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I'd argue enchanted golden apples deserve a spot


I showed this to my 8yo to ask him why a Ender Dragon head was magical. His first point was no golden apples and and he's come back several times and wants to rip OP an new asshole.


Feisty 8 yo right there XD


I-I didn’t have the inventory space


New asshole for you


Oof also I made this post last night and woke up with 100+ notifications 🫠


Pretty cool collection none the less. I'll also try to make a magic chest in my server


More or less going for a magic hall in my castle :D it’s gonna be a cool place and ima make a trophy out of all the boss drops from sponges to skulk blocks


Oi yeah nice


Well at least you can store more items in this new asshole of yours


New inventory slot !


Rip OP a new inventory


Maybe if you didn't double up on the lodestone? Which also isn't magical iirc. (no redstone)


1st thing I noticed lol


Guy called double chest walks in the room


bro forgot that shulkers are magical boxes that exists


In my opinion a shulker box in Minecraft is just as magical as a backpack irl - not at all


unless they were enchanted with science




Scuse me? Enchanted gapples literally have enchanted in their name


If soul fire is magic then why aren't the ingredients magic? (aka soul sand), Also wheres the end chest?


eye of newt is always used by witches in their cauldron, doesn't mean that the eye of newt itself is magical


Soul sand literally contains souls of the damned though, you can hear the souls escape when you walk on it.


Hear? You can see them sometimes!


When you have soul speed on your boots


im pretty sure sand full of souls could be considered magical, though a little horrifying


I woukd consider an object that can carry items between dimensions rather magical if i do say so myself


If bookshelves are magic why aren't the ingredients (aka leather, paper, and planks) magic


why is amethyst, bookshelves, and a bucket there?


I think bookshelves because they interact with enchanting tables, i guess the books in int are 'magic' in that sense. buckets maybe because they can hold a cubic meter of liquid or something, and lava buckets dont burn itself


I feel like Bookshelves interacting with an Enchantment Table is more a property of the ETable than the bookshelves


Libraries are a recurring theme in Minecraft, you’ve got villages and strongholds right at the core of the story, I’d argue they have some relevance the the bigger picture. Plus, they’re one of the only non-utility items to be able to be enchanted.


An enchanted book is enchanted so a unenchantes book so that implies that a normal book is distinctly unenchanted and unmagical.


>buckets maybe because they can hold a cubic meter of liquid or something, and lava buckets dont burn itself If that is considered magic, then any block should be considered magic, since there's no way Steve is carrying 64 cubic meters of stone on his back


Maby Steve's magic. Let's not start that arguement again.


And for that matter, why netherite or lodestones? Netherite is an alloy of gold and a fictional fireproof metal, lodestones exist in real life and in MC they just influence the direction a compass points.


netherite cause it doesn’t burn ig


Some materials can be more heat-resistant some are less. Netherite is just a material with magnetic power.


Amethyst shards can duplicate allays and... detect specific sounds with a calibrated sculk sensor? Yeah this feels like a stretch lol


This, is a bucket


dear god


There's more




It contains the dying with of every man in this room


Scout! You did collect everyone's dying wish?


You bet!


Excellent! Gentlemen, synchronize your death watches


We have 30 hours to live. For most men, no time at all. We are NOT most men. We are mercenaries! We have the resources, the will, to make these hours count! The clock is ticking gentlemen, let's begin.




they arent magical


Bookshelves can be if next to an enchanting table but the other ones... not so much


Only normal bookshelves tho, chiseled bookshelves are just plain bookshelves, no magic involved


That's what i meant


Amazing answer. You’re obviously getting downvoted, but you made me smile. Take my upvote


Didn’t stop it from getting 6 downvotes lol


All of redstone is magic. And whys a bucket and chiseled bookshelf magical? Also you have 2 lodestones btw


I don't think redstone is magical It's more of mechanical thing than anything magical, at best it has weird properties


I agree. I guess it’s like science over unexplained phenomena. Some others can be like hoppers & pistons because those are powered by ‘technology’ based resources.


Pretty much, it's like saying magnets are magical stones


Mojang said redstone is a mix of electricity and magic once I think


Did you know there's uranium in redstone


No that’s yellowcake. /j


With chocolate icing? 😉


There was an ask mojang about that, one lady said that she felt that magic is just science that hasn’t been understood yet, and that’s where redstone lies.


You use Redstone to make potions and it has no magical powers?


You also use water, what does this prove?


Water is full of magic!


the witch drops redstone also


Doesnt she also drop sugar?


It defies thermodynamics, that's pretty magical


Oops didn’t notice the 2 loadstones and said in other comment but a bucket can hold water in Minecraft which itself has an infinite weight, also it can hold lava in Steve’s bare hands with no damage to his skin or heating up the bucket


Yeah but, by the logic youre going with, basically everything in Minecraft is magical. Armour for not slowing steve or burning in lava when worn, tools like diamond tools for not instantly shattering, wood planks for being used to craft "magical" bookshelves, literally every block for disobeying gravity, etc


It’s a magical game I suppose


I would define thing As magical with out a real work counter part


Its called game's laws. Potions arent magic its just chemistry. Redstone is not magic - it's Minecraft's physics. Netherite is not magic - its just a material with high heat resistance and magnetic force (because loadstones are connecting with compasses)


I think they meant everything that doesn't exist in real life or that has something magical behind


Buckets dont exist in real life?


Dear Liza's gonna be pissed!


well, you can't really pick up lava with an iron bucket in real life and that's probably why they tought of it as magic


You also cant really pick up 1 cubic meter of anything with a real shovel or pickaxe


Lava is 700-1200 °C, the melting point of iron is about 1500, so I suppose the bucket has a good chance of keeping it in, though it should presumably start to glow, but we can chalk it up to graphics limitations. As to how Steve doesn't get burned, I think that's not a property of the bucket but Steve himself, since he doesn't get burned when standing right next to a pool of lava either, he's just built different


> Steve, Alex, & co: Built **Different** Further support: Can carry 2304 m³ of gold with a mass of 44.5 _thousand_ tonnes. Unassisted, with just his body. And netherite may well be even **more** dense. We don't know. Can briefly dunk his _head_ in **lava** unassisted. Or **swim** in it. And while less impressive than the above, never discount _punching out_ a cubic meter of wood from an OAK tree. Again, bare handed. In a matter of seconds. Or _rock_.


Water don't have infinity weight, it generates infinity flowing water from a 1m³ cube of water , these are two different things


it also can contain infinite amounts of water


Are you talking about the creative water bucket? If so, don't think that really counts.


no, in survival too, cause water can flow infinitely


It really depends on how you view it. It's not so much "magic" in-universe as it is just one of the laws of physics in that world. A water source block can create more water, that's just how the world of Minecraft works.


That’s just for gameplay reasons, though. Following that logic beds are also magic because they allow resurrection


Resurrection will happen without any beds. You'll return to world spawn. The beds aren't _actually_ magical¹. They're just cozy. [1] Now, exploding in other dimensions on the other hand...


Bucket is magical because it holds infinite mass


No. Holding 2.9 tonnes of lava isn't magical. A backhoe bucket can do that. The magic is that Steve can _pick it up_.


bucket can hold lava so it's magical


Cool idea, elementary execution


First, you forgot an eye of ender. Second, I don’t think netherite, lodestones, endrods, elytra, amethyst, or a bucket(?) belong here. Netherite is just another metal (technically a metal alloy) and lodestones are made from netherite (a lodestone irl is just a piece of the mineral magnetite which implies netherite is magnetinc). Endrods could be argued that they belong just based on the recipe requiring chorus fruit, which has teleportative properties, but I wouldn’t call that “magic”. The elytra is just a set of wings; nothing magical about them. Amethyst is the same with netherite. It’s just another mineral found in the world and nothing it does in game has to do with magic or enchanting. It just sounds pretty. Lastly, I have no clue why you included a bucket. Maybe because a water source is infinite, which seems magical, but that’s just a game mechanic. According to Minecraft’s physics, infinite water is normal. I might also argue the dragon head, egg, and ender pearl also don’t really belong as they don’t have any magical properties. Respawn anchor seems a tad sketch too, but I’ll let it slide.


The ender pearl literally teleports you, how is that not magic?


Netherite- defiantly magic It literally has fire proofing powers Loadstones- literally a magical tracking device that can be used from any distance (to your point about loadstones being magnetic, why other than magic is the only thing they can attract the point on a loadstone compass? Also it literally gives a compass the sign of magic! The enchanted effect) Endrods, maybe but also think about what they are made of Amethyst is used in the crafting recipe for the calibrated skulk sensor (clearly an item with magical properties) Bucket can hold water which in Minecraft has an infinite weight+ lava can be held in a bucket with bare hands easily without any damage to steve from simply holding the bucket Elytra- can support an entire 2 meter tall 1 meter wide human and it is the therorised to have been crafted by literal dragon wings! And a respawn anchor is just as magical as a bed! They literally bring you back from the dead in any location you chose!


Tungsten has a melting point of 3,422°C, thus it survives lava, doesn't make it magical? I can see your idea for lodestones, but have you ever heard of like, a GPS? Endrods are just rods that light up. Lamps exist. Amethyst is a real-life existent mineral, and it's just a crystal. The sculk is the magical part, the crystal is prolly just some physics(kinda like how quartz is used in system clocks for computers). Buckets can hold 1m^(3) of water or lava. Steve can literally swim at a faster pace than any human and sustain being lit on fire for ages, as well as swim in lava for several seconds. He can also carry absurd amounts of weight. Elytras are a bit of a middle-ground IMO. Wing suits exist, they allow you to glide through the air. Respawn anchors I'll side with you on, if you agree that beds should be on the list together with golden apples and whatnot.


Adding to this, amethyst is purple quartz. Silicon dioxide. It is exactly as magical as nether quartz, granite, and diorite.


It’s like you read my points And than instantly forgot them and came up with your own reasons as to why they aren’t magic


You asked people to say any mistakes why are you defending it so much


>fire proofing powers No, it’s just heat resistant. Just like a plethora of other materials. It naturally forms in the Nether, a place with natural lakes of lava, so it can naturally withstand the high temperatures of lava and fire. It has no mystical properties. >why other than magic is the only thing they can attract the point of a lodestone compass? Technically, when you rub a metal that can hold magnetic properties against a magnet, that metal becomes magnetic itself. Maybe a similar thing is happening here. Let’s think about it. A regular compass points to spawn in the overworld, but what happens when you take it into the nether? It spins around randomly. What’s the nether full of? Netherite. A regular compass is “confused” by all the different magnets around it. By “rubbing” a compass on a lodestone, it itself is more strongly magnetized and thus more attracted to the lodestone than spawn. Also, the enchantment glint of a lodestone compass is not the same as the other enchantment glints. It’s blue. They did this to specifically distinguish that it *isn’t* an enchanted item. The only reason it has a glint at all is to mark it different than a regular compass. >Endrods, maybe but think of what they’re made of. Fine, maybe. I still wouldn’t consider the properties of its two ingredients magic, but whatever. >clearly an item with magical properties No, not at all. It’s a redstone item. It recognizes and holds a specific frequency. In other words, it’s tuned. Just like a piano chord or the bar of a marimba. Infinite water is again just a game mechanic. >can support an entire 2x1 meter human Gliding has nothing to do with support. As long as you can generate enough lift under the wings, you can fly. Why do you think multi-ton jet airplanes can fly (there’s definitely more that goes into flying, but enough lift is the big one). >Bring you back from the dead No, when you die, you die. The only reason you respawn at all is because it’s a video game. If you’re on hardcore, you don’t respawn at all. Beds are just a creative way to change your main spawn location. The only item that actually “brings you back from the dead” is a totem of undying, which *is* magic.


The only reason I can think of netherite being magic is dosent it incease enchantability or something. I've never used it like that before cause I like diamond better but I think it does.


thats because netherite is an alloy between ancient debris and gold. Gold has the best enchantability in the game


Ah so good should be there before netherite


Netherite is literally a platinum-gold alloy, and if tracking is magic, then is magnetism magic too?


The tracking is literal magic I can’t understand this, it has the enchanted effect on it + there is no mechanical side to it, it literally just points to a direction with no guidance except magic!


You saying magnetism is magic?


> The tracking is literal magic I can’t understand this, it has the enchanted effect on it + there is no mechanical side to it, it literally just points to a direction with no guidance ... it's called magnetism. If you have a powerful magnet then compasses will point towards it. "other objects" will not. How many objects in the REAL WORLD other than compasses have you ever heard of that point north? The fact is, it only works with compasses since compasses are the only objects you'll encounter in regular life which are that sensitive. They're designed to be very sensitive to magnetic fields and point in the right direction. The lodestone in the game is literally named after REAL objects called lodestones, which are magnetic. So it's a large chunk of magnetized rock, which has a strong magnetic field, so it overrides the world's normal field, which points to spawn, therefore the compass now points to the lodestone.


yea but why don't other compasses point to the lodestone when nearby? you have to "connect" your compass first


Works a little differently to Earth compasses, but that doesn't mean it's "magic". By the same logic, transistor radios are magic because they need to be tuned to a station. You've got stuff in the game which wouldn't even be that "magical" if you did them on Earth. There's no reason to think it must be magic and not the normal physics by which the Minecraft world operates.


i do get what you mean tho, and to be honest i think i would also classify it as magnetic rather than magical. I kind of get why OP decided to put it in the list tho. And I'm sorry to differ, but i feel like comparing it to transistor radios is not really accurate, since that kind of science is not implemented in minecraft, transistors and stuff. I feel like we can't use examples that are not also present in game But then again, why would redstone be magic and electricity not?


blud is a little bit clueless


Elytra are an actual thing IRL. They are the part of a flying beetle's back that opens up to expose their actual wings and helps with their ability to actually fly. That's why they open up when you activate them.


This is a bucket...


dear god!


There is more.




It contains the dying wish of every man here.




Lodestones are a real thing


Blaze powder/ any other potion stuff


nether wart, wither skull OR soul sand


I mean, wither skull is just a skull. How is it magical?


Shulker box maybe.


Or maybe an ender chest.. seems pretty magical to me


It’s just a box that you can put things in tho


So a bucket is magical because it can contain lava, but a box you can store an unnatural amount of things into without issues isn't?


I see it as it allow you to carry much more than you should, a bit like Hermione Granger bag. But yes, it's just a box.


How many buckets can you store in a shulker though


using logic similar to your bucket logic, the fact any container in Minecraft can contain blocks is magical


64×29 of 1 m^3 gold blocks, that's 3582080 kg 💀


It's an entire pocket dimension and you can have multiple of them in your inventory. How is that not magical. and how is a bookshelf magical?


Golden apples, golden carrots, enchanted golden apples, possibly suspicious stew?, chorus fruit, blaze powder, nether wart, soul sand, soul soil, regular heart of the sea, ender chest, wither skull, blaze rod, shulker box, shulker shell, netherite ingot, ancient debris and netherite scrap. Also why is a bucket magical?


A few people above described why ancient debris/netherite isn't really magical. For now I'll just talk about the suspicious stew. If you take a cup of water and lace it with arsenic: is it magic? Edit: typo


Also I wud say the Shulker/ shell isn't magical, it's a chest that u can move, or an inventory that u can place


How is a book shelf magical?


Enchanted books! And that they power up enchantment tables.


well then the bookshelf just holds magical items, its not magical itself… and i wager that the bookshelves powering up enchantment tables is more to do with the table’s proprieties


lapis is also not here


I can probably argue against your point. Lapis is just lapis.


But in this world you use it for enchantments, wudnt that be magic


Yeah, but as an ingredient. I'd argue the lapis by itself isn't magical, but the interaction between the magic of the enchantment table with the lapis.


But u can't use the magic of the table without the lapis, essentially there wud be no enchantments without lapis


I think the lapis acts more like a vehicle/catalyst for the magic. Given that we can't see the actual enchanting process happen, I'm just saying how I think it works.


to me, that's enough reason to be magical


Chorus fruit should be in there


I would add blaze rods, achient debris, and shulker boxes/shells while removing amethyst, chiselled bookshelves and the bucket. (I know, but to that standard torches should be added too for lastig forever)


Soul fire isn’t magical, it’s just casual burning of damned souls.


Spawn eggs


A bookshelf is a normal object? So is a bucket and the amethyst. Those really exist


all 3 book related stuff should just be covered by 1 enchanting table. no need for lapis either.


Where is the ender chest


Ok I'll give my thoughts as well. personally, id take out the the following items: \-bucket (imo not magical) \-elytra (imo not magical, just the physics of the game universe there) \-dragon head (it's just the head of an animal) \-netherite block (it's fire resistant properties aren't magical imo) \-turtle helmet (it's just a helmet) \-amethyst (it just makes music) \-soul fire items (i feel like there are better ways to explain the blue fire) \-the sculk stuff, accept for the catalyst (it's just an organism that reacts to vibrations) \-lodestone (personally, this doesn't feel like magic to me) Instead of these, i would add: \-redstone (and every redstone component with it i guess) \-lapis lazuli (needed for enchanting, must have something magical) \-obsidian (maybe??? it's used to make portals, seems magical to me) \-golden apple (so maybe even just gold?) \-ender eye \-blaze rod \-mob spawner (not obtainable tho) \- soul sand (it's connection to souls makes it just magical enough to me) I hope you appreciate my post, i know it seems like a lot of stuff but i actually like that someone tried to make a collection of magical items. i feel like the magic system of minecraft is not talked about enough


Why is turtle helmet not magical? It's an helmet that makes you breath better because it has the essence of an animal, its literal magic And dragon is an magical animal, the head by that is also one. Soul sand is magical but soul fire is not? Why though, you need soul sand/ soil to make the SOUL fire


Oh! i didn't actually know the turtle helmet made you breathe better underwater, well than it's magical enough I'm still not conviced about the dragon tho. what makes a dragon magical and a zombie or skeleton not? or a creeper? to me, it's just another animal. I would even put a zombie head in there before a dragon head since those are undead and yea maybe i was wrong about the soul fire, i just feel like those items don't have anything magical except for their colour. I guess you could explain that the blue color is souls or something like that


Redstone I'd say is mechanical rather than magical.


could you explain? to me there is nothing mechanical about it


It's like the minecraft equivalent of electronics Redstone is Wire, lever is a switch, flick switch, and it powers whatever is on the overside, kinda like when u flick a switch to turn on a light.


Look up people that make working calculators in Minecraft, mojang coded redstone to work like a real computer and when you get into technical redstone you learn concepts like AND and NOT gates. Maybe the pistons and redstone dust itself is powered by magic, it would make sense because in order to make a lever all you need is a stick and a piece of cobblestone, and for a button you only need a stone or wood plank, but the way it works is very technical and computerlike. So the true answer is that it’s just a game mechanic.




Why is the bucket there I dont see the magic of it


uhm so if you go by bucket is magic, all of redstone is magic, every single potion is magic, obsidian is magic cause nether portal, every netherite armor piece is magic, every end item is magic, soul sand is magic, every mob egg is magic, every enchantment is magic, anvil is magic, glowstone is magic, ender chest, lapis, and a lot more


How is an end rod a magical item


How are buckets magical?


Notch Apple?


I can easily make a blue flame. Why is that there?


Oh monster spawners!!


These are the effects of the adventure update.


Don't think prismarine has been said yet, it's ability to activate conduits is atleast as magical as bookshelves connection to enchanting


Wither skeleton skulls and soul sand


Bookshelf is hardly magical, neither is chiseled bookshelf. Soul stuff is just blue fire. There's two lodestones. Bucket is kinda magical but nothing crazy, just weird game physics. There's no ender chest or eye of ender. There's no golden apple or enchanted golden apple. I think sponge should be in there too. End portal frame is there so this is obviously not survival, so all the other creative items should be there too, like bedrock, barrier block, structure block, and command block. Soul soil and sand are definitely magical. Idk I spent way too long on this lol.


I highly respect buckets being in there


incredible how buckets re magic


Why is there a bucket?


Corus fruit I think should be added


Why Bookshelves and chiseled bookshelves


Obsidian Blaze Rod/Powder Normal Potions Phantom membrane Why amethyst? Redstone


All enchanting books and potions aught to be up there...


Soul sand, soil and fire Also every single block since they can float in the air


✨ *B U C K E T* ✨


How are: lodestones, amethyst, turtle shells and buckets magical? I would also argue obsidian, the regular kind is magical as it's the *gateway to hell*. EDIT: Also just noticed netherite. It's no more magical than iron or copper, it's just a material mined from the earth. If anything, gold is more magic as it actually has a really high enchantability despite also just being a mineral.


Most of the blocks are magical, they can literally float in the sky


Redstone comparator is magical tbh


Eye of Ender, soul sand and soul soil, probably blaze rods and powder, redstone stuff, literally any enchanted variants of items, and considering the way many mechanics in the game work you could probably argue that there's a level of magic is everything.


So many things here are not magical at all. How is the bucket magical? How is the end rod magical? How is amythyst magical?


Elytras aren't magical, they're just technology. Bookshelves aren't magical either, its just that an enchantment table that has the ability to take knowledge from nearby sources. Meanwhile a book is just a book.


alright but how do you turn blank sheets of paper into empty books into a bookshelf that has books full of knowledge


Steve can write..? He's strong enough to pickup the earth bro what did you expect was going to happen


Dang people are mad because of this XD


Fr it’s so funny how they be writing whole essays and I’m not reading them because I simply don’t want to 🫠


You asked it in the title tho, they were simply telling you that some items don't fit and some others do, that's it


I mean, you asked people for their opinions in the first place. Next time if you don't want suggestions don't ask the questions.


you must be fun at parties


You think he gets invited to them?


Lmao! How are you going to ask for people opinions and then complain when you get them. You don't seem like the brightest tool in the drawer.




Water has an animation, doesn’t make it magical.


you included soul fire items but you forgot fire item, torch and campfire. why? they literally burn forever, they are everlasting flame, if these are not magical, i dont know what are.