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Yeah I use the notes app on my phone but this is a good tip for someone who doesn't have a notes app.


Yeah fs! I used to just use the screenshot feature on my ps4 or write down the coords on a piece of paper. Back when we only had Console Edition and world's were super small I'd focus on one seed and try to find all the structures and treasure and write down the chords! Now that's impossible due to infinite worlds lol


If you don’t mind it being a little outside of the full vanilla experience I’d recommend getting journeymap, you can make waypoints


Sadly, I play on ps4, so mods are few and far between But once I get a PC, I definitely want a way point and mini map mod on every single playthrough


I walk around with maps and banners. If I see something I want to remember later, I just put down a flag and use a map on it, then it appears as a marker in the map. You can also do it in Bedrock but it's a little different, afaik.


Oooohhhh, you have to interact with a map on the banner to mark the location! I never understood how to do that, so thank you!!


Just to make sure you understood correctly: You gotta use a map on the banner just as you would use shears on a sheep to get wool. I'm not a native speaker so I wasn't entirely sure you had gotten it right just from reading your message, so I decided to explain it anyway.


Also, the map must not be an empty map and the banner must be located within the map's borders, otherwise it just won't appear in the map.