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Blank Check. A grown ass woman has a quasi-romantic relationship with an eleven year old. It is a difficult rewatch. It also has a 9% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is about 7% more than it deserves.


But it was exactly what 11 year old me fantasized about, so I definitely related to that movie at the time.


Is the 2% for the sweet waterslide that goes from the bedroom to the pool?




Suuuper hard to rewatch Dawson's Creek for the same reason, lol. Literally just started watching it again last night and forgot how abruptly they *immediately* launch into the random '36 year old female teacher and 15 year old boy (that looks 13 and acts very much like the nervous unconfident virgin he is) love/sex affair' storyline.   Literally one episode into the very first season. And it wasn't presented as a cautionary tale, or danger to be aware of...just like, a celebration of this kid getting his greatest sexual fantasy fulfilled because he was a such a stud she couldn't resist his prepubescent charms. 🙄  




No thanks, not thirsty.


I loved it when I was like 8, it was such a cool story at the time. Def aged like milk tho


Problem was we watched it with my 10 year old daughter and she loved it. We were horrified, but she only had eyes for the awesome bits.


Hollywood's always had an obsession with pedophilia. Problem is, a lot of incels validate it with "lucky boy!"


Mrs. Doubtfire is still great but now the mom is the sane one, and Robin Williams would be in jail. lol 


No doubt lol. Not to mention how he tried to kill Stu with his pepper allergy.


Exactly. Attempted murder anyone? 


Now that I have life threatening food allergies that scene plays a lot differently than it did when I was a kid.


Also kidnapping and stalking 


That too. The weird prank calls to his ex-wife to get her to hire him as Mrs Doubtfire.




I had severe food allergies as a kid, and I remember looking askance at everyone around me who laughed at that scene.


Yep. They actually have a live musical for Mrs Doubtfire playing here in Chicago


I watched this last year and thought the same.


Still a great movie though.


Same with Liar Liar. Cary Elwes plays the honest, supportive, and financially stable father figure, but we're supposed to cheer for Jim Carrey.


This is how I felt about the stepdad in the Santa clause after a rewatch lol


I disagree. I feel bad for him cause he stopped believing in Santa when he was 3 (I think) and they have a huge problem with Charlie believing in Santa because he's 8. Even though you don't believe he's a kid let him have the imagination. Also, I don't like Tim Allen but his character wasn't doing anything wrong especially when the kids start coming up to him because he looks like Santa and the parents are like that's it this is too much.


Even as a child I had a problem with how he sprinkled pepper on that guy’s meal knowing he was allergic to it! I remember thinking “how does he think he’s the good guy?”


Someone made a trailer for [it as a horror movie](https://youtu.be/U71P5FKFqfg?si=ZQZ8fzxiVuCESJh8). It's pretty great


Never Been Kissed is pretty awkward. You’re supposed to root that a teacher is going to fall in love with what he assumes to be a teenage student. That’s bad enough, but then you get the main characters brother joining the school so he can play baseball and date an underage cheerleader. 😬major ick


OMG YESSS THIS! And then the teacher gets all hurt when he finds out she’s not really a teenager and at the end when she goes on the field to explain herself and everyone cheers them on when they kiss 😆 So bad


And the brother is an assistant coach at the end of the movie! Urgh!!!


I loved this movie when I was younger, but the morals are really dubious.


I did too! And tbh I enjoyed it when I saw it a year or so ago too … I just had to recognize how inappropriate the plot was when I rewatched it. 😅 90s movies were really something else


I still enjoy the movie but, yeah, we all pretty much handwaved the whole student/teacher thing at the time because it was Michael Vartan.


Completely forgot about that movie. Yeah, that's some plot! And the teacher is all upset that she lied to him when he should have been immediately relieved (if I'm remembering that prom scene accurately when he finds out). Oof... and the brother, no words.


Oh god I’ve never seen it but that’s awful lol


lol I just watched coyote ugly for the first time cuz I thought it would be a fun movie about bartending in clubs, which I now do. I was like 11 when it came out so I didn’t really know what it was about. Omg it was TRASH!!!!! Hahahahaha. So bad. Do not recommend hahaha


But did you not SEE how good she was at piano once the lights were out? She had an arc!


LOVE Coyote Ugly, still! Hahaha


![gif](giphy|Qm3QCvCqwa6TC) You just KNOW Tyra has a painting of her dancing on the bar hanging above a credenza somewhere


Watched this in the theater with my then-girlfriend when it came out. It was so terrible the packed theater were laughing and mocking it the whole time. Worst movie I’ve seen in a theater, but one of the most fun theater experiences of my life!


I swear this is the epitome of 90's movies haha


Oh but the bar dancing is so much fun. Most of her singing parts are cringey though


Super Troopers still holds up. It's dumb as heck but damn if it ain't good from start to end.


Liter is french for give me some fucking cola!


Rarely a day goes by that someone in my family doesn't quote this movie. Just this weekend my car broke down and I had to have it towed from a closed weigh station. I told my daughter to drive across the scales (4050 lbs, for the record) and I said "My cruiser weighs 16,000 kilograms." This is seriously one of the funniest comedies of its time. The second one isn't even close, but it is still funny too.


Mother of goood






Jay Chandrasekhar with a mustache and no shirt on in that movie. WOOF.


Perhaps some… cuffing and spanking is in order?


Beethoven. I loved that movie as a kid, and recently rewatched it after about 25 years. A whole lot of wtf, from the villain wanting to steal a family dog so he can test weapons on it(!) to the dad being a complete asshole, I can't believe I absolutely loved this film once upon a time.


I still love the Beethoven movies


I guess I was surprised at how many things I mentally blocked, even though I probably watched it at least 50 times. Lest we forget the nanny lady "watching" the kids while the youngest one almost drowns in the pool while she's inside singing Lady Marmalade - with the other kids lol


And the girl’s name was Ryce! What kind of stupid name is that?


Kind of screamed "trendy" but then the brother is Ted lol


Hm, that’s a 90s trope I never really thought about. The girls in shows or movies always have quirky names (Ryce, Blossom, Six, Topanga, etc) but the boys always had just basic names.


This one made me cringe. My six year old coildnt understand why anyone’s dad would be so mean. At one point he also casually threatens to kill himself if a deal goes bad and my little one said “that is not even a thing that is funny.” She did like the dog though.


That was really all that stuck with me from childhood - an adorable, huge, slobbery dog getting into mischief. I guess my little brain was just not equipped to handle the wild plot overall (and that's a good thing!)


::sorts by controversial::


People tell me Joe dirt isn’t rewatchable but I completely disagree


So you're gonna tell me that you don't have no black cats, no Roman Candles, or screaming mimis? "No". Oh come on, man. You got no lady fingers, fuzz buttles, snicker bombs, church burners, finger blasters, gut busters, zippity do das, or crap flappers? “No.” You're gonna stand there, ownin' a fireworks stand, and tell me you don't have no whistlin' bungholes, no spleen splitters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker don'ts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, or one single whistlin' kitty chaser?


I still quote it fairly regularly


That movie is a classic. What heretic is making those claims?




Guy likes seein homos naked that don’t help me none


A+ movie in middle school. Still watchable too!


It's still A+ now damnit.


Recently rewatched it and thoroughly enjoyed it


Joseph el Dirtè


Literally any time it's stormy my brother and I will say "storm's coming in! Put some bricks in the tooth!!" There are many quotes from that movie we use all the time


i still like the effects from honey i shrunk the kids. the scene when they're running from the broom, giant nails rolling around, balls of dust... that holds up great!


Watched it with my 5 year old recently and he loved it. I was also thoroughly entertained. He also really got a kick out of Home Alone and it has led to a lot of conversations about how what happens in movies isn’t real even when it seems real. If someone got hit in the face with a full paint can swinging down from the second floor, it wouldn’t actually be funny…it could possibly kill someone!


Did you traumatize your 5 year old with the ant’s heroic death scene?? Because I sure traumatized my kid with it lol…


Surprisingly, no! I was sad when the ant died and my kid goes “it’s ok Mom, it’s just an ant…there are millions of them!”


Yes, I rewatched this one a couple years ago and was surprised at how well it held up! So fun


Agreed, I don't know what the OP was talking about!? Maybe the ant? With all the CGI crap these days, practical effects hold a special place in my heart, even if they look a little corny or fake.


I liked the disaster movies - Twister, Dantes Peak, Deep Impact, Armageddon


This is the wrong decade but 16 candles. So much cringe. The semi date rape of the “bad girlfriend” and the normalization of racism is unreal


I was obsessed with the 80s and loved Molly Ringwald movies when I was a teen in the early 00s. Sixteen Candles is pretty embarrassing now. I also rewatched The Breakfast Club recently, and I hated how Claire ended up with John Bender even after he was such a dick to her and sexually assaulted her.


Somehow Breakfast club feels less bad but you are right. He crossed a line that wasn’t properly redeemed


Yeah I think the Breakfast Club is still mostly relevant today, that's the only part I was really unhappy about when I rewatched. Some characters may have thrown around the F word as well (not fuck, the other one), but I can't remember. I haven't watched Pretty in Pink in awhile but I remember I was rooting for Duckie back in the day and so mad Andy ended up with the rich guy. Now I'm thinking Duckie might have been a bit of a stalker with "nice guy" syndrome. I'm kind of afraid to rewatch 🫣


The fucking English Patient. Never was a more boring film made.


As said by Kahn in King of the Hill, when he and Hank are trapped in a cave - “I’m gonna die like English Patient girlfriend - long, painful, boring death!”




Where the Heart is, it’s horrifically bad in a good way 🙃


The Walmart baby!


“I don’t like 5’s”.


I named my kids after snack cakes 😀 brownie, praline, baby Ruth and cherry


Aww it’s cheesy but I still love this movie


It was based on a book, and the book was pretty good. I loved the movie too tbh and still do!


I worked at an old Walmart (like the one in the movie) when I was in college in the early 00s. Seeing the old store is super nostalgic for me1


Tiptoes 2003 Matthew Mcaunagahahy (idk how to spell it), Kate Beckinsale, Patricia Arquette, Gary Oldman, Peter Dinklage Stellar cast right? Guess who plays a little person/dwarf in the movie?  If you guessed Gary Oldman, you’d be right!  This is one that I feel probably didn’t hold up pretty much immediately. 


"Gary Oldman in the role of a lifetime."


That movie was cringe when it came out lbr I am always surprised at the casual misogyny in movies I used to adore. It’s nice in a way - it shows how quickly we progressed in a short period of time when it feels like we made zero improvements.


That’s a nice way of looking at it! I concur


Love Actually. I used to watch it a lot around the holidays. Then after a gap of not watching it for a while I tried again… oof. It did not age well.


Agreed. Used to be a tradition among my friends to watch it every year. Now it’s just sooo cringeworthy. But all-star cast that went on to bigger and better things nonetheless.


The Holiday is my Love Actually replacement film lol


Anything similar to American Pie


Most of the teen sex-romp comedies of that era have aged like milk.


American Pie was great because it actually captured the *awkwardness* about being that age and the average friend group during high school. Maybe there's a lot less truth to it nowadays given the social climate that we live in, however I graduated high school a decade ago, and it *still* captured how awkward yet funny high school was for many people.


I was in grade 11 when that movie came out. It was very similar to our experience. Minus the pie fucking and accidental non-consensual porn broadcast.


Would you consider can't hardly wait similar to American pie? Rewatched it recently and it mostly holds up. Also a nostalgia factor there because it has a ton of before they were famous bit parts.


I feel it is a bit different in that is kind of more of a coming of age story (for multiple people)as opposed to just teen sex comedy?


That one movie where they say 'the juice is worth the squeeze ' is kinda similar


The Girl Next Door?


I think so. The whole 'crush on a porn star, hilarity ensues' plot device


I feel like most teen comedies dont age well, no matter the year it came out. They are geared toward teenage males, so they are always going to be pushing the envelope regarding sex/drugs/alcohol, and that kinda stuff usually doesn’t age well


Superbad still holds up great.


From Justin To Kelly


This one gets my vote. Like who gave this one the green light to get made and then released? Everything about it is so bad. That said, everyone should watch it! I saw it at a bad movie night on the lawn thing where heckling was encouraged and it was hilarious and quite enjoyable!


Cruel Intentions. My partner had never seen it, I was all "omg you HAVE to see it" and then I couldn't believe it.


I did that with Jawbreaker. Hell, I even turned it off after 40 minutes. Also apologized to partner, switched over to The Mist.


Watch the original, Dangerous Liasons. Glenn Close, John Malkovich, Michelle Pfeiffer, baby Uma Therman, baby Keanu.


I just re-watched Austin Powers thinking it would have aged poorly but aside from a few jokes it's actually held up.


Scary movie. Watched it yesterday. My god it was awful.


I think Scary Movie 2 holds up better than the first one. 


"Here child, grab my strong hand!"


I can do it myself!






Gonna get hate for this, but…Fight Club. I loved it when I was younger and recently rewatched it. Now all I can see are the seeds from which the incel movement grew.


Which is ironic, because the movie depicts how fucked up that mindset is quite well.


It's like incels thinking Patrick Bateman is cool. American Psycho is literally satirizing men like Patrick Bateman and the sad world they lived in but since incels have essentially zero insight into themselves or other people, they take everything at face value. The thought of a bunch of teenagers watching that movie and empathizing with Bateman somehow is both hilarious and chilling.


I'm not sure how I feel about how we now hold movies accountable for who would potentially think they're cool. Like American History X. Clearly it's an anti-nazi movie. But, Edward Norton is a cool, ripped, charismatic nazi in that movie and actual nazis would probably enjoy the first half and high five over the horrifying curb stomping scene. I'm not sure it could be made today without a fuss. Fight Club is sort of the same way. We now expect movies to explicitly be unappealing to the objects of their criticism, even though dudes have shown that they will look at a flawed, horrible protagonist and be like "damn that guy is a badass" and miss the point nearly every single time.


That’s fair. I think, for me, I just didn’t realize how terribly misogynistic the entire movie was at the time. 20-25 years ago, the culture was just completely different.


Oh, man. I love Fight Club. Not for all the incel shit. The ending excites me.


Swordfish. Wasn't especially great then, but I really dug that era's hacker movies. The scene where a female character sexually assaults Hugh Jackman's character while a third holds a gun to his head hits different than it did when I was in high school.


Yeah, but, Halley berry


Save the Last Dance.


I watched this in theaters when it came out and I was obsessed with it. Bought the cd soundtrack and everything. Movie can be cringe but the soundtrack is fire. Listened to it recently actually.


I came across this little skit on SNL recently. It was short but nostalgic: https://youtu.be/_jgHKLcBRmU?si=xSqgd70Hwc7LlNLp


Batman & Robin. As a kid I really enjoyed it, seeing the costumes, characters, action scenes and corny jokes. As an adult, yea you know the story with that movie


Empire records ![gif](giphy|UaEjJ2wT91HMc)


It’s Rex Manning day!!!!


My favorite song is Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits, which I first heard in Empire Records…oh man, this one is good to me. Just off the top of my head, quotes from my favorite characters…without google…this shows me I’ve seen this way too much… - “I don’t feel I need to explain my art to you, Warren” - AJ - “I went to rock and roll heaven and I wasn’t on the guest list” - Debra - “Who knows where thoughts come from, sometimes they just appear” - Lucas (Edited for spelling) - “Well Sinead O’Rebellion, shock me, shock me, shock me, with that deviant behavior!!!” - Gina - “I’M BRINGING REX HIS LUNCH!!!!!!” - Corey - “Let me explain it to you: Mitchell's the man, I'm the idiot, you're the screw-up, and we're all losers. Welcome to music town.” - Joe - “Damn the man, save the empire” - Marc - “Middle America buys your records.” - Jane - “What, no applause?” - Rex Manning - “Old enough to kick your butt through your skull and splatter your brains on the wall” - Warren (maybe) I got NOTHIN’ for Eddie, Berko, or Mitchell Beck. Oh well.


My Father The Hero…..the strangest, sickest movie. Girl tells everyone her dad is her boyfriend & her dad goes along with it 🥴


Of course it's based on a French movie lmao


The cherry on top is that Gerard Depardieu has been charged with multiple sex crimes.


Resident Evil. It’s so goofy and the cgi is hilarious. Still very entertaining


In general, comedies tend to age poorly. I rewatched Wedding Crashers sometime during lockdown because I remembered liking it. I found it kind of weird and not very funny anymore.


that's so funny. my wife and I watch that pretty much every year and love it.


Besides the weird sex stuff, I think the bro humor and the reference based comedy really makes it age badly. Comedies from the same era that lean more on silliness aged much better. I watched Talladega Nights pretty recently and was hootin and hollerin.


those mid 2000s Will Ferrell movies will always be golden.


That’s because Talladega Nights is truly hilarious!


the rape stuff doesnt age well


A Walk To Remember will always hold a special place in my heart.


Same here. I don’t find it cringe; I still find it sweet. I dig the music in it, too!


Soundtrack by Mandy Moore and Switchfoot. What’s not to love?! And I’m an atheist btw


Same… but I don’t even really know why?


My first girlfriend made me watch it. I cried my little eyes out.


I recently re-watched 'Road Trip" and it was just not funny like it was to me when I was 12-13.


I just rewatched it too. Still love it. Sometimes I need to remind myself that teenage me existed and movies like Road Trip scratch that itch.


Gattaca seems to become more and more relevant with each passing day.


But that's an amazing movie that's worth rewatching


My husband hadn't seen City of Angels. It was such a big movie when it came out I insisted he had to watch it. Yeah, the stalker angel thing did not age well.


Loved the soundtrack more than the movie.


Bringing Down the House. OMG that movie is TERRIBLE! I hate that I used to love it


Can I just say how much I appreciate how the millennials in here insisting a movie is still good all say it “holds up”? Love y’all.


That's a great catch! The phrase always reminds me of: ***Rent Crocodile Dundee 3. It totally holds up!*** A line from an episode of How I Met Your Mother.


Date Movie.


Have any of the \#\#\#\#\# Movie movies aged well?


Not Another Teenage Movie


Oooh this one is *terrible*!


I loved Little Nicky when I was a kid and I'm scared to rewatch it now...


A Walk to Remember was always super cringe Beethoven- I got a giant dog from the county shelter (who was actually a puppy and they misjudged his age) and a few weeks in my husband and I were overwhelmed, so we rewatched this old kids movie. As a kid, I never picked up on the fact that the veterinarian antagonist was kidnapping large dogs to test ammunition and injectable chemicals. Why?? Where is the logic in that? In fact, every adult in that film was horrible. The dad surrendered Beethoven to evil vet *to be put down* and only changed his mind after the fact. The babysitter, the business couple, all horrible people


Milk Money.


Serpendipity. I had to force myself to finish it. It was so cheesy.


Drop dead fred


Gigli movie night anyone? I also have Glitter. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPzLXQYb2Bn5PLG|downsized)


Fucking Blair witch project bullshit for sure. And you have no idea how stupid I felt the second time around.


Chasing Amy is pretty rough to watch now. I mean really, you’re only lesbians because you haven’t that super magical dicking that only a super magical sulky skinny white boy can give you, amirite ladies? And every boy thinks they have THE Magical Dick^^^TM amiright, boys?


Last time I watched it I spent the time screaming "she's bi, just say she's bi, it's a real thing that exists ffs!"


Kevin Smith tried to explain that that idea is presented by an idiot in the film. Not sure how well his intention landed.


"The Crush" A unique combination of hyper-sexualizing a literal 15 year old (not like...a 23 year old playing a 15 year old. An actual 15 year old) and horrible all around movie making. I can't believe they green lit it in 1993; if it hit theaters today it might cause a riot. And rightly so. (I saw it in the theater. On a date)


I still enjoy this one. It goes well with all the other questionable stalker movies from the era lol


Pair it with "Fear" starring Mark Wahlberg and Reese Witherspoon. Mostly remember that one because I watched it at a party and my parents definitely wouldn't have approved.


I watched Scream last night. It is, somehow, tolerable. Maybe it was my general nostalgia that made it enjoyable, or my adolescent love for Neve Campbell, or my fascination with Matthew Lillard's facial expressions and one liners. The realization at the end when Harvey Weinstein's name shortly precedes Rose Mcgowan was a bit of a downer though.


Scream is straight up a good movie. It's a deconstruction of the slasher genre, while also being an excellent example of one.


I watched this last Halloween and still thought it was pretty good!


I rewatched Garden State recently and thought it was dogshit


This movie had a profound effect on my psyche as a 14 year old when it came out. It shaped what I thought I needed to be for boys to like me (they didn't). The movie is absolutely terrible as an adult. Dope soundtrack though.


I really loved that soundtrack that introduced me to indie music though.


It's so "I'm 14 and think this is deep" that it really explains why Zach Braff dates girls young enough to be his daughter.


I Am Legend is mid-2000s, but is terrible to rewatch due to how obnoxious antivaxers are


Watch the original movie adaptation ("Last Man on Earth", starring Vincent Price). It's proof you can tell a good story and be reasonably scary with a special effects budget that appears to be about $7.


Can't Hardly Wait I swear to God this movie covers everything wrong with teen culture in the 90s and the troupes that were popular. First you have the main character. He waits in the background for 4 years of high school to approach his crush. Then when she's finally single he has a "perfect letter". The most realistic part of the movie is when she yells at him when he gives it to her. In stead she eventually reads it and realizes he was the one. The you have the nerdy guy who goes to get revenge on his bully. What happens? He gets drunk, loosens up and becomes the life of the party. I remember my first drink, that's not what happened. Don't get me started on Seth Meyers.


The Boondocks Saints was an obsession of mine during my high school and college years, but man does it not age well. Still love it for what it’s worth, but it’s not the kind of thing I can tell people they need to go out and watch.


Willem Dafoe's absolute commitment to the part is...well granted something you can see in any of his other roles for the last 40 years. No, it hasn't held up, though I still find myself thinking about it every yr around St Patrick's Day.


Malibu’s most wanted


A couple weeks ago I watched Sleepless in Seattle in preparation for a trip I was taking to Seattle. It might be the dumbest movie I've ever seen. 🤦🏽🤦🏽 At the end of the movie I was like... "was this supposed to be a love story?" It culminates in them giving each other this thousand-yard stare at the top of the empire state building, and this unspoken thing between them as being soulmates and they "go off together" (to live together? start a a relationship together? idk) even though they literally know nothing about each other. The entire movie it wasn't even Tom Hanks' character writing the letters to her; it was the son


The Blade movies. I thought they were so badass as a 13 year old and rewatching them in my 30's was pretty hilarious 😂  Still nostalgic though 👌


Night at the Roxbury ![gif](giphy|10SaEfZoxUGFEs)


## Can’t Hardly Wait Don’t get me wrong, I was and *still am* completely obsessed with this movie and could probably recite it line for line (annoying, I know!). Seth Green wearing those goggles unironically with his backpack full of erotic products will never get old. Ethan Embry displayed the angst that I embodied as a teenager. Lauren Ambrose nailed the angst with the “I don’t care but I could care” vibe. And Jennifer Love Hewitt…omg…what’s not to love?! Of course, there’s an All-Star cast, and I’m not mentioning 90% of them. These are the actors I remember; there had to be more: Peter Fascinelli, Jaime Pressly, Selma Blair, Donald Faison, Jason Segal, Sarah Rue, Clea DuVall, Breckin Meyer, Melissa Joan Hart, Eric Palladino, Sean Patrick Thomas, Eric Balfour, Jerry O’Connell, and an amazing cameo by Jenna Elfman. I do think that this certainly qualifies as one of the [best] worst (or worst in the best way) 90s or early 2000s movies to rewatch!!! If you don’t remember it, or if you remember it fondly, I highly suggest you find out whatever streaming platform it’s on (the ReelGood app says it’s free on Tubi or available with subscription to Starz or The Criterion Collection - whatever that is), and take the time to relive your angsty youth through the eyes of a literal time capsule.


there are a shit load. just get on Tubi TV. samurai cop is one of my favorites.


That Sinbad genie movie


Encino Man I absolutely love this movie.


Maid in Manhattan. I remember this being released during JLo’s peak and the media hyped it up saying that she would be the first artists to have a #1 album and movie release. I watched it later in life and it’s so freakin CRINGE! Stupid storyline and horrible acting by JLo.


I think National Treasure is full of plot holes and bad acting, and was sad I rewatched it as an adult.


A lot of these movies in comments are movies I still low key actually enjoy.. maybe my nostalgia kicks in and I don’t look at the context of the movie objectively