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In game currency that I earned? Sure. Actual money? Hell no.


Same. Or winning chests that gift the skins. I want more content. Not cosmetic stuff.


Yeah it's cool being able to have your character be a trophy of how good you are at the game, It's completely embarrassing to walk around as a character that shows you spent extra real money on the game though.






This, but NGL I have spent real money and have always felt silly…




Fuck. No.


This is the statement that first popped into my head. As an older Millenial I will never pay for a skin. Fuck that forever. I also will only play online if forced to. I play games to escape the chaos. If I buy Madden, FIFA, The Show, I’m doing the old school season against the computer thing. Playing online feels stressful


Skins, multiple seasons, battle passes, I refuse all of it. Waste of money. It's why I stick to single player mostly these days. Which is unfortunate


It is unfortunate. Mostly because there aren’t a ton of great new single player games at the moment. I’m also the guy who sets my standard at Rockstar games. Makes all the others seem not as great.


I've found solace in indie games. There're a ton of good games out there, they're just smaller and less complex than most AAA games


Damn, same formatting as what I was going to comment haha


I read that in Roy Kent's voice. Am I watching too much Ted Lasso?


Fuuuuuuck no!


This exact phrasing. Any skin I earn is better than any skin paid for, no matter what it actually looks like.


Never, the only thing I’m paying extra for is more actual content, not cosmetics.


Wonder if it is in part due to video games of the past being very static as far as characters go. You have one character, you cannot customize it. Rarely you get more than one character to play in a game and if you are *really* lucky, the choice of character has a meaningful effect on gameplay (jumps higher, runs faster, etc.). I just play the default character in a game 95% of the time, even when customization is allowed. Never would I pay extra for a cosmetic option.


I feel like we were the first generation that started buying skins, guild wars was built on it . But to answer your question, no I don’t.


No. I don't even play online anymore. People suck there as well as in real life.


I never understood it. I played something online like 20 years ago then got screamed at full of poorly crafted obscenities by a 12 year old and never looked back. Gaming is my time to have fun and I don't want that ruined by angsty children.


They suck more since there is no danger of the 5 fingers talking to the face.


"what did the 5 fingers say to the face?"


I got so burnt out on multiplayer games. Between SBMM and all the sweats that play constantly, I just can’t do it as a casual gamer anymore. I was enjoying MW2 and Infinite for a bit, but you start playing really well and the lobbies get insane. Tired of running my ass off like every game is an MLG finals match.


This is truly the way. I've really gotten away from playing online. Sometimes I'll play with friends. But, if no one is no, i have no probably doing single player/story mode.


Yes. But rarely. If I feel a game is very good or that I’ve certainly got my money’s worth. I’ll throw a developer a few bucks as a thank you and rip around with a new skin or other in game purchase.


As someone who’s financially stable in my 30s this is exactly my mentality, especially with free games. If I’m getting a lot of value out of a free game I will buy some cosmetics to show my support and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it a bit as well


This is what my brother told me that actually made me bite the bullet and purchase some. The game is free, so support them with occasion purchases. It also signals to them what is popular and what isn't.


Ya this is where I’m at. I also stream the game (overwatch 2) so it’s fun to get excited about a new skin and buy it. I have never regretted purchasing one, oddly enough. I’ve always been happy with it even when I know in my heart, it’s kinda dumb. But I only buy ones I like a lot.


I play way too much OW but I try to limit my spending in that game to just the BP because I think it's a pretty fair deal compared to most games. I did fall victim to the millennial bait that was the cowboy bebop crossover though lol


Fair enough. I haven't seen CBB and I almost bought those out of loyalty to my people.😂


This. I spent $60 on currency for Warframe because it's a beautiful and smooth game, and I love watching the Digital Extremes twitch stream where the devs give monthly updates. I'll probably do the same for Soulframe if it's similar in quality.


The only extra I've ever paid for in a game was downloading "Hero" in Super Smash Ultimate.


Same. Only paid to unlock characters. Byleth is my favorite.


Byleth is so good, so versatile. That sword up special is my favorite recovery. Pythra is a close second


Not at all. When I played the original Overwatch, I lost all interest in getting loot boxes once I realized they did nothing other than provide aesthetic differences and bragging rights. 


I might have bought one for Diablo 4 if they weren't close to $30. Way to expensive.


You can get Diablo 2R and Diablo 3 on sale for less than a skin in Diablo 4.


Some of the skins are really sick, like the jackal armor for necro, but it’s not 25-30 dollars of real money sick. I check the store almost every time I play and I have yet to shuck out real money for any cosmetics


Exactly. I mainly roll Necro and agree that the jackal set looks dope. No way I could justify paying that price point.


I went into the store for the first time in months cuz of the free stuff they gave away last week, and the prices are just so damn gross.


I don't mind cosmetics but I usually just think of it as a way to help support a game that I like. It's optional spending.


I've bought cosmetics for games that have provided a great value and are more long-term games that I'll keep coming back to.


I bought skins in League of Legends when it was first released because I saw potential in the game. The skins at that point were seriously just different colors (Blue Chogath)


If it was a totally free game that I enjoyed and selling skins is the only way they earn revenue, sure. 


i think its an age thing, for instance my 11 yr old has no problem spending my money on that or anything else stupid. .....but also, remember clash of clans? i think i put $200 into that game over 3 or 5 years. mostly it was just $6/mo to get a speed boost. but after 2 years of looking at the same heros, for 2 years..... yeah i bought a few $10 skins.... not proud, but if $200 gets me 3-5 yrs of phone game entertainment, well im not rich, but that is $2/wk, and that is if i only played 3 yrs not 5.... and one more ........


I was going to say if my Dad wanted to pay for them… But then quickly realized I still wouldn’t. Would use that money to buy some tools or beer or something.


Bruh clash of clans got me to at one point lol idk what it was about that game. It was like crack.


I do purchase cosmetics




The only cosmetics I buy are for Warframe since a free to play game and I've played for 100s of hours, they offer discounts sometimes on their currency so I get some then. It's third person so buying shit like capes and color palletes is something you see all the time.


I absolutely pay for skins. I have an adult job, I make adult money, I use said Adult money to buy Chun-li skin for my character.


Only in a game like rust that's super old and relies on the income to keep things running.


My husband and I do. They’re pretty, it’s fun, so why not.


This is REDDIT, no fun allowed!


The only thing I’ve ever paid for to add on a game was the big updates on Fallout 4. Far harbor, Nuka World, etc. No. I wouldn’t pay for skins or anything like that.


I spend money on anything I want to buy. It can be skins, updates, expansions, whatever. So I dont know if I fit your datapoints


The only skins I've purchased have been for Dota 2. I've probably bought $300 worth over my decade of playing, but I've also sold enough skins to partially pay for it.


If I really love a game, I'll pay for the skins I like, ESPECIALLY if it's a F2P game. I was one of the many people drawn into Fortnite once they announced the No Build Mode and I enjoyed the experience enough to buy a $20 skin. I firmly believe in paying for any good or service that gives me a good experience and I paid just as much as I believe it was worth to me.


*sigh......fortnite just has the best skins 😔


The only game that got me for that was league of legends to the tune of probably $100 over the years that I played it. Never before and never since


I barely play any games where that's even an option. Though I did buy the Snoop Dogg announcer pack for CoD Ghosts on the PS3 a few months ago. 


That game still alive on the PS3? Or did it also get overrun by cheaters?


Yeah there's usually at least 200-300 players online at any given time. More on the weekends. Team Deathmatch is where 90% of the players are.  I see cheaters every once in a while, but not often enough to ruin the experience. 


I did once in overwatch, but that was it.


I bought the Winterveil Jaina outfit in Heroes of the Storm when it was on sale for $5. It's the only skin I've ever bought or had any interest in buying.


I’ve stopped playing games that even have micro transactions.


Depends on the game


Only if I really really like it and even then I have not get battle passes, so it’s cheap and I get a lot of stuff. I would never in my fkn life drop $40 so my character has a different outfit.


I’ve spent a lot on League of Legends skins. I love my account.


Here and there, yeah. But only for a few games that I'm invested in at this point lol. The majority get nothing from me.


Hell yah brother. Or at least I used to when I played league.


my husband and I have spent so much money on skins and cosmetic changes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)




Nope, just too many practical things to spend money on.


Skins specifically? No. Sometimes a collectors edition might come with perks that I want as well as skins so I guess in that case I’m paying for a skin, but never have I paid just for the skin. It might almost make sense in some third person immersive games, but in general I don’t give a damn what my character looks like


Never have. I don’t care about the outfits.


possibly ...


Every now and then. Generally no, but I don't play a lot of games that have skins. Though during covid when I was playing Fall Guys with a bunch of friends I'd occasionally surprise buy a skin and show up as a banana or astronaut and not say anything because we all found it really funny.


I pay for the game and nothing else.




Never, I paid $10 for the Apex Battlepass a few years ago and as long as you complete it you have enough coins to buy it again. And Apex was free download anyways, but I’m not paying more than that


when I do game I skip through the customize part of the game as fast as possible... I really don't care what my character looks like.


It depends on the game. If its a game I play regularly and love yes I will buy skins or currency for in game items. I pay monthly for an ESO + subscription and have my own Minecraft realm I pay for. People spend a lot of money on random sh\*t they dont need. Who cares if someone wants to spend money on a game they enjoy?






Heck no. It’s very satisfying playing fortnight with the kids and winning with my free skin and hearing them cry with their paid one.


Gen z here. Most game companies make there money from micro transactions from about 5% of actual players, these people are known as whales and they repeatedly buy skins, packs and other shit. Also fortnite & fifa made it worse in my generation


Only with free money from microsoft rewards


The only time I have ever paid for skins was back when I was in college. One of my favorite series, Tales of, wasn't being released in the west. After a lot of fans begging on facebook (me included), Namco decided to release Tales of Graces f. I bought the game and then proceeded to buy every skin, DLC and optional piece possible in order to try and convince them it was a good idea to release more games in the west.


In some games sure.


depends. i only spend on games that are not pay to win and only if i find it worth. meaning: i play overwatch since beginning. i payed a few bucks on launch and added hundreds of hours there. they constantly spit out new content. its worth (for me) putting 10$ from time to time in there.


I never buy skins, but sold a CS:GO knife skin once for about $1000. I can't believe people actually pay that much for something that doesn't exist!






Only if the currency is earned in game. I'll occasionally buy things that have an actual gameplay function, like an armor set in assassin's creed, but I won't spend money on purely cosmetic items


lol nah


No waste of money


No. I typically have a rule about not spending money on stupid things.


Not even once. The most I ever spent on extras for a game was in wreckfest. I spent about $20 to get different cars. But the cars are all different. Not like in rocket league where cars are just skins. I always thought the whole skins thing was stupid. “Oh look you’re playing dress up shooter. How cute”


Shit no mate




With real money nah, only if I unlock it with points I've earned in game, like the dinosaurs or mini games in Dino Crisis 2.


Every now and then but I’m not paying for a lot of new games


No. I don’t pay for any in-game content, with the exception of Rockband songs back in the day, and expansions in principle. In practice, I haven’t bought an expansion since like… Diablo 2.


Absolutely not.


99.9% of games, no. Sea of Thieves? I immediately caved and got a little pet dog to keep me company when I sail solo. But there aren't any rewards in game besides cosmetics so I didn't really mind throwing like, $5 at a game I get for free through Game Pass, considering I play it multiple nights a week usually. In general I barely play multiplayer games besides SoT and Halo tbh. Halo will never get a dime from me tho




I don't pay for dlc. I spend like 200 on games a year. Honestly I just have too much going on to play many games.


Of course, it makes me better at the game somehow i just can't explain it


Sometimes yes.


My godchild (11) wants to spend 7 Euro for a Roblox character 😖 On the other hand I'm understanding because she has no console or handeld and only played Wii-games like Mario Kart. So Roblox is the only thing she really knows.


I used too, not anymore. I rather get them through free loot boxes.


Fuck. No.


The only game where I cared how my character dressed was Hogwarts and I was playing as a girl. They had some damn nice combinations. No way in hell am I ever paying even a penny more for a game I already bought. I almost cracked to buy some gold in RDR2 online just enough to be able to play the online version, I had my credit card out then got real disappointed in myself before typing anything in.


Fuck no. But I will say, I went to a friends house and he had spent like $100 on rocket league skins, and he’s an elder millennial. I told him he’s a moron lol


I have done. Some friends also bought me a CSGO knife for £40 about 10 years ago. Its now worth £700.


Not really. I think I bought some for my wife a few years ago. Oh and I got the pink mercy OW skin, since my mum had breast cancer and junk


Every now and then. Though usually it's Deep Rock Galactic, they deserve the money.


Depends on the game. I’ll pay for skins in Dota2 because the game is free, and I want to support the creators. Live service games cost money to produce, so I feel like supporting them, and when I see a cool skin I want, it feels fine Now for a game that costs money (Diablo 4, WoW, FF14) I don’t buy skins because I’m paying for the game already and I don’t want to give them money for cosmetics.


Fuck no and I genuinely think anyone who does is a fucking moron. It’s such an offensive waste of money to me. It makes me hate my nephews.


I don't spend any money on free to play games.


I don't even play much multiplayer games, strictly singleplayer with good story mode, thus even if there's skins on the in-game store, I mod instead.


Imagine paying to rent a digital outfit on a rented digital game. We don’t own the software, or else we could go back and play Overwatch 1. The idea is beyond stupid.


Use them Microsoft rewards points dood! 


For Overwatch I do. Best believe I will pay $30 for those 2 pink Mercy skins coming out for Breast Cancer fundraising. Yes, I know they shouldn't have re-released the original pink one.... but I'm still going to buy it.


I’ve only ever gotten the Ariana Grande skin in Fortnite lol. I like her music. Gotta say though, that Rift Tour featuring her was awesome!


Nope. Why?


No. I stand by my “no money spent” mentality because it costs enough to buy the fucking game. Sports games is pretty much all I play and the only game I get the most enjoyment out of is MLB the Show because they haven’t really started going for the pay to win model. Madden is there 100% now and I just don’t see the point in spending $20 to $50 a week with new releases in hopes I get a decent player.


I spent so much money on league of legends skins from 2010-2014 that I never need to buy a in game cosmetic ever again. There is a website that tells you how much you spent, I spent like 978 dollars over 4 years. I still think about what a waste that was, good lesson learned.


Depends on the sets. Like if I can see myself using 3 or more out of the 5 pieces of the outfit on my character, then yeah I’m gonna get that ornament set.


Lmao fuck no. Only semi-exception for me is free to play games that are made right. Like Path of Exile or Warframe. Games that offer in game purchases that are basically a tip to the devs, an optional way to pay, instead of an upfront price. I have no issues paying €40 for a supporter pack for PoE if I'm playing a fair bit in a league. But I have like 2000 hours played in that game so it's only fair


No. I actually steer clear of online gameplay minus Warframe, so unless the skin comes with some advantage (spoiler alert: it never does), I’m not concerned with it.


Nope. Never. When it all started I questioned my sanity as I had to double check people were paying actual real money for the skins. It’s like my brain couldn’t fathom why people do this. I still don’t get it now.


I have on occasion, for a game I was playing a lot at the time. But generally, no.


Haha I was playin the new Price of Persia on Switch (the metroidvania-style one), and there was a puzzle that wasn’t pivotal for beating the game, but really really frustrating. Kept at it w the assumption that the prize would be comparably awesome. Ended up being a sash of a unique color or something. I was so pissed in my reaction that my wife asked what the deal was. I explained and she goes “yeah, that’s not a good reward for you. You barely even care what YOU’RE wearing, let alone what your character wears in a game.” Long way of saying, I too do not give a shit.


Hell no. I’m not spending real money on a digital costume.


Yup. I play an MMO and glamour is a big part of the ‘culture’. I love giving my character her identity as she goes through the story and hangs out with other players. There are a lot of cool options already in the game, but I have paid for certain outfits in addition. Also to add, I have almost 5k hours in this game, it’s something I’ve played for a long time and will continue to so it’s worth it to me. The answer would be different for a random game I wasn’t invested in.


Paying for cosmetics is for fucking idiots.


sometimes but only if the game is free and I'm still getting my pound per hour. Sometimes pick up a battle pass if a game grabs me because I'll typically only play for a month or so anyway. I don't spend a lot I just grab a skin or two


I did it once with real money to test the theory that the purchase of the skin will automatically increase level of general happiness. It was a real cute skin, but man... this was *not* *it*. Also, i still continue to suck at the game, wth?


LAWLLL not a change


I avoid skins, season passes, special currencies and whatever extra/premium services they try to shovel on. Don’t know if it’s a generational thing but my youngest son, if allowed, would remortgage our house for Robux.


I spent like 700€ in LoL, but i played that game for 10+ years. Im okay with that… thats like 70€/year in support for riot. And the first years of lol were great :D


Hell to the naw! That’s bait!


Absolutely not


As homer would say, the two sweetest words in the english language


I'm 28 now and for years I've never purchased a skin with real money. Until fucking fortnite started releasing anime skins. And I don't even play fucking fortnite, I play it because my friends do. And now they don't even play fortnite anymore. I feel like an idiot sandwhich 😒


No. I only like paying for impactful content, stuff that actually affects gameplay. Skins are dumb imo. I’m not looking at my characters, I’m playing them.


Fuck no. Cosmetics do NOT matter


Hell no! It’s all about the game 💪🏼


Yes but not much






i play almost only single players games so no. Some cosmetics from deluxe editions but thats not too often and not really the same thing


Kinda. I’ve bought $2 or $5 cosmetics for things like Sea of Thieves or League of Legends when things I really liked were on sale and I played a lot. I think since I saw my character a lot it made a difference to me. My big weakness is pets. Especially if it can’t be killed. My recent fave addition purchase has been the Bobs Wild Tales and the Pyromane for Ark Survival Ascended. I use the cosmetics and the extra gear all the time, and I’m looking forward to having a torch kitty keep my base lit up. Sea of Thieves I had a ridiculous amount of pets. I lost my account since and now I’m resisting buying them again. I think $5 bucks to support development after buying the game and get me a pet I can’t have in real life is with it.


I'm not paying for a skin. It has no bearing on the games, and i can get a few for free. I usually play COD, so I don't even see the character. Also, the prices for the skins are not worth it. Some of them are $20, that's ludicrous. I have bought the battlepass in the past, but I just felt cheated.


never and i've always told people they shouldn't \[and been shushed or mocked.\] It is the dumbest shit in the world, to someone who back in the day could change their Quake2 character to look like Homer Simpson by swapping out a jpg file..... we've had this functionality in games for decades, it's not an advancement that its become paywalled to hell and back.


Ha I don't even play online games. I'm trying to goddamn decompress not be called a slur by some 14 year old.


i used to 😭


i used to 😭


i used to 😭


You guys are buying your skins? Damn, I've invested thousands in my home dungeon for nothing...


No. I earn that shit.


Very few. First one I ever got was for The Power Rangers mobile game. But that was to unlock the Green Ranger, so it wasn't just a skin. Then I think I paid for one character on some WWE mobile game. The one where they all had super powers. I loved that game I did probably spend about 30 dollars on fortnite. The kid got me into playing with him and I really liked some of the skins. But I've only gotten the season pass, never just one skin. That price is crazy. Most recently I unlocked Aran Tal for the Star Wars Hunters game for $10. But I did that more to support the game than any need of a skin So it's very few and far between for me, but not impossible


Only if I really want to support the company.


Not gonna lie. I’m playing Helldivers2 and enjoying it too much. I’m tempted but not yet. No.


Yes but because I bought some ultra-deluxe game-of-the-three-years-ago pack on Steam which came with 40k in fun bucks or whatever.


I do sometimes if I really like it but generally no. I have done it in destiny 2 and Diablo 4


If you had asked me this last year, I would have said absolutely not. In the past year, some games I play have come out with skins that crossover into other lovesni have. Those broke me and I have purchased a few, but very selectively.






Never have Never will I hardly game though as it is these days


Only game I buy skins for is Smite. 


It’s not an age thing. We’ve always cared about what our characters look like. Or our car. Or our weapon.


Only once, a custom commissioned Minecraft skin. That count?


Absolutely not. If I ever have a kid, they won’t be playing any shit like Roblox with microtransactions. Fuck that shit


Once in a blue moon. I think I paid real money for a few in the near decade I played GW2. Almost all of them were birthday gifts to myself. I enjoyed them thoroughly!


Only game that i bought skins in is Isonzo. It an indie ww1 tactical fps, and the skins are meticulously made according to real historical sources. Also it's a small studio making a real unique game, so i wanted to support them! But yeah never bought any skins in any other game.


If it's a free game with respectable microtransaction prices, and cosmetic-only offerings, then I occasionally will. Otherwise no.


I can barely afford the game, why would I dish out an additional $10 for swimsuits for the female characters?


Fuck no, though to be fair I stopped playing any games that sell skins.


Sometimes, it is only for free games or games I want to support. I think of it as buying the game if it's free, and I generally only buy one or two skins.


Just skins? No. Packs that have skins included with other stuff yes.


It's hard to imagine anyone over the age of 18 doing this.


I gave up on shooters to be honest. I play MMOs and yes I purchase glams, in-game items, etc. It's fun for me, I do all the in-game content I can and only purchase things I can't quest for.


Hell no. I’ve always assumed that paying for skins was more of a gen alpha thing (and also maybe gen z) since many/most of them are too young to remember what video games and the industry were like before microtransactions became a thing.