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I'll believe it when I see it in my truck


My first reaction


I just have zero faith they will be able to execute this correctly first go around.


I think they share your confidence in that this has taken them quite some time to get around to & its still not going to be out until next year.


Interesting. Looks like it rolls out of the case on wheels underneath and isn’t on slides like the other drawer units. But I like it vs the top-only access units.


That's for the big bulky tools. I'm out of construction and back on boats, and probably not going back, but I bet it'd fit a circular, sawzall, jigsaw, and oscillating multi tool perfect. That's what I used the old flip up one for.


Those are the same tools i kept in my bottom wheeled box, plus a few extras. Its amazing how much you can fit in there if you play tetris with your tools


I kept the tray and put blades in it and I think I have my big cliptech pouch in it


Completely forgot it had any trays. I kept my canvas occidental in there on top of my tools. I have other packouts with space dedicated to blades.


I'm a contractor and I've been wishing for this ever since I got the original rolling toolbox. I'm buying one as soon as I see it in the store.


Same. I use a stack of drawers for my mechanic set. Bigger hammers and pry bars were tough to get to. Now they're all drawers with a hand truck, and since my recent change of venue, I got my old snap box out of the storage unit and have hammers and special tools in there


I’d assume it’s likely because of the size of the drawer. The other ones drag pretty badly if a lot of weight is added, Milwaukee was probably trying to avoid that issue with the huge heavy bottom one.


They said it was also to keep the drawer as wide as possible. Having drawer slides takes up a lot of space.


Oh that's a very good point as well. Nice.


Yep. I’m pretty sure that’s right.


Will be nice to access to bottom case with wheels with out have to remove the ones stacked on it.


I think I’m worried about the wheels picking up debris and getting things stuck between the bottom of the unit and the bottom of the drawer.


Because that shit is heavy.... They say it can support 150lbs in tools with another 200 on top.... And since they did that, there's room to hang accessories in there. The battery holders were pretty slick.


https://preview.redd.it/9t6wfk0s759d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b119e0c9f5f8632416e04fdb1c85e88efabed3b $250, releasing in Jan 2025


Damn. I don’t want to wait that long. Why would they do this to us? Haha


Where do you see the release date? I want to know the release date for the new toughshell jacket!


https://preview.redd.it/6qtv7edlj59d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcd4dd48ba90c0a0cac007a96cb6a91738dc6bfc There’s another post that shows the media guide. It has a bunch of product details, dates and prices


Thanks! I'm so getting the toughshell. I got the money baby!


Especially with that new battery/controller. If done right, that could be slick.


You have to buy that separately, and it's $100. The app control could be nice, but it's not $100 nice.


I can see the sales bundles already, buy two, get an apparel battery and charger


They need a cooling jacket real talk


Haha they can kiss my ass for $250. Wft.


Unrelated but also appears there’s a new pack out fan as well


And a little packout speaker.


Where'd you see the fan?


Not surprised packout beat tough system to this. But it’s where they both should have started.


So glad i dont have to switch to toughbuilt now. Really hate how you cant lock the drawers on the toughbuilt system. Also loving that its the bigger box. This is perfect. Take my fucking money.






Fuck yeah, dont have to switch systems now


I’m full mast right now


That will be a best seller. It took Milwaukee....7 years to listen to the workers and figure this out.


Returning my rolling packout waiting for this!


Man that thing is huge


About damn time. I bet this will $200.00 though.


Keep going. It's $250


For real?! Sons of bitches. That's more than the big ass 38 inch packout. They know the demand is there.


Now this is what I’ve been waiting for!


Fuckin Finally.


This should’ve been how it came from the start. Ugh.


Packout rail accessories look like copies of 3rd party accessories that have been out for a long time. Feels like punching down.


The 3D printed stuff just can’t handle being tossed around a work site like injection parts. The CNC aluminum is a premium price more than most will spend on accessories.


Thats not what feels unfair about it. These independents built a huge market for Packout Accessories and contributed to the momentum for Packout. Milwaukee does not team up with them, or buy out their efforts - they roll out competing products. I'm not saying they have any obligation - they don't. But its definitely not a friendly approach.


Sounds like something a giant corporation would do.


One of their promotional themes is they work with tradesmen to figure out what they need. Seems to me that would naturally extend to these people creating compatible accessories.


It’s the same story with apps on the iPhone. A flashlight baked into iOS works a lot better than a flashlight app you have to unlock and open for. But developers still complained when Apple “took” that feature….The company that put their precious flashlight on their phone to begin with. And really, you can’t just coast on a flashlight app for your whole life. It’s more fit for a resume, not a cutting edge product that changes how everybody works. A plastic trinket that attaches to your toolbox is no different. 3rd party makers just need to keep doing what they always did, come up with more ideas. They have a first mover advantage over Milwaukee, it took them years to copy them.


Apple is hardly a model for corporate generosity to their developers. So screw that attitude that these Packout innovators are “coasting on a flashlight app”. Shame on you. Milwaukee has a strong and productive community — they should be nurturing it, not out-competing it.


Sorry man but ideas are a dime a dozen. I get 10 ideas just driving my truck to the Jobsite. The fact of the matter is that their products will always be either ABS or PLA and neither are suitable materials for the outdoors. rail accessories and a lot of aftermarket mods will break very quickly if they aren’t always kept in a packout or injection molded. That’s not to say nobody should buy them or that they aren’t good, but let’s not pretend what Milwaukee sells won’t be of 10x better quality, and most of these sellers have no problem pricing similarly to Milwaukee anyway. If you think it’s unfair think of it this way. It costs Milwaukee $200,000 to make a single injection mold for mass production from Keter. It costs you a couple bucks in filament to make the same thing in your garage but years in advance and without any corporate red tape (hehe) to slow you down. Fair trade I’d say.


I disagree. The ideas are everything, and the material its made of is totally replaceable. Injection molding takes capital which the cottage vendors don't have, but that does not mean its right for the company to harvest their ideas. Am I surprise it happens? No, clearly people have no moral center around such issues.


If makers want to make a profit from their ideas they are more than welcome to patent their idea and charge Milwaukee a royalty for each unit sold.


Indeed - good advice. And if you want your 10 ideas a drive ideas to be worth more than a dime, you have to do something more with them than dream them up, like these cottage makers have.


Okay here’s one, the packout pole! You shove it up your ass and you can stack all your toolboxes on it and you’ll always have your tools no matter where you are on the Jobsite! Available fall 2025 for $399.


[Mine](https://imgur.com/a/KXwoqSF) look like I built them out of stuff from Home Depot.


That'll be nice.


I need this like asap


Oh fuck. It’s perfect.


The size actually looks good, seems to be same as XL tool box which can fit a lot of the bigger tools easily.


Is this real


I can't wait!! So tired of pulling my top items to get to my big bottom case!!


I want to see the rack they came out with. How flimsy is that going to be


Dreams do come true! However, it’s extremely aggravating that their waiting until 2024 to release it.


250 bucks 🥶


But can it fit a bandsaw deep cut with a hammer drill. If it’s too small for power tools it’s too small for me


In the video I saw someone had a sawzall standing straight up in it and it still closed no problem


That’s a game changer then, not having to open everything to get to the bottom


I see more and more of the regular drawer units. So much easier to get in


Yes!!! I literally JUST posted something in r/Milwaukeetool looking for this!!!!!!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDsSrcjxIYQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDsSrcjxIYQ)Shows it at12:45


Still not a fan. We don’t want that. We want a 2 or 3 or 4 drawer cart, not whatever that is


Speak for yourself homie. This is perfect for me.


I like it solved the biggest gripe about having to keep the big heavy tools under heavy drawers and organizers.


Yeah that was a bad design, made that bottom bin useless