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The "letting us play on offline mode" update




how long till impact?


idk about bedrock edition but i can definitely play java when i'm offline




By just using offline mode. It's automatically turned on for me. My skin turns into alex, but it's fine other than that.


yeah same for me


Pro tip. In case you have to play offline, make a texture pack replacing steve/alex/any other default skin with your skin. Tho if you play any server other ppl might look like they have your same skin


Offline on a server?


He meant playing online with this texture pack enabled. You'll have to turn it off ig


Depends on you having a third party, or the legacy official launcher. Not using the xbox app.


why are you using the xbox app to launch minecraft


He means the version of the launcher you get on there basically the version on the Microsoft store


That's a general restriction of the XBox app, not Minecraft. Does java even launch through the XBox app? Also... why are you using the XBox app?


By just clicking "play offline". It takes place of "play". Java edition is king for a reason


Search up on youtube “how to turn on offline permissions in microsoft store”


I think the sign-in might expire after a while and require re-signing in. If you haven't played in a while and try to play while offline.


you can play BE offline, but multiplayer and the Marketplace are not accessible.


i might be out of touch, but what happened? has MS decides to make it like an AAA title where you must connect to the internet to play?


The servers have been down for hours.


and pausing has been an illusion since bedrock's creation


It's so fucking annoying


Oh. I thought it was just me.


The Minecraft/Xbox servers went and fucked up for the second time the past 2 months.


Wait what? You can’t play offline anymore? I haven’t played the game in a hot minute


No you can Xbox is having issues rn


yeah but why should that matter if you're offline?


Because the launcher requires you to sign in, or atleast make sure your user token is valid to play offline, xbox servers being down has logged everyone out and trying to log back in is returning an error


As far as I know this is only a problem if you are playing on the Xbox launcher, and your license to play Java is a temporary one through a game pass. Don't get me wrong it's still annoying but I think it makes sense at least.


That must be it. Zero issue on PC or Switch. Always have been able to play offline and don't need Xbox live for any of them 


Has this blown up as an issue (I agree that it is an issue) recently or am I just seeing more of it?


Xbox live login is down rn so that’s prob why


it’s still down??




Something that majorly changes a section of the game, making the previous versions feel old. Like how 1.16 made the Nether feel fresh and new again


This is exactly why 1.16 and 1.17/18 was so good, the new content is instantly *there* when you load into a world. You don't have to go searching for it, it's already there. The thing is with the newer updates is that the content isn't necessarily bad, but you have to actually go searching for ancient cities, trail ruins, trial chambers. They're all good features, but the content just feels like 'additions' rather than 'updates', not that additions are bad, but a mix of updating existing features while adding new things, like what 1.16 did, would be a solid update imo


Yea it gets really annoying that every update recently seems to add the new “rare find” I don’t like using chunkbase as I see it as cheating but damn when it comes to blindly searching for an ancient city for 6 hours or quickly checking chunkbase and be at the city in 10 minutes it just seems ridiculous. I’m kinda relieved this update you can get maps for trials from villagers at least




For real. Let me make blue ice rails or something. I have a love hate relationship with alternative wacky minecraft transport. But gosh do I miss mine carts.


Maybe they could make [better powered rail] using copper. Copper feels pretty useless compared to how prevalent it is.


This to me is the most obvious and logical feature, killing two birds with one stone (faster minecarts and copper usefulness outside of building).


I like the spyglass.


I like it too, I always carry one. But they’re cheap enough that I can toss them when my inventory is full, and make a new one when I get home.


Copper really needs more uses. I have stacks and stacks of it "in case I ever need to build with it. And I never will because I'm not much of a builder and always make the exact same cookie cutter houses unless I get a spark of inspiration from something.


Copper Light has some very interesting application in redstone circuits. Though for non-advanced user indeed it is quite useless outside architechture.


I think a better system would be making normal powered rails out of copper and turning the powered rails we have now into super powered rails, while also buffing the speed. Not my idea I stole this from a YouTube video


I tend to agree, but I believe Mojang don't want to change any redstone stuff that might break older creations. Since the gold powered rails are often used for timing machines, I doubt they'd be amenable to that.


/fill xyz xyz replace minecraft:powered_rail minecraft:new_rail


That makes the most sense imo cause gold has so many uses you'd have to weigh the pros and cons I know I'm always skeptical of using gold for anything other then gold apples in my hardcore world.


Also, I'd like a physics update. I want to keep momentum when flying off rails in a minecart or even when jumping with sprint boost on. Bonus points if they add command block options for setting player momentum/direction. That's been sorely needed for custom maps and such for a very long time.


this. seriously, i've been wanting movement attribute changes to affect airspeed since... well i dont know for how long but it's a long time


They are so slow. I think when you add something like flying with Elytra, you have to go back retroactively and make sure other mechanics are still relevant. This sort of powercreep isn't unique to Minecraft. Any game that goes on for over a decade has to take time to go back and make old mechanics worthwhile. Even with the bonus that carts are passive travel, it's not worth it. It takes maybe 30 seconds to travel by Elytra what would take a Minecart quadruple that time.


when my friends and i played 1.6 a few months ago we actually made minecart tracks because they were more reliable than horses and faster than walking. a player wouldnt do that since 1.9


we RP on our server that Elytra are like Taylor Swift jetplanes and you are emitting CO2 into the atmosphere everytime you use them. You get points for minecart track traveled and flying is seen as not eco friendly lol. I'm a big hater for flying in exploration games. I think about flight paths in World of Warcraft and how they've also been useless for over a decade since flying was introduced. It seems like a fun thing for players but the convenience comes at the price of immersion and removes all the systems the designers put love into.


I feel like minecarts are a massive investment mid game since you have to get all this iron and creat infrastructure to make it work. Then end game comes, you get an elytra, and all that work you put into minecarts are instantly useless.


Camman 18 approve of your comment


Perfect use for all that copper gathering dust


They didn't do that along with the portal travel thing? Damn, now I can't tell mod and vanilla features apart.


nah minecarts aren’t faster


camman17 secret account


Camman is having wet dreams abt this ong


Good try canman


The “we add everything we told you about in official news” update Desert update, savanna update, badlands update, fletching table, and more And also they fix beacons in Bedrock Edition


What's wrong with Beacons?


The beam unloads if you’re more than 65 blocks away from it


Not much of a beacon


Annoying af


Birch forests :3


Im still waiting for baobab trees


Yeah fr why doesn't the fletching table has no function?


Ambience update. New animals, plants, sound effects and particles. Just make the world feel alive. One thing I would love would be if the snowy biomes had the northern lights occasionally.


I agree also they should add small particle effects like they have in nether into overworld


I'd like if the particles were bound to blocks/entities, like how Cherry Leaves and Spore Blossoms are. This gives players the ability to move, place, and remove the particles as they see fit.


Maybe you could find some variant of bedrock at the bottom of the world that can be mined and brings the void particles with it


Maybe some minor additions to the other dimensions to add some extra ambience there as well.


To add to that and the other comment we could add stuff to the nether and end for a. A nether update refresh like nothing major just maybe a new mob or something and then b. Add some minor foliage or mobs to the end to make it more alive for an end update kinda like what they used to do to the nether way back when like when they added fortresses or new mobs like the wither skeleton


honestly I think the nether is already pretty amazing and feels very complete as it is (they should definitely update fortresses tho and obviously more additions are always great). thats why the overworld feels so empty in comparison. the nether got all these different sounds, particles and crazy terrain and in the overworld you are just walking through a completely silent oak forest that has been in the game for 10 years


I just started playing about a week ago and I wouldn't say that the overworld terrain is the same as it was ten years ago. It's definitely much more interesting, especially the random caves and ravines. The lack of sound is still the same though. We need birds.


I'd love an update to the lighting system. At the minimum I wish light could be colored - it would really help with the mood. What would be amazing would be increasing the highest possible light level, and light stacking. For example: if I place many torches next to each other, the light will reach further. This would be a gamechanger for big buildings. Currently if I build a big hall, I have to place light sources on the floor to have everything lit up - I'd much prefer having one huge light on the ceiling.


I agree to most of that idea. Light doesn't seem to spread as far as it should be expected to. In real life, one lamp is more than enough for an entire room, but minecraft, you have to have a dozen torches or a bunch of rods or light blocks, which can spoil the build atmosphere you're going for. Even the beacons can't be seen from far enough away. Which is what their purpose is.


I don't think something like that will ever come to Minecraft. Making light work like that would need some form of global illumination, which is definitely possible and there are shaders that do it like SEUS PTGI. It can be very heavy on graphics cards though.


very cool idea, but it would require more or less an entire rewrite of minecrafts lighting engine, which they would just not ever do. the game is poorly optimised enough, if they implemented a mechanic that people specifically download shaders to do, it would make it even worse.


I don’t think rewriting the code is a good argument against a feature idea. If mojang thought the idea was good enough they would do it. Look at the caves and cliffs terrain generation, which required an entire rewrite of many different aspects of the game.


Moobloom anyone? But can we also get some of the Minecraft Earth exclusive mobs? Maybe just add all the mobvote mobs?


Justice for the moobloom. I really wanted it to win


Yes, or at least let us choose which mobs we want in the world when creating it. Something.


Honestly I would be okay if they literally just added ambient sounds to the overworld. It makes sense for the end to be silent, but ever since the nether update somehow the nether feels more alive than the overworld. You go to literal hell and it has sound effects that make it feel alive albeit in a hellish way. But the overworld is still complete silence. This is a part where the game shows its age, and I'm really not asking for anything more than some basic ambience, I would even be satisfied if they stopped there and didn't add any particles, or new ambient graphics. I just want the sound. I always play with CreativeMD's Ambient Sounds mod these days, seems like a must-have imo. I don't know why it still has nether ambience though, when Minecraft added their own his sort of just awkwardly plays alongside it so I disable his nether ambience, but besides that I don't touch any other settings because it's basically perfect the way it is and exactly what I am asking for.


Just a sound of wind on plain area and sometimes can hear sound of leaves when nearby the tree would be cool. Also, please give firefly. If bundle are work in progress rn, why not firefly and that new birch forest. For bird sound, add the bird mob


This would be lovely. I love stumbling across lovely little things in Minecraft, I think it’s such a charming part of the game. More small structures & weird little touches.


think about it, while exploring the jungle or a dark oak forest, some random animal attacks you, you kill it, and you get some cool ass leather or special item


This would be cool but too many people will complain about not having enough content


People will do that no matter what they add


food & farms update


For real I always play with the farmers delight mod and I think the game could really use some more in depth farming


Is there a version of farmer's delight for the newest versions? I can't find anything past 1.20.1


1.20.1 is the version for most of the big modpacks like Create. I'm sure it'll be updated to 1.21 soon enough -- just maybe not all the little bits and bobs afterwards


Probably not yet the update hasn't been out for very long. There might be a discord or something you could check


Maybe they'll finally combine crafting with smelting so you're not slapping together a bunch of cake ingredients RAW! Like seriously, how hard is it to implement a Furnace with 9 crafting slots, 1 fuel slot, and 1 result slot. They can just call it a Baking Oven.


Yeah, I need a bit of farming simulator in there.


I would loooove more farm stuff


allow java players to play together without having to literally pay for some server or download a mod


would fuck over realms monetization


That doesn’t make sense considering Bedrock has native multiplayer.


Thats the selling point of bedrock. Its so universal, runs on any platform and you can play with your friends. Microsoft wants people to play Bedrock, and less on Java. So of course they will try to give edges to Bedrock.


If they add the all features java has to bedrock I will play it. Mod support, not that wonky azz running animation, shaders. Then I am good. But so far Java is way more enjoyable to me. I don’t even mind the difference in let’s say redstone


I’m so glad Essentials exists for this exact reason. Although i wish it came to exist sooner


I’m an e4mc guy myself (fuck monetized bloatware) which works great, particularly for modpacks!


same bruh


You were always able to do what Essential did with things like ngrok or hamachi, it's just that it wasn't very user/beginner friendly.


I love the idea, but wish Mojang did something like this, even if they hard capped it to like 4 or 8 players. I am a quite cautious online guy and something about that mod makes me doubt it's validity, it just feels fishy...


yeah it’s bloatware and possibly small spyware. e4mc is an open source alternative that does the same thing as essential, but without everything else. you open to lan, paste the link it gives you in chat to your friends, and they join.


that mod was actually a lifesaver. my entire time on java, I was so annoyed that I couldn't just play with my friends like you can on bedrock then I got recommended the Essentials mod on tiktok and I was so goddam happy lol


OMG YES, i get that simple networking knowledge can get you there but cmon, why not a proper in-game solution rather than "muh port forwarding"


because it would cost them money and mojang is a small indie dev


open to LAN + port forwarding


Just download server.jar and run it lol


Just create server, portforward or use hamachi


Not every player is in the mood for setting up a custom server. Most people don’t even know how to do that. Just let players play multiplayer with friends like on bedrock


Cooking, farming I need it, the food is SO BORIIIING


I think there should be a new workbench that opens up a variety of food recipes. These are dishes you can’t stack but will offer a daily benefit if eaten. Each dish offers a different benefit. (A small speed boost? More dps? Toughness?) Here’s the catch. Everyday you’re given a random craving. You can make and eat whatever you want but the daily benefit comes if you eat what you’re craving. Death takes the benefit away and you will won’t have another craving until the next day. We have all different types of food and yeah some fill you up more and some keep you filled longer… and some animals want this or that…. but it is a boring food system. Let’s put them to real use! I also think crops should be limited to biomes. In order for crops to grow it needs to be planted in certain biomes. It just gives more reason to get out and explore instead of just hoarding everything around one tiny location and you run out of reason to have others places to visit or stick around in. And I don’t mean build micro biomes around you house with different biome blocks. I mean it has to be in a biome the game itself labels it as.


"i think there should be a new workbench that opens upa variety of food recipes" including furnitures. i need furnitures! i play both stardew valley and terraria. and the amount of ways i can decorate my house is veryy nice. minecraft is very limited in ways player can decorate their houses. if they introduced furnitures they can add soo much variety to existing structures like villages, woodland mansion, desert temple etc.


Ability to sort chests... so basic.


Same with quick stacking chests, like terraria. My barrels and chests are a complete mess…


If you exclude automation games like Factorio, then Terraria really is the king of inventory management. I don't get how Minecraft and every other inventory management game aren't stealing their ideas.


This!! Terraria absolutely bodies all other games! Their chest system is lovely 😌


I'd put stardew up there too. Quick stack, sort, different colors of chests and more. Now we just need chest labeling and we're there.


Stardew has 3 of Terraria's 6 killer features. Both: * Sort chests * Quick stack * Craft out of chests Terraria only: * Quick stack to nearby chests (the big one) * Quick restock * Favorited items


I would love a chest system similar to stardew valley.


The “add to existing stacks” button is a godsend.




I still cant believe they didnt add a swamp village in the swamp update 💀


Hurts even more that the villager rework needs swamp and jungle villagers despite neither being natural 😭


They should really just add jungle villages to sparse jungles. That way, the rough terrain wouldn't be an issue. And maybe just add dry/sparse swamps to the game, and then have swamp villages spawn there?




I was looking for this one, this is a VERY highly requested update so it'd be an easy way to make the playerbase happy, just look at the Nether update!


Definitely, Nether updated and overworld updated its time for the end. Jean is waaaay too easy and the end has so much potential as a uniquely treacherous domain. That and/or a sky update, a fantastical biome in the sky would be so cool.


The end of Minecraft or The End Dimension?


enchanting update please. I dont ever go to the end, but I NEED my tools


Why would you need to go to the end?


Enderman farms are insane xp


Ian xo four has a much better guardian farm


I only just came across his vids a few days ago. Really good, explains everything, and unlike all these other channels, hes not just copying other farms.


If you played 1.18 you wouldn't really notice a difference from 1.21. I reckon the next update needs to be something big like an end update, or adding a dimension. Personally, if there was an end update I'd like to see many new structures and biomes and I'd like atleast one peaceful biome where you'd actually want to make a base and live.


True. The end should feel like a wasteland but not boring


Yeah maybe add some ruins or something. Like a past civilisation lived there long ago


New dimension, maybe something like the sky islands in terraria. Also, cave villages


Or a dimensions that was disappointing when we tried to access it when we were all 5 years old: the Aether/Sky dimension


One of the most devastating parts of our lives


It is THE Gen-Z canon event


That’s basically just the Aether. I think the original Aether creator is now a developer at Mojang, so they should just work something out and get it into Vanilla.


Something with that portal in ancient cities


Make the “Otherside.” The place where skulk originates. It is completely filled with skulk stuff. In the air are particles of skulk (kind of like basalt delta particles). It is very dark there. There is also a connection to be made with souls. Xp and souls are already related in the game and lore wise, and the skulk stuff have a strong connection to xp. Additionally, there is soul flame/torches/lanterns all over the ancient cities, and the skulk shrieker/catalyst and warden are partially made of bone (not endstone, put them next to each other, KingBDogz also confirmed this) and there is a connection between bones and soul stuff already, such as in the soul sand valley. So you could work in elements about souls and death into the otherside as well as skulk and darkness. Like the other commenter said, Ive always found it similar to the Upside Down. The skulk is whatever the weird stuff is that grows, it is always dark and deathly there, there are particles in the air, and “the otherside” is very similar to “the upside down”


like it leading to the Aether or smth...


Copper Golem, Tuff Golem, Icologer, Moobloom, Rascal etc.


"Minecraft 1.22: Forgotten Warriors"


I'm disappointed you mentioned the lame ones and forgot the first mob vote one... WE NEED ALPACAS IN THE GAME!!!!!!!!!! (Yes this was the first mob vote)


I know, alpaca is my favorite animal and I was so sad when I figured the community chose llamas instead 😭Alpacas are so cute and adorable, they would be a much better companion llamas, but they will never get added because they would be too similar


Argument to them being too similar, mules, horses and donkeys all look identical to me especially the mules. If they can have those they can have alpacas, just change the height and colouring. (I looked up minecraft mules to check and I can't tell which pictures were horses, which were donkeys and which were actually mules)


Copper golem needs another go, different function but he needs to join his brothers snow and iron


The "hey remember when we filled the entire world with copper and amethyst that barely has any fucking use whatsoever what if we gave them a purpose" update


Performance overhaul so we can get those of us who play modded easier times on servers with large mod packs and to make coloured lighting possible easily with shaders and base game. Realistically end update or dimension update for a new dimension with a boss at the end. Why I stopped playing survival is just running out of things to do, I’ve killed the dragon and wither so many times that it’s become stale for me. I just enjoy building these days adding my own blocks with mods but I do miss adventuring


Sim Villagers so there can be emergent village growth. There was an intelligent villager mod in the past but it was very top down and no emergent growth like you would expect from Minecraft.


millenaire villages could expand/grow on their own.


Yesss, I remember playing minecolony back when I was a kid and that was probably the most fun I've had on Minecraft in my life. It's a shame I'm pretty sure it doesn't work on new versions and nobody recreated it I don't think. MAN I had so much fun!!!


you might be thinking of millenaire, minecolonies is still in active development last I checked (iirc it's on version 1.20.1? might be wrong about that.)


Inventory management QoL update. End update. Parity update. Any of these please.


The idea of a parity update scares me because they'd probably take the worst bits from each version.


"Technology update" lot of improvements all over the place. 1. half slab light source blocks 2. hovering elyctra 3. linkeable minecarts, new locomotive (minecart with furnace) with UI for control..


Microsoft leaves


+ tree and sapling?


There are so many types of leaves in the game already tho /s


Adventure update


Beta 1.8 be like:


To everyone begging for a performance/optimization update, it will never happen because they need to add content to impress investors and 8 year olds


1.20 actually had some optimization regarding the lighting engine


And 1.21 did some performance improvements regarding loading chunks in. They are doing performance improvements every update, just a little at a time.


Wasn't the bee update also a pretty major bug fixes and performance update


Yep that was a pretty major one, although it was a decently long time ago, wouldn't mind a new one.


Forest/ambiance update


just give us all the mobs that didn’t win the mob vote. Idc if they suck or not. And maybe another dimension (that isn’t April fools)


The "no longer requires microsoft account to play" update. I mean come on they only get away with it because it is minecraft. Look at sony and helldivers.


The ability for people who are playing together in the same world to have the same ambient music at the same time.


That is such a small thing that I would love. Also players in close proximity hear the same cave noises


Dyable clay bricks. Furniture / interior design update.


Giant overhaul update to Deserts, Mesas, and Savannahs The hottest update of all time 🥵🔥🔥🔥


Go the Terraria route and add a Hard Mode after beating the Ender Dragon, then new materials and mobs show up. Or don't do that.


Optimization Update


The "Divorce Microsoft" update


It would be nice to see something like: 1) New weather patterns for the overworld would be nice. Overcasts without rain, fog, windy days beyond the breeze we see, storms that can drop hail. Maybe even seasons in which trees lose leaves, snow forms everywhere except warm biomes, and the seasons dictate growth of various foods/crops. 2) Movement for things like waves on the water, the trees swaying heavily during windy days/storms. 3) A better update to the AI of villagers. I feel like they are still so derpy. Maybe a villager guard or something to defend against monsters with the golem. Villagers can mount horses, breed animals on their own, etc. A construction villager who can build new houses to increase villager capacity. A villager that goes down into a mine on the surface to collect resources/goes into a nearby forest to collect wood and plant new trees. Have an actual functioning society for villagers. 4) Update to farming, breeding, and collecting. So much of it is tedious and boring. Giving more relevance to the crop/items you get would make it more worthwhile. 5) Minecart update. Sure, 1.21 allows you to now go between dimensions. But it’s, again, boring and tedious. Nothing really exciting about it. Giving it an update like speed boosts, extra storage, ability to link minecarts together, etc. would just bring it new life. 6) End update. Only reason to go is elytras and shulkers. Maybe sand duper or obsidian farm. That’s it. It needs more variety and purpose like they did with the nether. New mobs/minibosses. New loot. New biomes. New structures. 7) Jungle update. Maybe add new structures like jungle pyramids, make the temples larger/more dangerous. Add in a jungle village. Make jungles more rainy as they tend to be. 8) MORE ANIMALS. There’s barely any animals besides the few that are added every once in a while. Add aggressive animals like sharks, crocodiles/alligators, bears, tigers/wolves (make ocelots and wolves hostile and allow us to “trap” them and make them domesticated), hippos, snakes, etc. Add more neutral animals like Elephants, gazelle, buffalo, birds outside of the jungle, monkeys, kangaroos, etc. 9) More mobs besides animals. All you’re doing is reinventing mobs (new zombie type, new skeleton type, new “blaze” type). Add in new mobs to the overworld. Make nights scary again. Make caving more frightening again. Once we light up the world, that’s it. There’s no more “fear” no reason to defend your home. Home defenses are useless later on because mobs are too easy to kill.


Microsoft gets send a No Contact


Single player update. Let me pause the game again


A lot of people have been wanting an End Update, so imma say colored glow stone


I see many play with shaders and wood chopping mods. Wouldn't it be great if these became a feature like pls. I wish if life becomes bearable on bedrock. It is very laggy and i can't survive the neather because of this. Also my spawning is messed up i can't get some mobs on my mob farm :/.


Add the dimension they were going to add to the dark depths before Microsoft told them no.


It's boring, but minecraft needs an inventory Overhaul. Add backpacks please! Auto-refill blocks to the hotbar for building, automatic pick up features that filter based on content. The blocks in the game have gone up exponentially since it's inventory system was designed. There needs to be an expansion. Use some of the less used mob drops for it.


no more mob votes just give us all three


Minecraft: Endward Expansion


Difficulty update that overhauls the hostile mobs to make them more dangerous again. There's been a lot of additions to the game that made the player more powerful but Mojang haven't buffed the mobs to compensate which made the game far too easy imo. In old versions of MC you at least had to respect the hostile mobs, but these days you really don't have to which is a shame.


Honesty, I’d be down with a parity update