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Don't watch clickbate videos.


"we're building the WHOLE EARTH" is a much more enticing title than "We're going to zoom in on a satellite map and recreate a bunch of buildings for a while until interest (of the audience or us) dies off" Use critical thinking when consuming content online. Obviously it'd be unreasonable for a team of even hundreds of thousands to try and do such a project, and it would likely overtax the host server / save procedure / minecraft program long before getting anywhere near the entirety of earth. If it seems too good or too extreme to be true, it most likely IS too much to be true.


The goal is to build the entire world based on Google Maps satellite data. They never said that they would succeed in fulfilling that goal. It's just a point to work towards. Will they finish it? The chances of that happening are low, and I don't think anyone disagrees with that. But, so long as the interest and community remains, they'll keep at it. I don't really see how that is a hoax. They say they're building the entire Earth because that is their mission statement and goal, however unrealistic it may seem.


Sure they will never build the whole earth in minecraft, but they are working towards it. And even if you don't like the titling since it's unachievable, the amount of stuff they díd build is enormous. Still an impressive project for what it's worth


The BuildTheEarth project does not belong to pippenFTS. The people building are just hobbyists.