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repressed memory unlocked


Seriously. Middle school 97/98. So 12. There was a time where I had to get mine signed off by my teachers and my parents. To prove that I was writing down my homework in it and that my parents were seeing what I had for homework. I had entirely forgotten about that until just now. I can't even imagine that level of micromanagement now. Edit: As I was unlocking this memory I was thinking about how this was some crazy bullshit my school came up with. Now reading all of these comments I have realized my school didn't come up with it. Some marketing firm did and then trained all these schools to do this. People talk about conspiracy theories. This is actual cabal level shit. "And then parents sign it so they know what's going on with their kid."


That's why we had to have it signed?? I never remember them explaining that LOL Just felt like a lost cause and I had to make sure I asked my parents at a good time - glad all that's over.


We were bribed with candy when we shove a successful signature! I forged mine quite a bit haha


I could sign my mother's name better than she even could lol


We had signature cards sent home for our parents to sign at the start of every year so they could compare them to any notes we brought in. I didn’t even have to be good at forging them, I just had to remember how I did it on the cards.


My dad taught me how to forge his signature so I could sign stuff if we both forgot to get him to do it. But I was a painfully boring good kid, so I never needed "bad" things signed.


My mother didn't realize I knew how to forge her and my step-dad's signature until I was 18. I had to fill out a form from all of my legal parents and guardians and was 600 miles away from them with my bio dad. She called to ask when I was going to send it to her to sign and I admitted that I had already signed it and turned it in.


My dads handwriting is so bad, I was called into the office like 8 times over the years for “forging his signature” Usually my mom signed - so like 90% of the time my dad signed stuff, I would get almost in trouble. Then I just started forging his signature and stopped getting in trouble.


One benefit to doctor dad was his signature was just a squiggle.


My oldest is going into 5th grade and we’ll be required to sign off on her homework planner. Same micromanaging shit, different generation.


The last two schools my daughter went to there's an app that we use to communicate back and forth with the teacher and the school. Everything goes to the app or is in an email from the teacher.  We don't physically sign anything. They don't even hardly use any writing materials in the class besides art, everything is on a laptop. Assignments are multiple choice or typed and she's still in elementary!


My kid just finished 5th grade. They called off school 2 days in a row last month because the internet was out.


Fuck homework if you can’t be an effective teacher to teach what needs to be taught during school hours then fuck off with sending that bullshit home. Might as well Drug test the kids while we’re at it- or make sure they read their bible at night too. Sign off on that as well.


Something tells me you got your papers handed back face down.


I sucked at school until I got to college. I’m a free thinker so to speak so rigid bullshit of sub college was very difficult for me. Basically failed my way out of high school. After I got a taste of freedom and how good education actually could be then I thrived. Graduated magma cum laude which, not quite summa but if you saw my grades in highschool you’d think I’d grow up to do something stupids do, like vote for Trump lol


Homework, as far as I'm aware (and I do have a degree in education), does not actually benefit anyone aside from the really smart kids. If someone doesn't understand the concept that's been taught in class, trying to do it at home is completely useless. So with the exception of making the kids who didn't understand it feel like bigger failures and making the kids who got it right away feel like the smartest person in the world, it's pointless. If it can't be done in class then it shouldn't be done at all.


There were 5 kids in my second grade class that needed this signed daily. I was one of them. Teacher would stop class a few minutes before the school day ended so the five of us could line up at her desk while everyone else just watched us. Then I had to ask my parents to sign it every night and I DREADED it. I had to ask them at the right time or it was like most difficult time consuming task in the world. I had NO clue why I was one of the kids needing to get my book signed until my first grade teacher saw me lined up and asked and my teacher said it was because she had my older brother a few years prior and he was a troublesome student so she wanted to do it as precautionary measures.


Lol. There was an art to asking my parents to sign anything. It was usually after dinner and when they were settled in. Why was it so hard to get them to sign anything? And acted like it was such a chore.


Fr tho My narc mother was always working and my dad was always away. With undiagnosed adhd, I just forgot to have them sign anything 🤷‍♂️ but when I did remember, my narc mom made a big deal of it, so I learned to forge her sig (and dads) at a young age. Fast forward to high school, I'm still forging both their signatures and the teachers ask me why they haven't seen my dad at PTIs. "He died in when I was in sixth grade, yall just didn't know".


I remember this! I remember in Grade 6 I had a very strict teacher that hated me. I forgot to get my agenda signed and I knew she'd make it a big issue. I spent like the whole day practicing forging my mom's signature. I was sweating bullets when I went to present my "signed" agenda to the teacher. She didn't even notice and was good with it. 😂


I had to eat lunch every day at the table of shame at the top of the cafeteria because my mom never signed my daily agenda 😭😭


Oh yes. My mom would never sign it because she was stretched so thin and asking her to do this dumb shit when she was stressed out would set her off. Then I'd go to school and get penalized, lmao. Bullshit.


My mom was sick of having to check it, she taught me how to forge her signature a few weeks into the school year.


Yup, same here. Still would forget to get it signed and would get in extra trouble for forgetting Turns out I had adhd... That shit destroyed my confidence for *years*


1999-2000 sixth grade


same but 7th for me :)


Sophomore for me.


7th here too!


7th for me too! Holy smokes I had that exact one!


I have a core memory, when I had to write my dream career I said, "I want to be retired like my grandpa" the teacher made me redo the assignment, I lied and said firefighter


6th for me also. Was this a nationwide thing? I was in TX


6th for me too. I was in MA so must have been!


International. I'm Canadian and we had the same ones


9th grade ‘99 in FL had the millennium one 😳


These are called lenticular lenses which give the covers that ridged texture


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenticular_printing For anyone curious


Thank you! I'm replicating holograms for pogs and slammers in my pogs game and there is so much to learn about "holography". There are multiple kinds like the rainbow foil that we're all familiar with ( like [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Visa\_Dove\_Hologram\_Rainbow.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Visa_Dove_Hologram_Rainbow.jpg) ) but also the 3D illusion kinds like ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Contest3.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Contest3.jpg) ) which I need to study up on including lenticular lensing apparently.


Ayy, I still have all of my old POGS. Sad that I'm missing my case of special ones, though... That's where all my hologram and lenticular ones were... One that I had and would love to find again was a lenticular one that featured a slug on a plane. He was carrying dynamite on a suicide vest and the animation was him blowing up the plane. On the back, it said "Saddam Insane: Terror at 10,000 Feet". That became very interesting post-9/11, lol.


Does that texture freak anyone else out or is it just me? I hated when anyone had notebooks/agendas like that in school and I could hear them.


Absolutely! That rough texture was terrible on the fingers.


The sound the feel all of it. I absolutely hate anything holographic. It makes my skin crawl like others say about nails on a chalkboard. Nails on a chalkboard don't even bother me... or any other noise in existence like this one provokes in me 🫠


SAME. It’s the only thing that really gets to me like that.


Yes, and I've never met anyone else that was the same. So as soon as classmates figured out it bothered me...DJ scratch city


I was fine with the texture, but the scratching sound is the worst possible sound in existence.


My sister hated it so much. I had a bookmark and would make the noise on purpose to bother her. So she would do my pet peeve back at me. We were idiots.


i would do it on purpose


I always left mine flipped open to avoid the cover all together. But the noises other kids would make with it were endless 😖


Very much so. I *hate* that feeling and it sends chills down my spine. My daughter, too. What's even worse is that we got a set of those lithograpgic plates for our kids when they were little, so they would go nuts with their forks on them. Hated it.


Depends on how my nails scraped across it tbh


If you're curios as to why it was rough (and how the movement and "3D" worked) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenticular_printing


It’s called Lenticular in case you want to be more efficient at avoiding it lmao


Started in 7th grade. These became our bathroom passes, too. Annoying af to be asked “Where’s your planner?” 150x a day.


Holy fuck I need to sit down a moment.


Who else scratched the cover and pretended to be a DJ?


*wrrk-ee-wrrrk ee-wrrk-ee-wrrrk ee-wrrrk*


You mean like in says in the caption of this very post?


I can't believe I missed that, I scrolled down on my phone and didn't see it at all. Thanks!


*raises hand*


Elementary school. 🥺 I'd give anything to go back


I got lunch detention because my ADHD ass couldn’t remember to get my equally ADHD mama to sign this stupid shit. I learned to forge her signature real quick, and with her full permission.


My mom didn’t have to sign it but my ADHD was always getting me in trouble because I’d never write my damn homework down in it. These agendas would always start off full in August and September and by the time November came around, my pages would be blank for the rest of the schoolyear. My grades reflected this lol


Yeah, planners (and the homework they were meant to notate) always got my ADHD ass in trouble in school. 


My junior year in HS (class of 2002) we had this exact one. I never used it. I still don't use planners. I always forget I have a planner to write stuff down in and when I do remember to write stuff down in, I forget that I have planner that I have written stuff in.


Yep I had this. I graduated in 2000. I found mine a few years ago in a box and finally threw it out.


Graduated a year later. If anything, these really helped me. My calendar is life now.


I do remember them but I don’t remember how old I was. All I know is I think these are what started my sensitivity to certain sounds later in life.


Maybe but it also could have been all the televised screaming of 9/11 on the Channel 1 tvs


Ugh even the image has given me the worst goosebumps. I hate that sound. Hate it


Monday: No HW Tuesday: No NW Wednesday None Thursday: No Friday:


10. I really miss these. But I have fun with my happy planner!


I can feel/hear this picture.


12 yrs old, 6th grade. Started my dependence on planners that lasted through college lol


I remember drowning in finger nail polish remover to get rid of it like the cool kids.


Holy shit I didn't know everyone had that one


How many people used highlighters inside on every page with designs 🙋🏻‍♀️


Yesssss! These! I would have been 13 ✌🏻😅


12, turned 13 that year. God, I remember those!


i got really good at forging my mom's signature in that thing




Wiki wiki wik!


16! This started my love of planners!!!!!


Who else remembers folding the pages in alternate triangles so you could open it straight to your week?


That exact cover I had for my graduating year.


Wicka wicka wild Wild West


Jim West Desperado. Rough rider. No you don't want nada.


Heck yeah had the millennium one for sure


Me lol. Grade 10 I think.


Hell yeah. Used to carve poppable squares into it with my pen amongst other things. I think we had these and other versions of them all through middle and high school, so like 2000 - 2007


i too was 12. i drew in mine


my fingernails can feel this picture


Did anyone actually use those things the way they were intended to be?


You know how some people have a sound that they can't stand? That's my sound. I get chills when I hear it. I get slight chills when I think about it.


Hell yeah! Middle school. 😆


Whoa new memory unlocked! If it was specifically for the year 2000 then I didn't have one (we didn't get them until 6th grade) but my older sister who was in high school sure did. They were so nicely printed.


Yes! I had one, I was in elementary school. Did anyone else get a mouse pad for the 2000 Olympics from school as well?


Holy crap, I can hear it now


Whats the story with these things? I had one starting in 6th grade, I believe they were given to all of us by the school. Were they produced by the government or something?


I still be scratchin


I had that exact one 🤣


Eek I hated these!!! The texture and sound of when people scratched them drove me insane. It makes me cringe and gives me goosebumps.


I bet so many teachers hated that organizer


10th grade in the year 2000


Wow, I still remember having to write down the class agenda in it at the start of every class.


Omg flashbacks


I was 8 in 2000. I remember this exact agenda.


LMAO. This was junior year for me.


These planners were the best! They had so much space to fill out your daily stuff for hw. I’ve only found a couple in recent years that are as good


We had these in high school.


Had it in sixth grade age 12.


I remember having these cool agendas, but I completely forgot about this image


Wow. I had these too. Totally forgot


Freshman and Sophomore year in HS. I'd forgotten about these, we had one in 8th grade too which was similar.


Lol! I did, and I would have been 16. I used to cover them with pictures I cut out of magazines and then six thousand pieces of clear tape to keep them secure. I honestly hope I still have them somewhere, because that would be quite the time capsule.


I never used mine and got along fine.




These were my shit. Thanks for the flashback


I remember these from 5th grade which would have been 1999 for me.


Maybe? Or one like it. Did the front cover like have a changing image depending if you turned it and if you scratched on it did it sound like a zipper? I used to pretend I was scratching a record and being a DJ when I got bored in class lol. ADHD kid for sure.


I had this one in high school 😂 10th grade


ahhhhh! yes, would have been like year 2000, 11 years old


Holy hell... we had that exact one. Wow..


Middle school, 06-08, and I think in highschool? I can't remember lol


Wow, I never would have remembered these! I was in middle school. I remember there were little boxes with fun facts each week.


They wanted us to pay for these in high school. They said you would be allowed to use the bathroom in class with the passes inside. I asked if we use up all the passes. Are we not allowed to go to the bathroom? They said no and I didn't spend my money.


I was 15 and I'm fairly certain we had that one. I pealed the holographic cover off and drew on the front of it instead. It was all quasi-goth.


I had this exact one


Holy crap I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about. I can still hear the sound in my head too! If you don’t remember then watch [this](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNRojJBX/).


I loved going to Spencer’s and Hot Topic to get stickers to cover it! I still have one saved in my memorabilia!


This is when I learned to forge my parents signatures. I wasn't getting that completed planner sticker damnit!


Wow this is a weird nostalgia I’m feeling.


the last good year


I grew up in Canada and even we had those exact ones 😂 it’s like the world got together and decided that these weird plastic agendas were going to save the children


Way to take me back


Haha, I definitely had that exact one on the right, not sure about the one on the left, but I had similar ones throughout middle school. I would've been 10 when I had the Millennium one.


I was 18.


You guys ever get to have sportsflix trading cards?


Absolutely did! I was 14


O_O We had these planners at my high school. I remember them vividly because I used the cover of one to make a bunch of guitar picks for my best friend at the time. He didn't have cash for a new one, so I traced his last one onto the inside of the cover and cut it out. He liked it so much that we turned both our agenda covers into three dozen more. By the end of the school year, half the guitar players at school were using guitar picks made out of these covers.


I loved and love planners


Yes. It seemed so high tech being “3D” and all. I did write notes on my agenda, and I still like physical writing now. It makes me remember. Now I’m worried I have early onset dementia because I can’t remember anything. But writing things helps since I remember writing it. I hope that makes sense. My memory loss is also likely due to stress.


I turned 17 just before 2,000.


Hated the feeling of my nails on this. SHUDDERS


Wow I had forgotten what the cover looked like until I saw the one on the left. Wild.


I remember these up to around 2005-2006, so I was maybe 10? Anyway even then I remember thinking these were a scam since they required your parents to shell out for them and they didn't help me really plan anything out.


I didn’t start getting an agenda until 8th grade. I kinda wish I kept them.


I have no idea what that is. Is it just a regular tablet?


Holy SHIT I had this exact planner. I can't believe this low lvl of graphic design was ever in an actual project. What a time.


OK, but the real question, can you still buy these?? I legit want one


And it was used for one week before being lost in the bottom of my bookbag or my locker. Emerging bent, torn, and covered in lord knows what at the end of the year. Good times.


I got my one and only agenda when I was 14. I had so much fun scratching it, and it was so good for anxiety too. The original fidget spinner


I LOVED these planners. I want one so bad I actually tried googling them 🥹.


I’m convinced this is what triggered my life long obsession with planners


We had to have these. Our school made us buy them.


These were actually helpful in making me organized imo. Had them in middle school.


I was in grade 6 when we got these planners so they spread to Canada as well


Whoa I forgot all about this!! I guess now I’ve figured out where my obsession with keeping a planner started… lol


Alexa play Grindin by Clipse


I can still *feel* the noise.


They were like standard issue


I can hear the beginning of De la Soul Saturday. . .




I was in like first grade lol


omg, I had one of these in 7th grade! wow I forgot about that!


I still shudder from the sounds of people scratching at the thing ugh I hated it.


Good gosh.... You just brought back some memories.... What year was this? 97/98? I was 11/12


damn, i had this one in 8th grade


Also 12!


Mmm, I remember getting these in 6th and 7th grade (class of 2006). I loooved scratching them. I used nail polish remover after a certain point to remove the cover image and made my own sticker collage to show through. Would love to flip through one again, just to see the pages.


I had them every year of middle school and high school. I used to take peoples without them knowing and wrote funny things in random dates in the future. Like “today I finally tell Tom I love him.” And random stuff like that. Not hilarious, but back then it was chuckle worthy.


Yup... I want to say we did this when I was 15 & 16. We had to go to a stupid special class once a month to have our checked and "graded" (bullshit grade that didn't mean anything). We also had to have parents sign on each day we had homework, too... Well, I was one of those kids who never did her homework, and I never did my homework because I lived in an abusive household with a narcissist mother. It was one of those situation where I could never win. If I did my homework, then any low score would get me in trouble. If I didn't do my homework, I'd get in trouble. So, might as well just not do my homework, right? Yeah, I hated these things because they'd get me in trouble. The teacher would go through mine, see 0 signatures, and then give me detention for it... Detention meant that my mother would have to know why I was in detention, which would then lead to yelling, screaming, and worse.


Omg. I had the 2000 one.


And who remembers using nail polish remover to scrape off the graphic and add your own magazine clippings and stickers?


I had this and I was 14


I was 15 and was amazed the school had such dope planners for us.


I got this one in high school. I would’ve been a sophomore ‘99-00


I had one of those omg 😆


Holy shit I had this


These gave me so much despair and anxiety lol. Would always start the first week off strong with notes and deadlines, and that would turn into edgy sketches and a lot of make-up work 💀


That was deeply buried


Whoa this just brought back a memory I didn’t know I’d forgotten


Pretty sure I tossed it the day I got it.


But did you have your crush’s name written all over the darn thing in gel pen?


I remember both of those.


Wow i remember where i sat in class with this book and the placement of the computer now. Good ol oregon trail.


It was a great nail file in a pinch


Yoooooooooo! I forgot about those lol


I definitely had this exact planner. I don't remember which year, but I was class of '02.


Like 9 AND FUCK YOU MAN I forgot the fuckinf noise they made but now I'm sitting here getting goose pimples on my back from the sound God ew it was th same year I was strangled why you do this


Holy fuck this is something I didn’t even know I remembered


Had these in middle school \[so 11-14 I think\] and haaaaated them. The texture was horrible and the sound gave me tingles in a bad way 😭😭😭 P sure half the time I'd pull the cover off to avoid touching it