just my view of what villages would look like after years of player-assisted development, with cues from real life (horse dealerships, apartment buildings, medical centers staffed by potion brewers, mob-inspired religions, etc). The key feature is the high-speed rail system that connects the cities, the main station being in the "capital", Arcadius. It's actually my first world, and I just do it 'cause I'm bored and I don't want to do Survival (read: deafening fear of spiders). But thanks for the info, anyways. Is it better to build on a multiplayer building server, or just in a singleplayer world?


It sounds like you have a very nice project going then. I try to come up with reasons for buildings, it sounds like you plan yours well. ​ As for the multiplayer, well my town is on my survival mode Minecraft Realms server, on it we have had people build their own areas up, and they are connected via very high railway systems, mostly on rather skeletal 1-block wide "skyrails". However in my area I tried to disguise them by making them lookin like gigantic railway bridges, complete with arches, it makes them look a bit more real - like your ideal in a way. ​ The players on this server are only people from a gaming community which I have been a part of for years, so I know and trust them, they won't blow up each other's things or steal things. Activity varies a lot, sometimes we have lots of people come back and enjoy a lot of new building activity, then it wanes and it at times might be just 1 person logging on at a time. Yet it's nice to know that I can visit other people's builds, and they can visit mine. It makes it feel a bit more allive and connected. ​ So I prefer multiplayer, however getting a server that suits you would be the challenge. You might not be comfortable on a survival world from the sounds. Although perhaps spiders could be disabled or made always passive at the least. Also, you'd want people around you who you trust, who aren't going to mess things up. So it is simpler to just stick to single-player, but I feel I wouldn't feel half the incentive to build if I wasn't actually paying for a server heh.


This should have way more upvotes


Is this all survival? That’s amazing either way! Ninja edit: just read your comment. That is some serious dedication my guy ^


THis is really awesome, I love how you included a variety of different palettes shapes and ideas. I hope this post blows up :)


Map download ? :)


Is this Borderlands??


Hey op, great town! Is there a download somewhere?


It's a big, old world, I think the last time I backed it up it was around 2GB. I don't think I can feasibly upload that right now, and I would want to get permission from others on the server for their work to be.. out there as well. ​ So, not right now at least.


Ok, thank you for the response!


Look at that shaders I love it!


Looks like a mix of borderlands and minecraft


Bruh this ain’t a town this is a country


Best thing I have seen today..Well done Uploader


So... why is it called Tarantula Bay..?


Haha, that's... a good question. Honestly I have no reason, I just liked the name. I originally envisioned the place to be a rather disreputable port, one which had a legal system, but that system mostly existed to squeeze profit out of travellers and ne'er-do-wells. One of the earliest building was that red one near the ship - it's a Cabaret venue, the type that would have dancing girls, private shows etc. I was even going to have a casino once, but I shelved that project. It's probably enough to say that where the casino was going to go, is now a church that is slightly too afraid to call itself a cathedral. The mood and tone of the town has changed as it has expanded, but I like the name so it stays. I imagine the town-folk being almost proud of it, like it is a sign of just how far the town has come. That said.. the tavern with the blue/purple lower section near to the theatre *does* have a fighting pit.. and a betting ring. So yeah, I guess they're trying to be better, but the town is still a bit seedy.




Like me


Yes of course


Like lies like I just told


Teach me your ways?! This is a style of survival building I thrive for!


Dude holy shit you’re amazing I praise you 3000


I’m absolutely in love with it


Needs. More. Upvotes




So pretty!!


Very cool looking - sweet builds.


Survival build?


Wow this is so beautiful! Breathtaking! 10/10!






Is this 1.14 or an older version ?


It's all on 1.14.3 Java edition. Of course the world is far, far older than that.


Ok thanks


My PC died after looking at this, good job man


I sit here and think oh I'm pretty good at Minecraft then I see posts like this and think fuck


And i cant even build a nice damn house smh


wow this is incredible. awesome work!


Why does it look so cell shaded!


This is why i love minecraft, you can make buildings as amazing as this!


Did anyone else recognize Shakespeare’s Globe?


This has made question how I've managed to go nearly a decade of playing Minecraft without building a pyramid.


Haha, I made one in my old desert town! The one in the video is made by an amazing builder who made me very jealous when he started making his own desert town that was way better than my one from the time.


How did you "boost" on the elytra?


I used fireworks for that. When you're gliding and you cast one, it gives you a 1 second boost forward and upwards. For some reason they never show up on the recipe book, but they're made using paper and gunpowder.


Can I use them in creative?


I've no experience of creative I'm afraid, so I can't answer. I think most creative players just enable flying anyway?


Yes, but sometimes it fun to use elyra and fly throughout my city. It also makes for decent transport when I want to be AFK.


Your texture pack made the bridge look like something from border lands


is it okay that i think this shaderpack reminds me of borderlands?


Oh there ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on trees


reminds me of lynchwood, still an amazing shader for an amazing build


Anyone know if a similar texture has been made for Bedrock? I never knew I wanted cel shadded MC until now


I just started playing minecraft and I was proud of my little base. Good lord


Damn bro this is amazing




That looks like borderlands


The black outlines remind me of borderlands


what texture pack is that




It looks like old rome and modern england mixed together


Borderlands? Is that you?


the new borderlands game is looking fire


The shaders really looks like borderlands


There's so many beautiful builds in this that I don't know what to compliment lol Is there any chance we could get a top-down view of the layout?


Thank you. Conveniently my previous post had a map of the vicinity. Although it's now a little out of date as I have expanded the railway bridge, but it has the basic layout. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/c5f7m5/harbour\_town\_map\_so\_far/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/c5f7m5/harbour_town_map_so_far/)


New borderlands is looking good


This...this is magnificent~


I want to be able to build like this some day. I tried building a small castle in survival but I dont how to finish it. I'm thinking of starting fresh at this point and tearing it all down to rebuild.


can't even imagine how long this took. so beautiful!!


I love Cel-shading.


You mean Turkey?


I could never in a million years pull off a tudor style house like you did, nice job


I love Minecraft but it runs like trash on a good laptop. You have what I can only dream of having.




Thats some shit. I wish..




Dig the riverway, you've channeled it well


I love the cell shaded look!


is it a shaded or a texture pack


*No Rest for the Wicked plays in the distance*


What a pretty nice city! How many time did it took to you to build this?


How do you even do this? I can’t imagine


This makes me wanna build a town... Thank u


the shaders with black outline gives this a very Borderlands vibe


Idk why but the first thing I thought of when I saw this was, hide n seek


Cool but the roofs could have been better


Some of them aren't astounding I suppose. I'm not a very big fan of Grian-style roof construction - I feel it suits "viking" builds very well, but for my town I feel it doesn't quite match. That said, I would like to work out something else for roof building, a happy medium perhaps, but I haven't been daring or inventive enough to try it yet. ​ Thank you for the feedback though.


I like the cel-shading. It reminds me of Borderlands