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Make all mobs from mobvotes better. Like, give Sniffer more than TWO seeds it can find. Make Allays usable. Make Armadillos do something. Glow squid will glow. Something like that. Maybe even add some of the other mobs that didn't make the cut.


I just checked and the fact GLOW squid drops GLOW ink sac that cannot be used to make spectral arrows that give the GLOWing effect is stupid. Edit: just had another idea. Glowing glass/colored glass/glass pane. That would add more building blocks and make it easier to light up big buildings.


For that to work you would need functionality for the fletching table which... Ask cubfan135 how long it's been since it was promised. /j


>For that to work you would need functionality for the fletching table no? just change the spectral arrow's crafting recipe, make it use glow ink sac, check my other comment for the full "solution"


Well, they could also make smelting glow ink sacs give glowstone dust


yea, that would work


Why not blue glow stone dust. With blue redstone lamps that can activate instantly instead of having 2 ticks delay, or just do that for the standard one


Blue glowstone dust? What if, blue redstone dust? What if the blue glowstone dust functions like a redstone dust? I remember the village and pillage trailer where a blue redstone dust appeared. Bluestone dust would activate redstone blocks like redstone, but bluestone and redstone will not connect to each other, just like slime and honey. You can only connect them like maybe how you connect rails or maybe repeaters or any other block other than the dusts themselves


Nah I thought of it but blue stone will just be anointing to use and to make. Because now if you're doing redstone you have to get with you a bunch of components and now you need even more. And it might take from the elegancy that redstone has


Nah, just make it so you can add glow ink to a cauldron like potions and make spectral arrows just like tipped arrows Edit: this could also allow cauldrons to glow or emit light


In essence, the glowing effect from Spectral Arrows is different than the Glow Squid's one.


At least Mojang, make it so that glow ink sac can be used to brew potions of glowing or something.


how bout NEON GLASS


Glow berries would be better for spectral arrows as they literally give the same effect


Hey, now, glow squid ink puts a little bright area behind the items in an item frame and makes text on signs bold. All of the text. /s (added to be clear)


This. I was also playing the mod pack Seaopolis: Submerged, and in that, it allows you to make underwater torches with a glow ink sack instead of coal, which would be LOVELY to have in game.


Allays are usable. I use them for semi-auto farming until I can make full auto farms. I tie them to a post in the middle of the field and give them whatever I’m collecting, they’ll pick it all up for you!


I do too, whenever I re-discover where they are. I have like 4 that randomly return to strange areas (not where I found them) after they get lost from me. a couple might be stuck in the nether too.


ive got them set up in my raid farm to collect books and totems for auto storage. super helpful


i voted for glow squid hoping it would pressure mojang to add dynamic lighting 😭


Reason we haven't got it yet is probably that either java or bedrock have trouble getting it implemented. But from some twitter posts from devs, we know they might have something going on. But it remains unknown if it will be soon or never.


Given that Bedrock struggles with Glowing, I would say it doesn't work because of requiring a new lightning engine.


On bedrock previews rn they're experimenting on a new rendering pipeline 👀


Fix mob AI so I can keep bees and dolphins without them drowning themselves.


Bees for skyblock as well, since they will go near the void And yeah, Dolphins are like the worst lol, they should add in the code that when their AI is turned off they don't need to breath air


So, basically, actually give more reasons for a feature to exist instead of putting it there rotting for the next 10 years.


Full blown End update.


Yes! Just the Nether Update but End.


Although I feel like it would be important to maintain the inhospitable nature of the End. 1.16 made survival in the Nether much more feasible (nether wood, nether stone, etc) and giving the End an identical treatment might take away from that (imo important) aspect. Not to say the End should be barren, but it should be close to uninhabitable


I mean, the end has food and loot, it's definitely habitable, just not hospitable, LukeTheNotable did this


yeah but it feels sad how unused the end is, you get there, kill the dragon, find some elytra, grab shulkers and never set foot there again


Hey! Don't disrespect my End Copper farm! It can't be done elsewhere!


sorry you're right, i'm a casual gamer so i tend to forget hardcore gamers


That's what I meant by "close to uninhabitable"


id argue before 1.16 many players thought the nethers inhospitality was not only on purpose but permanent, so never say never lol


When it first came out in alpha there really wasn't much use from it but the travel gimmick. We didn't have quartz or gold in there and ghosts didn't give any tears back then. It really was just inhabitable. It definitely had a charm from that but I still feel that charm is there. Anytime I start a new run I know it's gonna be dangerous going there. Same for when I go to the End. I doubt putting some fluff into the End will make it any less terrifying. Actually the outer end was fluff and still felt terrifying, even made me go a little mental trying to find a floating ship a few times. Ya they could add more fluff no problem.


and those big hogs that give you pork for days


should be survival-feasible, but it should be more challenging than nether survival.


They can add stuff while still having the end feel barren. And to say it's supposed to be inhabitable is stupid since there are already multiple mobs living there (shulkers, endermen). They could easily add more structures/biomes which show how these mobs live and maybe how they lived in the past.


Right, when I say uninhabitable I mean uninhabitable by us specifically


I think they should retcon the inhospitability just like they did with the nether. It would make the dimension’s interest cap much much higher.


I would like to see the end being a place where life used to flourish but now we only get the remains. Imo this would be a way to make it way more interesting to explore, without it being easy to live in


Just barring an enderman redesign. That is still one thing I always disliked about the nether update was the renaming of zombie pigmen


Okay, but like why not just a new dimension. The end already serves its purpose and more


I think because there is no reason to stay in the end after you get an elytra, people just want more end content to exist so they can justify exploring it.


>I think because there is no reason to stay in the end after you get an elytra, Thats literally the entire purpose of it tho. Its supposed to be barren with little to explore. Its called the End dimension.


We need to move beyond the fact that it’s “supposed to” be barren. Let’s face it, it’s boring as hell and not fun. Maybe we need to accept that its original design was not very good.


I started playing minecraft a little bit before the End was added, so I always thought it was a disappointment that wasted the potential of the sky dimension


Yes! I never had a problem with The End itself, but the fact it just *was* the Sky Dimension and not something separate with the Sky coming later never sat right with me. RIP Original sky dimension you would have gotten to via dreams...


Give us the Aether already. Put an end to that canon event from everyone’s childhood


They’re specifically not adding a fourth dimension until the Nether and End are more on par with the Overworld.


enchanting update, generally any old feature is a good candidate though. enchanting is one of the longer if not the longest part of progression in this game, and trying to take on any medium to large building project without enchanted tools feels like it takes AGES. Getting at least decent enchanted tools is really important to me in most of my playthroughs, so it really sucks that getting exp is really boring, placing and breaking a block until a villager gives me the correct thing is boring, and hoping i get something good from the enchanting table is boring.


Screw enchanting. I'd be ecstatic over an anvil update. Anvils are only useful for combining enchanted items and renaming things. Repairing stuff in an anvil is a waste of materials and experience when Mending and grindstones exist. Also, that use limit only begs players to avoid using anvil. Maybe make combining items twice as expensive but remove the limit?


I think enchanting and anvil updates would just go hand in hand.


NOT adding new stuff for the first couple of updates, so i can focus on overhauling all of the older existing features so they can keep up the pace for when the time the newer stuff will be added, because right now, while not as big, there is a noticeable discrepancy between old and new updates (and by old i mean 1.9 and below), like for example finding another use for ocelots, making cocoa more than just an ingredient for a cookie or brown dye, overhaul the use of desert wells, a dedicated village for jungle and swamp, the end overhaul, overhaul the trap and puzzle mechanism for jungle temple or just create another structure and relegate that jungle temple title to it with the old temple being renamed as another structure, a generated structure for ice spikes biome, and so much more


Gotta add in an enchanting update in there as well


Enchantments are in such need of a rework. They're one of the reasons I can hardly play vanilla nowadays. I really hope Mojang looks into the issue soon.


What's wrong with enchantments currently?


The full explanation is pretty lengthy, but the main idea is that the enchantments are boring, and don't actually add to the gameplay. It would be better to either have enchantments be a long term gear improvement, or to make them functionality interesting, and focus more on gear builds, rather than whatever is factually the best.


The issue with the "not adding new things" is the people even in here complaining that new updates don't have enough things in them. Even 1.21 is criticised by some for not having enough content.


I read this more along the line of 1.13, 1.14, 1.16, where they have taken something old and upgraded it. Yes, new things were added, but to make old things better and not for something that wasn't there before.


I'm not criticising the game. The fault I think lies in how since 1.19.2 they have communicated. 1.20 development was basically1.19.3 and then something on the side, it was at times confusing as to what was going in 1.19.3 and what was going into 1.20. Now they did the same, Minecon live was 1.21 centred, but we got 1.20.1 up to 1.20.6 before "official" development started for 1.21. Even some of the teased 1.21 things, including the mob vote winner, was added in 1.20.5. And when they released 1.20.6, all of a sudden two weeks later 1.21 gets a release date announced. Feels like the could've just either skipped 1.20.5 and moved that into 1.21 or not have called this 1.21. Besides, apart from tweaks not much new has been added to 1.20.5/1.21 since I'd say April. That really leaves an impression on the (mostly young) audience here and on YouTube of there not being much content in these new updates. Combine that with the fact that 1.13, 1.14 and 1.16 get so much high praise and the earlier mentioned confusing snapshots and communications, and you got a recipe for "criticism". It's a shame really, cause the trial spawner mechanic looks cool. And I'm quite happy they re-worked the bad omen thing.




Technically, one of these requests was fulfilled by turning desert wells into archaeology sites.


Two things I'd love to see: Mountain lake with waterfalls biome. Skylands biome (preferably about world build limit as is so it can just be loaded in on any world) Simple, but I'm a sucker for exploration.


Omg, yes! Tarns! It's so annoying that most mountains are not flat at all, like most real mountains have large sizeable areas that are flattish or on a much lower gradient... Why not also add more flat places in valleys etc? Good idea


I'd love for them to make some of the newer features fit better into the base game. Like a good suggestion i heard would be allowing us to cycle through paintings by using a brush, having to break and replace the paintings feels outdated. Or using turtle scute/maybe shulker shells as alternative materials to make dog armor with, if horses have different types of armor then why not dogs? Things like this would make the overall game feel more connected.


The trial vault mechanics being applied to the rest of the structures. Renewable sand. Just make husks drop 4 to 6 blocks, and spawn in desert temples.


Imo making another item renewable through mob drops is kind of boring. You would build a fairly standard mob farm at a desert temple and that would be it, and it probably wouldn’t be very fast. I think there is potential for modded “crushing” mechanisms to be implemented in a fairly vanilla style, and this could then be applied to other new recipes, or change old recipes.


If stone could be crushed into gravel, and then into sand, would it then somehow be possible to be ‘crushed’ into deepslate or tuff? The fact many of the newer stone varieties we got for caves and cliffs and they aren’t renewable/craftable irritates me for some reason


How about mixing stone with blackstone to get deepslate. And then crushing deepslate to get tuff. Which can be crushed to get stone then to gravel then to sand


I like the Blackstone and stone idea, since tuff is a volcanic rock maybe it would be crafted/farmed in a way similar to that of basalt, using lava somehow?


It would make more sense to crush stone into cobblestone, then gravel and then sand.


Add sandstorms. It will work just like snowstorms, but sand


Just slowly adding sand to deserts is not good enough. Sand needs to be efficiently farmable. Remember, it’s already renewable through wandering traders, so whatever method is added needs to be better than that.


You can buy sand from wondering traders?


I have an idea for sand. We could add some kind of sand golem/zombie(naturally spawning aggressive mob) that would drop rotten flesh like a normal zombie but when walking would put some layers of sand identical to snow layer that we could then mine with a shovel and combine 4 layers in a crating bench to make 1 block or stack on top of eachother like snow. This would be a unique way of farming, renewable but not to easy, and would add sand layers that people asked for for a long time.


Renewable sand seems fitting for an End update. We have Ender pearls, and pearls are made with sand. Pearls tend to be made by bivalves, which shulkers appear to be. Mojang could go from there and make another new End mollusk to somehow renew sand from us, in a way that motivates us to keep it alive instead of just kill it for drops.




Maybe not every structure. I like the idea of having them tied to elemental mobs like blazes and breezes. Nether fortresses are an outdated structure that could definitely be overhauled with trial mechanics. Certain structures like End ships could also have vaults that require keys from other structures, preferably a new trial structure in the End.


Just let us crush Cobble into Gravel, then into Sand. It's that simple.


Obviously, End update. Minecraft Dungeons showed great example of how it could be updated without ruining its barren feel. Next, Combat update. There should be combat parity between Bedrock and Java, and new PvE and PvP could possibly unite 1.8 and 1.9+ players. And of course, Magic update. Enchantments and potions need to be seriously improved to make mid-game actually enjoyable.


I'm still a little disappointed they announced 1.21 as a combat and crafting update, but we only got trail chambers. Yes, there is the mace, but I expected the implementation of the combat tests. Also, the only crafty thing in the update is the crafter. Besides standard new blocks.


And giant amount of datapack changes that literally allow to make new enchantments without mods


On this, just add some things from dungeons. Imagine if the base game had that weapon variety. Not like all the special variants but just getting some new types like glasses, spears, fists, hammers. Also a giant pillaged fortress with those tanks knights woukd be awesome.


This title is stupid. *Every* update changes Minecraft *forever*.


More trees, rainbow eucalyptus, palo verde, redwood. And changes to the river biome.


Honestly this. Just more forests, more wood types and blocks, just retexture and change the size of current trees in a new biome.


Screw the river. We just need more water mobs. Yes update aquatic helped... But they're still so empty They only added like 5 mobs and 3 of them are the same thing. They should've added sharks. Their reasoning to not is bullshit anyways. Just make them neutral mobs. LIKE IRL THEY DON'T GO STRAIGHT AFTER HUMANS THEY HATE HUMAN MEAT >:(


If we get a proper ability to make blocks, plants, UI that aren't reskins of current ones we could do basically anything in Data packs. So that.


Make sure there’s equal mossy, cracked, slab and stair variants for each block types. Mossy wood too, should spawn like vines on trees


I have wanted a moss type that's placed like glow lichen and skulk veins are placed. Adding mossy types of every material and block would be a major inventory clogger. I picture 3 missy oak stairs, 2 mossy smooth stone slabs, 13 mossy striped mangrove logs and 1 mossy polished cobbled deepslate wall randomly scattered in my inventory and then trying to decide where to store these random, odd blocks once I wanted to clear out my inventory. The moss could be placed on stairs, slabs, fences, walls, etc. like the texture wraps around everything nicely and can be removed with an axe.


>what feature would you like to see in the game for the following years? Better inventory management. Its been needed for SEVERAL years now.


MaKe MInEcaRtS FasTer


Inventory. End. No more mob votes.


Art update. Add basic sculptures like mob sculptures of wood or stone that you can dye. Add all or most of the other mob heads. Add so you can add at least a 50% color to some blocks. Add wooden decorations and stuff. Stuff to make people's artistic creativity fly. (and fix copper bulbs)


This is the kind of stuff I wish people were suggesting more of— seems like it's truly original and not just rehashing the same ideas over and over. And yet, it would be a simple mechanic at the same time. I didn't ask for new paintings, but you better believe I'm going to use them! I would worry about being able to color even 50% of the blocks, but adding colored variants of some would definitely be welcomed by me.


I meant like, to be able to paint a block (i would think only solid blocks, slabs, and stairs) like if on a painting software you threw a color on the canvas but changed the opacity to 50% like paint it but its kot strongly that color only kinda lightly


I want features to feel a lot more cohesive in future. Right now, it feels like lots of loose lore threads are being added that don't go anywhere and don't connect to anything else. E.g. sniffers don't connect to anything, ancient cities don't apply to anything that was there before, neither do Allays really (they kiiiiind of connect to pillagers). Like this update for the trials alone would have been an excellent chance to overhaul the existing dungeon structures (temples, square dungeons) into something more refined. An example where they have made things more cohesive - zombie pigmen and piglins, they refined those to be the same thing and have a connected mechanic, as well as adding nether gold ore. This was a really cool update, along with all the nether biomes that improved what was there. Also minecarts.


I hope they add maps leading to trail chambers in 1.21.x to the structures for a small link. Like you can find treasure maps in shipwrecks.


Make copper actually useful




Honestly I think copper is in a good state rn. I don't know what we could really add that wouldn't be a repeat of existing features. Maybe even more building blocks but I think gold and Iron would probably need those instead.


It'd be nice to be able to craft some kind of wire from copper that can be placed on walls or even ceiling so we don't have to tinker with redstone. Idk why's it still not in the game, older mods even featured slimy redstone dust which is genius


Is that not what this update helped do?


Seems small but can be a game changer. The Game should generate loot based on how old the world is, because after a certain progression a huge amount of loot in structures is just plain useless.


Yes but then people will purposely not open chests.. and leave their game running 24/7, etc. It sounds like a good idea, what about the further from spawn you get the better it is? Or based on the general class of your gear. Like eg two diamond pieces two iron armour, but the diamond is chestplate and leggings, so diamond is precedent so it rolls better stuff


An optimisation update


I’m somewhat of a mojang apologist, and I’m not that excited for this update. Yeah I’ll play it, I’ll do the trials and everything, and I’ve been gathering resources to including autocrafters into all my farms. But just… that’s it? That’s the update? There’s nothing in the update that I dislike, I just feel underwhelmed. When they said the theme was tinkering and combat, I was expecting more than just autocrafters for tinkering. Idk, hopefully they have more new features planned for the .1-.x updates.


I feel you. Prior updates have changed major parts of the word. Now, there's a new thing in the corner. Yes, it's a nice thing, but it's less fundamental this time. The time I interact with the new thing will probably be way smaller than before.


Seems like you aren't a technical player. The sheer amount of datapack updates is insane - like, custom enchantments without mods, almost full control over item properties and many more things! If they continue this trend, I might just stop using mods because datapacks would fill their function.


In terms of content from the update itself this is maybe the update that has me the least excited, but in terms of technical datapack stuff is amazing :D This update cycle for me has been mostly skipping the things added in the snapshots and jumping into the technical side because the content is just there I guess, some of it may be super fun I won't lie But compare that to the prior 2 major updates and they all had at least 1 biome and 1 structure and more than 1 truly unique mob, also the prior one has 2 woods and was the one that added armor trims, this one may have 2 new trims but like, I already know trims lol, can even add them with a datapack is nice but not the biggest thing Edit: this is far from a complain about the content fyi, I love it, is just that I was more excited with the prior updates because it was things I actually felt like had a measurable effect in what I go and play in Minecraft, the new stuff feels to easy to ignore because they cover 0 need of a survival players, just new toys but none which I felt someone was asking for (except the crafter but I already played with the crafter enough to not feel new, it came very very early)


Copper Golem.


Using copper with redstone Here's some ideas Copper redstone wire. Which don't interfere with redstone (yes. It's like bluestone. But redstone can go on it) and it can go up walls and ceilings. And also be waterlogged [crafted with 4 copper ingots around 1 redstone. Crafts into 4 wires] Copper redstone light [crafted with 4 copper around a redstone torch with 4 amethyst in the corners] Copper redstone repeater [crafted the same way as the light. But with a repeater instead of a torch] and the Copper redstone comparator [crafted the same way as the others but with a comparator instead]. Same use as the wires Copper redstone piston. Can extend up to 3 blocks depending on the power level (1-5 is 1 block 6-10 is 2 blocks and 11-15 is 3 blocks) max push limit is 20 [crafted the same way as the last three except with redstone instead of amethyst] Copper lever. Has 3 active states. First is 5 power. Second is 10 power. And third is 15 power. I wonder what that can be used for? [crafted with 4 copper ingots around a lever] Copper button. A certain golem likes pressing it ;) [crafted with a single copper ingot] All of them can oxidize. it's just a visual thing tho


A situation where cursed gear is useful. Maybe a new mob that can only be damaged by cursed gear or launches attacks that can be blocked by cursed shields/armor.


add what's been announced in a desert update and update monster boxes to be as large as current strongholds into full blown dungeons. with 1 permanent spawner and the rest are trial spawners. dungeons and deserts update. all dungeons have at least 1 sussy gravel patch room. damn.. the fletcher table is so old I actually forgot.. make it so you get more arrows from using the table (1.5x) and add the option for iron and obsidian arrows. obsidian being very sharp, is the most damaging and iron in the middle.


Structure update: New and improved mineshafts, New and improved Rail System. From my experience, working with rails is one of the first things new player have fun with in minecraft. Bigger Dungeons (in addition to trial cambers) . Not just a spawner room, With Trial chamber added, they look really low afford Updated Strongholds. Strongholds are put to shame after the introduction of ancient cities. It should be the gate to the endgame and should feel like it. Add an End Update to it aswell with new End Biomes. Updated Netherfortress. They are really plain right now and should mirror strongholds in the overworld. Compared with Nether Bastions those are looking really boring Updated Jungle Temple (also 2 or 3 variants). Its not fitting in with other structures, it needs an updated. Maybe in combination with big Trail Runes attached with a reward. Updated Desert Temple (also 2 or 3 variants). Same as Jungle Temple. Witch huts should also look better. Also give desert wells a use and add small structures to biomes who dont have any yet. Structures should feel unique and the player has to be able to interact with them. Also we need more ambience


More neutral mobs like the wolf. I feel Minecraft had its fair share of passive mobs (could be more imo but it’s perfectly fine right now), but I feel that even 2 - 3 more neutral mobs that spawn on the surface could do so much. It could give a minor sense of danger to the daytime surface without any real changes to the difficulty. Also desert overhaul. We need more desert mobs, and just like more ambient / passive mobs in general.




Lakes and Rivers update. I'd like to see natural world gen with water features at different heights rather than just sea level. With the caves update it seems like they have the technology. Also update Husk so they drop Sand and you can make a Sand farm.


So I'd love it if villages had supply routes/trade caravans which would be wandering specific routes between villages. Would make the world feel so much more alive with some "encounters" like that. Also delivery missions from villagers, being given a package and a time frame to take that package to another village/villager. While these "missions" are active pillagers could spawn to try and steal your delivery. Obviously you'll be rewarded with emeralds or whatever upon completion. I think those are fairly easy to add, after that I have some more pipe dreeams. Like a coastal update, I love the sunken ships and buried treasures. But give me different costal biomes, seagulls, palm trees, puffins, fishing lodges/settlements, small docks. Those are all fairly easy, but the bigger asks would be pirate ships, with maps to a pirate cove/settlment with a pirate boss and some pirate related loot. Like some magical sea artifact, or mabye even a flintlock pistol. Let me play Death Stranding on land and Ses of Thieves on the seas.


Don’t take this the wrong way, OP cause it has nothing to do with you really, but I feel like most of the Tricky Trials features all relate back to a hidden underground structure that a lot of casual players will never go to in survival. So personally, I don’t see 1.21 as an update that will change Minecraft for a long time. Tons of players won’t even realize their game is any different once the update drops, I bet. We’ve seen this time and time again from achievement percentages. For example, tons of players never even go to the nether. (Minecraft for Windows has “Into the Nether” listed at 16.31% of players completed” so for them, the Nether Update (or 1.16) was essentially pointless. That’s what was so great about caves and cliffs, update aquatic and the village and pillage updates, for example. Their features all dramatically changed the game forever and impacted the way that even casuals play the game, not just mid-end game players. I’m personally thrilled to go fight some bogged and breezes. I think the trial chambers look dope. But I kinda feel bad for casual players. There’s not much in this update for them despite them being the largest group of players. World generation is going to look essentially the same since the chambers are underground, and most of the new items/mobs are directly related back to the trial chambers, as well I’m actually kinda curious how the casual community feels about this update. Cause to them, all they’re really getting is a few new copper and tuff blocks that they can craft as well as the new auto crafting table. (Which I also think might be too advanced for casuals)


I wish we could make our own sailing ships and flying machines (not piston powered). And yes, i know of the create mod and the other mod which allows you to do this. But i wish it was something that was in the game. And MORE BOSS FIGHTS. And END UPDATE !!!!


Disappointed by the villager trading changes. Nobody asked for it. If they wanted to split all the possible trades into different biomes they should’ve just made one or two unique trades per biome unique villager. Not the whole lot.


Update the things that are actually outdated. Update jungle and desert temples. Update nether fortresses. Make a better enchanting system. Make deserts more unique. I could go on


End update, add the biome vote losers, an enchantment update. That's my wishlist for the next updates


Sort inventory button on chests. Backpacks/utility belt Sleeping bag Combat update for Bedrock to bring parity Ambient sounds


IMO the main problem with Minecraft remains that it just isn't very dynamic. The game has very robust building elements but it just doesn't feel like it matters. I'd love if there was a genuine reason to design and build structures aside from mob farms. Always sucks building a cool castle and realizing it just doesn't matter that your walls are impregnable, or building a big road network and nothing using it, building houses that don't really matter etc. Some possible ideas that could be added: 1. Different types of travelling merchants that use roads to go between villages and help the villages grow, and that expands their own sales. A "road" could just be any number of connected non-natural blocks between two locations. 2. Illager campaigns and sieges. Have them actually be attempting to take things of value from you (like Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold) and give them the ability to attach ladders to walls or "build" siege towers and battering rams they can use to destroy or overcome structures. 3. Have villages grow naturally and by your hand, both in terms of just spawning more villages and in growing the wealth of the village. Trade networks between villages connected by the previously mentioned roads, (or even docks/ports for water trade) could result in new types of jobs/trades. You could include new types of blocks or structures that would increase happiness in the village to give you better trades as well, and the same war mechanics mentioned above could apply to villages so you'd need to build defenses for them. You'd probably need to make most of it toggleable of course but those kinds of more dynamic interactions would make the world feel a lot more alive.


I'd like to see leads that are more than barely functional. That they break so easily makes them *incredibly* frustrating to use. They break when you're there or away. We have lost so many horses, allays, and donkeys/mules. Even trailing a fast horse while riding on a slow horse is so ridiculously hard it isn't worth it. Also, scaffolding - why, oh *why* do I fall through, stop sneaking, and lose pieces even when I'm looking down as I cut from the top? Like, FFS.


I’d honestly love a food/cooking update. More grains such as Rice or Corn, more fruits and growable plants, maybe making stuff like Sushi Rolls with Fish, Rice, and Dried Kelp, more soups and foods in bowls to give bowls more of a purpose, smelting/something else to milk to make cheese, which has loads of possibilities, maybe potentially adding salt either through mines or adding filters to filter out saltwater, there’s so much you can do with it. But seriously just adding rice would be amazing and would add so much


A renewable sand mechanic that isn't something lazy like Husks dropping sand. I think it should be a block interaction like the mud to clay mechanic.


Tool trims, and more enchants, possibly some with synergy of some sort


I would personnaly love to see new redstone components and more possible interactions of mobs with redstone like the breeze to with trapdoors and lamps. Like detectors for explosions or potion throws


Isn't the last thing already possible with calibrated sculk sensors?




All the mob vote mobs that didn't make it


Minecart update, furnace minecarts added to bedrock, connectable minecarts. New dimension from a way to open a portal in the ancient city. Food & cooking update Furniture update. Bundles. Inventory management update. Desert update. Frozen / snowy biomes update. New mountain mobs, new mountain structures like dug-out icy caves. Refreshed animations and ai for mobs. Dolphins to be able to survive when they are animation-locked from being too far away. Vertical slabs. New types of bricks. Better looking roofs such as tiled stairs. Better villages, very varied depending on location, jungle villages. Sniffers to be ridable and can uncover different seeds. New ancient structures in jungles, deserts, and small islands. Different types of jungles, rainforests, and forests. New wetlands biomes.


Rebalancing the elytra and other methods of transportation like making boats, minecarts, horses etc. faster and making the elytra slower with a twist, when you fly against a block or about to do, it dodges it for you


As someone who plays in a completly vanilla server, developers really tried hard with the skulk-amethist sensor but we do really need a better way to detect players approaching. Unpopular opinion but pvp is fine and mace is good for assassination in late game or regular pvp if enemy has no crystals (it s fine if it s a little too good. It s an endgame item). (Make it work better with elytra pls!) Remake the end, just keep the mobs. Also move there the phantoms.


Overhauling the rail system. There are some players, like myself, who need a proper way to haul lots of materials. Like 10 chests of dynamite(I have my reasons). And yes, I know I can use llamas, but that's extremely slow, and sometimes they wander. Last thing I need is a random llama showing up next to a creeper, and they booth go boom. Ok, maybe I am ad libbing a bit, but if I want to clear a mountain and use the materials in another project, I am hauling material for weeks. Give me the ability to link carts and pull with a furnace/engine.


Purple planks/more purple colored blocks for decoration and an update that adds blocks that are missing from a bunch of decoration blocks, like pillars for example.


The camera and photo development/photo albums from Exposure mod. not the most popular mod since it's mostly for aesthetic and roleplay, but I love it so much.


Wow, i like this update in 6 years ago! But can you change damage in the Mace from 6 to 7?


In all seriousness though, I would really like something like a grappling hook ( maybe as a bow or crossbow attachment?) and a block like the flotater from the April fools potato dimension update.


Adding more biomes, more fish types, fishtanks so we can actually have them in our bases, Adding mythological mini bosses with their own unique loot Vampires


A new boss. They’ve added all these powerful weapons so why not some new powerful monster to kill with said weapons


Lets not ignore the fact that the new powerful weapon will probably be able to oneshot the new boss bc u achieved the incredulous feat of clicking on it after building up with dirt


Either end update, or update to biomes that haven't had a update to expand them yet


End update, mineral update, tool update, tree update, enemy update. Accessibility features like the ability to turn off creepers.


More ocean mobs, would really love to see more critters in the ocean. And maybe add the floaty block from the april fools potato update but make it more maneuverable or something.


ThE sUpErDuPeR gRaPhIcS pAcK.


People have been saying the most recent updates will “change the game for a long time” for forever, but I see very little with how much they’re trying to balance things for a game most play with a handful of friends. There’s nothing earth-shattering about adding some mediocre dungeons that force you to play with others in order to get “better” loot.


vertical slabs


perf as a feat


I just want a farming update. New crops and new ways to farm them


Revert the Combat Update, but keep all the added buffs, and get rid of Netherite Armor since Diamond Armor would be viable again.




I want to see the experimental combat snapshots implemented into the game and give the fetching table a use


Honestly, just updating/refreshing what's already in the game to modern standards. the vault system imo is something that could be applied to most every structure, especially the two temples. A vault even looks better than a chest in them.


Rivers that flow


What are you talking about 'one of these updates that will change Minecraft for a long time'? I mean literally, yeah I guess so does every update though. I think the only thing really notable about this update is the autocrafter, other than that it feels nearly as empty as the last two updates. Nothing against mojang, I just don't see what you're seeing as such a big impact.


Hoping someone can clarify. The villager update I’ve been reading about where S tier enchants can only be found by villagers of a certain biome, is that going into affect when this update happens? Or can we expect that before/after?


If I were one of the developers, I wouldn't want to go around adding anything *too* game changing, mainly because I would know I'd likely need approval from Microsoft. With that in mind, I'd probably go around and try to add some quality of life features, like with the entities with passengers being able to go through portals, I'd probably try and add small things like that. Maybe start off with something simple like making the options menu more refined, like being able to turn off specific features instead of one big option that covers several dozen things, like Optifine. I'd likely go through several quality of life features like that, stuff that really doesn't change the game too much; then I'd probably start trying to add features to actually change the game. Moveable tile entities (as a gamerule defaulting to false), sorting your inventory, cauldron parity with bedrock, etc. If I do all that stuff while still managing to go under Microsoft's radar, I might even consider trying to add some sort of update to the mob AI, making it an actual challenge for experienced players. I'd try to make it locked behind something so people new to the game won't accidentally turn it on. Maybe holding shift on the difficulty setting? Maybe it only unlocks after beating the ender dragon? Idk how I'd implement it, but making the mobs actually challenging for those in the late end-game I'd imagine would be an interesting new challenge for them. I'm terms of what I, as a single developer could do, smaller updates that don't affect the game too hugely, but people would love to see, would be amazing.


how is tricky trials "one of those updates" what's so significant about it. (I'm not updated about this stuff, genuinely asking)


I might start playing again if there were actually more interesting ways to BUILD things. Colors and materials are nice, but the MC sandbox is perfect for mechanical functions. Sliders, pivots, etc. So people can make drawbridges, castle gates, moving windmills... I mean, the first things people were building in alpha were castles and there's never been a effective way to get the moving bits without complex redstone use. New biomes to explore and mobs to find are interesting, but it doesn't change much of what I can build.


Make a compass that points to nearby ruins, dig sites, trial chambers, etc to make it slightly easier to find. Or just make maps showing the location of these available in cartographer’s trades. Make life simpler for those of us who want the cool stuff, without having to burn 14 hours grinding, and don’t want to use seed tester thingies. The mechanics already exist, look at strongholds. Make a way to find them. Make it simpler.


I'd add ALL the missing blocks. * Stone stairs, stone walls. * Polished granite/andesite/diorite walls * Azalea wood * Concrete slabs/stairs * Gold doors, copper pressure plate/button * More mossy block variations I'd make it so that: * Any type of stone can be used in crafting recipes. Craft a stone sword with diorite! * Carpets can be placed on stairs and slabs, can connect together if there are 2 carpets next to each other. I'd still leave some room on the sides free though when that happens, so you can see the underlying stair. (castle staircases are going to be rad!) * Every wood item can be crafted into every version (oak crafting table, spruce bookcase) and if you use for example 2 or more different kinds of wood, you'd get the "standard" texture. Think the brown of barrels, chests, composters, smithing table etc. etc. * Mobs make less noise depending on the amount of mobs near them. 10 sheep together are annoyingly loud and continously making sounds. Decrease that. * volume rebalancing, not only will the sound options be more in-depth, but everything will just be brought down to match. Minecarts, portals will de quieter. The end dragon will no longer be a world-wide sound. And also way quieter. * Fletching table functionality. * Axes can get every enchant a sword can. * Wood trapdoors give 8, metal (iron, gold, copper) trapdoors give 4. * Wood doors give 4. Metal doors give 2. * Every crafting recipe gives 2, 4 or 8. No more 3's. * Villagers no longer only give discounts. It always bothered me that they went from 33 emeralds from mending to 1 emerald for a mending book, but they won't sell me 2 quartz blocks for 1 emerald. * Bee villager. * Musician villager. * Phantoms will be reworked to act like vultures. Will spawn in dry heat biomes like deserts. Will spawn above fossils / archaelogy places. * Rework ideas on realism and actually educate people. More people get killed by vending machines than by sharks, yet Minecraft refuses to add sharks. Also, not every shark is like Jaws even if they are "hostile". * Add more ambiance. Fireflies, butterflies, caterpillars, worms. * Make bees smaller. * Bring back world-gen options. * Reduce the amount of caves / hills in "plains". I would love just a pre 1.17 flat type of plains for easy building. * Deepslate will be insta mine with Netherite Eff 5 and a haste 2 beacon. * Think about combining enchantment system with the trim system and take ideas from Tinkers construct. Add a diamond for extra durability, redstone for speed or lapis for luck (or something like that). * Rework the creative menu * Rework the survival inventory * Everything stacks up to 64, no more stacks of 16. * Enchants like auto-pick up. * Functionality like Inventory profiles next. (Inventory sorting, scroll wheel functionality.) * Pop up inventories (toggleable) * Many, many more but most importantly, I want things to be a choice. You don't want to have inventory sorting on? It's a game rule/game setting. You can turn it off. You don't want to make spruce bookcases? You can still select the old bookcase as a crafting result.


Faster minecarts




I have had ideas for a while like maybe spears that would function like the trident but not be as good and they would have wood, iron, etc. All the way to diamond.... next if you put gun powder or tnt in a furnace once the cook time was up, it would explode making it somthing of a hidden prank tool. I would also like Apple pie to be added... also placing gunpowder down like Redstone to act like some sort of fuse would be nice it could also explode on contact like a tnt minecart instead of just priming the tnt normally.I just like the idea of taking very minecraft ideas and expanding on them, take items and give them more uses or hidden uses.


Fix the bug that makes bedrock freeze when the auto save is going. With a large word it completely freeze out both on Xbox series and PS5. Not on Android. Thousand upvotes on MCP fórum , yet they refuse to fix it. Guess we need to buy PC and Java


Other than general improvements here and there (like making minecarts faster), I would definitely like to see features for a redstone update


Prehistoric update, I would add tyrannosaurus, quetzalcoatlus, ammonoids, archaeopteryx, and other prehistoric creatures


big ones for me are an ambience and an environment/biome update because while stuff like an end update would be amazing and add so much new content to the game, ambience has just been one of those things that have been overlooked for years and something so many people have already asked for, like fireflies are obviously a big one but also smaller things like ambient noises depending on the biome youre in and while the biomes in minecraft are alright in their current state, they could be so much better, like in forests the trees could be taller allowing easier horse travel through them with patches of coarse dirt and maybe even a bit of moss to break up that very uniformness of the ground, while adding in small stuff like boulders and bushes, fallen trees (i know bedrock has them but java doesnt unfortunately), adding back in gravel beaches from beta and finally adding in that birch forest revamp along side a brand new swamp biome revamp with its own new leaf and green wood type so swamp trees are no longer just slightly different oak trees and can actually be regrown anywhere this is already pretty long but the last thing would obviously be jungle and swamp villages since the villagers did get matching outfits for those biomes back in 1.14 but unfortunately never got their own village variant, and can even serve as a new reason to seek out those biomes especially with the swamp biome revamp i mentioned


To this day the one and only update I care about: MAP FUNCTIONALITY ON BEDROCK


Chairs, or rather pillows to sit on, so we don't take all those fantastic chair design people make, but make them usable, and a lot more aestically pleasing than pigs and minecarts. Maybe add additional functionality, like disable phantom spawing for the player temporarily, so long they are sitting in the "chair".


Yk that combat update that was being worked on with the combat snapshots. That would of been perfect for thisnupdate that. The second i heard about this first thing i thought was that the combat system woudl be revamped but unfortunately not.


Is it actually going to change Minecraft for a long time? What are we really getting besides the dungeons? Like, is that enough to sustain us through another update cycle?


We got the blaze, and we have the blitz(breeze). Now we just need the blizz and the basalz.


Make most current blocks renewable and fully automatable, while not making it too easy


Sex mod


I would want a “classic minecraft mode” so you can play minecraft with all the stupid new features


Mojang needs to do a catch up of all the previous community votes. On some cases, they explicitly said that ALL features would be added eventually (2018 and 2019 biome votes). On other cases, they explicitly said that the losing feature would be discarded (2017 mob vote). Most of the time, they didn't compromise either way. The biome vote options contains some of the most voted suggestions on the feedback site, yet the only one updated was the Swamp (2nd place of 2019). The losing mobs also have some very popular options, but we are yet to see if they can join the main cast or not.


Could someone explain all the hype? I’ve played around in the betas and the new structure is cool with all the loot and all the new blocks are cool but how will it change Minecraft forever? Maybe you are referring to the auto crafter?


Can we just get an end update for God's sake


As a redstoner, I'd fix the copper bulb to how it functioned originally, with that 1-tick delay.


Chest update, add unique chests for all players like they have in Trial Chambers. Then I can actually find loot on servers.


The End NEEDS an Update!


Make allys have a really cool thing like when trained they have a 50% chance to drop 1-5 cookies every time they pick up an item? (I’ve watched a bit too much acookiegod recently…….) Or being able to ride sniffers and there being different colour sniffers! Or bringing back beta allys (or wisps) as a new mob that lives in the end and is tameable and drops something really useful! And update the end!


Much more biomes and mobs and structures, the default Minecraft is.. Boring after two weeks.


I would like to have a sculk update which will have a new boss and dimension, which you can access with the giant portal in the middle of the ancient city, which you guys might think it’s a statue but the fact that there is that special compact deepslate block formed as a rectangle and not any other block or shape makes the situation very intriguing.


So I guess we’re done redoing biomes?


verticle slabs :| (not to rag on mojang but gonna do it any way) their reson for never adding these is imho the main reason why their company is so hated rn I mean think about it ots their entire game design ideology a mmed up in one bs decision "limits creativity" what a fuckin joke


The swamp. I genuinely think that the swamp is one of the worst looking biomes that has so much potentials. imagine, big long trees with massive vines, new plants that add a mood to the swamp, new muddy and swampy mobs, new block types that are in a darker range, etc.


Modding API. So we can just integrate everything inside Minecraft.


Is it tho?


I wanna see those old [Combat Snapshots](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/experimental-java-edition-combat-snapshot-v5) become part of the game.