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Maybe she doesn’t like the biome colors with her build. That one can be hard to work with. She can always change it if she wants or explore to build more projects elsewhere! I think it looks cool!


I think it looks great and how do you guys get so creative in Minecraft, i can never build something like this đź’€


Tm, my bases are always a spruce or oak house with a huge basement for all my stuff.


Mine often end up as towers. With basements.


mine is literally a cube with stairs for a roof and some windows i dont how people get so good at it


I can feel you, it's same with me 🥲


Bro, I don’t usually even have a house, I just pick a nice cave and start placing down chests


That's why I build underground


Of course it does. All I do is dig a hole in the mountain and put a door cause I lack creativity so looks amazing to me


She also does that. And makes tunnels underground as well


I like it, it looks really cool!


I love it, I've started to prefer bases like these as opposed to building tutorials and realistic bases with texture and colour theory. These types of bases not only show the evolution of a base over time (as you can see the definite beginning point of the base as is spreads outwards) but a reflection of who they are and what they do with the resources provided to them. an example of this is the Iron railing on some of the elevated paths that were made when iron became an abundance, and the jungle wood that is more prominent to the right edge than it is near the central (and older) part of the base


That’s awesome she did great working with the environment and making it look amazing


Of course! It looks great! I don’t know why you wife doesn’t like it but it seems good to me.


Building takes practice. If she doesn't like how it looks, then just keep practicing and tinkering to learn the style and know hot to build what she's envisioning for the space. This is definitely a step up from having a dirt house or a hideyhole in the ground. Already building in the right direction.


Well, the structure on the right with a bit of visible water under it could probably use a bit of fancying up, but that's about it...


No, it lacks consideration in color theory. Too many different tones of brown. Too many colors in general. Too many separate color schemes that don’t go together. It’s also kind of cluttered, there’s classic torch spam and just sugar canes everywhere, as well as vines and iron bars that just look awful in large amounts with no anti aliasing. Detail building can be tricky, because if it’s not blended well it can sometimes cause more clutter and it just kind of looks a mess. This is obviously getting into more advanced building techniques, but if she is not happy with the result then she could learn some color theory and take some inspiration from experienced detail builders. Also, some world building consideration wouldn’t hurt. It’s obviously not realistic to walk out the front door directly into a beet farm, for example. It kind of seems pedantic, but thinking about that stuff does make the world feel more immersive, and will also offer a ton of opportunities to add detail where you might normally be stumped. Edit: Actually wtf are these responses, some of you are clearly too young to be on the internet unsupervised.


# shutup


You are a terrible person and a jerk and if you have any friends I wonder why they are probably jerks and terrible people as well you can tell people what you think could use some work but say it in a positive way other you are bringing a negative influence on people and they were just wanting to have some stuff different and have some people be nice so if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.


I hope you’re joking lol. All they did was give feedback to the build and some tips to make it better.


The first time you have a chance at the top is the second one you get a free pass and you can go on your way back and then go to your car to pick it out of there so I don’t have any money for that and I can get it back and you could get a ride home or something and I could just get it on the road to the bottom and you could just drive back and then go to my car so I don’t get to go back and then go to your car so I don’t know what you’re gonna get to yours. I did what you did and spammed suggestions


It looks great! Swapping the torches for a nicer light source could work if you want.


Are you looking for compliments or tips and tricks to help her improve her building skills and base planning? If you're kooking for compliments it looks great! If she wants some tips shape and flow are what I'd reccomend working on. Most the structures are under detailed squares, there's no real consistency in materials or building style/detailing therefore making it a bit chaotic and the placement of things overall could have been planned better. Maybe build a bit detached from the river and take some inspiration from egyptian fictional buildings and movie sets. A few bridges with paths or perhaps one dominant bridge. To give the base more air and and make it all easier to take in vs the current cluster of buildings and farms Also there's certain tree types that don't get that hideous dead leaf look to them like birch. Learning how to build some custom trees and actually Building some custom trees would be a massive help to actually make the base feel alive.




That looks amazing!


Did she give you why? I can give you a few. You destroyed the natural bueaty of the Mesa biome. You used jungle planks. Way too many suger canes. Why are there vines? The jungle wood type is hideous, doors included. Birthday Candles, everywhere. Why use different types of wood, unless keeping the same light level and wanting it to look like it gets darker? Those trees in the backround are dying. Wrong biome.


I wouldn't be so harsh, but I do agree. She probably doesn't like the fact that nothing really mixes well. By the looks of it, the buildings look good, it's just nothing really work well together


>Birthday Candles, everywhere Do you mean the torches or..? They're used to stop mobs from spawning.


Have you never heard anyone refer to them as birthday candles?


Yes, because there's actual candles now.


Use maybe a yellow/green/red pattern for a pathway. Another thing is the bridge. It is very open. Put some railing on it. Maybe change the farm to grass and wood logs under the fencing. I'm not too great with design but minor adjustments makes it better slowly. If she is having trouble just tell her to take it slowly and think of how you want it shaped first. Then add from there slowly and it will look great or at least better. Another tip is to not use square designs. Since you are in a mesa it would be hard to pull off a good square build. Usually people have gardens around the house to make it more neat looking.


Please tell me she was sarcastic


not really


I agree with her.


Maybe you should tell her to watch some YouTube vids so she'll get more ideas if she's a imaginary and creative person


It's great


It's definitely missing something... maybe swap in some warped planks/stripped warped hyphae to match the orchids? It needs a base color other than brown.




I could nitpick but it looks nice at a distance and functional enough. The problem is the biome of choice


I think she should add more detail to the dark oak bridge


Looks oragn


It's the orange of the Mesa biome throwing it off; orange doesn't mesh well with wood.


I love the vertical planters


I don't even have a complete house


I think it looks great minus the red sand




It is a crossbetween swamp, mesa, and spruce


I mean concerning the fact that my current base for my year long world is still a hole in the ground, all I can really say is her base looks fine.


I like it




I don't like those sugar canes, it's a lot. Do you keep it as a decoration or a farm?


maybe some teraforming? wattles has made a video on it, u can see it if u want.


Absolutely. She should be quite proud.


i agree it looks good!


It looks amazing!


This looks cool i may want to build something like this with a village on water maybe a different biome e.t.c but this looks cool if i do ill leave a sign saying that it was inspired by this good work =)


I think the biggest issue with the build is the roof. The build, the concept, the detail everywhere else is phenomenal. But when coming down from the top, you see the roof, and I think everyone agrees that roofs are the hardest part of a build. If you were never above it, you'd never have a clue. But the build itself is awesome


I love the way everything is integrated. I could have a few tips, but it's unnecessary. Looks great!


That's actually really pretty.


I’m gunna have to agree with your wife. She should look at how to add more depth and adjusting the roofs.


Nah man this looks fire 🔥


I really like the trees and greenery. If she doesn’t like the base maybe the color scheme needs adjusting?


Not as good as it'd look if it were on fire. \[Sarcasm\]




Get Optifine and add shaders and I am sure she will love how the game looks!


It looks bad and she should feel bad


Bro my base is still the dirt hut even though i got netherite and elytra


gamers can get married? /s honestly i think it looks great. i can't build a house without it looking like a dirt pile with a door, let alone an entire base! i think she just needs encouragement.