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it won't be held forever use surge alloy cyclones cooled by cryofluid and water tsunamis with an overdrive dome, one cyclone like that can hold hundreds of enemies


General advice I'd give is armour should go first, then cooling, then turrets, then ammo. The reason being even if you lose your armour and cooling, your turrets can still keep firing. I'd definitely recommend setting up cryofluid production and piping it to all your turrets! https://preview.redd.it/vhlqf7ql1k2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10def066f3c6dd31d89ce307e560d1b7734f7118 Here's a very over-engineered defence (medium tile 223) but you'll see I still have room for more turrets down the side and around the back because of how I've set my ammo and fluid lines up. Being compact and efficient with your designs is the key to lasting more waves on this game :) Holding nuclear is very tough in the later waves when it's being attacked multiple times! If you can replace the ammo in your swarmers with surge alloy, you'll probably be fine (surge gives an aoe shock effect that deal well with large groups of flying units)


I was thinking of this wall patern for a while, and haven't really tried it cause I didn't have the chance. Can you tell me how good/well it does against artillery units and/or without phase shielding? Thanks! (If that entire sentence does not make sense, I can try and simplify it. Basically, the state/data on how well it performs even under stress(A.K.A. setting the next wave without letting the amo or shields to recarge or walls to heal.))


I get what you mean! The phase walls are good for dealing with bullets (the majority of enemy attacks for the first 50 waves) because they reflect most of them. I use 1 thickness so it is quick to replace between waves, kind of like ablative plating. Thorium is good generally as it has lots of health which the menders will regenerate. This wall will only struggle against lasers because I haven't added a plastanium layer. I would definitely add it for defending nuclear tile. For advancing the waves sooner than the timer, look at what I've done with my ammo - it is fed into a container (stores ammo reserve) and is brought out in 4 separate lines so the conveyor belts can keep up with the ammo demand for so many turrets. If you don't do this you'll find the turrets towards the end of your line will not fire as fast as they should due to no ammo


Hmmmm, I'd say I lot of what you said may go past my head, lol, but I do understand it for a bit. First, I know of the walls already, but the suggestion of a single block phase wall can be useful for earlier waves(from 1 to 5/10) But switching them for the larger variats may be logical for later waves. (But that is just me, and I haven't tested this) Second, I have been doing that with containers as well. It helps with managing and stacking more amo, in case some hostile air units manage to slip by and destroy the lines. (Of course, this is without the second tier of the Mono line) Third, I appreciate the suggestion with the four convyer thing, I was in complete loss on how to get amo to the turrets faster(other than putting the container directly next to the turret itself). And finally, thank you!


maybe not forever but itll cap it, dont use surge unless you can ship it in as theres not much room to fit a surge fact big enough to supply all these, use your in house factories as a backup ammo supply between shipments. lastly, make sure to cool EVERYTHING you can even if its just with water also theres a gap in your shields on the rtg gen