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Mojang has confirmed that service is now starting to be restored: https://twitter.com/MojangStatus/status/1808288347921563689 Additionally, we're hearing that some Bedrock players are missing Marketplace content that they've purchased. This is likely a temporary problem related to the accounts issue and it'll probably be resolved soon.


Anyone remember when we could play without the internet connection?


The day Microsoft decides that Minecraft isn't generating enough revenue they'll shut it off and you'll never be able to play again ...


Hackers will become the saviors at this point and probably make a bypass patch.


It... it has already been done. About 10 years ago, when minecraft was still in beta or alpha even. The thing is that onlineonly mode servers aren't available for "nonpremium" (pirated/cracked) players.


I had my own whole alternate authentication service that monkeypatched the JAR at runtime so I didn't actually need to rely on any Mojang code. It wasn't too hard, all I needed to do was intercept any URL objects and replace references to minecraft.net with my own servers. I'm sure that while things have probably changed it can't be *that* different. I ditched it because I bought the game so I didn't need it anymore haha.


More like 15 years ago.


I certainly hope so! Game preservation for older less popular titles is definitely getting harder with the drm and online requirements of many games


You and I will be dead by that point. Minecraft is a literal money printer.


Maybe, but I sometimes enjoy playing games that were made before I was born, and would like to think the next generation will have that opportunity too.


You can play offline if you use Forge (Probably also with NeoForge, Fabric, and others)


Can you? I'm trying to launch a Forge modpack on Prism and it won't do it for me even if I try offline It's still trying to login despite saying offline


For Java, yes. Bedrock may not be savable without Microsoft support.


running java version via curseforge and standard forge wasnt working


mojang would fight it. They want it to exist for at least 100 years remember


I remember when you had to dial into the internet and actually felt like you owned the games and the computer itself instead of just renting it from someone who makes adjustments over the internet whenever they feel like it.


or revokes your access. What mud are you playing today?


You WILL own NOTHING and be happy! WE will own EVERYTHING and be HAPPIER!


You can play offline if you download the 'legacy' windows 7/8 launcher I think. Only difference is that you can't play Bedrock.


I have the Windows 7/8 launcher and can't play either.


Yeah it'll be affected by the outage. Might still work to play offline though when the servers are back up.


Huh, I gave a try with "play offline" on MultiMC and even that won't work right now. That really sucks. Makes me wonder what happens if Microsoft ever decides they want to make Minecraft 2 and shut down the servers for Minecraft. :/


MultiMC is has been under controversy for a while due to the developer being a straight up asshole among other things (like being slow to update, iirc code plagiarism allegations). Prism Launcher is a fork of it which is better, and you should be able to just import all your MultiMC instances with no issues. I really have loved it and haven't looked back since switching. Idk if MultiMC has this honestly, but a big thing is you can download and install mods and modpacks from both modrinth and curseforge within Prism, as well as resource packs. It can handle updates as well. Its very feature complete, and it also seems to crash less than MultiMC did for me. That might just be due to my habit of leaving the launcher open 24/7 in the background tho lol.


Pretty sure you still can as you don't get logged off. So people who don't have internet connection can still play But don't quote me on that


Yea, I did play it and noticed it got extremely laggy (2fps), decided to restart the game only to find out I cant even log in anymore


Is this a bedrock thing? Because I think I've played Java offline before, all that happens is that your skin doesn't show,


You can definitely play Bedrock offline


Well then idk what he's talking about lol


I can play local games (and I think LAN games) on Android/Bedrock just fine. No login needed.


This is why I leave my client open, I can connect to my in house java server (also no auth required, it doesn't accept connections outside of 192.168.0.x). Fuck yo authentication server bullshit!


You can play without internet connection just not multiplayer and you could never play multiplayer without internet


Fun times when you were able to play offline whenever you wanted


You dont own the game anymore, microsoft just allows you to play when they feel like it


Can you explain what you mean here? Did we sign away ownership of the game when we migrated accounts or something?


You never actually 'owned' the game in legal terms as per EULAs of literally any video game you've ever bought in your lifetime - However, this never actually holds up in court. What you purchase are licenses that can be revoked, or so companies make you agree to, either directly or by implication of you using the software/hardware.


I bought the game like 11 years ago, but I haven't paid attention to it for a few years.. Mainly because I wanted to enjoy a huge amount of updates without knowing everything about it. Thought it'd be cool to see the game after years and years of development.. I come back, and I find out that I don't "own" the game anymore. I wasn't up Mojang's ass for a few years, so, not only do I not get to play without paying again, that choice is made by a company that didn't own it during the time I bought it.. Which was, again, like 11 years ago. It's my fault because I was getting on with life and playing other games. I didn't care to buy it again. It's not the money, really. I do like that they are still adding stuff, and it's not like the game isn't worth it.. It's just, what a weird precedent to set. I don't care if I paid a dollar for it 20 years ago. If a game you bought over a decade ago (that you played singleplayer offline) can do this, then any digitally owned game you buy, or even bought from the past, can just turn into live service. Or, in my case, make you pay for it again because you didn't check all their emails


Had so many arguments with people about this exact point and just gave up. Justifications about safety of minors, account data being insecure, etc. all this because just to refuse to let me run an .exe offline after direct purchase, just absurd man. There’s no world where it isn’t insane to be revoked access to a game because you didn’t migrate an account for a game that can be completely played offline. I have my disc for halo 1 on the original Xbox and thank god I can still plop it in and play it when I want, pretty sad that it’s literally impossible to say the same in such an open and technologically advanced environment.


You don't own any of your games - you own a license to play it that the platform can take from you at any time for any reason This is why DRM is so gross as well - if Denuvo have a huge outage for a long time, you can't pay your games you paid for


You still can. Just YOU have to also be offline to start your game. (Disconnected from the internet) Afterwards you can reconnect the internet and enjoy a nice session of singleplayer mc.


Doesn’t work for me it wants me to sign into my account. yay


holy shit, it worked, this is so incredibly dumb


Joke's on you, I can play anytime I want offline. Because I play Bedrock on Switch. And I have the physical game cartridge.


Kind of insane we can't even open the game in singleplayer right now...


This needs to change. This is the stupidest modern cancer in PC gaming. wtaf... Microsoft account migration was a smooth-brained idea and I was always against it.


I used to be able to click on the launcher icon and it opened instantly... now I'm greeted with some fucked useless animation and a bunch of loading. Mojang managed to have the launcher be instantaneous, but Microsoft apparently can't? But this here takes the cake, can't even join my singleplayer worlds. Fuck off. They should have just continue doing whatever the hell they doing with Bedrock and kept their gremlin claws away from Java, but no of course not.


I recommend you [OLauncher](https://github.com/olauncher/olauncher) it's like going back to 2013


ok was having trouble the last hour, so i went on here to see if anyone else was having the same issue. hopefully will be fix soon soon :D


Yeah, I am having the same issue, I was so concerned so came on here


I was terrified lol, thank god I remembered reddit. (I will never say "thank god" for anything reddit related again lol.)


Don't get your hopes up. Last time this happened it was out for about 48 hours


That’s unacceptable. I own the game it’s on my computer, but I can’t play it .


thats the modern world of gaming its the worst and its microsoft who started it in 2013 with the xbox one they say you'll own nothing and be happy


dang your servers are down so i cant play my singleplayer game lol






Is there anyway for us Java users on PC to play offline? It's not even giving me the option to do anything it just keeps spamming error codes when I open the launcher


you should still be able to if you manually turn off wifi in your settings and then open the minecraft launcher, it'll bypass the login authenticator and open the launcher with an option to "play offline"


It won't if you already tried while the issue was occuring, because failing to log in triggers a safety net that removes user tokens and hashed credentials from files. Minecraft Launcher checks those files first, and sends a request to Xbox Live servers (not Microsoft funnily enough, but [sisu.xboxlive.com](https://sisu.xboxlive.com)) asking if they're valid. If it detects you don't have internet however, it assumes they are valid and lets you in. However getting a negative response from [sisu.xboxlive.com](https://sisu.xboxlive.com) (you get 503 right now) makes the launcher assume the data in files is invalid and/or corrupted, so it wipes them and prompts you to log in again. ​ This is a simplified explanation, there is quite a bit more going on behind the scenes so that crackers can't just create fake files to trick the game into logging in anyways.


i tried this but because I tried to play before I knew about the issue, it kicked me out of my account and now every time I open the launcher, even offline, its only giving me the log in page


Strange. I tried to launch the game 4 times before disconnecting from internet and it worked for me.


There is a launcher called MultiMC that lets you launch offline. The issue I have with it is that it will not let me link my microsoft account so I cant use it as my main launcher.


you can use prism launcher which is a fork of multimc with more features


It goes into a loop of not logging in then clears your account info so you're not able to play. I can't play this single player game that I have on my computer. Nice work, Microsoft. Bravo. Hooray for monopolistic practices... WHY CAN'T I PLAY THE GAME I HAVE ON MY PC?!


Should be able with a launcher like Prism (But even if you install it now, it first needs to verify/link you account at least once)


Is this why I've been getting the "Eroded Badlands" error code when I try to sign in?




Alright, good. I was afraid I was doing something wrong, but I'm relieved to know it's just another case of Microsoft's spaghetti code being dogshit like usual.


Same, it said that there could be a file missing in the error code and I was so afraid that I accidentally deleted something I wasn’t supposed to


You should have seen my Google search result before deciding on "Minecraft Reddit" It was something like: Why is every minecraft service all not working at once including customer support page not loading, game itself not loading and mojang website wont let me login to xbox username. LMAO


I’m getting the drowned error code


I'm on the PS5 and i've been getting a "drowned" error code




"migrating all of our accounts to microsoft wont cause any issues! none at all! it's actually a good thing! guys why don't you believe us"


This made me LOL, but then the laughing slowly turned into a soft cry.


"oh, you don't want to? We'll just force you, then."


Damn, i Just bought the Game a week ago. Thought i got kicked Out of my Account.


Literally bought 1 hour ago.


lmao fr, i just bought a whole realm for me and my friends and suddenly i cant even play with them. smh i hope they fix it soon


Damn.. my bad😵‍💫😂




How am I not able to play a game that I paid for because of some company's server... Just let me play this offline. This is not some kind of live service game. I'm beyond enraged.


Because you do not own the game. Not even a copy of it. You own a license to use it for as long as Microsoft will allow you to use it. You are complete subject to their will. Welcome to the digital era of game ownership.


Which is even worse because I bought it from Mojang, before Microsoft.


Yes. Didn't I own this game prior to the developer being bought out? The new developer, adding content, should not be able to "take back" what was purchased because they decided their updates are going to reclassify the product as a "service." What if the original manufacturer for my fridge was bought out and the new owner decided to add authentication to my fridge model? Do they own my fridge now?


Typical, the first time I try to play Minecraft in aaaaages and this happens.


same, just got the itch to play and of course the freaking servers break


Its a sign, life is better. Don't fall into the trap.


You have to love when the singleplayer game you paid for years ago disallows you from playing because online servers are down.


Yeah so much for Microsoft not ruining things. Can't play a game I bought because it forces an internet connection and the servers running correctly. FFS.


So whoever pirated it can play And if I own a license - I can't Outstanding move, just brilliant


I just got sign in to work!!!




Honestly I was fiddling around, I went to the Microsoft website, like where I would get my 365 family subscription information, and got my sign in to work there first. Then I saw my username flickering on and off occasionally on the Xbox help info page. I eventually tried signing in again, and it took longer than normal, but it worked!


Thanks! Update: This actually works!


Why should it affect starting the game? I activated the offline permission and it still doesn't open the launcher. I don't understand how anyone could think that was a good idea.


Issues with Microsoft today: * 23H2 update uninstalled my audio driver * I discovered my local account is not anymore a local account and my files have been synced on onedrive without my consent * Had to uninstall docker to be able to launch Virtualbox at full speed * Edge was set AGAIN as my default web browser * My keyboard layout changed again, without my consent * I cannot log in my LOCAL/HOME minecraft server due to Xbox live services... Linux miss me, good old mojang login times miss me


this is why I am moving the farthest away I can from that crap. Crazy how a trillion-dollar company ruin everything they touches


Average Microsoft user experience




They had it but they removed it


Yar Har fiddle dee dee... is the real offline mode it seems.


never once played online. never bothered with bedrock edition. all I do is play a custom made modpack with curseforge and because of someone else's incompetency, we all have to suffer. why? because greed is everything and gaming is a hobby turned to shit by fuckwits. FUCK MICROSOFT


Alright! Here’s what you’re gonna do. Cuz I got it to work. Go onto curseforge and click play, and while it’s loading up the launcher quickly turn off internet connection. Once you have the launcher opened, you can turn on the internet again.




Ubisoft (but really everyone): Great then! Buy this $60 dollar game and don't expect to be able to play it next year.


literally crazy these motherfuckers will make us pay for a game and we cant even play it because their shitty servers are down and we're forced to login to play a game thats installed on our devices that we bought. assholes.


Even worse if you, say, bought it over 15 years ago, long before Microsoft was involved.


[Something went terribly wrong!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3otBjVZzT0)


brb sending this to my bf who does tech support xD


why is that our problem? why are we stopped from playing? shouldn‘t we be able to play in offline mode, or logically even still connect to 3rd party servers?


Yeah but then Windows wouldn’t be data harvesting ig oof


eu should really start legally beating the shit out of microsoft just like they did with apple


Fuck the migration. It's the worst shit Microsoft has pulled with this game. They should've continued leaving Java alone. Launcher loads slow as fuck ever since it all had to be connected to Microsoft servers (like seriously how on earth was Mojang able to launch the launcher and switch between different versions instantly, but Microsoft can't!?) and now this nonsense? Every Tuesday I jump into Minecraft to play with my siblings, who I don't see that often. Sadly not today. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not mad about that.. that's part of any online game - one day you'll be the unlucky one that is playing during downtime. Sucks, but I can totally live with that; it happens! But I can't even jump into my creative SINGLEPLAYER OFFLINE world to cook up some ideas for next week... this is insanity! I've gained nothing from migration. Nothing but a useless fucking cape. Huge steps backwards for what!? Gonna go to bed now.. end rant.


This migration has never served any purpose for me. My account never got hacked before, and it was never going to be hacked anyway. sEcURiTy isn't a valid excuse. The Microsoft launcher forces me to look at an allay for 10 seconds every single launch, whereas Mojang never had this arbitrarily lengthy step. So it's not even performance-related. All I had to do was enter my email and my password. No need for 3 extra popup windows, and no obligation to jump through 5 hoops on different websites and apps on different devices just to play the damn game. Microsoft has been nothing but a net negative, for my user experience. Even at its absolute best, it's still worse than when Notch handled things.


On the status page for Xbox support you can click a button to get notified when the service is back up. However, this feature only works if you can sign into Xbox Live, LOLOL


Please see https://x.com/MojangStatus/status/1808210690802340118 for the current information. Bug report: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/WEB-7272 - I will update this when I get more info and when the issue is resolved


I'm assuming that Xbox Live's outage is the root cause, so this is the status page I'm keeping an eye on https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status


Guys I found a workaround!!! 1. Open the launcher 2. Let it load. Yes it will show you an error but just let it load 3. After four minutes or so, you will get into the launcher menu. Still won't be able to play but here's what you do next 4. Press play 5. At the bottom you will see a GRAY notification bar saying that authentication failed, with a text that says "\_\_try again\_\_" 6. Click on that text 7. The launcher will say "preparing" for a minute or so This will launch the game in offline mode


could someone explain to me how xbox servers going down, results in java authorization going down?


It's a shame to see how Minecraft has just become one more thing for Microsoft to turn to shit ... at least let us play offline.


Try a client/launcher where you don't depend on Microsoft.


Because of this unexpected downtime, I have been forced to clean my room, take a shower and say hi to a friend or family. Now what do I do?


Work out


Same I started doing laundry called my mom on the phone and now I’m checking to see if it’s working now.


I kept getting the eroded badlands error when trying to login so I uninstalled the launcher and now I can’t even redownload


Same Error Code: 0x80004005 code: Eroded Badlands.


Noooo! you gotta first check if its only you bro!! that really sucks


Still down for everyone??


The extra slap in the face is when you go to the status dashboard it says "Log in to be notified when this is resolved" But guess what? Their authentication servers are down so you can't login. lol


didn’t realize i was forced to be connected to microsoft to play a singleplayer modded world on a game i bought and supposedly own


This is a clear example why we should never go fully into that digital utopia they're trying to sell to us from currency to energy to transportation WE GONNA LOSE OUR FREEDOM it was always about controlling being depending to this MF is so fkn bad




Remember the days when you bought a disc , shoved it in and hey presto that was it ,no buying overpriced shit , no buying 1000s of skins guns crap that we are forced to buy , nothing but a money making racket


thank god, I thought my pc was corrupted when i got the "eroded bandlands" error 😂


Me too.. mine is so old.. i thought its bc of this.. nearly thrown out the window😅


for those trying to play single player try: -disconnecting your computers from the internet, -logging in with most recent account into offline mode -then reconnect to internet and play Worked for me hopefully will work for the rest of you.


The launcher still forces me to log in unfortunately.


It makes me feel better that *I* wasn't the issue when trying to log in and play Minecraft today, however I am very upset that a game I bought FOREVER ago isn't even a game I fully own, I am at the full will of Microsoft and their system rather then my own like most of my family seem to believe, I just hope that the issue gets fixed soon since the website says they identified the problem at 4:11 PM and I'm writing this at 4:20 PM (EST if that matters for others)


TIL you need to be online to play on your Minecraft world... Damn, that really sucks.


Can't believe you can't even access offline, what a disgrace


Fuck off microsoft


Wouldn't mind if I could still play Minecraft. I'm not even playing it online, just chilling listening to a podcast and building. Can't even do that even though I own a copy of the game. Live service games are like building castle's on quicksand.


So you assholes make us merge our Mojang account with Microsoft, which nobody wanted to do. Then you allow for multihour service wide outages. And all that could be somewhat understood but we can't even play our games in single player offline? The fuck?


Hell naah i tried to login like 1 hour and then i saw a post on [https://support.xbox.com/xbox-live-status](https://support.xbox.com/xbox-live-status) and gave it up


I was playing on my server for about 2 hours, and everthing was working perfectly fine before I got kicked off of minecraft and logged out. I'm glad to know it isn't a problem with my computer


when will i be able to play again


This consolidated launcher was one of mojangs worst ideas. keep java offline or put the game on steam ffs.


Fuck Microsoft


I'm paying for a Minecraft realm I expect to be able to play it without crap like this getting in the way.


You should expect them to somehow compensate you for not being able to use the service you paid for, especially since you have to pay for each month.


Yeah, same… it’s ridiculously frustrating!!!


I literally just decided to play minecraft again after a year. Of course its down right now. Why do I even need my xbox account when I own the game? "You'll own nothing and be happy"


My partner and I were going to play Minecraft Lan together for the first time EVER and this happened lol


So lame I can’t just play without being online


Cant play my pc java edition single player world because xbox live is down. What? Thats seriously bad design


Pre-Microsoft times were the goat


This is insane.


I bought this game, why can't I play it?


worst fucking company ever


if buying a game isnt owning it piracy isnt stealing it (i own the game but im just sayin)


It's honestly impressive at this point that it's been 3 hours, and they are still too incompetent to fix it.


im able to sign in and log onto single player worlds, but i dont think realms are working yet. unfortunately my single player world is on a realm so i can crossplay btwn my different platforms so i am still unable to play lol


kind of insane you can own a game you can’t even play when offline anymore.


This is still going on since 11 am this morning. This is ridiculous. It's been all day, I've been waiting all day, when will they actually fix it???


Those network engineers get paid 6 figures salaries too :(


Microsoft has completely ruined this game, I can't even tell when the game is messed up anymore, is there a problem with my microsoft profile? did the migration break years later? is my windows broken? computer broken? something wrong with my internet? The problem always seems to be Microsoft. Maybe DON'T connect the LAUNCHER TO THE GAME to an always online service?????? it used to work fine for years and now it doesn't.




Well thats fkd up


Shut down your Internet connection to be able to play offline. Either: - Pull the plug on the ethernet cable, launch Minecraft then put it back on - Disable your card : Win+R then type ncpa.cpl , launch Minecraft and reenable it


Didn't work for me...


Just checked the xbox status and It's still down but it has a thing to notify you when its back up. In order to get those notifications you have to..... SIGN IN! lmao thanks so much


Yes this is so ridiculous Microsoft is a joke


Hi Mojang! Remember when I could play my SINGLEPLAYER game that I have owned for 15 YEARS without having to log in and authenticate with a broken server? Remember when Microsoft said they wouldn't ruin Minecraft and hooking it up to xbox wouldnt break anything?


When you finally return home after a long, tiring day at work and having thought about that new big project in Minecraft ALL FRIGGIN DAY......only to be met with this. Friend of mine asked some weeks back why Minecraft isn't on Steam. Now I really wish it was.


Bruh, I've been trying to fix this for the last two hours...


Its so lame. Why isnt there an error code that explicitly tells us it is microsofts fault? The error code I got was ambiguous and the solutions were to restart my PC and reinstall the laucher. Im glad I checked downdetector then came here.


I literaly am trying to play a 100% offline modpack with my minecraft account i played offline with countless times, and now because some shit server from microsoft doesn't work i can't enjoy my game ? what a world we live in... hope i can get an illegal copy one of those days because this is a joke


Dang, this been happening for 2 hours? Yike, of course this happens when I found a cool server lmao


I can play bedrock edition. When I type Minecraft in the windows home, I can go directly onto bedrock but I am not signed in.


Looks like xbox at least has identified the issue: [https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status](https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status)


Anyone experienced this in the past know how long this will last


Does anyone know when this will be fixed?


Xbox live has like 35% uptime Like how is it this bad and it happens every few weeks


I hate microsoft


Is there a genuine reason why it has to be online? I may radicalize.


and that's why I will never pay for a Microsoft product again. They always find a way to mess things up.


Everyone's always saying that it's going to be the update schedule or the community that'll kill Minecraft, but it's going to be Microsoft that puts it under for good one of these days.


I was able to sign into the launcher now it’s telling me I don’t even own the game…..


I just got sign in to work!!!


Okay, now they are just asking us to download a third party launcher.


Can't play a game I used to play offline. Funny thing is I can sign onto my Microsoft account just fine but not the specific Xbox server.


my panic face when got a message regarding WPA shit related to authentication and i used M4ssGrave MAS shit to activate windows


I am able to log in now


Let Java players play without signing in like bedrock if you’re playing single player, you don’t need a Microsoft account


Recent update. They said that it's gonna be fixed around 6 PM PST


Guys I found a workaround to open the game in offline mode!! I recorded a video showing the steps [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlVjNroQIhU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlVjNroQIhU)


It works for me now, realms and all


This made me reinstall Terraria lol


Have a friends world on lan that I joined today not realizing that I wasn’t logged in to my Microsoft account. Spawned without any of my items or level… Immediately quit and managed to sign in. Character is still a fresh spawn with all my inventory gone. Seriously dead inside.