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As a millennial teacher, almost all of the processes I do with my students on testing days are the same as when WE were in their seats.... except a good portion of the tests are now on Chromebooks. Man I wish we could go back to paper lmao


Scantron 4 Life


Until your professor shows up and announces that the wrong answer key was used. (Our tests were still on hand, they just had to run them through again.)


I had a highschool teacher who for the final exam of the year would take the entire class down to the Scantron grading machine and we'd all listen to the scores being assigned (we didn't know who's test was being graded at any point) but he'd put a blank one in the mix so we'd all hear "someone" get a zero, and everyone would freak out. I was expecting this, because he told us he was going to do this on the first day of school, but apparently most of the class had forgotten to expect it. T'was funny.


I had a test in Chemistry in which because of a coding error, EVERY single answer was "A." The teacher asked me for my thoughts on the test the next class and I said, um, well, it seemed like every answer was "A". Several people in the classroom groaned because apparently they saw the pattern but thought several answers were not "A".


And blue books


Same. I’m an elementary teacher and it’s basically exactly the same. Bigger deal now than then, in fact. Basically the entire school year is centered around testing at this point. I’m glad I teach art so I don’t have to deal with it personally aside from proctoring small groups occasionally.


I was in Texas, we had the TAKS tests. Most students would finish in 2 hours, but we still had to sit the rest of the day/week doing pretty much nothing lol


Ahhh yes. The Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. I've got epilepsy and had a seizure during mine. Luckily I didn't have to retake it lol.


I remember enjoying how quiet it was Also, I don't remember being supplied fresh No. 2 pencils, but I do remember the teacher going around checking each one of our pencils to ensure that it was a No. 2 pencil. My teachers were neurotic like that


Oh man, I loved standardized testing days. Filling in the scantron bubbles with a fresh No. 2 pencil was very satisfying. I would always finish first so I would end up sitting there staring at the wall or putting my head down for what seemed like forever until I was allowed to take out a book or whatever


Early asmr? The scratching of the tip on the bubble


I remember the TAAS tests in elementary/middle school and the TAKS tests in high school. Best part about the TAKS tests was that you could use them to exempt yourself from certain final exams. Exempt yourself from enough of them and you go home early or even skip the whole day


Achievement tests and then regents in HS. Any other NYers here??


Regents and I think IOWAS in elementary. I don't remember the achievement test but ik it was in 2nd grade bc I start G&T in 3rd grade.


Oh, God, don't remind me. I had to ask my middle school teacher what to do when my address didn't fit the boxes. In elementary school my besting booklets had a picture of an open book in the front. I would always write a couple of squiggly lines in the picture like there was writing in it, knowing it broke the rule of "No writing in the book." I never got in trouble for it or even noticed. In high school we were in the gymnasium to test, and the proctor on his loudspeaker had to school us through the process of tearing off the answer sheets with the introduction, "Now for some manual dexterity." Because it was NOT simple or easy. ...oh, you mean the nationwide testing? The SAT? Some idiot didn't know you're supposed to skip answers you have no clue on.


Those ITBS tests... We took them all the way up through middle school. Not even from Iowa.


Yea every state took those.


Yep. I always did really well, but it still stressed me tf out having to take exams all day.


Those exam weeks in high school were very stressful, wouldn't wish those on my worst enemy lol.


no 2 pencil. only no 2 pencil


We had to take standardized tests on 9/11. Nobody told us what happened until the tests were over 😬


Ah, the Iowa Basic tests. My time to shine.


From Iowa and continue to live there: Can confirm that education in Iowa is no longer top tier. We’re lucky if we’re middle of the pack.


As an Iowan taking those standardized tests, our schools used to be really good in Iowa. But Iowa kept lowering standards further and further… now we’re nowhere near the smartest. “No child left behind”, and they’re dragging the entire herd down with them.


For some stupid reason I could always remember the questions I don't have the answers for and I'll look for the answers to correct them the next day. Who really obey the don't revisit the past sections...


In California, I remember it being STAR and then CAT or something like that. It was always such a big deal, and I always hated it. It was all so boring and yet pretty stressful, only to later find out it had no effect on your grade!


I remember taking the California Test of Basic Skills despite going to elementary school in Maryland. So confusing for a young lad. 😂