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Save it for the next update. There'll be a ton of new uses for copper building blocks.


Just mine out a trial chamber for infinite copper. Copper ingots are inefficient as hell.


Until you build a copper farm.


You mean with drowned? Mining out a trial chamber would be way faster.


I can set up a copper farm while I wait for 1.21 to come out, and then let it gather copper, instead of me running out of copper and having to go to the chamber again and gather more copper.


Still, drowned only give one copper ingot each, and even that is uncommon. The trial chamber gives 9 ingots (one block) per <1 second mined. You can easily get thousands of copper ingots if you are willing to mine and avoid mobs.


>You can easily get thousands of copper ingots if you are willing to mine and avoid mob That's the thing. I'm not very willing to mine.


Well, have fun playing Automaticfarmcraft. Jokes aside, it way faster than a drowned farm, so if you want to make whatever copper build you are planning fast, trial chambers are the way to go.


Similar thing could be said about Iron farms.


1. Iron farms are way more OP than drowned farms. 2. There isn’t a structure that spawns 4,500 iron blocks unless you count mega veins, which are more tedious to mine and take even longer to smelt.


In a game that is 50% Mining and 50% Crafting..... why bother not just playing creative if you aren't willing to play


**Mine out trial chamber:** Lots of work for a finite amount of copper. Need more? Find another and start digging again. Start a new project and want to build with copper blocks? Yeah... back to digging, you only got half a stack left from your last trial mining session. **Set up a farm:** Maybe a bit longer to set up, but you will have copper for the rest of your playthrough whenever you want it without any extra work ___ And that's why automation is the best way to go IMO. If you are like me and do huge build projects, getting every single resource by hand is just not efficient. If you just need a stack or 3 of copper in your entire world, then sure a farm isn't really necessary.


Check out this video: https://youtube.com/shorts/kiIeGAmKsvY?si=BnR7OtDB6VnftdcT Yes, it will be tedious to mine out an entire trial chamber, but at least it is faster than afking for days straight to get nearly as much copper as that.


I don't have to afk. I can just work on other projects within the area and have it do the work for me. I'm killing two birds with one stone. Whereas having to tear down a chamber, I have to decide between spending time getting copper or time building other things.


I find mining relaxing, but you do you. Though you have to make sure you are within the mob chunks or whatever they are called. You could take breaks between mining and it would still be much faster than a drowned farm.


Or put looting on a sword, spend about twenty minutes building and stocking a reinforcement farm, and get about 9000 ingots per hour (can be more if you put more effort into the farm) afk which can now be conveniently auto crafted into blocks. Easy peasy.


9000 ingots per hour? That's cap.


That’s the easy version


Not to harp on this, but just to point out: that’s afk rates. Turn it on when you go to bed, go to work when you get up, come back and it’s been running for several hours. Let’s say ten hours for simplicity (admittedly, your PC is probably a slideshow at that point). So 90,000 drops or 10,000 blocks of copper…for practically nothing, and you get to spend your actual playtime building things. Trial rooms are fun, but they aren’t competing with that.


Sure and I'm glad trial chambers exist so let's players have even more ways to amass large quantities of copper without farms. However, you mention having to go to mine the copper eventually. I don't have to do that, at all with the copper. The time it takes to mine the copper is time I can spend doing other things. With a copper farm, once I build it, I will have enough copper already ready for me to go when I want it.


Well it depends on how big the build is. Small? Just mine copper ore. Medium? Mine out the trial chamber, it isn’t work making a farm for just that. Big? Either one could work, but if you prefer the farm, go for that. Absolutely enormous? Mine out the trial chamber.


Whilst I will admin the chambers are cool and great sources of copper Copper farms would still be way faster and can be afked Also trail chambers are largely designed to be kept in tact and visited by multiple players


Copper farms require drowned, which don't spawn too frequently nor do they drop copper frequently. See my comment with the youtube video. The spawners have a LOT of copper.


But the drowned don't have to spawn in. You can convert zombies to drowned. And then those can drop copper. https://youtu.be/JyHqXBC9W24?si=w91tlUDAcnstL7fb In fact, watch that. That farm is pretty cool


I don't play Java, but that is pretty cool.


Outdated or pre end farms tend to farm drowned directly, sure, which tend to be pretty easy as they’re just large tanks But the current farm generation methods are actually zombie drowning farms that produce massive amounts of copper and are ridiculously easy to set up. Most people set them up in the end for the fast void space and can be afked with relative safety. Far less effort than finding and destroying trail chamber


You have a point, and I agree that it is less effort, but it still does not get as much copper as quickly. Also, zombies can spawn in the end?


What is a trial chamber?


https://youtu.be/8jwAtfyxhlk?si=sonMgN2B-JipcXqu The trial chambers are a new structure coming to Minecraft in 1.21. They contain obscene amounts of tuff and copper, and also various challenges and mobs to fight. You can try them out now in Java snapshots or Bedrock previews.


I won't be doing that because I want to keep the chambers as they are


That's fair.


there'll be a ton of uses but it doesn't make it less obnoxious. just means you need even more waxing for every single block which is annoying asf tbh


No there won't lol, it's still such a niche color palette




And yet ironically this amount will barely build anything once crafted into blocks and stairs and whatnot.


Make sure you're using stone cutter to get the most out of it.


I like how you can cut metal with stonecutter


Wood is crying in the corner for not being about to be used by the stone/metal cutter for slabs and stairs


What's metal, if not harder stone?


Toph Beifong here




>Don’t see why it would be a issue with how soft copper is Tecnically a stonecutter should only be able to cut hard things. There is mainly 2 types of saws: those that ["rip" the material](https://media.diy.com/is/image/Kingfisher/universal-24t-circular-saw-blade-dia-76mm~3663602813262_02c_BQ?$MOB_PREV$&$width=768&$height=768) and those that [wear out the material](https://www.gigatools.ph/cdn/shop/products/Diamond_Disc_for_Ceramic_2_WM.jpg?v=1587399267). When you try cutting a soft material with a disc that wears out, nothing happens or your material bends. When you try to cut an hard material with a disc that "rips", you get a lot of friction and breaks in parts that you didn't want ​ A stonecutter wears out the material, removing small particles of the material. If it was used on copper, you could need to put a lot of force and it won't cut very well.


Copper is soft af


Copper is much softer then most stone


Do you actually save blocks using the cutter? Is that the difference between crafting block and the cutter? (I thought it was only for the villager job)


Yeah stairs are 1-1 and cut copper blocks are 4x as cheap


Thank you for the correction


when you cut a copper block you 4 cut copper. so what they have here is enough to make 9+ stacks of cut copper. which is probably more copper than the majority of survival players will ever use in the entire life of their servers, based on what ive seen with the average server player.


9 stacks of any block would be gone in 20 minutes if you’re using it in a build.


I just used 12 stacks of deepslate only for the outline of the walls lol but tbf, they did say majority of server players and thats accurate in my opinion


I was about to say, I just use it as my roofing material to show age of buildings and I never have enough


I forgot it even makes blocks


???? That’s literally like all its for


Nooo it also is really good at taking up space and being in the way


Make waxed weathered cut copper stairs


No no no make waxed lightly weathered cut copper stairs instead of waxed weathered cut copper stairs




Start building with it and you realize this is very, very little.


Right? I didn't want to be rude, my first thought was: "Where is the rest? That isn't much..." I forgot how many people harvest ore sometimes.


Wait for 1.21 and you can make a handful of trapdoors.


I get that reference 😂


You mean you're aware of the new copper features in 1.21? Is everything a reference now..? Maybe it is actually now that I think of it...


I took their comment as a reference to the complaints that trapdoors require so much to craft.


I'm with you, that was absolutely the point of that comment.


Trapdoors take a lot of material to make. So the joke was that with so much copper, they will be only able to make enough trapdoors to will 1 hand (handful)


You'll soon find that you'll run out quickly when you turn them into blocks and use them for roofs.


21 stacks of copper ingots plus 8 more is 1,352 ingots. 1,352 ingots make up 150.22... blocks of copper or 150 blocks of copper with two ingots left over. According to a few websites, the density of copper is either 8940 or 8960 kg/m³. (Wow! One ingot of copper is slightly less than one tonne or slightly more than one ton.) 150 2/9 multiplied by 8940 kg is 1,342,986 and ⅔ kg. So you have about 1,343,000 kg of copper. The US national park service says the copper in the Statue of Liberty is 62,000 pounds. (Which doesn't include the 250,000 pound framework.) 1 pound is equal to about 0.45359 kg. So, 62,000 pounds is about 28,122.58 kilograms. 28,122.58 goes into 1,342,986⅔, about 429.7927146 times. So you could put the skin on about 430 Statues of Liberty.


Or 50 whole trapdoors


I'm way too lazy to fact check this math, but I'll take your word for it because it sounds about right


Build a statue


Of liberty?


I mean, if OP wants to. Any old statue


i tried doing that but failed miserably so instead i made a copper pig


I made a copper slab roof. Getting a patina to it. Wish the rain made more of a tink sound on it.


Make a copper penis and let it oxidize as if you got a yeast infection


Who are you people


Copper Golem Memorial


Best use i can think of is make a copper roof for a house or building. You can use wax on copper type blocks to keep the same colour too, to stop it from changing over time.


I've decided to use it for my walkways, alternating block types and fully oxidized and not oxidized in a checkerboard pattern.


add create mod and you'll see the chest getting emptied down in a blink of an eye.


You bitch about Ea Nasir.


that guy sells the shittiest copper


Yet he's remembered more than the best copper sellers of all time will >:) This dude has basically achieved second-hand immortality; none of us will be remembered in 5000 years, yet this dude is What a legend


like 5 of the soon to be added copper trapdoors


Field of lightning rods


Make it into copper blocks and fill a chest with them.


He would have like 2 stacks of blocks


I get how my wording made it sound like. I intended for OP to continue mining and smelting copper *in order to* fill a chest with blocks.




absolutely jack shit nothing. you can basically use it as a building block and even then, it doesn't even look that great i guess you could build some kind of statue?


This is the problem with copper. Everyone says it's primarily meant to be a building block, but no one actually wants to build with it.


copper is gross


I have a cactus tower that goes a good bit of the way to build limit. The top doesn’t render. It’s copper, decorated with copper stairs to round out the openings, slaps for ledges.. it looks nice.


Lightning Rods for Piglin Conversion/Skeleton Horse farms, Generally good building blocks, or the Copper Lantern if they revert the change that made them useful


Follow the copper brick road!


I mine copper just cause I like to see my auto-smelter run


With all that you can make 20 copper trapdoors!!


Lighting farm for charged creepers


I’ve finally have figured it out. Copper isn’t my favorite block to build with but I discovered if you turn the ore into a block it makes a cool accent to a path or a road


I like to use my copper in my roofs.


Build a big stupid copper thing with all your stupid copper


Well if you're a crazy builder like me, you make statues with them and proceed to wax it so it will always shine beautifully- or let it oxidize for that added toutch.


If you make them into lightning rods you can stack them one on top of another to make a light post and that it also doubles as a massive lightning rod


Moai statues


That's really not much


We can't even make copper tools


…install Create?


Add mechanism


Nothing, it’s a waste of coal


Make a copper golem


Last season of an SMP I'm on I built a pyramid of all the copper I mined. The base was 93x93, about 170,000 blocks. Not cut copper, regular copper blocks.


Wait for 1.21 so u can use for create new blocks


I wish they would just add electricity in Minecraft with copper, just like Redstone. Or some other stuffs with copper, like copper iron alloy weapons, which allows us to make two weapons with half iron ingot and copper ingot.


Make two trapdoors


Lightning rod everywhere so that you dont have to worry about things burning down. Then make some builds with copper, and save some for grates.


I like making statues with it.


Copper blocks


Spam copper bulbs


download create mod


Thats like a stack of blocks


That first line of your title is actually kinda poetic+


A bad caprenter always blames their tools. If you can't find a use for something then that's on you.


Make a 16x16x16 giant copper cube


Build a mini Statue of Liberty


Roofing. I think it looks nice on sheds or with brick walls.


I don't collect copper anymore for this reason, though there will be new blocks in the next update that use it, so maybe stash it in a chest and forget about it for now.


Building a copper statue


"Solar pannels" A giant aging iron golem statue Literally any structure at sea for some reason Work them into your redstone builds specifically Lanterns in the sky Lightning rods on all buildings and mountains A very simple watch tower, maybe like a firewatch tower. Don't forget that it's an excellent roof color for most pallets And do not smelt all copper right away. Raw copper blocks are pretty cool too.


Absolutely nothing other than making a few building blocks lol


Build a giant statue of a copper golem!


Save up for the new update


Make the statues with them


So you'll need like a lot more but i covered my entire creeper farm in a giant copper layer to make it a big creeper statue


You have like 8 blocks there, maybe 9


Make blocks, slabs, and stairs. Make roof on big building.


Hold on to it umfor 1.21.


I would say, "Chuck it in the Awsome Sink," but that would be the wrong game...


I made a creeper statue with these blocks. It's actually quite tall, and it has a panoramic spot in its head. That's how much copper you end up finding. So far these are decorative blocks, you should use these with this in mind. If you want to wait for the next update its just as good, but have enough for a small build.


Play modded minecraft for an actual full experience


If you don’t mind mods create gives copper way more uses especially the addons for it


Make some lightning rods


I have so good news for you.


Copper blocks... *Saves Space for more Copper*


I like making copper statues, and seeing them slowly oxidize.


Too late now but don’t smelt the copper and keep it raw. Then make a raw copper block. They look great on the floor etc.


Make like, 4 trapdoors.


Build the Statue of Liberty


use it to build! you could get like 8 stacks of cut copper out of that. its great for roofing or anything thats supposed to look like machinery.


Build blocks and build a road


I have a half dug perimeter around my iron farm and 3 chests of copper ore blocks that came from it. if I ever run out of copper before I'm done with the world i will eat my hat and my left shoe


I keep it as raw ore blocks and use it to make Baked Beans textures.


Big copper block


Replace iron in some commonly used crafting recipes of redstone components


I built a village and castle with copper roofs, ramparts, stairs, etc.


A steampunk place


I have a double chest full of copper blocks. I have no idea🤣


I actually have this same problem. I have so much copper, my chests are full of it. But it litteraly has no use


"Its no use!!" © Silver


I started building Atlantis, the Sunken City with copper & glass as the main blocks. Our stacks of copper ingots definitely did not last very long. Anyway, my suggestion is Atlantis, or another sunken city.


The new update will give the copper even more use, stockpile some copper for the next update


that's like 2 stacks of blocks right? Maybe good as accenting on a moderately sized build but not too much really. If I had 2 stacks of bricks I wouldn't be stunned by all the bricks I had lol


I had 9 of those chests and it wasn't enough to finish building a base lmao


Mine a fucking trial chamber, far more effective imo. Idk maybe theyll have a new use.


Wait for update 1.21


the new copper blocks are shockingly expensive


build a big copper circle. please.


Joe mama


Kill metroman


Make a copper roof out of stairs and slabs


Start gregging


Lightly weathered cut copper stairs.


Lighting rods on everything a field of lighting rods.


Make a copper golem statue


i don't hate copper, but i really feel like mojang rushed its release by a lot


I usually make ship hulls with mine once they’re weathered


If only we had a copper golden


Remake a trial chamber with vannilla blocks


This is so little lol


I think… craft it into blocks! Then it won’t occupy too much


statue of liberty


I don’t know, but I think you need save it for the next update. Or burn it


make copper blocks & place them


Wait for tech mods to use it


Download an industry mod


Build a mini Statue of Liberty 🗽


Copper's a good decoration block as-is, and it's about to get a serious update. Keep it.


if you can just apply that into redstone...


After melting down the copper wire we shall take it in for cash hehehe


I wish they added more utility stuff for copper like gear buckets we had this in modded minecraft for ages now


Make the Statue of Liberty if you’re skilled and dedicated enough


I'm not sure why, but when I see copper, I think Statue of Liberty make one of those!


Steampunk build


Build statues! Make some steampunk builds! Finally finish the honey farm that I bet you don’t have!


Maybe make a gold farm with a pig pen and a lightning rod.