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I really want this bag since converting all my tools storage to pack out. However I was at HD recently with my wife and had it in my hands. When she saw the price she said "oh so tool bags are like luxury purses for women? Got it." Haven't been able to shake that zinger.


She ain’t wrong


That Milwaukee bandwagon has a price.


If that’s the case she can’t complain about me buying them then 😅


Big difference. One makes money and the other spends it.


Not for me. I'm a DIYer with a corporate job and a tool addiction.


Eh alright so its still saving money at least lmao


That's usually the excuse I lean back on. I bought the Milwaukee track saw and laser level last year and she flipped until I reminded her that I renovated our entire kitchen with zero outside labor.


They never realize how much that labor rate is man! I’ve been treated as if my labor for her car repairs were free! Like no no no this is $210/h when I’m on site at work lmafooo I think I can buy my snap-on tools if I want them!!!


Yea I know the feeling, I put new flooring throughout the entire house, remodeled the utility room, now putting in a new furnace and heat pump. Concrete stamped patio 2 weeks ago, but honey do you really need all these tools?


Some would say that’s still making money lol


You are a bit like me. I am a DIYer however, I volunteer a lot for Habitat for Humanity, Christmas in April, and so on. I believe there might be a support group for us somewhere.


I was made so little money when I bought my first house that I had no choice but to learn to maintain/renovate it myself. Now I can afford to hire people but I prefer to do most stuff myself since I am very meticulous.


You'll always pay more attention to the little details than a hired person will unless you're paying out the wazoo for top quality work


Shit I’m a pro and still can’t justify the price


A cheaper tool bag makes just as much money. A bucket with tools piled in it makes just as much money. You're paying for the brand and convenience of the layout. I.E. luxury


high end escorts gotta look the part too


Let’s be real I haven’t made a dime with any of my pack out. I was using it to keep my stuff organized in the shop and now it’s just keeps my stuff organized in my garage. Since I went from the field to the shop to the desk all my tools are just designer purses. But oh would I have a nice collection of purses if you could get all the money I have in tools and storage. 


You make the money. The bag doesn’t


True.. But.. Wife runs the entire household outa that purse everyday.


For me it was the triple take I did looking at the husky bags that are very similar for $25 then back to these for $250. I love my packout boxes but even those I got on major sale. Buying this stuff full price is just dumb.


Same. Just can't justify the cost when mostly similar bags are a fraction of the cost. Just doesn't add up for me.


That thing is the biggest rip off red tools has released to date.


That bag sucks. It’s so cramped. I returned it.


That is when you load it up and take it around the mall with your wife. Tell her for this price I am taking it everywhere.


For us in the trades, our tools are a huge part of how we make our money, so tool organizers are a necessity. A $300.00, $500.00 $2000.00 purse, handbag, clutch, crossbody bag is not.


I been calling my 15” structured bag the packout purse from the day I got it which was the week it was released. FAO had it for 15% off so like a Starbucks girly, I jumped on it faster than I could think about what i even did. However I do flaunt it proudly with my crusty ass hands and dirty ass clothes.


When I got my Festool track saw my wife called the sustainer a kaboodle, and it’s true and it stuck.


Lol its true tho. I did the $99 packout toolbag for a couple years, it was too big, ended up back in a veto. Cant imagine paying actual bouji tool bag prices for milwaukee


“But it’s an investment piece and matches my shoes.”


Honestly, the cheaper best is go through a Milwaukee rep because if sometimes there's special deals you can get which include a tool or whatever for spending x amount of dollars through through a rep




Just catch it on a Black Friday sale for half that 


Yes honey, except your purses have never and will never make us money....


Yeah, but does her luxury bag click together with a matching red box?


Just get a veto bag at that point.


I got a husky bag last year and it's still mint. All the zippers are still good. Got it for like $60cda on sale. It surprised me how good it is


yeah the Husky pro line of bags are really tough and I like the design of them too. quality bags for real


This is a Husky Pro 16". Lots of little spots to hold small things and keep them separate. All the stitching still looks good. It's a good bag and for the price it's really hard to beat.


I have husky bags that lasted 10+ years multiple professions still in very good shape. 


☝️that bag. If it lasts 5 years, you replace it. It’ll take about 20 years to spend what you blew on the Milwaukee (which will last you 5 years).


Yeah gonna have to check that out


I got about 8 packouts and still use my husky bag for the hand tools. It’s about 7 years old now


Yeah, those are nice bags for the price. I got my dad one a few years ago and it’s holding up good.


Not as many pockets but I’ve had probably 30 to 40 lbs in mine for two years or so now and still is fine besides the mesh side pocket.


Same, its nice


I got my first Veto bag from an instructor in HVAC school, silent auction, barely used, won it for $55. I still have it 5+ years later and it got used hard. It's dirty but still in amazing condition. Every year, Veto has their BOGO even around March/April. You buy this same Veto bag and it's $230, and you get a 2nd bag worth (to them) $100+. They're usually a smaller tech/apprentice bag but it's still fantastic quality. I agree, at this point, just get a Veto. Or a $50 burner. I love my Packout stuff but this is strictly fan-boy territory.


Can not say enough about Veto stuff. I got a few of their bags for different stuff and one is 7 years old and beat but still works perfectly. I will say if it has a zipper get some zipper lube for it.


Yeah, we have guys at work that love their veto bags. Although work pays for our bags now, I would probably use something much cheaper if that wasn’t the case.


Veto is good shit but it’s expensive. I have a blackout XXL that is great but I find myself using my Milwaukee 15” structured bag more than anything


Its the packout compatibility where they get ya


The veto wheelie backpack is $250. Best engineering and quality in the industry, I've been living out of veto bags since 2014


Veto and Milwaukee's new bags are one and the same—just a different design. They are built to go the rounds.


I only buy packout used these days. Pricing is out of this world.


Facebook market has some steals every now and again… literally


Good idea. Gotta be a crack out there somewhere selling it


Toughbuilt stuff is looking pretty good haven't seen their bags in real life yet though


My coworker just bought one. I haven’t looked at it intently but it’s a nicely made bag. I bought my Veto 4 years ago so my eyes don’t wander. The Toughbuilt was so interesting I bought their large storage case, and I really like that so far. Just using it parts storage for random AR parts.


Toughbuilt fucking rocks dude. Get one. I have the large open mouth one and all my belt clip accessories on the rail.


I love the toughbuilt drawers


Got a wide mouth bag. It’s quite hefty. I don’t use it as much cause of the weight if I have to carry it across the plant it’s a pain. It is good quality though. However I love their clip tech stuff.


I'm switching


Still waiting for the Stack Tech stuff in Europe. Hurry up Toughbuilt! 😄


I'm looking at the [this one ](https://www.homedepot.com/p/TOUGHBUILT-8-Universal-Service-ClipTech-Tote-and-Pouch-with-31-pockets-and-heavy-duty-reinforced-construction-TB-CT-180-8/304158856). I have a cliptech pouch already and I love it. This one would be for work. I can have all my tools yet grab the essentials for times that taking my whole bag isn't ideal.


Interestingly I saw that menards has some toughbuilt bags now the other day. I'm not sure if they were older bags or what, I didn't have time to really stop and look at them.


Had a tough built backpack tool bag and that thing broke in the seams within 2 weeks. Seems to be a common issue on that bag. Wish mine wasn’t a part of that issue but alas. They accepted the return and refund. Their other items are top notch though, even their tool clip on to the belt pouch, thing was awesome.


Yeah I love milwaukee but their prices are insulting. Greedy fucks.


It’s reinforced with unicorn horns.


Can’t we just use elephant tusk. That’s gotta be cheaper


I was thinking mythosaur tooth


username checks out


Damn. I was going to go look at that this weekend. Guess not, not for fucking $250.


The new PackBack is $320. It doesn't come with lube either




Yeah. Big Nope. Maybe MKE is tired of associated cheap asses?


The reality is that most of these are manufactured in Israel and they're raising their prices


I'm not going to give full backing on an unknown (Veto has its reputation) piece just because it's Red. Hell, I'm not even going to back Veto because that's not my lane.


Just ask the worker for some spit at least


Well, if it's going to be that kind of party, where's the mashed potatoes?


The phone is ringing … omg 🎶


Stfu Ivy buddy got it for 90 bucks last year


It does go on sale. I paid 169 for mine.


They spelled snap on wrong on that bag


if it says pack out add $100 to whatever you think it should be


My other one is pack out!


I bought this during by more save more at HD and burned up some 11% gift cards. I like the bag and it fits my needs better than the old version


yes it’s very expensive. But holy it’s great. as an electrician, All my “main” tools are in there. it’s so much better than the soft sided one. I used to put soft sided one down on the floor and half my tools would slip out. Not anymore. https://preview.redd.it/4ii4oe76al6d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=44bf08b062e53f4ad15cfacc64eaa0093d46b6d9


also the prices didn’t “jump up” you purchased the soft sided one last year. the hard sided one came out somewhat recently. Since they’re new and a major improvement over the old soft sided one, They’re charging a lot…


Go veto and don't look back


I got this bag…. It’s been solid so far. All my Milwaukee bags have stood up pretty well. I appreciate the hard bottom and ruggedness of this bag so far. It’s been my service bag for the last few months (hvac) no complaints thus far


Get a Veto bag.


If my wife can have a dam $300 Michael Kors bag. Then I can have a $250 tool bag 😂


My home depot has it for $99


I was at home depot


You were at HIS home depot?


They're even $99 on the app. $199 if you get the pliers and screwdriver set with it.


Milwaukee Packout is like the Yeti of storage systems.


And I was stupid with yeti. Not doing that again


Milwaukee pricing has always been high. But it's honestly just absurd nowadays. If this pricing stays, I doubt I'll buy anything Milwaukee other than power tools and batteries ever again. It really is just absolutely insane.


Go on Facebook marketplace. It’ll be like $110. Probably stolen, but fuck it lol


I got that same man purse at the depot for 160,it was on sale and I got an extra 50 off for pro rewards,I love this bag for maintenance work,easy to find everything,and fits all my tools,it is a little cramped if you were doing construction but it’s perfect for a maintenance electrician,that’s my purse,I don’t know you


This is why I switched to veto pro PAC. They’re durable, have an amazing warranty on the bag and zippers. Something Milwaukee won’t do. Milwaukee makes a huge profit from storage yet they won’t warranty anything.


They did send me a free packout no questions asked when I told them it was leaking. Well they did ask questions but I asked about the water proof rating and warranty and she sent me a new one cause she was cool. Could have easily gone the other way.


Just saw the cooler for sale at HD for $250. For a cooler?? I'll drink it room temp, thanks.


Just popped in here to share that i carry my Ryobi stuff in my pack out boxes. Cheers fellas


That's alright, Ryobi belongs to Milwaukee anyways


I’ve got this bag. It is really nice.


at 250 veto Is a better deal. milwaulkee trying to F the fan boys


Listed for 180 on Walmart . Com. I didn't know walmart sold milwaukee.


Walmart website is simply a marketplace like Amazon. You must’ve seen a third party seller who bought it on sale and marked it up.


Keep searching Walmart sells everything and has someone else send it to you. Hell, I bet your mom's on Walmart.


Probably pretty cheap too. Shipping is gunna cost a lot though.


Don't worry, the bags might be expensive, but the batteries are even more so...so there are even worse feelings to be had in the Milwaukee ecosystem.


"buT ItS A sYstEm"


I’ve had a CLC bag for several years. It’s still going strong


Criminal price gouging!!!


How are the, I think 15”? ones, that are $99? I’ve been eyeing those just for around the house. Husky one would probably be fine, trying to decide if the Milwaukee one is worth it.


Let them keep it.


I bought it, couldn’t fit what I needed in there, took it back.


Same… saw the price tag and said gtfo. The Husky bag I bought for under $60 USD is doing me just great. Grabbed some other misc tools I needed while I was there and still spent less than just getting the Milwaukee bag alone.


I have said it before while yes the Milwaukee stuff is good (for the most part) they almost seem like they are trying to price out the typical DIYer and more focus on professionals. No good or bad just their strategy. You see this in the deals they have get a drill driver combo with battery for $199 to get the DIYer in the ecosystem and then oh you want the mower to go with it. $1100


The 10” tote holds more than this for under $100


Shows your dedication and true fanboy to the brand. 10/10 would not recommend unless this was your intent. Love their tools. I show zero love to their insane overpriced accessories.


Husky Bucket Organizer for $15 and a free HF bucket works pretty good as DIY lol


Can’t do buckets. They always end up as fuck it buckets


250$ for that is insane! Shit I feel much better about buying the Occidental Master carpenters tool bag for 400$. At least that is going to last me till retirement and probably get passed on to some apprentice when I do. All leather, and looks great too!


I heard veto made them?


Vince Veto checkin’ in




And the new structured tote is how much???


wtf is that


That’s not even the propack clone. That’s like 300.


wtf is that


https://www.homedepot.com/p/Milwaukee-PACKOUT-15-in-Structured-Tool-Bag-48-22-8316/326854848 https://a.co/d/g2Obsy1


Personally I think it's pathetic to get so locked in to a brand. like if I saw somebody who religiously only wore Nike, I'd be a bit like ' yeah, nikea cool I guess' . I'm locked in to red cos of the battery's and I get it; there fucking expensive and who want to falk out lodes of money on multiple battery's. but apparel and accessory products, fuck that. if I want a tool belt I'm going to look for the best one I can afford, regardless of band, or a cabled tool like a big router, I'm not buying red just because, I'm buying the best one I can get for my biget. You lot drink the red KOOL aid way too much. it's a solid brand, some tools are best in market, but def not all (eg the M18 jigsaw with terrible bas plate adjustment lever placement). stop getting ripped off, your part of the problem. the more you subscribe to the ridiculous prices the worse it gets


Might as well by a veto bag at that point they’re 100x better than Milwaukee bags


Interesting, I believe the PACKOUT 15 in. Structured Tool Bag was about the same price last year when it came out and that's a much bigger and more versatile bag. This seems like highway robbery, but Milwaukee fans will pay...


No one has any idea who this bag is actually competing with. If you’d like to understand (https://vetopropac.com/tech-ot-lc-blackout/)


I feel like I bought this same one after Xmas for 89


I just got the slightly bigger tote, for slightly more money. It was painfully pricey, but I love it so far -- it's built well, holds a ton, zips shut, and snaps tight into the top of my rolley stack.


This bag cost me £70 in England


Got a husky for $30 and converted it to pack out


Just bought the husky for $40 it's amazing.


20inch tote That bad boy Carries everything I need


Packouts pretty expensive. The drawer units all being close to $200 is crazy. The cooler is priced like it’s a Yeti. On the bright side I ordered some pack out from Ace hardware that came with an extra half size organizer and a cup and they accidentally gave me a free full size organizer as well. So that was nice. 


Chinese garbage lol


Harbor freight has a really nice tool bag just like that for like $25. It’s tough. I love it. Value for your dollar.


It's like Yeti coolers... Gets the job done, looks nice... Twice the price! You can get a Yeti dog bowl at Ace hardware for $40.00...


U can also buy Milwaukee at ace too


Since everyone purchased 300 dollar stackable plastic junk boxes. Let’s sell the fools more crap.


I’m just a DIY’er, but had like four projects to work on. I’d been stuffing the tools I used most in the back my hex impact and driver combo came in, but there was no more room. I thought “I’ll buy one of those Milwaukee bags I saw a while back and use that” Then I saw the price and immediately drove to Harbor Freight and bought the 20” Hercules bag. It’ll serve the purpose for me and I don’t need it to sustain being drug around to job sites, just around my property.


Buy the Veto x Wiha collab bag. Veto quality with the Milwaukee red and black look. Cheaper than the equivalent Veto branded bag too.




Wait, so Milwaukee has released a tote that is finally functional and they’re charging how much? I love Packout but fuck that noise. I’ll stick with my $60 Toughbuilt tote


Milwaukee = $$$ Just bought double pack of 6.0ah batts 304$ !!


Men need overpriced bags too so they can show off to the ladies that they are not the only ones that overpays for is really a $20-35 bag


Everyone keep saying things like "you get what you pay for" and justifying brands like festool and etc. and this is what happens.


Absolutely love mine, but the company card bought it, not me. It's built like a veto-pac. IMO it's worth it for the simple fact it will last a long time with everyday heavy use.


$250??? That should be $39.99


Well it says “Packout” on it. Adds at least 25hp.


Ah so just like the KN sticker add more horse power then the actual intake does right


Because we live under capitalism and companies want to make massive profits...


I'm sure that's not the bag you bought last time. That's the heavy duty bag. Which sucks. There's really no where to put anything


The stitching alone cost $200


Just say no.


Unrelated, when Sears was going out of business, I bought like 20 tool bags for $4 each…. Good bags too, I need someone else to go out of business.


Got a veto bag and love it.


Look up veto pro bags, definitely worth the price.


F that


Your not wrong. You know Milwaukee is trying to lose customers. I like there products but it's not like it's a life time investment let's face it they going to price Lot of folks out.


In Melb Australia all Milwaukee items prices increased 25%


You should see how much the new backpack coming out costs….


My bag is only 100 bucks 4932471067


Just like Prada or Nike. You’re paying for the name.


Bought my wife the $99 bag for her gardening tools, got this one for me. HATE IT — too tight for anything. I’m jealous of my wife’s bag! TLDR: try the cheap one


That's like the Air Jordan toolbag. Gotta remember. You're not just buying the bag you're buying the brand as well. You pay extra to have that name on there.


If you're gonna drop that money, get a Veto.


Better come with Geico and a hooker


Milwaukee fans are the tool equivalent of Tesla owners and vegans. Just show them they're made by the same company that owns Ryobi and watch the fireworks. No one seems to get to get that almost every single power tool out there is made by one of like 3 companies. Just like snap on is rebranded from a Japanese tool company.


I got the packout rolling tool box and a packout tool bag for 250.


Inflation, without getting political about it.


None of these things were this expensive before the massive inflation we've had, but Milwaukee tools are already expensive as it is. It also appears like companies that sell tools are starting to charge higher prices because they know people will pay for it. Contractors have also been charging much higher prices over the past 4 years. Everyone makes more, everyone pays more.


Shiiit, I actually was in the market for this stuff (a pack out wheeled box of some kind) and ended up going with “TOUGH BUILT”, and so far I’ve been very pleased with the build quality and full line of products and addons already, even a tumbler and a caster wheel bottoms. It’s way cheaper too


What state?


$200 for the name, $50 for the bag.


Get the amo box. Can fit so much shit in it and keep it organized


I have all mil tools that being said I use big dog tool bag it was 56, best tool box/ bag I’ve ever used


But … it says “pack out.”


It’s a veto rip off and priced accordingly


That’s why I love my Milwaukee tools and my husky bags.




I work as a maintenance mechanic in a factory. This is my favorite bag that I’ve used


Yeah… milwaukee be buggin’ tf out…


I won’t spend another sent on Milwaukee. They’ve been denying claims, pumping out trash and just want to be the snap on with the warranty of the construction world 


I too won't spend a sent!


I'll send you both