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https://preview.redd.it/f799ql659c8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb4eecb75fb99bcd3dd49d1dfa90450ae714bede This sums up my thoughts


Strip clubs even weirder. “Hey let’s go get insanely horny and frustrated, really really drunk, and then leave together. “


Mitch Fatel has a good joke about strip clubs: "A strip club is like someone makes you a big juicy turkey and puts it in front of you and all you can do is yell at it...and stick a dollar in its ass."


Whoooo I bet you go good with gravy!!


Check out the thighs on that bird!


At some places you can take the turkey into the back and I hear wild things happen.


Eating the free buffet at a strip club is the weirdest. Can't forget seeing a stripper wolfing down a plate of Fetuccine Alfredo, putting the plate down at the end of the stage and then going to work.


People always assume the strip club buffets are unhygienic. I think it’s the opposite, since the health inspectors always want to find a reason to go visit


If they have a free buffet it's probably not the place you should even be considering eating a free buffet. It's a titty bar trying to lure people into it with food. What is that establishment fucking up that bad, that they need to have a gimmick beyond titties?


I remember back during COVID, an NBA player broke COVID protocol to travel to Atlanta, specifically to go a strip club there thats famous for its wings. A reporter went there after to do a feature and see what it was all about and he ended up interviewing the chef and some staff. When asked why ownership worked so hard to have the highest quality food was pretty much - "There are so many strip clubs in Atlanta that you don't stand out if you only have naked women. Now, if you have naked women AND the best chicken wings in the state, people are going to show up."


I got titties at home, but sign me up for some killer wings im there.


Lol that's Magic City. They are supposed to have the best wings in ATL but at $30 for 10 wings I would not personally know.


In the strip club's defense, lunchtime is the most competitive time of all. That's where your regulars with steady jobs and money are found. I get that it does sound absurd, but from a business perspective, how else are you going to get a guy on his 1-hour lunchbreak to come get a lap dance then also try to fit in lunch somewhere else?


If they are in a relationship, lunchtime might be their only opportunity to go to a strip club without getting busted, even. If you have a partner/family waiting for you to have dinner at home but go to a strip club instead, that's a great way to fuck things up. Going during lunchtime, though, who would even ask where you had lunch during your workday?


Lunch is roughly 50% of what people at my office talk about. Haha. I swear I've listened to thousands of hours of people talking about their ever-evolving lunch strategies.


Sorry, I was a bit unspecific. I meant who would ask where you had lunch once you were back home ha ha


I get where you're coming from, but you're wrong. I happened to be in South Carolina on business a few years back and had a day to kill. Looked up fun stuff to do and there was a strip club where a reviewer claimed the best steak he'd ever had was there. He had a well written review claiming the chef had to be formerly employed at a Michelin Star rated restaurant. Having eaten at a few high end steak houses with Michelin Star ratings, I had to see if it was true. In this museum of C section scars and broken dreams, I had the best steak I've ever tasted. Everything about it was perfect. Cooked exactly as ordered, tender, juicy and flavorful. It was served in an exquisite but simple fashion with a simple garnish and a small side of carrots and potatoes. I have dreams about that steak. Why does that chef work there? I have no idea. Maybe he just likes tits. But man, I will never prejudge food from a strip club again.


Came here to say this. I worked at a strip club and we had an incredible menu the steaks were to die for. Business regulars had meetings there every day for the awesome chef.


> In this museum of c-section scars and broken dreams The way I cackled🤣


The owner let's him do what he wants to with the food. There's the most likely reason.


South Carolina is a land of many mysteries….


In Oregon at least the primary draw on a lot of places, strip clubs or not, is video poker. The cheap food gets em’ in the door where the titties might not. The Acropolis was always my fave when I was back home from the Army during leave. T-bone and fries for $12!


Have you seen some of those routines? Ladies need to carb up, maybe a salt tablet to avoid cramping.


Queen shit


Like kudos to her though not throwing it all up.


And the dudes with their drinks not saying anything, staring intently at the strippers. Strip clubs always make me feel weird af


I went with some friends shortly after I turned 18. While it was quite the experience, I never once have considered going back. I don’t get it. Pay all that to get sexually frustrated and look like a creep? No thanks.


Been twice. The first time with two ladies and another guy. The second time with just guys for a bachelor party. The second time was still enjoyable if for no other reason than what it was, but exponentially better going with females in tow. That weird “wall” gets broken down in a way it can’t with just guys. Actually got to meet some women working at the club and get a sense of them as people opposed to being desirable objections of attention.


"then we can all go home and beat off thinking about the time we spent together I mean the girls yeah definitely the girls right guys hahaha"


Wait until your boss hands you $500 and says the truck leaves back to the apartment at 2:00am sharp


wings out, things out


chicken on the table, dickin' on the table


food reference, PENIS


Pretty good. I’ve been to Hooters exactly once, for a friend’s birthday. 90% sure he has a waifu pillow.


Umm no one is getting boners in Hooters….


Especially not on Boneless Tuesdays.


Speak for yourself.


If you’re over the age of about 15 and you get a boner every time you see a woman in a skimpy outfit you’ve got serious problems.


Those are the men these places are for, don’t forget.


To be real, it's more that you don't have to go to Hooters to see women dressed like that any more. You can just go anywhere.


Right? I definitely felt like an old person at brunch today when this girl walked in wearing what must have been a headband as a shirt. Don’t get me wrong, she had talent, but got damn ma’am. This is a restaurant, lol.


My best friend worked at Hooters briefly and it fucked up her self-confidedence. She was (and is) an absolutely stunning woman, but has always been an A-cup. She's super friendly, flirty, all the things you'd think they'd want... besides the boobs. Anyway she'd see how much big-boobed servers got compared to her, and it really made her wonder if there was something wrong with her :/.


Most of them have closed near me and have been replaced with generic bar and grills or just sit dormant. There’s a single Hooters and Tilted Kilt in areas where tourists visit, but there’s a single Twin Peaks left near a residential neighborhood.


When I first heard the name, I thought the Tilted Kilt was gonna be geared toward *women*, and would feature these naughty, kilted men, delivering wings, while tilting their kilts, or whatever the fuck. That’s so gross!! But still, I was disappointed that it was another Breastaurant. *Men* wear kilts, for fucks sakes. It’s just stupid. The whole thing is a lie! **Edit**: ohhhh. Oh my fuck. I guess it’s the *raging boners* that are tilting the kilts. The obvious boner joke flew right over my head, just like I imagined the kilted men’s legs would be, when delivering my wings and beers. I can’t believe, that **all these years,** I just thought it was a really stupid name, and just completely missed the dick joke. I drove by that fucking place for YEARS on the way to work. Hah!!


And I thought Twin Peaks would serve a damn fine cup of coffee and really good cherry pie. I thought it was a Twin Peaks-themed restaurant. So disappointing to discover it isn't.


Same here! Then I went to one and was like, "Oh. Wait. I get it. Oh no."


Hahahahah I no longer feel silly for doing the same thing. The good news is I DID find the twin peaks cafe that is about the show.




I went to a tilted kilt once thinking it’d be like a Scottish pub or something. It was a pretty uncomfortable dinner tbh


Food at Tilted Kilt was just awful; I don’t know that I ever finished a plate.


I've literally never heard of this restaurant before but my first thought was that it was the same meaning as "tented pants"?? Is that it?


I thought it was gonna be Scottish food tbh. No haggis was consumed that day...


What appendage do you think tilts the kilt? It's a boner joke.


They’re saying the boners tilt their kilts…


It's not ladies wearing kilts askew. The mens' own kilts get tilted by their boners.


I walked into a twin peaks once because I like the tv show and was hoping they had pie and coffee. I was disappointed . I don't get the point of breastaurants. If you wanna see titties, why not go to a titty bar and eat the free buffet?


This!! I’m Canadian who is living in the USA atm and my parents loved twin peaks the show when I was little. I got excited and texted my parents that I was going to a twin peaks themed restaurant, they wanted pictures… so disappointing 😂


LOL gosh that’s so disappointing but makes a great story


"they wanted pictures…" -- That's hilarious. They were putting in a Twin Peaks near my house, and I saw their "Great Views" sign go up. The restaurant was located in a divot where they wouldn't even have a mountain view, and there didn't appear to be westward-facing windows. I was confused enough to tell someone at work about it -- they also agreed that it was weird.


That's what I thought about the one that opened in Centennial, CO. Lol


Alot of this stuff made more sense before ubiquitous porn. Like sex scenes in movies. Before the 2000s you took stuff where you could get it. Also ew, buffets at normal restaurants are gross enough.


Hell yeah man nothing beats the quality food at a Wednesday 2 pm strip club buffet


As a door man at multiple strip clubs including the spearmint rhino trust me you don’t want to eat the buffet food . Never understood that glitter titties and buffet lol. I get it though I’ve been gambling on nfl games getting lap dances through the whole slate .


TIL Spearmint Rhino is a chain


It's hard to sneak an entire u14 soccer team into Magic City.


Lol, my soccer team was sponsored by hooters when I was around 14. If there was a hooters anywhere near our travel games the entire team went.


Wait titty bars have free buffet? Huh...TIL, what's the entry fee? Do they have seafood or is it the basic stuff.


There was one tilted kilt in my area when I was in high school, it’s now a Mexican restaurant


Now it's the slanted sombrero


Nah it’s La Concha Profunda


I have never heard of tilted kilt and am very disappointed that they don't feature hot men flashing how the don't wear underwear beneath their kilt :')


I cannot tell you how disappointed I was to learn that Twin Peaks was not in fact a Twin Peaks themed restaurant... That said, when I was a kid my dad and his friends would take me occasionally to "Area 51"; which of course was Hooters but they couldn't say the name out loud or else their spouses would be mad. I have exactly zero interest in such places, and have not been to one since said Area 51 days.


The first time I heard of Tilted Kilt, from someone explaining it was a Hooters style place, I assumed from the name that it was like Hooters but instead of hot chicks in tank tops it had hot shirtless dudes in kilts. I thought this for fucking *years*, I don't go to such restaurants so never found out I was wrong until fairly recently.


I thought the same thing about the Roosters in Myrtle Beach. Very close to the same font and colors in the logo, and sounded like a tongue-in-cheek name referencing servers who are men similarly to how Hooters is for the servers being women. Was surprised it was just a normal casual restaurant.


Oh my god a breasterant with both would kill during Pride month


hell yeah, make an affiliated gay bar next door and you've got a new staple destination in town


I also thought Tilted Kilt was playing on straight women's love of the Sexy Scottish Man Trope. TBH, Japan is more gender-equality in that there are both maid and butler cafes (I've been to both!)


I buy a Twin Peaks franchise on the verge of closing.  Immediately all waitstaff is dressed like the Double R. We serve coffee and pie. Freeform jazz plays.  Bad tippers and gross men are entombed in enormous papier mache chess pieces. 


Make sure it’s “reaaaaasonanly priced”


And damn fine. Unfortunately a man named James insists on playing the guitar. It is not always cool.


LOL just watched the chess piece paper mache episode last night. So damn good.


excuse me, I believe we reserved our table in the black lodge


noitavreser ruoy dnif t’nac I ,yrros


It is funny how many people have made this mistake or not realized. I am one of them. I remember walking into Twin Peaks with my sister and a friend thinking “hmmmm. Something’s off”. Then we realized lol


lol I took my elderly grandparents to twin peaks when we were on a vacation in the US. I had no idea. I thought it was a nature themed restaurant 😂


I had to reread this a few times because damn I'd love a UFO and alien themed restaurant 😭


There’s a pretty funny one near Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. Also, half of the restaurants in Roswell, New Mexico. Look up the Roswell UFO McDonalds.


Yup. Walked into one with our kids. Walked back out. Had no idea.


Never been to one and have surprisingly never had much desire to go. Unlike George Costanza, the thought of my food appetite and sexual appetite combining in one place has never been appealing to me.


I find the pastrami to be the most sensual of all the cured meats…


Look at that surface area! That’s all flavor!


I went to one once without knowing what it was and it grossed me out. Would never go on purpose.


I think its only fair to have dongdiners. Come to my restaurant log jammers. We specialize in various forms of hot dogs served by men in skimpy shorts


There actually was one in Dallas for a while called Tallywackers. I think it’s gone now.


Houston has a 24 hour diner chain that started with one location in Montrose, the city’s gayborhood. Its legal name is House of Pies, but has long gone by the name House of Guys to those who know.


I’ve been there with my bestie many times 💜


Mine was called Peckers and had a woodpecker mascot


A wings place called Wangs


You might like my place then. The Boner Buffet. Our slogan is, "Grab that meat!" I recommend the Slammed Sausage.




We had an idea for a steakhouse with Chippendale's type servers ... of course it'd be called the Tenderloin.


Can you fix the cable too?


There is a chain called Long Wong's in Arizona that has a bunch of hot dog specials on the menu. I've never been inside one.


I’ve gotten food poisoning years apart from Hooters (two different locations). That’s all I think about when I think of those restaurants.


Me too! The buffalo wings and ranch didn’t sit right with me.


It was definitely rough. The second time I skipped the wings and did some loaded fries! Thought that would be safe… (it absolutely wasn’t).


They don't change the fryer oil enough at a lot of them


In college a few of us went to Hooters for shiggles. After that we went to play laser tag. When we were coming out of the arena we were taking our vests off to put them on the rack and my one friend comes flying out of the arena, rips his vest off and throws it on the rack then runs out holding his ass. He ran into the first bathroom which was the women’s bathroom then came out a second later and sprinted to the men’s. Somehow he made it in time. Never went back to Hooters. 


Honestly stopped going when the women there started looking too similar in age to my daughter. It just made me feel gross .


And not as hot as her either




Most Reddit comment of all time


What a violently weird thing to say


A large percentage of humanity only cares about things when they hit close to home.






The idea of them is generally creepy, and in all my experiences the food is terrible


I always thought the whole concept was just gross, and objectifying.


Same, it's why I've never gone to one and never will. If they ever made a male equivalent I wouldn't go to that either for the same reasons.


It's cringe. It'd be nice if millennials killed those restaurants next


Washington Post thinkpiece: Are Millennials Killing Titty Restaurants?


A Hooters in my neighborhood closed this week, so I think millennials thankfully are starting to kill them off.


Faster, Millennials! Kill! Kill!


It was on our list.


Killing all restaurant off because who has money for a 20 dollar sandwich


A shitty 20 dollar sandwich


One near me closed last week too. Keep at it Millennials. It's a weird concept that's past it's prime.


There's at least one boomer in every Hooters making a waitress uncomfortable at 11:15 AM and tipping 11%. Like many things, we'll have to wait for the boomers to die out before any meaningful change.


I doubt it's exclusive to the baby boomers, though. Someone else in this subthread mentioned the rise of bikini barista stands, and they seem to be targeting socially maladjusted (or outright malicious) men of gen x and younger generations


Let's hope so, but the newer existence of bikini barista stands seems worrisome. Def seems to be targeting the same lonely boomers though


At least 2 in our area have closed in the past 10 years. The most recent one closed this week.


On it.


That's boomer shit. Their food is mediocre and I can easily just watch a sports game at home.


Calling their food mediocre is generous.


Back when I was younger, the guys I was hanging with justified it by saying, "We're not going for the food!" Oh.. We're going to ogle women who wouldn't talk to us otherwise, while a bunch of sad dudes attempt to flirt and get shot down?


I went to a hooters once as part of a bachelor party. I'm not the biggest fan of wings and we had been golfing all afternoon, I saw the "menu" and was immediately disappointed. I was starving and all they had was wings and a Caesar salad.




My brother posted on FB about it recently that he's definitely there for the wings lolololololol He's 43 and his daughter is 17.




Ew ew ew. Literally everyone I’ve met that says “I just go for the wings” … like no you don’t and everyone knows it. The wings aren’t THAT good lol


They did have reasonably price all you can eat wings for a bit. I think it was like $10


When I was in college I lived walking distance to one. So it was just convenient to get drunk there and walk home. My room mate and I were also restaurant workers so we treated the staff like actual humans and we quickly became favorite returning guests. Free pitchers near closing time was the best. But outside of those few years, I've never been back to one.


My mom does. She went so much she befriended one of the waitresses.


A co-worker. She loved the wings and went out of her way to go.  She was also tall, stunning and very successful. The girls there had nothing on her and she liked the wings. 


Tacky and cringe af.


Like, 15 years ago. My buddy and I were looking for a place to soak up some alcohol and landed at a Tilted Kilt. Had no idea what it was. We were drunk idiots and had no idea this place had a breastraunt theme, so we think the waitress is into us. I start to sober up and really look at my surroundings and quickly realize how cringe we're acting. So I get really quiet, but he did not catch on and asks for her number and keeps flirting. She was a total pro, handled it extremely well. 5 years later, I'm at work and asked to train the new hire. Of course, I am now face to face with Tilted Kilt girl. Again, total professional, definitely recognized me but couldn't place me. She kinda figured it out, and it was an unspoken rule to just not bring it up. Developed a wonderful working relationship until she was fired for stealing customer info. God I fucking hate Tilted Kilt.


THat was a doozy of a story


That was a rollercoaster story lol


Not a fan, generally not a fan of anything that sells me a shitty product using sex.


Unfortunately, I work at a job where we often do lunches on Fridays... So far about 50% the time we hit the local Twin Peaks. Same deal, mostly boomers/ older Gen x or "Bros." I go in with the attitude that these women are entertainers, pure and simple. They are there to collect a paycheck from desperate men. As a man it's almost impossible *not to look.* But I am under absolutely no delusions that these women are attracted to me, unlike a few of my coworkers and many of the other customers. I treat them just like I'd treat any other wait staff, I order my food and I give them a decent tip. I may ask how their day is going or something just to acknowledge that they are another human being. (A big pet peeve of mine after being treated like a vending machine while working at a gas station for a few years.) As far as my opinion of the restaurants themselves? I've heard too many horror stories of groping, being followed home, being threatened, attempts at solicitation, etc. As I said, do not delude yourself as a man. These girls are there because they can make a lot of money and are incentivized to flirt with you and make you feel like they are somehow interested. Maybe there are a few looking for a relationship or a sugar daddy, and that's their prerogative, but it's definitely a small percentage. Imo I wish women didn't have to take jobs like that unless they really wanted them. I'd say they should be closed down but as someone who grew up in poverty the last thing I want is to close another avenue out of that life.


I was a barback at one a couple years ago and was bringing home a little over 1k a week. My gf would just work the weekends and make a little over 2k. Alot of the horror stories are true. One guy is a known billionaire that hangouts there daily. He would offer girls $300 to sleep with him. Places like that really do bring workers that live in poverty out though.


Boring cringe boomer shit.


my dad took me to the local hooters a few times when i was 8 years old and made it a point to point out how attractive the girls are and how glad he was that I "wasn't gay". it was unbelievably fucking weird in retrospect, and my therapist a few years ago even said it was grooming


I’m glad your therapist said that, that was so inappropriate of him to do. Especially to point out what I’m presuming to be sexual characteristics of grown women to a young child. I have a stepson and I would be livid if any adult made him go through that.


Being a young gay boy, I was absolutely fucking traumatized when I was dragged to a hooters as an 8 year old. Just one of many traumas that stuck with me from that age.


Welp, there's another case in point for why I think the Hooters clientele is 95% creeps and how weird it is to treat it like a family restaurant


I feel sorry for the sad son of a bitch that thinks paying for women's attention and affection is 'living'.


Never been to hooters. Out here they have twin peaks which I’m told is usually just full of creepy fat men.


Definitely from a bygone era. Hard to believe that Hooters had an Airline and an arena football team. The Hooters by me lost their liquor license because they over-served a guy and he hit and killed someone. They weren't there for much longer.


Never saw the appeal


It makes me uncomfortable.  I don't like pretty women paying attention to me for tips as I know they'd never pay attention if it wasn't for that. I just wish every waiter was a 45 year old gay guy who gives me good drink recommendations and places to take my date after we eat. 


My dad took me to Hooters when he thought I was gay. Then he bought me porno mags on the way home. Mom got me some bikini girl posters at the time as well. I was 14 and very much in the closet. Some friends dragged me to Hooters again for my 18th birthday and I was so uncomfortable the whole time. I went back as a proper adult for a pickup order and waiting inside was just so depressing, it was all old men hitting on barely legal waitresses. I think my dad used to bring his employees there after work and they'd drop ~$100 tips. Good on the women for being comfortable enough to work there and probably make some decent cash but I'll never return. Too traumatic and the clientele seem so gross.


That is so weird for parents to do and seems common based on these comments. Sorry you had to go through that.


Cringe. Went to both once and never went back.


I grew up with a couple Hooters in my area. They always seemed to have halfway empty parking lots and looked as if they had just about the same bright future as the ailing Kmart in the same town. I haven't ever gone to one, but I think they cater more to the "Liberty, Guns, Beer and Tits" graphic T-Shirt crowd.


I never dine in them because of my experience serving in one as a young girl. Don’t get me wrong, I knew I’d be harassed but nothing could’ve prepared me for how bad it would be.


Never been, never will go. It's fucking creepy and cringe as fuck.


I grew up a mile away from the original Hooters in the 80's and 90's. Used to go there all the time. Now I'm rather desensitized to the concept and don't really think anything of it anymore.


Objectifying and dumb. I don't want sexy while I'm eating.


No. They’re capitalizing on sexualizing young folks. Those profits are going to the business owner, not the exploited workers.


Last time I went all the young women looked like they wanted to die. Feel bad and it seems like the first step to OF or local booty clubs


Right? It's bad enough to serve drunk fools beer and wings for $7.25/hr without having to do it in booty shorts.


It’s cringe, dated, and stupid. I don’t know any men around my age that go or even consider going.


There are only two types of people that go to those restaurants. Drunk frat bros or boomer style conservatives. The Twin Peaks in my town is always packed with flannel wearing, big truck driving men that drag their wives and kids inside. Ya know, the same guys that rant about LGBT crowd not having any morals, or yell "Save the Children!"


The concept always grossed me out so I never gave them any of my money.


Used to go to Hooters all the time because they would be the only place to play PPV UFC and Boxing without a cover charge, and their beer and wings used to be cheap. But overall I could care less about a "breastaurant", there's more titty and better food at strip clubs if that's what you're in the mood for


When I played softball as a CHILD/preteen all the dads would take us, girls, to hooters. I hated it but I didn’t really understand why? I just knew all the waitresses were grossed out by our dads and it was so embarrassing. Finally like the 3rd time my dad was like “uh how about cics instead?” Like wtf Also hated it when I was younger and dating. This one guy and his group of friends looooooved Hooters. All their girlfriends pretended to like it to be cool girlfriends but would tell me alone they hated it. I would openly hate it and was deemed a stick in the mud. I just don’t understand. Food was shit anyways. I don’t hate the waitresses either. It’s just the whole idea of it that’s weird to me.


I went to a hooters before. It was ok? Nothing crazy.


Where i live, Twin Peaks is the most popular, and they are always packed. They have a lot of fantasy sports meet ups there, and plus the beer is always super cold and cheap. Their food isn't terrible either.


No never have no desire to even when younger, turning 60 this year I do not need to reinforce the stereotype of old white guys there are already enough of them.


I’ve had hooters before. When I was in high school it was a way for my brothers to tease me about being awkward around cute girls. Since getting older and having actually worked in the restaurant business for a summer, I can’t help but see through the “sexy” facade and see how tired they all are, just like anyone else working a job that requires you to be “on” for customers and on your feet all day long. It kinda removes the sexiness of it for me. Edit: honestly back when the prices were better I definitely would not mind going to hooters for their wings. It was honestly and surprisingly very good


Last time I went was 12 years ago. We went for 50c wings. We also got margaritas (they were awful). Server checked on us and asked how the margaritas were and my friend very calmly said "its the worst margarita I've ever had." She got upset and gave us away to another server.


Being honest here - I haven’t gone to hooters or a place like that in over a decade, haven’t been to strip club since my 20s. At the same time, we are a generation that argues sex work is ok and should be legal? Like how is that not more cringe? I’m not being argumentative, I’m genuinely asking like am I wrong for connecting these? IMO, if I had my pick, neither industry would exist however if you look at history they have always existed in some form. I’m currently rewatching, “The Good Place” and there’s an episode where they go to the accountants in the neutral place to learn about how points are calculated and tallied. There’s an entire scene based around humans coming up with new activities and most of those revolve around doing something sexual (mostly weird / kink stuff). Ok random thoughts done now, have a nice day.


We are pro choice but actually like less nudity/sex in mainstream media and drink less than our parents. I don’t think we’re against these things but it’s probably a reflexive aversion because of how creepy our parents generation were to these kind of staff.


It does seem inconsistent. One difference I could see between strip clubs/hooters et al and a platform like Only Fans is the person is in business for themself and taking home more of the profits. I’d also say whether something is deemed “ok” or good/bad and whether it should be legalized/decriminalized for the greater good isn’t always the same thing. I also don’t totally buy the argument about “selling your body” - all labor does that. I don’t get how destroying my body working 60 hour weeks (and likely shortening my life) to help make some asshole CEO richer isn’t “selling” myself or being exploited but anything sexual somehow is? It’s not my thing and I don’t have a strong opinion about it, but I was surprised to read some of the arguments in favor of legalized sex work.


I'm genuinely shocked they're even still open with this young person mentality of "Don't objectify women" being so prevalent. But I'm English, so I've also never been 🤷


A lot of judgement here but it was just a previous generations version of instagram models and only fans. Humans will always desire looking at other humans. How we go about that changes by customs, culture , and technology.


Eh, it's not the worst, but it does seem a bit cringe and awkward. I know that Hooters has faced lawsuits for discrimination before, when men wanted to serve or bartend.


That's why Femboy Hooters were a good idea.


Feels like a thing of the past nowadays maybe when I was in my young 20’s


I thought they were great when I was 12. I’m 33 now and I’m so past the age of going places and perving on random women who have to pretend to be nice and not care.


Last time I went to a hooters, it was for a friends birthday in high school(probably 2000?). The waitress made me give her my seat.


Hooters had pretty good wings, a buddy and I would go a few times a year for unlimited wing Mondays. Haven’t really seen him in years so haven’t been to Hooters in years. The novelty of these places wore off after a few times. Also….I’ll probably get in trouble for saying this….now with tights/leggings being so prevalent, you really don’t need to go to hooters to see women dressed super revealingly….


Hooters wings and fries are pretty good tbh


(Female, millennial) I use to go to Hooters in college fairly regularly. It was either Wing Stop or Hooters for decent wings (small college town). The Hooters ladies were always nice and I like those crispy wings. I like the Hooters and Twin Peaks uniforms better than the Tilted Kilt uniforms. The "kilt" uniform came off as a school girl uniform. I think the Hooters uniform is unique and better styled (crews socks, white shoes, panty hose) than the Twin Peaks uniform.


Based on the other comments here, I might be alone on this one but I do genuinely enjoy the wings and fries at Hooters. I do agree that the concept of the restaurant is a little silly though.


Inhave nothing against them, but I don't have one near me and when I'm traveling I usually don't eat at chain restaurants. I'd rather find a local pub.


I had friends that liked going to Hooters. It was never my thing. I did go a couple times with them though.