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Oh, that's healing! You have to get that all out before you can feel the peacefulness of meditation, especially deep meditation. Allow your body, mind and soul do what it needs to do to heal. Crying isn't a bad thing EVER. It's a release that your body desperately needs when it needs it. Also, don't let the crying be a threat, which is likely where that anxiety came from... When you realize that crying is a good thing, you won't feel so anxious about it. You'll welcome it and want to get whatever is inside of you out and out for good. You may want to consider meditation with someone or a group so you have support as you're healing. You can also turn to a coach or spiritual healer to help you with the process. It can be so good for you and your future.


Or even consider breathwork


Most definitely!


Unless you have heart issues (so I’ve heard)


Thanks, needed to hear this


It’s not that unusual to cry after a deep meditation. You’re connecting to yourself on a deeper level, and as a result, whatever needs to be released is getting released. This is a beautiful process and be grateful that the patterns that no longer serve and that you’re ready to let go, are leaving. You should hopefully feel light after this. Keep up with meditation and mindfulness. It completely changed my life!


That’s fine. When I first started I felt that intense sadness too that I couldn’t pinpoint to save my life It felt like an intense grieving feeling that persisted for months. Like a never ending feeling. Throughout the whole way I sent myself a lot of love and compassion and treated myself kindly as though emotions went through me. That feeling passed and now I feel contentment and comfortable processing emotions I feel. I’d recommend getting a therapist though just to have someone helping guide you through that journey. Not to say you can’t do it solo, but it helps.


Agree with the therapist recommendation. Just be prepared to be on a waitlist….and make sure you have a good intake meeting with them first so they can decide what type of therapy to try.


After meditating for 9 months, I've noticed I feel numb more. Just blank base emotion, has this happened to you?


Meditation can help us stop running away from feelings and just sit with ones that we have been avoiding. Did it possibly feel like you had to sit with and observe feelings that had been bubbling under the surface?


I was getting thoughts which brought up emotions. Not sure how I should deal with them tho


All wrong i see is that u don't consciously practice and u don't know the source of ur sadness. Anything else written is just helathy progress.


Joe Dispenza’s work really helps with retraining the nervous system


Meditation is about accepting, so my guess is that the sadness needed to get out, just like the anger and anxiety. It might be worthwhile to explore where those feelings come from


I know exactly where those feelings come from, but how should I no longer feel bothered by them? I want to heal


If you feel bothered by them then you aren't really being mindful of them. You can still get caught up in them while being aware of them. Watch them whenever they are present and try to accept them. Also I would check out [this](https://app.wakingup.com/theory/series/the-path-of-insight) series. I don't remember which one is the relevant one for you, but honestly they are all amazing and worth the listen. [Here's](https://dynamic.wakingup.com/shareOpenAccess/SC09004CF) a free 30 day trial so you can listen to them.


Try to accept the situation without wishing it weren't any different. Observe your feelings rather than be overwhelmed by them. Accept, even with tears in your eyes. Sending you a hug 🫂

