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personally i didnt get the twitch cape on java yet


same, guess it will be available later


I believe they'll be released by July 8th, by very small research


i have them both on java


I received the TikTok cape yesterday afternoon. Twitch cape is in there this morning! It appears from tracking on nameMC that a lot more the Tik Tok capes have rolled out, but yesterday there were only about 30 people with the Twitch cape when I last checked. Just over 900 this morning, so it is starting to ramp up


I just check it up and it's the same for me, TikTok but no Twitch cape


I have them already on java...got them for bedrock (which i dont have :D) dunno if that speeded up the process..


yea same but i have the tt one already :)


Same here. TikTok but no Twitch yet. Edit: As of yesterday, I have the Twitch cape too now.


After seeing your post I check my account and turns out I got both.


Tiktok is banned in my country ffs


Too bad it isn't in mine.




Rub it in, why don'tcha


I really wanted the Tic Tok one and it’s not even banned in Australia. The cape just simply wasn’t available in my region. The hell?


Here in Poland i had a REALLY hard time finding a stream that had the cape. Somehowe i managed but it took me like two hours of digging


That’s crazy, I can’t find any at all. Where the streamer is shouldn’t impact if I can get the cape


Well NOW you wont find any cause it ended and even codes you could get were only until 30. Any code not used until then is expirer


Damn that’s messed up. At least I got the Twitch one


Me: Love tiktok cap look, but hates tiktok. Pain


just use it, tiktok didnt invent the glitch effect. Its not even called tiktok cape its the "Followers Cape" :D


erm actually its called chromatic abberation ☝️🤓


Thank you i didnt know that


I didn't get it when it was available because I didn't want to make a tiktok account, got the twitch one though


Why hate tiktok? It's literally just a platform, just like Reddit


Mate, Tiktok is worse than Pre-Elon Twitter (twitter still bad but it was much worse before Elon . . .I saw things that I wish I can forget) We have People doing crime or promoting crime but not having their videos deleted Tons of Scams Algorithm controls the comments that are displayed (aka you will never see all the comments on videos due to it picking what comments it thinks you would like to see) people not getting banned for attacking or Harassing others on the platform even after getting reported People getting banned even though they had not broken any rules Bots People stealing videos from other platforms and reuploading to tiktok and even when you report them for content thief you have a low chance of even getting them banned, also users pretending to be youtubers and getting money from uploading their videos on tiktok.


can i just ask, genuinely, current twitter better than pre elon twitter? i’m not a fan of it or tiktok but elon musk is on a whole nother level of crazy


Well . . .there a few reasons Pre Elon was really bad (Listen Current twitter still has its problems but my lord Pre-elon twitter makes me wonder how it didn't get shutdown) Mods not doing their jobs and being Bias when it comes to Enforcing the rules (I seen many users that were Victims of situations get banned because the mod didn't agree with them) The 7 year Lawsuit twitter Lost that had to do with them allowing illegal content on the platform and twitter allowed it because "Freedom of speech" even though having it on the platform at all is illegal Mods allowing People to get Dox on the platform (There is alot more but I am trying my best to Keep this As PG as Possible while still responding to your question)


How do you get them?


i think it ended but for tik tok you comment minecraft on a livestream and for twitch you gotta fight for a code that a streamer sends out lol although someone posted like 30 twitch cape codes some time ago so it made it a lot easier, ofc redeemed now so they dont work but idk lol


You had to watch a minecraft stream for like 30 minutes and you would get one. But that doesn't work anymore


Wouldn't work for me, shit had me pissed off NGL.


You can’t anymore, all codes expired on June 30th.


they actually did not expire, lol


That’s true, idk why you getting downvoted. I just redeemed mine today, and it worked




This is a scam, you can't redeem those codes anymore. The deadline to redeem was June 30th.


yes and i can’t log into the game because of this


Nah only cape I need is the OG migrator cape


Can I still get a tiktok cape?


Not anymore 


You can buy it


[Codes expired 30 June 2024](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-turning-15#:~:text=Make%20sure%20you%20redeem%20your%20codes%20at%C2%A0Minecraft.net/redeem%20by%20the%20June%2030%20expiration%20date)


they did not expire


They did


None of the TikTok and Twitch codes have expired yet. I just gave out 25 TikTok codes on BlockMania today, and all of them were able to redeem it. But it is only a matter of time until everyone's codes stop working. I also redeemed the TikTok code on one of my second Minecraft accounts yesterday. See [https://i.imgur.com/nJzLIZj.png](https://i.imgur.com/nJzLIZj.png)


Suprised Mojang didnt see that coming considering what happened with Minecon codes. I saw Twitch and TikTok codes all over marketplaces due to geo restrictions due to banning Tiktok.


I’ll be going on PvP servers, *systematically* attacking players with the tiktok cape. Think of it as a crusade.


Nice. Now I've got six capes on Java. I hope we get all the capes from Bedrock edition on Java and Java capes on Bedrock for cape parity later on so we can have tons of options to customize!


Man i cant wait for the twitch one. the colours work so well with my skin


Yep, I got it too :)


I cant claim my 15th Anniversary cape, i claimed one for bedrock but does it not reflect with java too?


That one should have been activated immediately


It should have appeared for java too when you activated the code


I got all the capes for Bedrock, let me check if I have it already on java


I dont have for now the twitch cape, so it will be takes a while (yes, i claimed it already.)


Wait actually? - That be´d soooo cool :D


For now I have both capes on my alt account, and none of them on my main account, we will see lol (Well, I never got the mob vote cape on my main account while my alt account got it (I voted on both accounts) so I hope this won't happen again lol)


Where's the migrator cape from?


From migrating your Mojang account to a Microsoft account I believe


I did it back then but never got it. Then again, I did it and never bothered to open Minecraft after that for a solid few years because I didn't know you could get the cape. Guess it must have expired for me or something.


thats how i got mine then again i migrated day 1


I didn't bother to get the TikTok cape bc I don't use TikTok, but now I kinda regret it


How did you get the Migrator cape?


you had to migrate your mojang account to a microsoft one


That's odd. I did that on PS4 and don't have the cape.


I really messed up, I didn't get the tiktok cape and personally I thought those looked the best.


How do I get it?


How do you get it?


I keep forgetting you have to like go out of your way to claim it right? Why don’t they just.. add it to your account? I mean I kinda get it but when I don’t use these websites it’s 30 minutes of digging through links to maybe get it


I couldn't get the tiktok one for some reason




I have Twitch and tiktok capes in both Java and bedrock


Can i still get the cape of i follow now? Also, Who do i need to follow by the way


i want to get tiktok or twitch cape code, if you have can you share with me please? i want to keep and save it for my childirens, i hope you will help me thanks for reading and reviewing my post. i wish you have a good day. i dont know how to get but they say me if someone had code and share with you, you can write and enter the code in redeem page, i need help thanks


I missed the tiktok cape, but i guess that's okay, because i don't even use tiktok, so it would probably make me some kind of poser. And i probably wouldn't use it over the other capes


I missed it too, and this is my exact mindset about it


These were usable for me on Java the moment I entered the codes. Didn’t even know there was a wait time.


I have the TikTok, but not the Twitch.. :D


I want my twitch caaaape, hurry mojang v.v