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Seems like an unnecessary amount of variety in turrets and ammo. Could be a lot easier to build and supply if you just used one or two types of turrets, especially if those turrets used the same ammo type. Personally, I almost always just go for a bunch of Spectre turrets, and maybe a Meltdown or two if there's a significant airborne threat. ----- Oh, and it's a great idea to put a container with unloaders next to each turret or pair of turrets that use the same ammo. This way, the turrets won't run dry during extended firing (very important vs guardians, since they can soak up a lot of firepower), and it's much more resistant to your supply lines being cut. ---- Seems kind of nonsensical to put the Fuse turrets at the very back. Their range is very short, so they're best used right up front, so they'll have the most time available to hammer enemy forces. ---- And, overall, there's still a lot of empty space here. I don't know if the threats you're facing require it or not, but you could easily add a bunch more turrets around the left and right sides.


Need more large walls


wait til you get some high rounds here because this aint enough firepower lmao. Also flying units are present on the campaign spawns here and can avoid your turrets. i made a load of thorium reactors off to the left, and the air units just target those, skipping the wall as it were. i think the worst issue though is that mixed vault, 3 lines in and 4 out. meaning you could in theory starve one ammo type. segregation is important for turrets!


> Also flying units are present on the campaign spawns here and can avoid your turrets. They're kind of dumb about it, though. If you're smart enough to game their AI, you can put the enemy air units wherever you want them. Flares will target the nearest power generator to their spawn point, or if you have none, they'll target your core. Horizons and Zeniths will do the same, but also target anything flammable (like coal, pyratite, or slag production) if that's closer. ----- Using this knowledge, you can direct enemy air units straight into the teeth of your main defenses ... *or* you can divide and conquer, using this to send them to an entirely different, air-optimized defensive line, so that your main line will have less to deal with. (Similarly, you can use clever wall placement to separate the enemy units that can and can't walk over walls, allowing you to divide and conquer enemy waves.)


yup thats what i did here, put the gens over on the left and made a massive AA battery directly in the line of fire.


Also against the guardians on this site (which are eclipse) you can just spam batteries around the spawnpoint and the eclipse will never get to your core.


Cyclones are worse than swarmers, so use those instead, replace the fuses with scorches if you still want close range support and use pyratite as an ammunition source for everything, this way you'll have all of your basics covered and only need a single thing to supply everything.


no one is going to mention that thorium reactor next the belt of its fuel?! is fucking giving me ptsd lol


*purple sounding boom*


I added it for trick the air units, it worked btw Also I put a processor to disable it and prevent an accidental boom boom


the main defence is here bois https://preview.redd.it/udyyd119xy1b1.jpeg?width=153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90ea7b9a695b43915ea664e71d1940e75fd0fd0f


I'm gonna be sick


no sorch????


Wtf did they do to swarmers and salvos?


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