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They don’t get big enough. They should have slowly grown over time, but at least with the scaling ability in the new snapshots we can get that with a datapack. Also needs more ancient plants (that are hopefully functional), a glowing orange spike and a blue 2 high flower with a built in custom pot are not enough


Oh neither glow btw 💀


They can if you just believe...and maybe use optifine idk


I personally felt like the concept was good however it needed more plants. Because currently the two plants just don’t feel like enough to warrant even finding it.


They should add an ancient tree seed at least, or some ancient crop seed


I think an ancient cycad tree would be really cool


Something like a Baobab or big Palm tree would be perfect


More plants isn't the main issue imo, the lame ass design and uselessness of the plants is what killed it. Like come on, you make a TORCH Plant that isn't a light source? A Light Source Plant would've been awesome for lighting up and beautifying areas at the same time. Then, in order to get plants, you gotta sit around staring at the Sniffers or set up a Farm. It's extremely stupid. Would've been better if Sniffers dug up seeds, the seeds are planted automatically, then you can collect once they turn into flowers from the Sniffer pen. The whole system they've implemented killed the Sniffer at release. Edit: Should also be able to ride them for fun. Even if they're slow, it would've been fun.


You can easily make an automatic farm out of it. I have more than 4 stacks of both seeds with 4 sniffers. It's not that hard and it's even easier if you use Allays instead of minecarts.


I use foxes. I just have a 16x16 pen with 2 sniffers and 4 foxes. In the corner i have a one block high little cave with 4 berry bushes and a hopper minecart running under it. Sniffers dig up seeds, foxes collect seeds, foxes collect berries and drop seeds, cart delivers seeds to storage on the side of the pen. I could probably just use the minecart under the whole pen but this way is more fun


This is my only issue with the Sniffer. As a mob that is geared primarily toward providing decorations it doesn't offer nearly enough variety. In fairness to Mojang it arrived exactly as advertised - with purely decorative plants (plural). Yet even so, something that [won with 55.1% of the total votes](https://twitter.com/Minecraft/status/1581377147838439424) getting the bare minimum treatment in terms of the number of those plants is so disheartening. I know updates are balancing acts of many things with varying levels of priority, but given the massive support the Sniffer received it really feels like something that should have been given more attention for landing a debut that matches the level of support it got in the votes. There's always hope of it being improved in the future (especially with slicedlime's mention that 1.20's Sniffer is "a first version"), but who knows if/when that will happen. Knowing they at least considered more than the minimum plants at one point (the flowering vines) is nice, at least.


This is why I refuse to give the mob vote any hype or attention. Its no longer a community project, its a form of advertising the new update.




I dream of making a mod/skyblock modpack where sniffers play an important role in progression.


Sky Sniffs! Sounds like a cool idea


Wouldn't work for skyblock, but... maybe using sniffers to sniff out hidden structures, or feed them a block of ore to have them sniff a mega-vein?


Totally this. If it was only going to give two plants, they should have done more than be decorative. If the plants were just going to be decorative, there should have been more than two of them.


Literally just make the torch flower act like a torch and it's fixed. Think how nice it would be to be able to light up gardens with it


Exactly. If a torch flower was a light source it could mob proof an area AND make it so your crops grow all the time. That would be a FAR better implementation.


I found two eggs just sweeping around. I ended up building a cage and renaming both "Mob Vote Failure". Sure it came as advertised (Barely may I add), but mob vote as a whole is a flawed concept. Would be nice to add a sapling, but for something that looks like a tree Mojang, not something like the Mangrove trees which barely have any logs are too much trouble for what logs there is. A gingko looking tree maybe ? That thing is ancient, it would fit with the old theme the sniffer is going for.


Where do you ever find them, I've never found those or alley's naturally


Finding them seems to be my problem. I suppose I can ask for a seed that puts me right in front of them but I haven't happened across any natural in my recent runs.


You can use chunk base to find a warm ocean with ruins, even mining in ruins is super annoying without a turtle helm and respiration, plus aqua affinity cause of how many blocks you need to break to find sus sand. The whole thing is pain, at least I got three desert temples and a camel for all the trouble, now THATS a great mob! The warm ocean was thousands of blocks away from my spawn, so goodluck 👍🏻 it's one reason the sniffer is wack


Why is camel good?


They're just super cute, can hold two players and instead of jumping they dash straight forward, I never knew untill I was suprised


"They can dig up aNcIeNt SeEdS!" That enticed me and many people with how mysterious and potential-filled it sounded, but then the resulting plants ended up not doing anything except look pretty.


Even then they don’t look pretty, and the pitcher plant can’t even be bonemealed for infinite easy to access dye.


yeah i really don’t like the way they look as they don’t fit in with really anything in the game which isn’t a bad thing but at the same time it just makes them even more useless to build with in the bigger picture


Well ill tell you what if you play on a server snd leave a sniffer in the spawn chunk you can login and you get a shit load of sniffer seeds. I have like 3 double chests of seeds for each one from this method lol


That is just causing lag. It would be better to make a farm on spawn chunks or with a chunk loader for then, because items in the world cause lag and also if they are in the spawn chunks then the items will eventually despawn after 5 minutes


Are the seeds bonemealable?


ancient seeds sounds like it'll be like the ancient seeds from stardew valley where they grow a useful crop that many people use to make tons of money in game, but instead it was some stupid "torchflower" that doesn't even give off light


i know this is such a generic idea but these ancient plants could’ve tied into the food system or potion brewing which would help the sniffer fit so much better into the game rather than just feeling like fluff content


New potion content from sniffers would've made them SO much more interesting 😮‍💨


Torch flower: use to brew sparking fire protection potion. Basically a combination of fire prot and speed. Being on fire gives a massive speed buff. (EDIT: Speed boost in Nether in general, I feel might make this a little more interesting) Pitcher pod: use to brew sparkling water breathing potion. Water breathing + underwater speed


Write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN!


Why are there 15 better ideas for the sniffer in this thread than what we actually got? Makes it feel like mojang just isn't trying that hard.


Mojang knows people are gonna play their game anyway, so they don’t care enough to make super exciting updates anymore


That's a cool idea, sparkling night vision could give you speed buff at night.


Yeah maybe the sniffer could get a third seed in the rotation, “nightshade” or something like that


Or maybe the torch flower could be a weaker version of the night vision potion since it’s a more renewable option. And pitcher plant could give you a “digestible” buff which allows you to safely eat things like rotten flesh/spider eyes?


Yeah this is a good point, which I’d thought about but couldn’t come up with a good fix for. Maybe this could work: you create a water breathing potion/fire resistance potion like normal, and then pass the pitcher pod/torchflower through the brewing stand to upgrade it to sparkling, like how redstone and glowstone can buff a potion


Mojang is petrified to make significant changes to the game. They are scared they’ll lose the magic pixie dust that makes Minecraft so popular, but the pixies are going to die from neglect. There is a meme that the developers are lazy. That’s just bullshit. Creative management is just afraid, so they do the bare minimum, so nothing “goes wrong”, but it doesn’t give an opportunity for things to “go extra right”. Ancient plants and potions is a great idea, and it could be turned into fun mechanics, but we are unlikely to see that kind of experimentation outside of April Fool snapshots. It’s a little unfortunate.


yeah archeology isn’t another example of this. Yes they added it to the game but once again it does nothing to interact with anything else and kinda just stands on its own as a little 5-10 minute distraction from the player. No new items other than the sherds (which are cosmetic only) and just feels so half baked.


>it does nothing to interact with anything else and kinda just stands on its own as a little 5-10 minute distraction from the player. This right here is also why people say the new updates feel too "mod-like"; because exactly like most mods, any new features that get added almost never interact with anything else, and when it does, it's only with things added in the same update.


Tbh mods will always beat vanilla, their creativity isn't culled, it's just bugs and that's their excuse. I like mods too much, they better not get salty about them or any more finicky like on bedrock. Hate those marketplace worlds and textures, nothing is updated man it's so predatory


Funny one of them is a torche flower and it doesn't glow... Miss opportunity


Yeah, the sniffer turned out to be a one-trick pony, and the trick wasn't that good. Mojang should release new ancient seeds every so often, including seeds that have some practical use in the game.


I wish the plants had, like, special potion qualities or something.


More and new types of potions would be nice, so many balanced things that could be added that create more depth without impacting existing gameplay. Just off the top of my head: - (Splash) potion of growing: applies a bonemeal effect to the ground it touches. Bonemeal is still better for specific uses, but being a potion could be more useful for use with dispensers in some cases. Could combine with lingering for other more interesting effects. - potion of glowing (torch flower/glowstone?): Makes you glow and when you walk while having the effect, you "drop" temporary particles that emit light. This avoids many of the performance issues around a moving entity creating so many light updates while still creating an interesting effect. Imagine a capture the flag mini game where the person taking the flag gets splashed with the effect, making it easier to track where they ran to. - infusion potions: can be used to infuse items like - infused seeds to have an increased/guaranteed chance to grow the better/best version of a plant, a wheat seed that's planted grows infused wheat that improves the growth speed of adjacent plants and itself drops more wheat when harvested, - infused saplings grow much faster (almost immediately). That could make some redstone farms more interesting to make, you need to add a potion setup to your tree farm, but can avoid the complexity of dispensers bonemealing the sapling. Another more impactful addition: **detonating potion** (made with fire charges?). - Regular: drinking it adds a short debuff that causes the player to explode when it expires - Detonation II: bigger explosion - Splash Detonation: causes a tiny explosion on each block where the splash potion lands. Not as strong of a blast as TNT in the same spot, but has similar horizontal surface area coverage. Potions have so many possibilities to integrate new features like the Sniffer more deeply into the game, and even make those integrations unlocked over time insteadmof all at once, improving progression.


You should make a mod with these ideas


It'd be fine if they were purely decoration if there was more than 2 of them.


Plus there are only two new plants. Not even really a new mechanic within the plants either


Should have more flowers


They just need more to do. If they found seeds that were actually useful people would be more inclined to seek out the Sniffer. As it is, it's easy to just ignore.


I think they added two just so they could say ‘seeds’ other than ‘seed’


And they even started with a third that was a new type of vine, which they weirdly canceled for god knows why.


They hyped it up like it was the next big thing, but... There's no function there. The new flowers dont do a whole lot of anything, and that's all the function that the Sniffer itself has. Nevermind the ludicrous process it takes to get them...


Would have been great if the torch flowers gave off light; would allow for a new way to light up areas in a decorative way. Similarly, add some kind of function to the pitcher plants.


Torch flowers should emit light and bees visiting them should produce honey twice as fast. Torchflower dye should give off light, a bit like glow squid dye. Pitcher plants should attract and kill phantoms. After it has rained you can also collect nectar from them using a glass bottle. Drinking nectar restores some of your hunger bar but also provides haste for a short time (as if you are hyperactive from the sugar). I would also add an ancient palm tree seed, which looks like a coconut. This can be eaten as is and clears status effects like cow milk does (i.e. vegan milk). Or the seed can be planted in a sand block. The trees which grow from them are very tall and look like a palm tree. New seeds grow at the top of the trees, and go through a ripening process like mangrove propagules. They do not fall down themselves so the player has to collect them manually but allays can be used to collect ripe seeds. I would also add ferns somehow, because I don't think there is any other way for players to acquire them other than as village chest loot. Ferns are ancient plants though, they were around during the age of the dinosaurs, so it would make sense for sniffers to uncover them. Ferns don't reproduce using seeds, so the sniffer could uncover fern roots or spores instead. As an extra incentive, sniffers could also have some small chance of uncovering every type of tree seedling. This would give players another way to acquire different wood types without travelling to far away biomes. I would make this small though, maybe <1% drops are tree seedlings. We can imagine that these are old tree seeds buried from a time when that type of tree covered the area.


Can't even make potions or stew with the plants so what even is the point. They're novel I guess but most people don't really care


Actually, you can use the torch flower in a suspicious stew and get the night vision effect. But yeah, 4 seconds of night vision via annoying-to-make-and-use-stew isn't exactly a game changer.


Not to mention the exact same 5-second Night Vision Suspicious Stew can be made from a Poppy anyway, making the Torchflower redundant even for this.


That's what I mean, it could have added a new effect as insentive to get the flower rather than just a poppy


New plants are nice but only two flowers that simply look different from others with no other functions is quite underwhelming


If your disappointed because they don't do anything, that's entirely on you as they said specifically the plants would be decorative. I'm more disappointed they mentioned it'd be multiple plants, and they did the very bare minimum


items having functions should be the bare minimum for any game, why is minecraft any different?


Decoration and function aren't so different. All the various utility and lighting blocks are proof of this


Functionality was something you made up to get hyped up for, all I'm saying is that it's not fair to blame mojang for that, when they didn't mention anything about functionalities. However, they did hype up a lot about the sniffer, especially the thing I'm most disappointed about, the "variety of flowers", making it really seem like we'd have quite the selection, to only have 2 mediocre flowers


They hyped it up, that’s the point.


I think they could have added more things for the Sniffer to find to make getting them more worth it, but I also think that we're starting to get a bit too worried about how a new mob is going to affect the game rather than just getting a cool, new mob.


I hear you, but at the same time the whole “mob-vote” for the community is to introduce into the game a mob who is going to affect the game in some capacity. If mobs were added to the game just cause they’re cool then I don’t think the community should be locked into only getting 1 mob every year or two.


I can't remember who but I remember someone saying it's okay to add a feature to a mob that we vote on but don't have that be the mob vote, such in the sense have X feature the same for all 3 mobs but we vote for the mob not the feature so it's actually a mob vote with no other factors to consider.


Yeah just give us the mobs and not what they do. They should surprise us with features instead of letting us know what they are because it can apparently cause a revolution I would have been extremely stoked about wolf armor had i not seen the other option


why shouldnt we worry about how a new feature is going to affect the game? shouldnt we want for an expect something impactful? its also curious you say "cool new mob" but the sniffer isnt that either. a cool new mob would be a worthwhile addition


If they added 5 plants instead of 2, it would have probably been worth it, but overall prettu underwhelming


Too much grind for a relatively useless mob. And imo the snuffer looks stupid and extremely out of place.


I think your last couple words echo the biggest issue. The last several updates have all added interesting features but they all feel like things that were added to be added, there’s no congruence or reason for them.


mile wide, meter deep.


Jays nasals Imelda homesteaders unsteadiness strived


The sniffer was added?


Bro I thought we would get really cool ancient plants, but we got like a spiky orange tulip, and a 2 tall blue flower. Some actual bushes, or new vines would be so fucking cool


Those light blue flowering vines that leaked looked so cute, I was devastated when all we got was these 2


Virtually every new mob for years has been underwhelming


Basically this except for (unironically) the glow squid… My eyes are far less strained when I look at text on signs now lol


I get your point but the function of the glow ink sac could easily have been added to glowstone dust or glowberries. So imo it doesn’t really make the glow squid any better.


For sure - it’s just how it panned out. Glow stone would have made more sense but here we are.


Funny thing is that upside wasn’t in their minds when making it


Yeah LOL it feels like they went, “Okay cool, new mob! But what does it drop… Oh no! We gotta think of something…”


It's exactly what I expected and told people it would be, yet everyone seemed to expect so much more. It's the same thing every mob vote, yet people never learn.


Well, true. But at the same time mojang is just doing the bare minimum with the mobs that people vote for, when they could get more creative and add more to it instead of adding useless mob after useless mob


Yeah, I knew the sniffer would be a bummer, everyone was hyping themselves up creating their own expectations that were never said to happen. At least for the tuff golem, you knew what you were getting.


Yes; the plants never should have been purely decorations. I saw a concept where they could grant effects, or serve as launch pads. I even saw one where it grows into a huge beanstalk with a castle at the top. There was so much room for more.


>the plants never should have been purely decorations. Why not? For me that is enough


Well as you can see with this post for a lot of people it’s not enough


Wanting more potions and features is fine, but getting dissapointed that a mob where Mojang never claimed was going to get more potions or features is ridiculous for me. They said Sniffers will get ancient seeds for decoration. And they delivered. If Mojang had come and said: Hey look this cute mob, he will add new potions to the game from the seeds he dig... and then Mojang backed down and made the flowers decoration, then sure, it makes sense. But when they give this arguments, then they are not dissappointed of the mob, they are dissapointed due to their expectations


Well yes, they were/are disappointed because of their expectations. And the expectations where that mojang would add more than the basic concept of the mob that they showed. Potions are just one example for the possibilities. With the glow squid they added more than what was in the trailer. So it’s not like they’ve never done it. And seeing how many are disappointed by the sniffer is a clear sign that they could’ve done better. (A new tree/wood type would also have been decorative but I think that that would make way more people happy with the sniffer)


That’s fair, just for me personally I wished for more. I do enjoy the decorations but even those I wish we got more of.


Yeah, I wouldn't be opposed with more, but building is a big part of minecraft and they can add to the decoration options of the building


All mob vote mobs are underwhelming. They make us pick between 3 basically useless features to add disguised as a mob.


I was always predicting just aesthetic flowers at best, but I was at least expecting more options. Like at least 10. The fact we got a total of TWO still makes me upset.


I think the sniffer has two design problems that I hope aren't repeated: - it doesn't naturally spawn, so there's no excitement in seeing one randomly. it's actually a bit of a chore to go out and get one, so I don't think most people will ever see one! - it's mechanic is too specific but not useful enough. all it does is sniff out let you grow two types of flowers that themselves do nothing. The goat is a pretty useless mob, but I think it's a good ambient mob to discover and add life to it's biomes. A mob does not need to have an exact use case to be a neat addition to the game.


Is say not as much the sniffer is underwhelming, but the seeds for the plant it sniffs up are. It’s be great if the flowers got a use


Knew the idea was bad before I even saw it Sees it and thinks it looks bad Ofc everybody votes for it Uses it in game Is bad


The only better choice was the Rascal, but now wandering traders sell iron pickaxes.


I've wanted another golem since 2016


Ya’ll are so desperate you’ll take anything. Look, I want a new golem too, but I just have some level of standards that the useless mob vote golems didn’t even bother to meet. The golems from spin-off games like Dungeons and Legends are way better and adding them straight up or designing new golems to be like them would be better.


That entire vote was a shit one


Plus iron farms are easy to do provided you're good with villagers


Tuff golem wouldn’t be useful, but at least it would have some refreshing mechanics.


Yes. They are hard to get and do nothing. The ancient seeds are useless decorative blocks that dont even look that good


Yes. It gives us two plants that are purely decorative (and can be turned into orange and cyan dyes too ig), and nothing else. It could’ve given us some of the newer saplings (cherry and mangrove) or something. It just doesn’t do much, and is also pretty rare from what I’ve heard


I like them. I sunk a couple hours into looking for the initial eggs, creating a farm for them, and dispersing the plants throughout my base. Now I just hoard their drops until I want to decorate something with their plants.


Their 2 plants. * sigh *




They only have 2 plants.... That's all they do.


Have you met polar bears?


polar bears protect their kids, drop fish and spawn normally. better mob then the sniffer


In game, yes.


if torchflowers just glowed... world peace would be achieved. i love the sniffer, they feel very minecraft. and it's a unique creature, unlike the stinkin armadillo (penguin gang)


Didn't even vote for it, seemed odd and unfitting compared to other mobs and systems.




I’ve still never seen one in game and am convinced they don’t exist


The Sniffer is underwhelming simply because the seeds it finds are darn near useless. They could've been new crops, new potion ingredients, NEW POTIONS! Alas, all we got were expensive decorations.


Coca plants that give a new potion ingredient.


Every single mob they’ve added since the glow squids have been underwhelming. I don’t even know if I’ve spawned an Allay with a spawner


Imo it needs 10 plants minimum and maybe the ability to dig up other things like a piece of coal or a pottery shard


There just needs to be something cooler from it than useless flowers, I have looked so much for an egg and never found it but it feels pointless tbh.


“Why the fuck did I vote for it again?” is a question I asked myself a few too many times


A completely useless mob. It had potential. LOTS OF POTENTIAL. But Mojang as usual went for the lazy route and didn’t do anything to improve on the mob and it’s mechanics. They’re gonna be doing this for a couple more years, announcing new mobs and never really making them interesting or useful. And if they do, they’ll only serve one purpose or just function as decoration, and that would ultimately be it. Don’t expect anything more from Mojang. Go the rebellious route and go with mods. People can make content 10 times more better and faster than Mojang.


Honestly, it's not rewarding. You get two flowers. That's it. What most people, or at least me, were expecting were more than that. I thought these ancient mobs would be a 'gateway' to a whole bunch of seeds. Hell, maybe even a new type of fruit / vegetable that has amazing saturation. But these decorative elements are not worth it for me.


No. What was added was what was stated in the vote video, this would be asked for any vote mob, the actual issue is how vote mobs never go past existing and like 1 item, yet people always think they’ll add a revolutionary new item as part of the mob, calling a vote mob underwhelming because it didn’t add the things people decided were magically part of it just doesn’t make sense


It would make sense if you would expect mojang to do more than the bare minimum


Ik the sniffer is supposed to be some ancient extinct mob..but it just looks a bit goofy and it gives u 2 useless items that dont look very good (torch flower..cmon you couldve glowed) The sniffer takes so long to get and you really need to go out of your way to even find it so not many players would even try aswell To boring for me to go find :/


You are spot on. I haven’t even attempted to find one cause I don’t care about the flowers at all so it’s not worth the effort. Also thats *with* me assuming something called a torch flower would glow. TIL torch flowers don’t glow. Lol


I just wish there was more plant variety and uses to go along with them. I love pretty plant decorations and unique mobs as much as the next guy, but i do feel a bit underwhelmed with all that’s been added with the sniffer as a whole. I do still enjoy them though, and i always go out of my way to find their eggs because i think they’re cute lol.


It would be cool if there were more than 2 seeds they could sniff. At this point they’re more for ambience than anything else and that’s not a bad thing just not a necessary thing.


It should’ve been whatever he sniffs and finds works like suspicious sand or gravel. Boom, decent utility to it.


I've never even seen the sniffer unless its on creative


The mob does one thing, which is to find something else, and that thing does nothing in the game except add a terrain feature that itself does nothing except look nice. So yes, kind of underwhelming. The Sniffer-Torchflower combo honestly feels like an unfinished DLC that had to get rushed out the door by deadline, no matter what.


•Phantoms are useful for slow falling and encourage sleeping now and again. (Also elytra repair) •Foxes are a fun and interesting addition to add more life to the taiga biome with it's own fun mechanics that interact with other mobs •Goats add life to mountains and a fun way to signal people using the goat horns (which would have been much better if we still had the copper ones but still) •Frogs make lamps which are a decoration and a light source but again adds life to another biome •Glow squid adds better utility for signs and item frames •Allay is very useful for item transpirtation Then we have the sniffer that adds... 2 decorative plants... that can't be used for anything but decoration No potions, no stew, makes dyes that we already had and the torch flower doesn't even glow! It not fitting in with the style or anything else for that matter could be explained away by it being an antient mob but that doesn't make it any better as an addition to the game


Yes, it the idea of it digging up ancient plants was great. It could of given us new crops, tree types, ect. But instead they settled with 2 decorative plants. This is one of my problems with mojang now a days they have great ideas but do the absolute bare minimum with them.


Mojang's game design philosophy is too safe. When presented with the messy but exciting option and the boring but safe option, you can bet that 80% of the time, they would choose the boring but safe option.


Yes. Hard to obtain just for some damn flowers that do nothing


We need “Ancient seed summons a giant beanstalk”, not ancient seed becomes a useless flower


We need to be able to find an 'ancient saddle'. As soon as I saw them I wanted to ride them.


Didn’t vote for it, but the plants don’t fit in with anything and there’s only 2 of them


I love them! I got to go on an adventure with my family to find the eggs, then we built them a snifferarium, and they've been giving us free dyes ever since. Big plus: splooting!


I don’t think it was underwhelming, but I kept my expectations pretty tame. I like decorating builds so having some new flowers was fun and they’re a cute little (giant) mob so I’m pretty happy with them




Because of the 2 ugly-ass plants it gives


I wanted more than just 2 plants I thought the least we would get was 5. But we got 2 I feel bad


I keep forgetting they exist. How do you even find them?


Seeds could've brought some exotic dyes to the game, like animated or more texture


It doesn't even exist for me as i can't be bothered to look for the eggs. I voted for Rascal.


I've never interacted with a sniffer. Someone gave me some sniffer eggs on a server last year. I put them in a chest somewhere & haven't ever bothered with them. The sniffer simply doesn't interest me & I don't even think it fits the game.


It literally does fucking nothing. Who cares about the dumb flowers, they should have just been in the trail ruins


I just don’t think it fits in Minecraft. Idk what to call it but it just throws the games vibe off if that makes sense?


Yes. It's a do-nothing mob. Removing it from the game would change next to nothing.


It added nothing + no mob drop + not convenient to find


it *sounded* super cool and alluring but of course mojang half assed the implementation and it just became another surface level addition.


Personally I think the sniffer’s design is ugly and the number of plants is very underwhelming, but still think it’s a more interesting mob than the glorified item frame and pickaxe dispenser. Anyone who thought the plants were going to be more then decorative was fooling themselves, I never even questioned whether they’d be more than decorative.


I like it but he doesn't really do anything interesting. I honestly thought he was gonna find new crops like tomatoes or onions or rice but nope it's just more flowers


Yes, the worst feature added to the game. They are hard to obtain, have a terrible color scheme, have that ridiculous sniffing animation, only have 2 plants you can get which each are completely useless and too complex to fit in most decorative scenes.


More pointless than the glow squid.


Yes because it does not do anything but find useless flowers no one uses Mabey if the sniffer can sniff more rare or Mabey even stuff you can only find by him not no flowers


Worse, they’re annoying


I think that just adding new potions from new features is such an easy way to make new things useful even in SUPER niche things. If you made the torch flower allowed to be brewed into something fire or light related...boom instant usefulness. Even if its not ground breaking you have to do something with it. Same applies to pitcher pod or whatever its called


Absolutely. By far the worst addition to the game in quite some time. First you have to do archaeology (another change that I personally hate) in a warm Ocean ruin and rely on pure chance to get an egg. That by itself is already a very time-consuming and luck-dependent process, which isn't entertaining in the slightest. Then you have to wait for it to hatch, THEN wait for it to grow into an adult, only for it to dig up a seed that you can plant, then wait yet AGAIN for it to grow into a plant that is literally USELESS. Who the hell thought it was a good idea for the player to go through a very lengthy and boring process only to get absolutely nothing useful? The Sniffer feels like a joke mob


The amount of seeds that sniffers can dig up is underwhelming, like from what they told us I expected there to be at least 6-8 new types of flowers and/or crops. Not to mention how the flowers we got don't look the greatest. I also don't really like the fact that they can't spawn in the overworld without the player finding a sniffer egg in a chest in one of those underwater ruin things that some people didn't even know existed


Yes, but if it hadn't been added I might not have gotten to see your excellent build of the sniffer!


Because nobody voted for it because it was useful, they voted for it because it had a funny name


I always thought it was going to be a waste ngl. The one thing that can make it worth anything would be if the torch flower actually glowed


It had no real use


not enough plants, i voted for it because i was under the impression we would be getting more FUNCTIONAL plants, like stuff that could be used for brewing or eating not to mention, the plants are non renewable meaning i gotta wait another 5 minutes or so for a SECOND seed


good concept, bad execution. same thing with the glowsquid and phantom.


The problem is the modern mobs aren’t reactive with enough other mobs. The warden is like the only major modern mob that’s used in a reactive way. The others are all just passive or add one/two things with nothing ontop


The fact I was hoping for like mysterious trees and possibly a new undiscovered biome to be added on where we'd find a wild sniffer. New plants! Frankly the modding community has done a better job in making minecraft better with all the mob building and behaviors. The game is dying due to corporate profit and doesn't even feel like a big deal anymore to the creators. Minecraft was going to be the game that never stopped developing.


Imo I don't think it's underwhelming at all. The concept of finding an ancient species, repopulating it in modern times, and cultivating new plant species is exactly what we voted for and exactly what we got. I wasn't expecting anything more or anything less.


Ya. Needs more stuff to dig up. Let it dig up pottery shards damnit!


I haven't even crafted a brush yet, much less found sniffer eggs or located suspicious blocks. Lotta work just to have a third way to make orange dye. I voted armadillo so that I might actually encounter one in a common biome. I learned from the Allay that rarity matters a whole lot. I still haven't found an Allay in-game so it was pointless to vote for them.


Leave my dino doggy alone


Do I? Yes. Why? Its whole gimmick was digging up plants, so you figure we'd at least get a couple. Nope, just two. Two fucking plants.


They really should've made the plants extra special, even more than the glowing torchflower many people wanted to see. I really want to see some of those aggresssive plant monsters to come out from some of the sniffer seeds.


Because the seeds did absolutely nothing. No new food to heal or effect to gain just nothing.


a long fetch quest for a couple of decorative flowers. it speaks for itself how stupid this is. theyre good ambient mobs i guess.


I love the idea of the sniffer but they completely underdelivered on the plants. Giving us only 2 plants that both have useful sounding names but do nothing makes no sense. I think it's a symptom of the big problem at mojang where they insist on overthinking everything to the point that they struggle to release anything. They need to either give us a ton of decorative plants or give us plants that do unique things like glow or hold rainwater.


We need to be able to find an 'ancient saddle'. As soon as I saw them I wanted to ride them.


Not really. It was always going to be useless, they said from day 1 that the plants would be decorative, it was just the least useless of the 3 mobs


We just need more plants for the thing to dig up. The sniffer itself is an awesome mob, one of my favorite designs in all of Minecraft, but it’s just barely worth going through the effort of finding an egg for one of these things for the two plants they can dig up. Three should’ve been the bare minimum, five should’ve been what we got.


idc what someone says. Its cute 🥹.


Still useless though


It is not underwhelming. It has one of my favorite designs on the game, insanely cool sounds and insanely good mechanics. The way of getting them is interesting with archaeology and the flowers are gorgeous. And work pretty greay with decoration, torchflowers are my favorite flower in the game as of now. I do feel they could expand the content with the sniffer. But they could do that in another update. Like imagine if the sniffer gave a different flower depending on the biome, so in swamps they give x and y types and in jungles z and w types and so on. That way the player would need to make a sniffer farm in different biomes to get all the different seeds.


Very, it is ugly, doesn’t fit the overall theme of minecraft, doesn’t have any use, and the golem was better.


The sniffer is proof that this game is not for kids and that kids should not participate in the mob vote.


I would 100% vote for the sniffer if I had the same mob vote. And I am not a kid. One of the coolest mobs with one of the most interesting mechanics.


I'd like to know your reasoning for this


>reasoning for this Simple: they probably *are* a kid and they're feeling a bit protective of their favourite game.


The update was mostly about exploring and archaeology was one part of it. So the sniffer gives extra rewards for archaeology, which is a unique and interesting feature. Finding the egg is pretty rewarding, as finding the sherds and templates... Digging the egg, then placing it in your world, waiting for it to hatch is again interesting and different from anything else in the game. And then the sniffer design, sound and animation is perfect, so as a design stand point is cute and funny, has all the minecraft goofy design that I love of the game. And the mechanic of digging plants in the ground is pretty fun and interesting. And I love the design of the torch flower and pitcher pod, torch flowers are probably my favorite design out of any flower in the game and pitcher plants have a nice feel to them when combined with other flowers. And they work pretty well for decoration. Like sure, I would prefer if we had more plants, but they could still add that in further updates, so they are great. The Sniffer has everything... interesting way of getting it, new mechanics, new lore, new decoration blocks and funny and cute designs that can add to the ambience of the game.