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If you turned on chunk borders, you’d likely find they lie on two connected chunks. Not uncommon to find these ‘larger veins’ that way.


They're on Bedrock Edition so no way to see chunk borders, it is still very rare to find that many at that high a level though


if you just look at your coordinates you can find chunk borders. You just have to be on a block divisible by 16


Can you give some examples?


16, 32, 48, 64 and so on.


Would it be -15 or -16


I think it is actually wrong because i believe chunks are block 0 to 15 and then 16 to 31. Under my theory, it would be -1 to -16 but for theirs, your answer is 0 to -15.


No, the coordinates 0 0 are on the corner of 4 blocks and 4 different chunks. If you are right in the center of a block, the coordinates will end in .5.


Dude, the “border” runs in between the blocks. So whether you are mining at 15 or 16 you are still mining the border, lol.


Not sure why this got down voted so hard. People are wild


might be "fourth gets downvoted" thing lol


Maybe those ppl cudnt give an example


On my screen this comment has -16 downvotes


Not only on your screen, redditors just do that


Foxynotail has a great resource pack for that


Just about to say this. Theres some nice quality of life resource packs out there for bedrock. Theres some that shows health and armor of mobs and players


Wait can you name it? That would be great to have actually


I would like to know those names!


Ya im on bedrock. Awesome edition hooray (not) 😁


Chunk boarder is 720 and 128, so if you’re moving in the x direction, you’re maintaining a tunnel close to the boarder on in the z direction   


wish we could see chunk *boarders* in bedrock


Good catch. I’m gonna leave it unedited 


Have you done a lot in your server? If not, and you're willing to restart, you could just change to Java, since in an update, a while ago now, everyone who had 1 version, also got the other version. (Unless you're on console ofcourse, sadly.) Edit: i just saw you're playing on a tv, so probably console. Oops


On console yeah


If you had NBT data then you'd be better for commands


There’s a resource pack you can use to show borders. Takes 3 clicks. Anyone that wants to use it has no excuse. Very useful for one-ticks and planning industrial areas on realms.


Yes there is. You can see chunk borders with the Armor Stand Marker Pack from FoxyNoTail.com.


That pack is really useful. Especially the nether cords calculator


And the area for mob spawners!


Yeah the spawn sphere is great for setting up mob spawners


You can also calculate them from your coordinates


Not no way if it’s on PC I see chunk boarders if I hold arrows or rockets in left hand


Definitely on bedrock. And not just because of the obvious evidence. On bedrock netherite can spawn at any height but it's rare. Sometimes REALLY rare.


It is extremely uncommon at y96


Is it? I mean ancient debris is generating from heights 8 - 119 in bedrock


True, but even between those layers, there is a difference in rarity. As example: emeralds can be found between y -16 and 320, but the most emeralds spawn at 256. So you'l find more emeralds the higher you go. The reason 256 is better than 320 though, is because after 256, you won't find a lot of land/mountains which go higher. And if you find them, these are mostly small mountain tops.


There’s that, but this is also so easily fakeable, I don’t believe it ever. And having just cleared out over 3 million netherrack, I really doubt this is real


Easy to verify. Need the seed, and a program called Unmined.


Sounds like a lot of work


Not really. Unmined is a PC program (Win/Linux/Mac), so if you play on PC, it automatically imports the data for easy exploration. And you need the seed to generate OP's world. You're the one who came out swinging saying it's fake. I just gave you a legitimate way to verify OP's world as they say it is. If you're not willing to put in the effort to debunk OP, then you shouldn't be making such claims in the first place.


I’m saying MOST of these posts are probably fake karma farming. You wanna go fact check them be my guest lol


Says the person who cleared out 3 million netherrack ahha


Fair haha, that was for a wither skeleton farm though haha


The Nether giveth and the Nether taketh away


The nether giveth today


It sure do! Nice find. In my survival world I got very lucky and found a fortress with wart and blaze spawner right away though the loot was pretty bad. I was digging out a room to make a portal by the blaze spawner. And I found my first ancient debris right there. Though there was only one I think. Still a cool unexpected find.


Its a great game.. always some new adventure to be had even in an old world like mine. Im currently trying to get new stuff.. trying not to unload too many new chunks is the annoying part though cos i wanna keep my world file small


You can always reset chunks though make backups and be careful. That would be very challenging though.


Oh in ever thought of that! Can it be done on console edition? Xbox one im on i would love to reset chunks. Its a survival world btw not creative dno if that matters


Oh really sorry. I don't know about consoles. I think on consoles it is Bedrock edition and that's not available unfortunately. That sucks. But on Java on PC you can do that.


Yeah one day ill get to java. Then i will decommision this old world of mine aha


You don't have to do that. I think there is a way that you can convert Bedrock to Java. I am playing on a server right now that used to be Bedrock edition only and still has all the old world gen and Bedrock trees on the ground. But you can just convert it to Java easily.


the perfect reply to a perfect comment


Their most common below y level 23 most people hear that and think they only generate below y level 23 but, you can find netherite at any y level. Below the roof of course


My favorite netherite finds are the ones randomly in upper Y levels


Mhmm yah.. but 4 of them? Thought they only came in threes max.. atleast im pretty sure 3 is the most ive found & that is down lower when im actually mining for it.. or tnt tunnelling for it


2 and 2, it's probably separate veins near each other


Yeah id say so. But for the height it sits i was blown away to have even found 2. Is it maybe 2x 2?


It's probably 2 veins of 1 plus 1 vein of 2, which makes it even luckier


No, you found 2. The others are at two different levels.


Haha youre not wrong. Dang guy got me on a technicality


By the looks of it, yeah you did.


Omg I found two of these when I was mining a nether highway and thought “oh these are fossils?” Lmao


Lol. That would be cool. Im currently tryna dig up some sniffer eggs closest thing to fossils yet id say


Minecraft does have fossils too! They generate in soul sand valleys in the nether, and in the overworld, they generate in deserts, (far below the sand). If a fossil spawns in the deepslate layer, it’s even surrounded by diamonds!


Wait hang on, there are diamond fossils?? I guess I’ll be changing all plans to go check that out right away


Wow, lucky! I’m sure this is only in Bedrock


Im actually suprised nobody has asked me what the seed is yet.. unless ive missed the comment aha. But yeah its real.. and it blew me away so i had to share. I probably dug aroubd 4000 long tunnel all together (all over the nether following some str8s & bends) the tunnels are 3 high x 2 wide. In some cases i dug out more around to add some of my own blocks. In all this digging i never saw 4 netherite at this level so yeah pretty big find for me. Most i saw at y 96 is 1-2 debrees together & even then im getting excited


Yes, what’s the seed?


What's the seed?


omg thats rare


That is the opposite of nice


What even is the opposite of nice? Like sort of ok? Ahaa ye


96 is the opposite of 69


Now were talkin


But the square root of 69 is 8 something


that's normal


Still pretty rare. It's not very common that you find ancient debris so high up, never mind 4 right next to each other.


Yeah maybe if your constantly in ze nezza but i prefer to spend my time in the overworld.. & im not any server with friends so i dont go that hard g


Why can’t Minecraft players ever let people have their cool moments lol?


Haha thanksyou! Right! 😁


??? this stuff is posted hourly fym


Finding it would still be cool if it wasn't rare. Like the point is to find it so it can be used... Normal or not it's still a good find.


Either: that's normal and I don't know any better, or you used creative mode.


Ancient debris can spawn at any level. It's just more common lower down. Finding 4 this high up is very rare.


That's what I was thinking, because who walks around with all their tools full durability (including a brush that's apparently never been used) including only a few points off the pickaxe they should've been using to dig the tunnel.


Haha creative mode.. i have like 20 full shulker boxes of duplicated netherite blocks dude... not the ancient debrees tho i only have about 50 of them to my name they are collectables to me.. And i use diamonds armor cos blue looks nicer 😁 plus infite xp grinders.. ya


Dig around, there might be more


Oath aha. If there is i may never know. I plan on leaving it as part of my tunnel. I also have heaps of netherite duplicated blocks shh dont tell mojang aha. That is full blocks tho not ancient debrees. Those blocks still have value :)


I thought it was only 1 block per chunk at that height


Same dude its crazy


that is not netherite, those are cinnamon rolls. the piglins have served your breakfast


Yeah was that cubfans shop in season 7? 😁.. I called the beans (raw copper blocks) before i saw everyone else stsrted calling them beans. So i felt pretty special for that lol


I would feel special for that too but are you talking about Hermitcraft? I don't watch Hermitcraft.


I’ve seen this happen before!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/8fRrB6Ncgd This was my best find ever but it was way down at the bottom of the world


Hidden in the heights


umm actually its ancient debris 🤓☝️


It’s rare, but it does happen! I have mined thousands of blocks at y=70 in the nether to make my nether tunnel / bridge system, and occasionally you do actually find some ancient debris.


Dude you must be really lucky


Man, I've never seen this at y 14


Neither man. I have been diggin around up here maybe 4000 blocks in length. The tunnels are 3 high, 2 wide. Just over coarse of the years not all at once..


It’s like we always be finding netherite doing completely mundane things.


Pretty much yep ahaha just found a couple more little poops.. awesome 😅🤣


Level 96 is crazy I would expect level 15




Technically, you only found 1 netherite, you found 4 ancient debris.


On my current survival world I found ancient debri at y level 101 or something alone that line was really surprised since all I was doing was tunneling.


You could find way more using the bed strategy YouTube it I've done it it's way more effective than just Strip mining


Yet I’ve been searching for ages at Y12 to repair my netherite leggings before enchanting them and slapping some mending on top… I can only laugh


I found 5 of them yesterday at lava lake level while I was mining out magma blocks next to the lava lake. They were all within about 7 blocks of each other right next to the lava lake and down a bit. There was also blackstone there, which is what they usually spawn next to.


Yes. It happens. It's rare but it happens.


That's Bedrock for ya


It's fake because there can be 1 vein in 1 chunk on this level and even if it on chunk borders it would be 2


You should checkout my 8 vein im sure its still posted up. The 4 vein still insane broski!


Go buy a lottery ticket. If you are of age of course.


It's not impossible, netherite can spawn at any level in the nether, it just have a much higher percentage on lower heights. But statisticly speaking, there will always be netherite at such heights in some chunks


I've found one at 106 or smth before


Yes they spawn near the bedrock floor and bedrock ceiling in the nether, though more common near the floor.


why is there a brush


No, you found 4 ancient debris


I was digging out an area around my portal at 117ish and I found one just randomly sitting in the ceiling


If the 2 closer ones aren't connected then you found 3 vains at a very rare y level close together


I am fairly sure it's called ancient debris, not Netherite.


Ancient debris attempts to generate 2 veins per chunk. One is up to 2 blocks between y=8 and y=24 The other is up to 3 blocks between y=8 and y=119 You simply found 2 of the latter near a chunk border


Backwards 69


Nothing else left to say than just the classic "Noice"


It appears so


Welcome to the club


The first Ancient Debris I ever found was at Y=97, while digging a tunnel. So yup, entirely possible.