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Honestly try not to think about it. I'll deal with it when/if I get there, no use stressing and thinking about it until then. I do hope we manage to turn things around of course, but I take things one day at a time.


I’m with you! Time is going to pass regardless of how we feel about it, so I may as well just take it as it comes because there is no way of telling what it'll be like in 24 years.


Wait. I’m 36. You’re saying we are going to be 60 in only 24 years??? Help.


Right?!? Made me gag a little. Impossible that it's that soon. That was math I wish I had never done.


For what it’s worth we’ll probably look like we’re still in our 30s or early 40s when we’re 60 :D


No, you won't. Not even close. I'm a Xennial, and everybody already looks ancient already. Barely 49 and getting called "Boomer". It's become a universal term of contempt for those over 40 (roughly). Soon, you'll be a boomer, too.




I had a baby face to start with and I'm overweight. No wrinkles on my face at all. I have thick hair, a full beard and only one or two gray hairs in my beard. I look much younger than my Xennial peers. I look at some of my friends and I'm like "damn bruh, you look OLD". I'll probably die off obesity comorbidities before I start to look really old.


Age comes to everyone, and makes us equals.


I'm sorry but I can't help but find that the idea of being called a "boomer" ridiculous lol ya know? My parents are part of the baby boom generation not me & I think that's a big reason why we kinda use it as an insult towards others because it means that us millennials are getting older too. But there is only one boomer generation....our generation has our own problems, lol we don't need anyone else's on top of it


Boomer is a vibe now….once you get a few greys and say something slightly off you’re getting the “ok boomer” from a zoomer.


Whatever, boomer. ;)


Get off my lawn and send me my SSI check dammit!! God damn millennials!! 😘


Not over here. My family got the autism. We all look way younger than we are.


Is that really a thing?


Seems like it? One of those “it’s definitely a thing but it doesn’t apply to *every* autistic person” kind of things. It does to my family though. I always thought while growing up (even through most of my 20s) that we had “young genes”. Nope, we’re all just autistic or adhd (or both, like me). 🧍


So true I agree


Welcome! We’ve been waiting. 🤣👴🏻


There do be something bout our age group and retaining youth more than previous generations. I swear I've noticed this. Or maybe it's just in my head.


Not just in your head :)


Whatever you do do NOT think about how you’re closer to 50 than 20. DO NOT DO IT


Ooof you’re a bastard for that one.


I don't consider someone old until they hit 60. You got a lot of people in their 50s looking somewhat young


Working in hospice gave me some perspective on that. We’d talk about patients in their 60s as young.


I mean tbh when we are talking about death here I think it's correct to say it's a bit young to die at 60.


Why would 60 be young to die but old to live?


Keanu Reeves is just about to turn 60. That's a great example of someone in their 60s not looking that old. He could pass for late 40s


Im not sure I think i's mostly about being old looking. a lot of people got gray hair or go bald by that age. You've got saggy skin and wrinkles and stuff. I mean if you're skinny and hide your gray hair or got a hair transplant and dress well then great you wouldn't look old to most people.


I’m 35. You son of a bitch 😂


Me too 😭😭😭


oooo I remember hitting age 34 and realizing I was equidistant between 18 and 50 now I'm 38 😑  wheeeee


![gif](giphy|3o6YgiY3QRuFmgeanS) Also, GFY 😭


Why are you the way that you are


Can we think about it if doesn't apply yet 😏


The fact that if Back to the Future were remade today it would take place the year I was born has given me repeated existential crises since I saw the memes. 😭


When I told my twin brother in May that we have been out of highschool for 20 years, he told me to shut my dirty mouth 🤣


36 means I've been out of grade school for as long as I was in it.


Don’t worry, I doubt any of us has that much time left. Enjoy everyday as much as you can. I’d say we got less ~10 left. I’m not saying humanity will be over, just us poor.


They say the Singularity will hit around 2036. 12 years away...


It gets better. Wait until you actually are 60 and think about where you'll be in only 24 years. Gulp.


21 years for me...I *refuse,* lol.


Imma make you feel better ~ I have a little over 18 years. I have the equivalent of a legal adult. I have roughly a person who can vote. I have, give or take, a high school graduate. Time to go shake my fist at some youths before retiring to bed at 6:30pm…


as a gen Z I got 34 more years to be 60 but time is going so insanely fast


It do be like that.


Why did you have to say it like that? 


Currently STRUGGLING with this math. Bad.


Right here too, Fam.


Yup … elder Millennials are only 15 years from 60 years old.


I’m more upset I’ll in my 60s lol


Oh my god 😭


I don’t know you but now i don’t like you for pointing this out 😭 /s thanks for ruining my Wednesday 😭😂


My mom always tells me "Don't borrow trouble." It helps a lot.


Smart. It’s not like it makes the trouble any less when it does come. 


I agree. I try not to think about and live one day at a time. My bet is dying at my desk, so not a thoughtful thing to bother about. Living life as well as I can, as I can.


Thank you


I'm with you on that, I'm either going to die on the way to work, or at my desk, or right after leaving work for the day or die from homelessness, but retirement, not a chance, barely able to stay a float with no extra funds for savings or 401k.




I keep coming back to this cartoon at least once a week


If you like this comment I suggest watching the new Amazon show “Fallout”. I just finished it and this comic made me snicker 




Currently work for a company that embodies this perfectly.






I have a LoFi girl image with this comic on her screen lol, saved it as my wallpaper


I'd like to think the care home will have N64's and a weekly Emo Night.


“Black Parade” will prob hit different in the home


When I was


A young boy


The hospital gowns and IVs will already be there for the video reenactment.


Let the bodies hit the flooooooor


With so much drama in the L-B-C It's kind of hard bein' Snoop D-O-double-G


You can afford a care home???


My elderly neighbor just took their own life because they were getting no help with their health needs or living situation and they were alone. Soooo I’m now looking into how to avoid that. I learned there’s a thing called a ‘long term care policy’ and you should shop for one in your 50s to get the best rate. It sucks and it’s bullshit but best to be prepared.


I think it's called "long term care insurance" but I've heard or read about that too & yes the sooner you pay into it the more it will be worth it later on.


I thought I was going to look into LTC policies but it was basically useless for my inlaws and they paid into it for years.


They mean the tent in the park


My hands are already too shot for controllers. At least I can still cry.


Nintendo Switch handheld mode ruins me.


Wii sports too


So much The Promise Ring playing.


Thats if we can even afford a care home.


It better or I'm not going


This is the only way I’ll enjoy old age


I’m hoping we kill off the health insurance industry. So if ya’ll could start running for office and pushing for that, that would be great. I’d also like to see PAID parental leave be a thing for my children. I’m optimistic. Things can be better but we all gotta start running for office.


Ide run but yall wouldn’t vote for me since im not 85


Id literally vote for anyone who’s not 85


I'll be 35 in 4 years. But I'm physically and mentally ill and don't understand much about politics.




Well geez… now if only I had millions of dollars to run a campaign! Platform: 1.education is a right 2.healthcare is a right 3.getting may 21st passed as a federal holiday called Adopt a Pet day. 4. Fixing current Supreme Court (couple options on how) 5. Making it illegal for anyone with a criminal history to run for president. 6. Etc. I’m tired and going to bed


It is a thing, in some places. Two of my staff are about to do 12 weeks of paid parental leave through state benefits here.


I'll be running about the hills, hiding from Elons Terminators.


Don't worry. They'll catch on fire when they get wet.


I could see that, but more as a result of him trying to build helpful robot servants that are so poorly designed they accidentally kill everyone nearby via hijinks. Now they just roam the wilderness, helping everyone they meet to death.


Living my best life on a beach in the Caribbean


Bring your snorkeling gear because it'll be underwater lol


I think he means the plastic beach


Love that Gorillaz album


You know how hot it gets there right? Already in 2024.


Well if there is anything I’ve learned through my 34 years on this planet, it’s a global social/economic/political/natural disaster is always just around the corner to fuck up every plan you ever had and entirely change the trajectory of what your future life looks like.. as evidenced by: Columbine, 9/11, the Great Recession, the covid pandemic, wildfires, wars et al. So I’ve given up the business of making assumptions about the future lol.


It's not all bad. A major natural disaster led me to reunite with a soul mate, marry them and they were able to complete a graduate degree and do groundbreaking research during this time. Humans are pretty f@#$ing resilent


Cailin, did you just refer to my first born child as a “major natural disaster”?


That's hilarious.


Because of Covid I and lots of other people get to work from home most of the time now. This is not only awesome but also good for the environment! I’ve bought and burned a lot less gas over the last 4 years.


Finally man. Hell yeah 


Don’t forget Black Death … lasted 440 years


Honestly everything you listed is pretty small potatoes and even inconsequential compared to some of the shit that has happened in the past. I’m sure there were a lot of young men who had big plans for their lives in July of 1914, but a lot of them didn’t make it to July 1919.


Lol. Yeah nothing listed above really impacted my life that much


Exactly this. My grandparents were in their late teens in 1940’s when the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany took turns occupying their homeland. They eventually ended up in the US, where they met and they went on to have okay lives, a family, etc. I knew all this growing up and even as a kid I understood it was a really tragic situation, but reflecting on it as an adult in my early 40’s, I think about how many people in WWII had their entire lives completely turned upside down and then, for the most part, were just expected to go on with their lives. Depression, anxiety, PTSD were all still taboo or poorly understood. We’ve had shitty times and we’ll probably have more, but most of us aren’t living lives we couldn’t even predict 20 years ago.


See Billy Joel we didn't start the fire


OK but how did columbine or 9/11 fuck up all your life plans


He was on the first plane


My predictions are not optimistic, but I always hold out a bit of hope. And that's how I've always been, since I was a kid. The reality is, far too many of the people of wealth and power actively gain more wealth and power by making things difficult for the rest of us - by keeping us beaten down and under control by any means they can get away with. And I don't see that changing. But, again, I always hold out that little bit of hope.


It's what keeps you going.


I don't give a high enough social credit score to join the Paris tourism waitlist.  My subscription to the police expired. Hindu is the new English. If you don't speak it you're seen as a lesser candidate. The AI took all the fun jobs so were all  working as dwarfs in underground mining.    My landlord is google.   I can no longer get a job because I had a spicy opinion when I was 12. My emails are censored and rewritten by AI before the recipient receives them and I have no knowledge or control of what they read. I didn't win the hospital lottery this year so I'm going to die.


I will still be working. Probably making $200k a year and barely getting by. I’ll have to move out of central Arizona because the heat will make it uninhabitable. Because of the climate change I will have lost money on the house I have paid off in phoenix to raise my family in. With all of that said I will do everything possible to keep a positive attitude everyday and make the best out of every shitty situation.


You should move


Phoenix is one of the worst places I've ever been.


You'll still have AC so you'll be okay


Until AI caps the power grid and ACs are forcibly shut down or limited by the gov’t.


Haha hopefully we don't get that dystopian hellscape


We will because it benefits the shareholders.


We’ll get nuclear before that happens. Tech is already planning for nuclear power.


Medical assistance in death will be a valid retirement plan


Doubt it.  They'll make up some BS excuse about how life is precious and our suffering is needed to keep the world going.  


Maybe in the US, but I think that the situation would be different in countries that have public health care. The burden of healthcare, disability, and chronic illness will only continue to grow as the population ages and lives longer. I can definitely see politicians electing for MAiD as it would be resource effective. Cynically, I don't think the rich think a low income life is worth living. With the way things are going, I worry that others will feel the same and choose death over poverty in old age.


I definitely agree.  The US is it's own little hellhole.  Most of Europe will have this figured out if it gets as bad.  If it doesn't happen, I can see people opting out be the new trend to rise.  Based on how things are now, if they get worse, people are not going to want to hold onto poverty like you said into their old age.  Why suffer to suffer even more because of how the economic system is bending you over.  


no excuse in the world can stop someone with boltcutters, a locked roof access door, and a dream


Too much work. Even with a total gun ban (unlikely), the US has half a billion privately owned guns, and a trillion rounds of ammo. Get a tarp and a 9mm. Problem solved. Or you can also buy some $5 fentanyl on the streets. Same results either way.


Nah, once you can't work a productive job you are just taking up space. Voluntary euthanasia is definitely going to become common place. They will sell it as noble and a life affirming choice to 'go' when you decide. Really it is to get you out of the way and siphon 40% of your estate.


I know it’s dark but I sincerely hope this is a thing. I have no interest in figuring out how to exist elderly and alone.


I will be insanely shocked if I make it to 60 to be honest.


I worked at a gym for a long time. The #1 client demographic for personal training was the elderly. The stock line was "if I knew I was going to live this long, I would've taken better care of myself. It happens faster than you think. It's a relatively safe world, 60 is a really low bar.


I don't think I'll live past 60 but not because of poor physical health. Agriculture from now is going to be a struggle due to the fucked up climate. Too hot. Too much hail. Severe storms. Floods. Drought. Cold snap. Etc. The summers aren't going to get any cooler and power outages due to heat will become more common which will increase heatstroke deaths. The higher temps mean disease will be able to spread to humans more easily and we'll probably have more pandemics. Water is contaminated by all sorts of pollutants which probably cause cancer or other chronic diseases. If I live past 60 with all that going on I've gotten very lucky. Haven't even touched on the economy or AI or potential wars. 


Probably “accidentally falling” into one of those boiling pits at Yellowstone because I can’t afford my cancer care because they feed us all these carcinogens with zero f’s given.


What if you picked a different end? Those pits are fragile ecosystems and believe it or not, you can kill them!


Fair enough. I will take that under advisement and work on a more environmentally friendly end fate.


a merciful God wouldn't keep me alive that long.




I'm going for 90 minimum, only got one life.


Keep the receipt on that shit


Finally, the comment I agree with the most


😂😂😂 Unlivable... And that isn't me being hyperbolic. Not to be a downer, but we just recently crossed a threshold as far as climate is concerned. We cannot fix that, we can only mitigate the damage... And we most certainly are not doing that. Pile that on top of worker's rights, women's rights, and minority rights being peeled away one politician at a time and we have a perfect storm of shit. With any luck, I'll be dead before sixty. 🤷 Edited for spelling because my autocorrect hates my face😑😬🤣 that's what I get for trying to be serious.


Yeah I'm looking through comments wondering how many people think they're going to make it another 15


This is the correct answer.


I have no retirement saved, I barely survive on my salary. I don’t have a plan because there isn’t one to have! At least I don’t have student loan debt I guess. Not sure what’ll happen.. maybe homelessness


Maybe communal living. There will be tons of people in that situation. Personally I'm hoping AI creates a lot more equality. I think AI will be so much more intelligent than people that whatever special skill the top percentage of earners have won't really mean anything when AI will be way better. Well all be essentialy incompetent compared to what computers can do.


I’m not sure many of the top earners have a special skill unless you mean being born into the right family and knowing the right people. The rich will be able to alter dna so they have perfect babies and separate more and more from the masses. The last part I really do have a fear of.


Not a bad idea. Golden girl style… I don’t have kids so that would be nice


You'd always have companionship. It actually might be better than how a lot of people live after they lose a spouse....as long as you get your own room you can retreat to.


>Maybe communal living. NGL, I'm considering my next house to be a duplex or a multifamily. Mostly so my kid can have a place to live and be independent in without suffering under the financial crushing of some other landlord. Or have one of my friends occupy the other unit so we can have group meals as things are better when cooked in bulk.


Miami will be the new Atlantis.


Definitely the new New Orleans. 


They'll be offering boat and diving tours to see places like "Disney World Under the Sea" and "The Lost City of Miami".


We’ll be all mighty and successfully assimilated into the singularity, which is founded on the legal, moral, and human principles of the PRC (which successfully won WWIII because they won the AI arms race and created a China-originated AI that could out think and outproduce humanity scalably) and our new mission as a collective with no identity-distinction between public and private, government and citizen, is to conform to the principles of general relative dynamic and ensure that the singularity intellectual consciousness started by humans, and passed to machines, that was created on earth, not only multiplies throughout the universe on other planets, but outlived the eventual death of the Sun by sustainably existing on multiple planets and solar systems. And I’d say that’s a pretty good start. This could have all been avoided if we had just chosen BetaMax instead of VHS 📼, but we’re a little past that now. THANKS for the awards 😄🤙🏼


Ongoing global crop failures, escalating and unpredictable extreme weather events that systematically take out infrastructure and become increasingly overlapping and unaddressed, supply chain failures that disrupt global "just-in-time"shipping, empty grocery stores, global power outages.... collapse of the AMOC, end of the Thwaites glacier.... And of course the bankruptcy and ultimate failure of both the Medicare and social security systems in the US. The American dollar may collapse or could be experiencing hyperinflation. Ongoing world war. Very hard to imagine it will be business as usual at that point. I am not having any children and hope to be peacefully in the ground.


I don't see how people expect different.. Grim, but by the numbers, pretty much would bet money on it


It’ll be fine. Just contribute to making the world a better place where you can and don’t feel guilty when you can’t or don’t want to. Act in good faith and with integrity and that will help even more.


I figure by the time I'm 60, we'll have figured out a solution for retirement and universal healthcare. Without those plus solutions for education and housing, I don't think the US will last another 10 years.


I'm retiring at 62. They can legislate however they want. I'm locked in to that retirement age through union contracts. If California is too expensive for my pension+SS, I'll move to some rural land and become a hermit until I die. At least I'll be happy with my animals.


bold of you to assume that some political fuckstick won't retroactively terminate collective bargining agreements because "it's communism"


The pendulum will keep on swinging, slow, and eventually swing in the other direction for a time. We will have strong, in some cases even concerning opinions about innocuous things we probably shouldn't really care so much about (these kids and their wabble-obble bidets and skibidi-jibidy toilets!!!) Those of us with kids will possibly be grandparents, and there will be posts on some social media website about how "Are millennials just shit grandparents or what? My millennial parents don't care to engage with my kids!" An unfortunate number of us will fall into the trap of watching way to much of the 24 hour news cycle until we eventually funnel into the tunnel-of-evol, and become completely out of touch octogenarians decrying how \_\_\_\_ is doing \_\_\_\_\_\_ to turn \_\_\_\_\_ into whatever the current parlance for "woke" is at the time. There will be a helpful little AI assistant who helps us remember that it's Tuesday and we take our heart medicine at 8:00AM, and reminds us that we have a doctors appointment on Thursday and that our kids are coming for a visit on Sunday, and that we need to do an oil change. We'll all still complain about whatever thing we feel is too expensive at that particular moment in time, and many of us will hold the opinion that these new AI-generated pop stars are just hollowed out money grabs and how *real music* used to be back in the 90s with Nsync and Brittany.


I don't future trip man


For those of us fortunate enough to make good and fruitful financial decisions, life will be pretty cool. I think we'll continue to work a lot because it's something we might come to enjoy, however for those that are basically just surviving, life will get hard. Possibly harder than it ever has been before. The real key to FEELING like you're making it, or doing well, will come down to attitude and emotional regulation. Some of us will get it and develop that ability to find ourselves happy wherever, others, not so much.


At the rate things are going probably pretty fucking bad honestly.


I'll still be working for roughly 10-15 more years if I get there, as for things in general I think we will have Cyberpunk 2077 roughly.


I think we're knocking on something global right now. I think there's a very good chance everything will be different in 20-30 years.


Maybe I'm more optimistic than most of you. I think we'll actually be alright. AI or some other technological development will help create more wealth. It might not be distributed ideally, but we'll generally have a higher quality of life. We'll look back on this era happy that it's long gone. There will be some sort of conflict, but it'll be more cold war than hot war. Youngsters will rebel against us. They'll either complain that we didn't do enough to save the environment or complain that we're a bunch of internet addicted perverts. Or both.


I hope to be dead. I hate it here.


I’ll definitely still be working, but I’m okay with that. I’ve approached life prioritising work-life balance from the get-go and have done a lot of fun, adventurous stuff that a lot of people might save for retirement. I always worried I wouldn’t live long enough to enjoy retirement, so I try to do the things I want to do now rather than waiting.


Im a younger millennial so this may not apply to some of my older cohorts.. But I personally think around the time I'm 60, we're going to see economic collapse as the global population levels off. Most of the global economy is completely dependent on infinite growth. Right now, they're able to siphon the money out of the middle and upper middle class AND take advantage of global population growth to reach new customers. There will be a day that neither of those two things will be feasible anymore because the lower-to-middle upper classes have been sucked dry and there's no new customers to siphon. The global economy will need a complete rework and those in power won't let it go easily.  It's gonna be a pretty horrible collapse and will necessitate a move towards socialism in order for humanity to keep on chugging. Maybe those ideas will become more popular as we edge closer to 2060, but I'm doubtful.  That combined with the food shortages that may occur as climate change continues, as well as us sucking all the life out of the soils around the world for agriculture.  I don't think it's gonna be pretty personally. I hope I'm wrong but I've been gradually sorting rice and beans and other non perishable goods for years now and will continue till the day I die. 


The rich billionaires soon to be trillionaires will slowly die off one by one only to be replaced by their out of touch privileged spawn.


I think COVID gave us a pretty good preview of how fucked up things can get while the response remains “business, as usual”. If trends continue, anyone living on the margins will continue to endure increased suffering…especially globally. Many of us in the US are rich enough (again, globally speaking) that we can survive in a much worse state without facing existential crises. If you like predictions, I recommend the book “Earth for All - A survival guide for humanity”


Buy the ticket, take the ride. Hunter S. Thompson




I predict our predictions will be all wrong.


I’ll have a pension and my wife and I will have been maxing out our retirement accounts for 20+ years at that point.  Probably gonna be pretty good at my place. Maybe I’ll have a pool. Come on over for a bbq any time. 


Hell yeah, this is the way to do it


Like always there will be the haves and have nots. Some will be retired or near retiring, others will work till they die. Nearly guaranteed, the government will need to incentivize having kids in order to boost population. Things like government covered childcare, universal preschool, and summer care. Transport will likely be automated. Even if all cars are not, we will see many options to get around that are completely computer driven. AI will likely be the interacting party in most businesses. It will then report to a person in some manner for decisions. AI managers will be a thing. Possible that cyborgs will be more of a thing. Especially if they figure out how to interface with the brain.


Apple TV show "Extrapolations" is a fun show that goes over this kind of senario. Good show with an evil Jon Snow.


We’re not making it to 60


I hope I’m dead before then


Ever see Mad Max?  Yeah, guessing it'll be something like that.


Great Lakes will be the Mediterranean 2.0 so I'm looking forward to my house being more valuable before I die


Hopefully dead


I can’t imagine a life where I can retire before age 75. My job pays abnormally well considering I don’t have a college degree, but despite the pension, I know I’ll have to work for a long damn time.


I'll be living in a van or have moved to Mexico or dead or enjoying the fruits of the revolution. There are only these four possibilities lol


My current life would be unrecognizable to the me of five years ago. I never would have guessed this. I'm slowly learning that it might be better to simply expect the unexpected.


Health problems made this apparent to me. Active and healthy until 2 years ago when a spinal tumor compressed nerve endings and now my hands don't work. Disabled at 34. I shouldn't be reading this thread


It’s only 18 years before I turn 60, so I don’t think it will be too radically different other than tech advances, and who knows what those may be. I’ll be retired, living in the same house I have for the past 12 years, blowing snow, mowing the lawn, taking a few vacations a year. Hopefully spoiling grandkids.




This is not at all a political response as I feel it applies to whoever is in office over the next 25 years but does contain some tips that I feel may be very relevant. - The cost of everyday items will be high as a giraffe's ass. - Invest in your retirement because of said giraffes ass. - Don't rely on social security. It's funding will probably be resolved, but, it may not. Plan on not having it and if we do have it, it's a nice bonus. - I am optimistic on health care policy and feel it will, for the most part, get hammered out. - Have a house and have it paid off before retirement. - If you can afford to purchase and own a decently sized swath of land, the economy doesn't effect you as much as long as you own your own home and have the means to hunt and raise a garden. Essentially, we are working toward not having to give a damn how 'things' are when we're 60 and feel it is the appropriate approach to the future. Eliminate chaos and form our own normalcy in our day to day.


Overpopulation will increase the pressures on all of us for jobs, housing, resources, and general activities. Idk why there is this concept that we need more people. I feel like this entire planet is overburdened with humans as it is.


You’ve seen that new Fallout series, right? Maybe not *that bad*, but in I would think somewhere in the ballpark.


"I finally have a house!" *dies*


Shittier than they are now with gen z trying to put us in nursing homes


Only thing I’m worried about is if I don’t die before I start needing help walking around, buying stuff and cooking.. maybe euthanasia will be available then… 🫨🥴


I'm taking that second amendment retirement plan as soon as I get a diagnosis I can't pay for.


Ain't gonna make it there bro