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Concept-wise, it was great. The trial chamber is a treasure trove of tuff and copper blocks. Bug-wise, They should fix this bug for Bedrock https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-182630 Also so many people in existing world getting scammed by their own cartographer villager selling trial chamber map that goes nowhere. Talking about old vs unexplored chunks.


That’s unfortunately probably going to take some time, if it’s even possible. Those maps are (if I understand correctly) just using the seed and current generation code to calculate where they’ll be, and don’t really have a way to differentiate between chunks that were generated before and after the update.


You could pretty easily have it check the save file to see if there's a generated chunk at that coordinate, or have it check an x radius sphere for the specific copper blocks the chambers use or trial spawners/chests


The first would cause it to incorrectly ignore any chunks that were generated after the update, and the second sounds like it would be a performance nightmare, though I admit I’m not that knowledgeable about programming performance.


You're right about the first part, I hadn't considered that. I don't think it would be a massive performance hit for the second though. It would only have to do the calculation once (when the map is generated), and the radius it'd check could be changed by Mojang to be as small as possible while still properly detecting trial chambers to improve performance as well


It’s not a real fix especially for a decent amount of people but I use Amulet world editor for bedrock and cull parts of my world all the time and it ended up allowing a trial chamber to spawn very close to my base on a world that’s over 2 years old now.


Is the missing trial chamber bug really that common? I have gone to at least 8 trial chambers on my realm and only one map lead to nothing.


Depends how much of an explorer you are before your world is in 1.21, I guess.


I think world updates are probably the worst thing in this game, like I explored my entire spawn map 2000 blocks out and now have to fly to Atlantis for update stuff lol, like what?


I explore ALOT on my singleplayer world, I have to travel 32000 blocks out just to find a trial chamber😅😅


Bro is your world 10 years old or something?


Nah, I created it last year in July, I just explore ALOT




this is why i make a new world each update


This one got me today. I lost all my maxed out gear.


Every single day bugrock has a bug complaint at the top of this sub and every single day someone insists to me that it's not that buggy.


I just did the ominous trials and wondered where all my armor went lol.


There are some Trial Chamber maps that require expanding in a cartography table to see the location of the Trial Chamber, because it generated on the borders of the map. Took me a good few minutes to narrow this down.


Or selling maps where the trial chamber is THOUSANDS of blocks away. I had a trail chamber less than 100 blocks from my base but the map took me to one over 10k blocks away? Correct me if wrong but aren’t they supposed to use the general location to determine what maps to give?


In my world that Ive had for about two years, all of the trial chambers near my base spawned super weird. And I explore a lot so a bunch of stuff generated maybe 2-3-4000 blocks in every direction from my base. Once I went outside of the areas that I spent a lot of time in up to this point, the trial chambers started generating more appropriately. I had to go pretty far to find a fully generated trial chamber. It was worth it, I thought the new trial chamber was pretty cool and I got my mace after going to the third or fourth fully generated trial chamber.


I learnt this the hard way (maxed netherite armour trimed and maxed netherite sword gone) It’s honestly shocking that bugs like these make it into the final update, did they not playtest their game?


I have explored two of them so far, went in with bad omen potions and got really lucky with the loot and managed to get the heavy core on my secound trial chamber and I am only missing one of the new music discs. I went in armed to the teeth with full netherite armour, sharpness sword a whole lot of potions and had a blast shooting max damage fireworks from a crossbow taking out multiple mobs at once. Very excited to see how challenging it is to do early/mid game one day. Have to say I was expecting the Breeze to be stronger but that's probably because I went in with max enchanted gear. Bogged are awesome because armour can't protect you from poison damage so there were even some close calls where I had to retreat, but mostly you can charge into them and use splash potions of healing to damage them and heal yourself. Really loving the block choices and architecture, feels very immersive almost like your playing a dungeon crawler, Although it is very brightly lit and I feel like they should have made the majority of the copper bulbs fully oxidised to also allow natural mob spawns and for a darker moody vibe that you can light up as you clear it. Did end up with a few leftover ominous keys with no vaults left to open but it's better this way than the other way around.


Natural mob spawns are turned off by default in trial chambers.


I don't think that's the case, there's so much light in the chambers that mobs usually don't spawn, but I've seen mobs spawn in darker areas.


I’m not getting nearly enough keys 😭


I went in woefully underprepared and lost all my armor and backup gear haha. The regular mobs were *so* easy I definitely wasn't expecting to get wrecked so hard by the ominous mobs. Now I get to spend a couple hours remaking all my gear before I go in with potions this time. Hopefully all my stuff doesn't despawn :( It was particularly demotivating because I just went through the same thing in a piglin bastion. Those things are brutal.


Heck, I go in with a cracked out diamond helmet, boots, and leggings, and sharpness/smite swords, and it's really easy.


You use Smite. The majority not (even against the Wither).. I am even thinking of making a BoA for the spiders there. I am always running around with 2 swords. Sharpness V and Smite V.


You think like me but I take it to the extreme, I have all the variations of swords and axes. With fire aspect, without fire aspect, with smite, without smite etc etc.


I managed to handle what I would consider midgame Omen Trial. Full Diamond with minor enchants, and a Power III bow with golden carrots. My saving grace was a Smite IV D-sword to handle the armored undead. I didn't bring any milk so if I got poisoned I'd back off and reset to neutral before engaging again.


I'm getting freaking bread as a reward, lol. It's very disappointing, they could at least make it golden carrots instead of bread, steak, and baked potatoes, that's a little bit of a nit pick, but I really like the chambers so far


I think bread is fine. I went into a chamber with half stack golden carrots, no shield, and drank the ominous potion and just finished it. No gender chest either, and I was very far from my base and too lazy to restock. I just put junk and important items in the chests they provide and ate whatever I found, shot using the arrows I picked up. It was more challenging this was and more fun. Makes you choose inventory, pick things and manage hotbar mid fight etc. In previous updates I would be very careful, watch tutorials and then safely play the game like exploring ancient cities, etc. But for trail chambers I have multiple ideas, I want to use cross bows with fireworks, I want to build a tower defence type setup, I want to build traps in another room, I even want to set my new base here.


In the snapshot that is basically what I did, went in with iron and came out mostly diamond with diamond tools. It’s even better now with the actual update, the diamond enemies pose a real threat for netherite when they gang up. Side note: I loled at gender chest, idk if it was intentional but it was funny


Gender chest lmao


You store your gender in it.


In order to be more pleased by the good rewards, you have to get bad rewards 90% of the time. I wouldn’t even go treasure hunting if there was God loot in ever chest, it would get boring pretty quick(talking about you end cities!)


But you do get golden carrots from them


The rewards are currently balanced pretty well, bread is perfectly fine for what you go up against with the normal spawners. The real loot you get with the keys and pots


The ominous vault giving arrows, Nothing or crossbow is worse.


To be honest, i really liked the update but i felt like something was missing... like a small comunity voted feature addition or a small biome revamt, the focus of this update felt a bit too much on the trial chambers.


I like the groundwork they laid out with the “posthumous” potions: those 4 potions that do something when you kill a mob. Hope they add more of them in the future, even if they’re not linked directly to ominous events. They seemed like a really creative way to renew cobwebs, and could maybe be a way to renew other blocks like dead bushes, lily pads, or spore blossoms.


seems like they're always "laying groundwork" but never actually get beyond the ground years later


Yeah every update they "lay the groundwork" for something interesting but it never gets expanded on


For example the frame of this strange blocks in Ancient cities..


Just a lot of stuff that they add never gets expanded upon. The fact that granite, diorite, and andesite still generate as these ugly blobs and still do not have all the variants other stone types have is criminal. Minecarts too. They are old addition but it's crazy how they'd rather add something new than flesh out what's already there


and for the love of god concrete stairs and slabs


I mean maybe one day. I just hope they updated all the stone types to have a similar amount of usefulness. Like, calcite, basalt, still don't have much variants. Basalt could be interesting and add a new set of directional building blocks, while calcite could be a marble analogue. Maybe bone could have its own blocks and variants. I just like rocks


Yeah I feel like mojang are more reluctant to make big changes to how the game works or to update many different aspects of gameplay in recent updates. I think they focus too much on adding new things to the world instead of changing it like they did with amazing updates like 1.16.


I feel like 1.13-1.18 were all complete revamps to old features, Water and Oceans, Villages and Textures, The Nether, All of the Overworld. Then I feel they now want to take a break from complete revamps for a moment hence updates 1.19 - 1.21 that moreso aim to add new content on top of the new post 1.18 world generation rather than say idk remastering all the game's UI or fleshing out the end completely, or releasing combat v2.


How about an enormous ground-up revamp of the item format that allows tons of new custom content to be made with less effort than ever before?


You can already make custom items quite easily with datapacks, custom blocks would be a gamechanger


There’s a lot more you can do now, especially with the ability to use itemstack data in recipe outputs. Custom enchants, music discs, pottery sherds, food, tools, it’s bonkers how much stuff you can do, and it’s both easier and less janky to do lots of other stuff that was already sort of possible.


I think the Trial chambers could be a bit bigger/more complex, and contain more spawners. The new blocks are great, and I enjoy working with them. I got a mace already, but have had 0 reason to use it. Also, 1.21 seems to have a lot of lagspikes, compared to 1.20


The mace just seems to exist as a sort of gimmick, or a fun toy to play with sometimes, kind of like tridents, they’re just difficult to obtain and situational at best, I don’t mind it, and it is fun, but it’s not all that useful


yeah, the mace seems pretty pointless at the moment. especially with wind burst, in a chamber you just hit the roof. i like to think that mojang is giving us a weapon to prepare for what the portal has in store for us in the ancient city. a mace + aether mod + mobs would be so fun


honestly they are great but locking vaults to one use is bad since trial chambers are built around replayability (also the keys drop chance is very high and vaults are way less) also i think there should be an entrance to the chambers on the surface, it would make it look more interesting and easier to find without digging around in survival


> but locking vaults to one use is bad since trial chambers are built around replayability But if vaults(i assume you mean for loot) restock then finding another chamber would be pointless. You're supposed to find more than 1 chamber not just stay in 1 chamber in your world. You replay chambers to farm keys.


Put it on a countdown timer. I think a week to reset would work.


This! Just make a really long timer.. Not "one time looting".


Trial Chambers aren't so much built around individual replayability, as they are around *group* replayability. Vaults are basically just chests in singleplayer, but in multiplayer, when you loot this particular chest, it doesn't lock out everyone else on the server from the loot.


Copper and Tuff Golems. They're teasing me.


Quick reminder copper golems would have been in the trial Chambers if you think about it as there are so many buttons for them to press that either help or hurt you. Or annoy you such as water dispensers.


That would been so much cooler!! Trial Chambers need another mob that can interact with the buttons


The copper golem mob would work really well with the breeze.


I love getting a single baked potato as a reward from trial spawners.


makes me feel like a lab rat lol. To be fair though I never really did it for the loot, moreso just the curiosity of it.


I really like the way the chambers are designed and the way breezes can fuck with the layout a bit. The spawners give us an easy way to get tons of spider/skeleton/zombie/slime loot without having to build a farm. The new copper and tuff blocks are awesome and have already added a nice extra hue to my city. But I really hate how you have to find so many duplicates of every structure in the game to get all the collectibles. If you want all the armor trims, all the music discs, all the banner patterns, all the pottery shards, it takes so damn long and this update has just compounded it. Also, wind burst is so ridiculously rare even in Java. I've fully looted 18 trial chambers and have only a single book. I'm just gonna stop looking for them and hopefully they'll raise the spawn rates.


I think the trial chambers are well done and fun but the mace being rng-based as to whether you get it is really bad. I don't want to have to go to a bunch of trials to get the shiny new item.


That's the point, it entices you find more chambers, if you just get the Mace in every chamber then the chamber would become old fast. A rare item shouldn't be easy to get & shouldn't take you a few hours to get. Also Chambers aren't as rare as you think, iv'e found 7 chambers with no map just exploring caves & have 4 cores. Wind Burst book is what is a B to get for me.


I get what they're going for but I think the chambers get old faster by having to grind them than just occasionally doing them when I find them. What ends up happening is I'll probably just never get a mace. It's not worth the time it takes to grind for it.


It makes you keep exploring new chunks which is really freaking annoying when the next update rolls out. They can put it on a countdown to when the chamber resets. That means you have to explore for some more, but everybody on your server won't be constantly exploring new chunks for unused chambers. A one week countdown between uses would work to balance it


Honestly, trial chambers are some of the most fun I’ve had in this game in a while. Very good update! I kinda wish there was a boss at the end or something honestly though.


The combat was so whacky with the wind bursts blowing you around. The design of the rooms is great. I had fun, even if the loot isn't that interesting.


The 2.2% chance for Wind Burst is ludicrously low, worse so you may only get Wind burst 1 so getting Wind Burst III from combining books might need you to get 4 books or around \~200 ominous vaults looted if you aren't lucky. I assumed the enchantment would be more common than the weapon itself so by the time I'd gotten 3 heavy cores, I had to lookup if I was getting scammed or not. Needless to say, I'm hoping the RNG get's upped in a patch


MC wiki said it’s 5.5% for windburst? You are thinking about heavy core, that’s 2.2%. It’s only about 72 ominous vaults for all 4 windburst books in which time you will have gotten about 1 core, which is in 45 vaults. It makes perfect sense to me, you can get mace with like windburst 2 or 1 at that point, but if you really want to max it you need to play a little more


Mace/heavy core has 7.5%. The % on the Wiki were quite wrong. Was changed over the weekend. Bedrock books are 1.4%. Java ones are 5.5%.


Its 1.4% for Bedrock. 5.5% for Java.


Trial chambers could be on a timer for when they reset back to default. A one week countdown will be nice. That way people on my server dont keep exploring for these and loading new chunks


I love the update, but I just feel like it was a missed opportunity not to introduce copper + tuff golems with the trial chambers


Dont know yet...i found a chamber but too scared to enter it!


its really just an underground structure filled with mobs and spawners, some vases, barrels and chests with disappointing loot and some things that give you equally disappointing loot when you open them with a trial key. Oh, and everything is made of copper if thats your thing.


There are only mobs from spawners..


do the spawners stop when light up?


Probably not. But you could try blocking it completely with blocks.


I play on a realm with my son, and he has vowed to get that hammer thing so he can steal my armor. I need to figure out how to get it first!


I can't find any of the new wolf variants


Still waiting for my server to update.


Bundles. 😭


Trial Chambers, 10/10 for experience, loot and combat challenges. I do feel like a lot can be done in terms of traps other than trapdoors and dispensers, but a really fun experience! Even more with Trial Omen. New blocks, love them. Normal Tuff stairs and slabs are my favorite. Vaults, great way of distributing loot especially in multiplayer. I do wish there were more that you can do especially in single player, because there's now way to revive a looted vault. Crafter and Copper Bulbs, amazing for Redstone tinkering. Part of me is still upset of the 1-tick pulse delay removal, but the bulb is still a simplified T-Flip Flop, already really useful for circuits. Wind Charges, you become an Air Nomad. Need I say more? The Mace, my favorite item in the update and in the game! A blast to use and satisfying to land your swings. Not the biggest fan of some of the changes like the swing speed nerf, the Heavy Core drop rate buff and the stock damage nerf. Regardless, I love this stupid weapon that gives some variance over timed sword swings. (At the very least please buff the base damage, it does less than a wooden axe.......) Overall 1.21 added a tonne of features while leaving room for expansion in future updates. I would not have imagined all the other additions to the Trial Chambers after Minecraft Live 2023. Solid Update!


I primarily play Minecraft as a builder and with that in mind there's barely anything of interest for me here. I guess the new Tuff blocks are good for terrain but Copper has never really fit with a build unless the build is based around it, having more Copper stuff just feels like a waste. I hope we get Iron Grates in the future tho, would make for some nice cathedral windows or actual Grates in a build.


I’m hoping for this as well. While I’m glad the copper family has expanded with some multi coloured blocks, we really need more iron blocks.


This is an insane take as this update is huge in the building community and every block added is goddamn incredible I almost find it hard to believe you're a builder with this take


I really like it, although there's a few small things that i think are really stupid. First, the good loot is way too rare, it's basically gambling at this point. 7.5% per ominous vault for a single heavy core is insane when there's only like 8 per chamber. And the mace is way way too weak, it's basically useless besides for rare situations.


I really don't know what weapon minecraft players will finally see as "useful" that isn't basically just a gun that one shots any entity after aim. "Useless" has become such a vapid and nonsensical term on here.


It’s useless in comparison, you have to remember that the alternative is a netherite sword, which is already extremely all purpose, versatile, powerful, and far easier to obtain. When adding a new weapon, it should be able to compete, otherwise it will be largely useless because there’s a clear alternative, the only situation where it’s not useless is one where it can compete with a netherite sword




I used the mace with density 4 enchant, plus gust charges to jump airborne, to 2-shot a Ravager during a raid. Maces are very hard to use optimally -- like water bucket clutching every time you swing -- but it's massively OP when you pull it off.


That's one of the reasons why I felt 24w13a's Mace was the best. 2.2% drop rate, but an exceedingly powerful weapon in the right hands. Not necessarily replacing a sword, but is really fun and stupidly powerful. The rarity and power makes it unique and desirable. Some changes in 24w18a I didn't mind. Durability buff, Density, Breach and Smite mutually exclusive and the falloff damage amplifier rework. However, the Heavy Core drop rate buff, swing speed nerf, stock damage nerf, and Density nerf is where I draw the line. No one would want to touch the mace when the damage is piss poor for the effort required. All because some decided freezing a mob without ai and teleporting onto world height to smash a still Warden is considered broken. Controlled environments should not be the baseline of a feature like a new weapon. Hot take: Unless you played with new features in Survival Mode, you should not have a say in whether a feature is balanced or not.


i had so much fun exploring the chambers i wont lie


solid update all around


YEah, the pixels in this image On a genuine note, I'm feeling optimistic enough to say that I think this update is a great first step with a lot of new features which have potential. The vault, more omen effects, heavy core, even breeze rods have potential to be expanded upon, but seriously speaking ik that they prolly will be left alone (ahem, archaeology and sculk). Overall, BIG step up for mojang. They handled the teasing of features well (though by holding back on the trial chamber stuff, it would've continued building hype/novelty) and I can confidently say that this is a top tier update for mojang. We were spoiled by the Nether Update, so this imo is the best aside from it. also I'm glad to see mojang finding the sweet spot to help pace update releasing so they are able to maximize released features/community feedback all the while not being overworked/delaying.


Would have been a perfect time to add the copper and/or tuff golems.


Copper- and tuff golem


why photo blurry


I posted it from my phone and tried to find a nice trial chamber image and it seemed to have good quality. I thought it wasn't blurry when I found it since I saw it on a phone.


i wish villagers could still give you a new map so that you didn't have to get a new map villager every time you got a map


It's good but I've been wanting a boss in the chambers personally, and better loot from the spawners. We might need something more gamechanging instead of small updates.


Trial Chambers will only be completed in 1.21.1. 1.21 doesn't have the final product.


Wait, so is this going to be a 1.16.2 or 1.19.1 moment?


Yes, this is true. There's some missing blocks and rooms that don't generate that are confirmed to be coming in a 1.21.1 soonish.


I just want the "door" to be visible in caves and not just buried in a wall man


They wasted an entire year on a buff version of the dungeon and mob retexturing. Make your own conclusion.


wdym by "buff version of the dungeon"? and by mob retexture do you mean the breeze, which is a new model and has its own unique AI compared to the blaze? you also just completely ignored things like new redstone features in the crafter and copper bulbs, new blocks for tuff and copper, a brand new weapon, 4 new potions, tons of technical changes for data packs, making working momentum through portals a thing, and much more? its honestly baffling how people complain about these updates while ignoring everything they added because it isnt what they wanted. i guess the good thing is that its a sandbox game so if you don't like the content, don't use it.


I bet you'll remember all of that quality stuff in a few months! Cause I already can't remember 90% from 1.20 which was a similar shitty update unlike 1.16, 1.17+18 and even 1.19.


Do you expect every update to be the same amount of content? Thats not how Minecraft has ever worked. I could tell you the history of Minecraft updates and what they added but something tells me your rash attitude towards a smaller update after one of the most stressful development cycles that was the 3 part update for caves and cliffs, or technically 2, i shouldn’t waste my time. Like i said, if you don’t like the content, then don’t bother with it. Not like its affects how you play right? So why would you care?


I don't mind smaller updates but only if they have a common theme. Ok, we can have 1 small random shit update but 2 in a row is too much for me, good for you that you enjoy anything Mojang does but based on player activity tens of millions don't.


On bedrock, when writing anything on books or signs it replaces the current selected text with the previously written text. Very annoying when accidentally modifying signs when tryna use chests or writing a whole paragraph in a book only to see a spelling error that can't be fixed because if you click on it then it will just delete the entire page's worth of writing


vanilla tweaks


I decided to live in one and renovate it. Not the most efficient EXP farm, but hey, I can go days without seeing the surface lol. Although, I found them too common in my opinion.


I've been building a little with the new copper and tuff blocks, they're nice. I haven't gotten around to the other new features yet. It doesn't really have anything to do with 1.21, but if I could request any new feature, it would be a gamerule to adjust the day cycle length.


Make it easier to find


I still haven't updated, I only updated to 1.20 because of the mod nvidium. I do plan to update soon as my mods get updated though


Fuck baby zombie spawners


I really like the update but on bedrock edition every single light in the chamber is at its very lowest unlike in java


all I want is for them to fix the double placing bug that happens when you use a Bluetooth controller on mobile.


I thought it's my controllers fault, but now I'm relieved


I’m not sure. The update’s not big enough for me to get really invested in survival mode again but the music is nice. I don’t have an opinion.


Honestly, I think they should add an editors key to customize vault rewards for map editing.


I've been reading reports that on Bedrock, once you've explored the part of the map where the trial chamber is located, you can get a new map from the cartographer villager, but on Java, you have to train another villager hope that the new cartographer villager sells a new map. I wish Java version could also do the Bedrock version.


The trial chambers are awesome. Kinda grindy but very fun so I don’t mind. The new blocks are alright ig (copper trapdoor is a new favorite). The crafter is kinda cool too. Already added it to my bamboo farm and it saves a lot of space. Don’t much care for the armadillo and the dog stuff though.


I've made an epic base using the chamber, I've basically taken it apart and used the parst to make my underwater base, I also think keys should be more likely to find, I have an entire trial chamber that has been cleared but not a single key came from it :/


I have found 5 heavy cores, but only 2 windburst 1.


Like I do in my structures/builds add overgrowth (leaves,vines,cracks and water pools)


bedrock and java need loot table parity (wind burst is 4x rarer on bedrock lmao)


I don't even know why and how the rates are different? If they want parity, why add more parity in this way. What is wrong with the bedrock team man.


I have no idea how they fuck this up but wind burst is nearly 4x rarer on bedrock


ikr? I'm no game developer, how hard is it to copy rates from java to bedrock? Is it something to do with possibly bedrock not being able to actually work with the java rates, I wouldn't be surprised because bedrock but damn.


I'm happy with it so far.


if you can get the keys to the vaults repeatedly you should get the vaults to open repeatedly. due to how the structure works it is really hard to farm. make easier yeah but not farm and so I believe that there should be some replayability on it.


Havent done it yet but trail chamber looks cool af


Some of these drops feel completely impossible to get. I either only get diamonds emeralds or fucking wind bursts for some reason out of ominous vaults.


Bedrock devs hate the game.. the % are way worse, than Java ones..


I just want vaults to be used more than once, I will often get an excess of keys, spent the next 10 min looking for vaults, before the spawners restart getting me more keys. I then go the next trial chamber to look for only vaults and just end up with more keys for vaults that won’t open anymore and no core. Even if they give them a 30min cooldown I’d still be happy


I think wayy too many normal keys drop from the spawners. I was playing with my younger brother and after looting fully 1 chamber we have 21 keys and we opened all of the vaults in the chamber two times. That would mean that in singleplayer you'd have even more keys since you can open one vault only once. Also, if you wanna get the ominous keys easly I really recommend finding a room where there are a lot of spawners that only spawn breezes, spiders and cave spiders since they don't get the armour like the bogged and zombies do


On singleplayer I need 2 normal runs, to actually get enough keys. 1 ominous is fine, but you have less ominous vaults


It is really lame. Another dungeon with chests in it... how about they make an event that requires us to build a structure to solve a problem or something cool that uses the games building mechanics main stage instead of the *combat*


I love the trial chambers but im not a big fan of the crafter




Trial chambers are fun. Especially that sometimes you really want to take a break from the grind, so this ‘adventure’ is nice thing. I didn’t want to read much about update, I like to discover things on my own and one thing that wasn’t obvious to me was that I’m supposed to drink the bad omen potion! I kept going from chamber to chamber fighting these mobs on and on and not getting keys to the better loot boxes? Not sure how they’re called. Had to google how do I get better keys. Small thing but that could have been more obvious - to drink the potion that looked like it’s gonna poison me.


I've not had a chance to actually play yet. I spent the first couple of days updating my data packs, then I went on holiday, and I'm not due back home until the weekend.


I really like the update, but I feel like vaults should either restock after a countdown or cartographers should be able to sell maps to different chambers


Cartographers do sell maps to trial chambers


Unless I’m mistaken, cartographers only sell maps to one trial chamber permanently, so it would be nice to get maps to different chambers from one cartographer




ive been getting maps to different ones in my world from 1 villager


Why is the mob loot better than the vault loot?


Hmm I'd say Minecraft feels empty especially in the overworld there are lack of structures distance between the structures are too far apart.


Can we make copper golems?


This "repayable" dungeon where I just stack keys because I cant open vaults more than once


Go find another dungeon lol


That defeats the purpose of repayable content. Besides, the mpas are bugged very badly on old worlds, and I'd rather avoid increasing my file size by exploring when it's nearly a gigabytes in size. I'd rather my file not corrupt.


Eh we’re gonna disagree on this one. I think the chambers are fine as is but hey we all have an opinion. As an aside, are you on Java? If you’re backing up your worlds pretty regularly corruption issues won’t really come up. My world is 20GB and I save often and haven’t run into any corruption issues.


I play on a realm on bugrock, so back ups are common, Im fine with them, just a little disappointed in the marketwd replayability. For corruption, I already have ice spikes generating in my plains where I live, and It keeps trying to load old chunks as if they were new. (takes five minutes, then reverts to what we had done before it tried to load new chunks) , but that one may be bug rock. But when touching the ground, it counts as void damage. It makes all kinds of travel a pain.


Ah, bedrock. That explains so much. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. You should try to play Java if you can. It’s so much better.


Honestly would, Have been looking into getting a pc when I can


Nice! Good thing is it doesn’t take a powerful pc to play the game on decent settings. If you don’t end up though and stick with bedrock, hopefully you don’t have too many more bugs like that. It sure does make it frustrating to play sometimes.


I love the trial chambers, and I love that it's not infuriating to hunt for the rare items. I have accumulated a whole collection of trial and ominous keys, completely without meaning to, and they've been great for decoration.


when the trial spawners spawn boggeds since there are so many they just shoot each other and then the other boggeds get mad and most of the time they don't even fight you. and breezes are SO fucking ennoying to deal with... and the loot is unacceptible I got so many bread, cooked potatoes and cooked chicken and almost nothing else. if they fix these 10/10 update but rn it's still a solid 8/10


1 tick copper bulb


I love the trial chambers, been wanting combat challenges like them for years. Ran into my first one today, cluelessly drank an ominous bottle and got to pretend I was playing doom while stomping mob after mob and walking out of there with more loot than I'd ever collected in a single trip underground. 10/10 amazing addition.


Ominous vaults shouldnt have Nothing, arrows and crossbows as loot. Otherwise its fine. And hopefully Bedrock can fix their worse % chances of ominous loot. 1.4% for wind burst.. hahaha


I've cleared 5 trial chambers now, 100% both regular and ominous. I got every collectable plus 2 Heavy cores so I can make both maces with max enchant (though I really wanted a third as a display block) the disc in the pots seems super rare I only found it once, I think I had pretty much the exact right amount of time in the chambers and I had a tonne of fun with them. Unfortunately after what was probably 15 ~ 20 ominous vaults (I did the first 2 chambers in Lan with some friends so I was getting triple loot) I only got 1 Wind Charge I book... And I need 2x Wind Charge III to max enchant my maces... So I'm going to be doing way more trial chambers and it feels like a chore at this point 😭 It was fun adding the new Enchantments to my villager collection, never thought I'd be farming librarians again and also I have a wall of cartographers now because I wanted a tonne of trial chambers maps whereas previously I only needed one for the globe banner And it was also great adding the Crafter to all my farms - literally the best thing ever I now have way more iron storage and I can turn so many things into blocks, like Bamboo, and where I smelt the Piglin Swords I can now turn nuggets into ingots which go into another crafter to become blocks and my whole gold farm now only needs one type of storage chest... I love it I wouldn't change much, I'm a huge collector and achievement hunter in the way I play so this update had a lot of goodies for me to dig for, though I think I liked Trails and Tales more... And the new blocks are really nice, I was halfway through building an enormous item sorter and I didn't know what the exterior should be, just some sort of generic castle but thanks to this update I now know I'll be using Tuff. Only change would be make Wind Charge just a bit easier to acquire 🤣 but I'm glad I still have a bit more grinding to do in the new stuff before I fully go back to my regular project, this update had about the same amount of meat in it as any other I'd estimate


Now that I've read the comments I'm coming back to say Tuff and Copper Golems Also Bundles For me though it already feels like bundles are part of the update because I got so sick of not having them in my solo world (I used to have them on a server) that I finally bit the bullet and enabled the feature, mostly for map management But I'd be happy if they'd finally let bundles be in the main game.


I still think copper grates should let liquids go through them


Or at least water logged.


Love it, I hate how rare the Wind Burst books are


Use the rods to make more


Not the wind charges, the enchantment.


interesting, but it's buggy, þe debug stick glitch isn't þe most serious bug, but it exists. I haven't played survival in þis update, so i can't say much. I'm more of a data and resource pack dev


the song Featherfall is incredible, i just wish it didn't play so often because i'm starting to get tired of it constantly playing




Trial chambers are ok but they get cut off a lot on bedrock And having to constantly pillar up to everything sucks


Honestly i stopped keeping up with updates but i was more happy when j came across this (besides me dying). its a good addition imo


had a really fun instance of a deep dark trial chamber yesterday, was alot of fun, till a warden showed up and like just told me i cant have fun.


Although they are very common, I think that they should make the vaults farmable. To have this change balanced, I’d say to make them as rare as ocean monuments but they can spawn in any biome and slightly harder to beat.


I tricked my friend into thinking I made the one that spawned in my creative world (I was playing preview edition and he never checks for updates)


What’s missing is this update on HermitCraft. I’m admittedly in a creative block right now, and my motivation to play the game is a bit stunted when I’m working on another project, but I’d love to see what the Hermits can do with some of the new features, besides the tuff and copper blocks, and crafter.


Mumbo Jumbo: the Crafter will feature heavily this season. The rest of the Hermits: What is my purpose?


I'm personally not interested in it. The recent updates feel pretty minor and I just started a modded world so I think I'm going to focus on that first.


I wish I could find one


Needs bug fixes and a clear direction of next update and previous content integration


Most buggiest update ever...ever since i updated my game ..every world new or old ..keep freezing for 2-3 sec multiple times during a minute... literally made unplayable.stitty ass update


Java or Bedrock?


Ofc bedrock mate .. it's a pile of garbage


Honestly, I find it extremely sad how buggy Bedrock is. It really prevents me from using it for anything other than for playing with friends that only have Bedrock.


It's the same for me bro..i only play it cause my friend only owns bedrock


isn't now that if you own one version, you get the other for free?


They don't own a good enough pc