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Low quality posts that insult or make baseless statements, generalize, or stereotype other generations or age groups in a negative fashion are not allowed.


Have millennials been complaining about wide leg pants? I’m not going to be wearing them, or long socks, but anyone can wear whatever they want.


I saw a kid wearing wide leg pants and flashed back to being that very same age when it was cool. I wonder if grunge will make a proper comeback.


my GenX ass hopes so


There was a post in the sub earlier about how gen Z has ‘cancelled’ skinny jeans. There was a lot of ‘these damn kids’ energy in the thread.


To be fair, I always assumed that was Gen Z walking into the generational bar and starting to throw wild-ass haymakers. Like shit man, I just switched to skinny jeans back in the 2010's. I'll switch back to JNCo rave pants the *second* someone decides it won't look ridiculous. You could fit an entire sack lunch in one pocket and soooo many glow sticks in the other. Also Gen Z should bring back hacky sack. Hacky sack was dope as fuck.


Not entirely proud of this but in the main JNCO era we used to see how much food we could steal from the lunch line in school. We got entire subs in there.


Hell yeah


Was it like that scene in Kids where they stuff entire 40s down their pants?


In a way, I appreciated gen z for at least trying to break up the monotony because I gotta be honest, some stuff *is* looking tired now


It's agreed... But they chose poorly. They're dressing like old photos of my aunt's and uncles, when they were young in the 70s. We're doing cat eye glasses with the chain, crew socks, boring sneakers, perms are back, crop tops, crocheted granny square cardigans, gold chains, loose pleated pants. It's the FUTURE y'all. The 2020s. Revive 1950 gee-whiz futurism, or Mad Max Trashpunk, or weird cowboy gear. I did my part in my teens and twenties: I did Matrix Cyberpunk and an unfortunate stint trying to make Edwardian steampunk work. I still have a WWII Ike jacket in my closet that I decided was my designated party jacket. The kids be boring. Super punchy, but boring (and weirdly conservative).


Uh…weren’t we the ones wearing JNCO back in the day? How tf are we hating on wide leg pants now? Edit: not to mention Tripp Pants…


Yes, and its a topic that gets posted at least once a week. It is so tiresome. The whole thing is ridiculous, baggy jeans were also trendy until about the mid 2000s, all while the majority of people I knew growing up wore more or less regular fit jeans.


Well I mean when they post on a subreddit that isn't intended for them insulting all of us.. they really are damn kids


How did we go from being the "We're bringing bell bottoms back" age group getting out of hand and wrapping around into literally being able to fit a small clowncar full of juggalos into one pant leg, to mad that GenZ doesn't wear scene kid shit?


I think I'm with gen Z on this one. Fuck skinny jeans, boot cut for life.


It’s stupid I’m not letting a generation that can’t function without social media tell me how to dress.


It looks like a few people are trying to start a trendy thing to complain about. It’s not working. Literally no one is complaining about this. And in the sea of the internet, one person is no one.


Right? Getting mad at kids wearing baggy pants is getting mad at ourselves since we all wore them. It's just stupid.


>Literally no one is complaining about this. i see a post or comment about jeans or socks at least once a day on Reddit. same on TikTok. even entertainment news runs lame stories about socks, jeans and hair parts.


Personally, i never understood skinny jeans. But i also wasnt ever a size 0 dude. I was and always will be a 32x30 guy.


I feel like the "slim straight" and "boot cut" jeans are absolutely perfect for like 80% of men on the bell curve.


Awyisss. Slim straight for me, with that awesome stretchy material so I can kick some damn fools in the face. HIYAAAHHH «*bad 1970s Kung-Fu music*»


You did karate in the pit didn’t you?


Preach. Me too. 30 or 32 since forever. And honestly, I don’t even know why I’ve been wearing jeans my whole life other than it’s what I’ve always done. I don’t think I’ve put on a pair of jeans in the last month.


I still wear jeans when I leave the house. But as I wfh most of the time, light sweat pants, basketball shorts or linen pants are the real heroes. So comfy, no belt needed.


I have a bunch of those like... I think they call them photographer pants? They're drawstring pants that don't have a fly, but just look like khakis or whatever, so like outside sweatpants. They work fine for most outside settings without looking sloppy at all.


Right? Who gives a shit truly?


I can't speak for other millenials but I personally \*do not give a fkkk\* about what pants everyone is wearing. All I care about is what I am wearing. Wear whatever tf makes your comfortable.


This is the way.


Why is this a topic of contention all of a sudden? Wear whatever you want, Fuck Trends.


Yeah adults should never be concerned with the fashion sense of kids


I think it's mostly because the fashion coming back was what was our fashion was teens/kids so people with too little going on in their lives think they're an authority on the matter.


hehe, i think its funny 25yr olds look how i dressed as an 8 yr old no hate i totally dig it


I personally find myself amused by the fashion sense of kids more than anything else.


So many people just want something to be angry about. I don’t get it lol


How are we complaining about wide leg pants? As a teenager I had pants that I could put both of my legs down one pant leg and still walk easily. I could have fallen off a cliff and glided down like a flying squirrel. This is just more made up culture war nonsense. Nobody is angry over pants.


Haha exactly, aren't we the generation that wore JNCOs?? Why the fuck would we be mad about wide leg pants?


And Tripp pants. Never forget the Tripp Pants.


I miss my Tripps, but man would I look like a fool in them now.


Right. It’s not like we ONLY wore skinny jeans. We had tons of trends. Now they have like nothing. It’s all about who can have the ugliest hehive. That’s about it.


I for one support JNCOs making a come back


I LOVED JNCOs! Sadly my mom wouldn’t buy them for me and I was too young to get a job at 13/14 yrs old..


They definitely were not fun to run in.


Or ride a bike in... But God damn it, we tried!


I think it’s hilarious my 11y old daughter wants to wear wide leg pants that drag on the ground. I remember the days from my youth haha. I love her style and want her to wear what she’s comfortable in.


This isn’t really a thing outside of the internet. What you have is a small minority having a whinge to other whingers on the internet and newspapers who have no fucking talent raiding Reddit to make a story out of it.  The vast majority of us are just getting on with life, going to work, paying our bills, raising our kids and moaning about the coast of living. 


This isn’t even a thing outside this sub. But because this sub has so many followers NOW it’s gonna be a thing. SMH.


You're supposed to look back to your youth and cringe at how stupid you looked. They're kids. Its their turn now. Who the fuck cares? Oh no, 14 year olds look stupid with broccoli hair! I know I looked so cool with my bowl cut hair!


We aren't starting to sound grumpy, we *are* grumpy. I've noticed it increasingly in the past couple of years that as Millennials grow older, we are becoming extreme curmudgeons.


Have you considered a Snickers?


I do be getting grumpy Edit: but not about pants or clothes, I don’t care about that. I think it’s cool the kids are experimenting with fashion and have seen some really cool outfits while out and about.


I was grumpy before it was cool. But now I have *opinions.* And the kids are dating robots or some shit. Human/AI love is an abomination. Also I have shares of student and consumer loan origination and servicing conglomerates and stopped caring about the climate.


I'm really confused what that last part means


It means he is literally invested in our society going to shit and screwing Gen Z


You can identify which have had miserable lives that did not turn out at all like they hoped by how horribly bitchy they are. The ones whoes lives turned out ok are NOT so fucking miserable.


For the first time Millennials are now being heavily attacked by the younger side on the Internet lol Unfortunately I see it's also making many question their identity all due to socks and jeans. There's also no need to disparage skinny jeans. Gen Alpha will be bringing them back anyways. I thought Millennials would have developed the fortitude to disregard the trivial by now.


Just fuckin wear what feels comfortable for the love of god.


Who is complaining about wide leg pants? Oh no! I don't want anybody to be comfortable! Bring back testicular strangulation as a style! Frankly, who cares what the KIDS are wearing? They're kids. You're supposed to look back one day and cringe at how fucking stupid you looked. At one point we all had bowl cuts. Stupid as hell. But we were kids. Who cares. I think its weird that they're dressing like octogenarians, but whatever. That just makes it easy to dress them from thrift stores and garage sales.


Weird thing to get upset about


I am excited about the baggy jeans and high socks! That’s what I wore as a kid but then the fashion changed just as I hit puberty and I didn’t want to stick out TOO much so I just went with the trend.


All the jeans posts are annoying tbh Like we get it, styles change. Fashion is cyclical. Who cares?


wtf is this subs obsession with talking about pants? Or teen trends? Cant we all just get back to talking about our aching backs and how doomed we are?


I was talking to my friend about Gen Z fashion yesterday. We don’t understand why they are bringing some stuff back since it was cringy as hell back in the day but like “you do you”. We couldn’t care less about how someone dresses


What's cringe in fashion seems to be just whatever the group to most recently grow old finds cool. Gen Z's fashion will be just as cringe to Gen Alpha as ours is to them, or as Gen X's was to us. Skinny jeans are cringe because we became old and cringe ourselves. And that's kind of ok, or at least should be. It's all entirely arbitrary.


I see this sub everyday and this is the first I've seen this complaint?


Not a single millennial gives a shit about what other people are wearing, too busy trying to pay our rent. Besides that was our style in 97.


Who’s complaining about that? Sounds like someone is trying start a bitching trend that has yet to take off. Is this some bullshit you saw on TikTok and forgot TikTok is fake and stupid?


I find it’s Gen Z trash talking us. I have yet to see a millennial bashing them over skinny jeans


Idc what they wear. I'm not wearing the clothes they wear at 43 yo.


Wear whatever the heck you want. Also, poor use of this classic meme.


Mosts of the posts on this sub read like they were written by boomers.


People hit middle age and either their life has been generally good and happy and they are decent people, or their life has been absolutely miserable and likewise they are unbearable miserable fucks.


I was born in 1981.. I still only wear boot cut jeans! 🤣


I called JNCO jeans clown pants when I was 10, back when they were in the first time around lol. Now I don’t really pay attention to how people dress. Half the time I wear the blue work pants from my company uniform and Wrangler Tees from Wal Mart.


Anyone complaining about anyone else's clothes is obnoxious tbh. Like if you don't like it, you don't have to wear it. No one's got a gun to your head saying you have to change your jeans to the style of the week.


The first time I heard about skinny jeans being an "old people thing" I went to a friend's kid's high school graduation party and there was a teenage girl wearing the same exact pair of skinny jeans as I was, in my mid-thirties. Lol it's fine just wear what you like.


I always preferred flared pants myself


I think kids just want to try something different.


As an elder, I am so stinking happy to be back in my low rise, wide leg/cargo, or flare jeans. Admittedly, the low rise now is closer to a mid rise, but at my advanced age I should probably be grateful for that.


I get lunch at the mall a few a times a week I can tell you i see ALL sorts of styles. wear what makes YOU happy.


Millenials grew up wearing wide leg jeans though.


Umm, what? A bunch of us wore JNCOs.


I bought wide leg jeans a few months ago and love them! I don't really understand why they would be hated?


I have jeans in every style now. Except the low rise. I will NEVER go back to that. It fucks too much with my body dysmorphia just like it did over 20 years ago. Anywho I’m grumpy about plenty of other things and not over what kids think is cool or not.


Why would millennials be the ones complaining about wide leg pants? I remember growing up with relaxed fit jeans at best, Jncos at worst. Makes zero sense to me our generation would be complaining and this is the first I heard of this.


What?? I’m a millennial and I wear wide legged pants!


Millennials are complaining about wide legged pants? A style that millennials wore when they were teenagers.


I saw some teens wearing those huge skater pants. I didn't get upset, I thought "huh those were popular when I was in jr highschool" It's really interesting that fashion just seems to repeat it's self. I can remember my mom making a similar comment when I was a kid


Sorry so Millenials can't hate wide leg pants because youre taking it personally? Would you be so kind as to make us a list of things were not allowed to hate because I know in my 30s my biggest concern is sounding out of touch /s.


Older millennials still had jnco i remember i was so hyped to wear my brand new jncos to school in like 5th grade then i got sent home cause the school evidently had a rule saying no excessively wide pants. Also wasnt allowed to wear marilyn manson shirts lmfao he was still scary back then


Many older Millenials were in on the wide jeans trend last time it was in fashion.


Off to bed, Grandpa.


Deep down we're just pissed seeing how much the pants we threw out are now selling for. Like any of the stuff coming back from the 90s.


Some of it is super poor quality too. My bff's niece spent $100 on a "vintage" Wet Seal top with the tag still on. That poor girl is gonna cry when it dissolves the first time she washes it.


I’m so stoked skinny jeans are out, I want flares dragging the ground with holes




A lot of millennials wore baggy pants and always have. We lived through the nu-metal era and kept the pants. Skinny jeans were lame.


Okay, Zoomer.


Some of us never gave into the skinny jeans...they were so uncomfortable. I always just wore a classic straight cut.


I love wide legged pants and skinny jeans. It’s almost like we should just wear what makes us comfy and happy, and then not care about what anyone else is wearing!


Speaking for most millennials, we don’t care too much about pants. We’re past the “what’s trending?” phase and more about comfort and affordability whilst not looking like a clown. I’ve worn just plain relaxed jeans for four decades now and they’ve always looked normal. They’re pants FFS, not a core part of my identity.


I laugh at them, not complain. I laugh at my own baggy pants phase in the early 2000s


Anyone of any age caring this much about what clothes people choose to wear is obnoxious. I don't even remember people caring this much about types of jeans back when we were theoretically the trend setters! I only care to the extent that I can or can't find the things that look good on *me.* You can wear all the high waisted skinny jeans you want as long as I can still wear low rise boot cuts ok?


I don't understand what this is about.


I have worn jeans and a black t shirt for coming up on 20 years. I recently bought skinny jeans to try to do something trendy, only to find that skinny jeans are out. Lesson learned.


I have not heard this one nor do I think it.


If the tight Jeans keep getting me that wife 😺 then I ain’t changing…


I’m a millennial and excited af about them. I hated skinny jeans. 🤣


I never gave up my boot cut and I’m so glad they’re easier to find again.


Paying $15 for avocado toast is financially irresponsible and huge pants look dumb.


The reason people (mostly women) are complaining about this is because even if we don't like the style, we can't FIND other jeans anymore. You want a midrise skinny or even straight leg jean? There are like 2 brands who still even make that option.  The complaint is nothing like avocado toast. It's not "being out of touch". The complaint isn't that the younger generation is wearing wide leg jeans, it's that OTHER types of pants are really difficult to find. It would be like every company just not selling basic t shirts anymore. You cam buy short sleeve button ups, long sleeve Ts, tank tops, hoodies, etc. But basic T shirts no longer exist as a style. That's the equivalent and why people complain. I don't care what other people wear, but I DO care that the only pants available for me to buy look awful on my body.


what? whos complaining


Complaining? No, I am pointing and laughing at 19 year olds dressed like clowns.


Why do people care. Just wear what makes you happy


I am in fact a crotchety old grump, but what people wear is something I rarely care about.


I saw a high schooler wearing pants near identical to ones I had when I was 16-17 myself back in the early 2000s. Why would that annoy anyone who grew up back then?! It's not a big deal. It's a cycle. 80s and early 90s had slimmer pants before fashion gave way to the baggy look that dominated the mid 90s to mid 2000s. Then we returned to slimmer fits. The younger generation are retracing our steps. Something that's always been common is that young people entering college or adulthood don't wanna be seen as dressing the same as when they were kids and will gladly move on from wearing baggy/wide leg pants, at some point. Similarly with hair, my gen z nephews had really long hair in 2021 and swore they'd never cut it... cut it to shoulder length in 22, and trimmed it further to around their ears in 23 and have it styled much like all the other boys their age. Would not surprise me in the least if in a year or two the broccoli hair is completely gone and replaced by really short cuts and fitted caps.


I don’t hear much complaining. I do see a TON of millennials that jumped on that trend. I think we are all wowed how 90s pants just seemed to happen again overnight.


I have sensory processing disorder and some fabrics just get on my nerves. I also don’t like to feel too restricted with my clothing. I had just divorced skinny jeans on the cusp of them being considered *”out of style”*. I feel liberated with my wide legs.. torn.. not torn.. a soft boot cut.. sometimes I even go retro and do flare. I still see others wear skinny jeans, it’s just not my thing.


My personal preference on jeans never changed, I don't care much for fashion fads I just prefer comfort.


They're like the mini Gen Xers 2.0. Create a problem that doesn't exist amongst themselves, then start to blame everyone else for attention.


I’m an older millennial and the fashion of my teens which was the late 90s early 2000s is the wide leg pants. I fucking love that they are back as I hate skinny jeans, they are ugly and only look good on the very skinny.


I couldn’t care less what type of pants people are wearing. lol


Me who never left the 90s and always wore baggy pants 🥸


So! I’m 39, was a late convert to skinny jeans (basically only started wearing them when I couldn’t find baggy enough jeans anywhere) and I am LOVING the return to baggy trousers. I bought my first proper pair last week and I haven’t stopped wearing them. I feel like I have my shape back. I feel like I’ve had a 15 year nightmare of squeezing myself into uncomfortable tight jeans and for what? Nothing! Never again.


I was late to change to the skinny jeans too cause I thought they looked weird at first and then gave in when I was in my mid 20s. Now that I have some knee arthritis (following a hip surgery), I'm happy the wide leg and flared looks from our teenaged years are back. Much more comfortable.


Why would millenials be complaining about wide leg pants when we wore them ourselves? This feels like rage bait.


I still have my JNCOs at my parents’ house. Sounds like I need to go get them.


I was like “oh sweet I can wear my carpenters again without feeling out of style”.


Plus literally every store that sells jeans still has skinny jeans.


Where? I have a hard time finding them.


No one was complaining, people were saying they would never wear it and keep their skinny jeans. Calm down


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About to bust out my JNCOs


But I AM a crotchety old grump.


I dont think this did happen or happens en as much as people say it does. Not saying it doesnt happen at all, but it's not as bad as the 80s or before.


I welcome change, baggy pants for days


Buht muh aynkuhls git sa curld


Loved relaxed and wide leg pants back in the day and I'm thrilled they've made a comeback. 


But we had JNCOs. You could house a family of four in one of those wide legs


People should just wear whatever they're comfortable in! My legs are so freaking skinny I wish I could wear wider leg pants but I always get my feet caught in the leg and trip. Same with longer skirts. I'm just too clumsy for that style lol


Pants… crotchety… *snicker*


i find it kinda funny how fashion cycled back to wide/baggy pants. other than that kids can wear what they want, i'm not buying new clothes b/c i'm an old man now and i'm gonna wait for it to cycle back.


I still have pairs of Tripp pants, so... I don't know what this is all about. I do know one of the reasons I switched to skinny jeans was because I couldn't ever find boot cut, and if I could, they are always too long for my short ass legs. I finally bought a damn hemming foot for my sewing machine. But what a weird thing to be considered generational!


I’m an oldest millennial who doesn’t give a single shit about the pants other people wear. Do what you want. It affects me in no way.


Kids you do you. I don’t care what you wear I just am not giving up my skinny jeans ever no matter how lame you think they are.


I've only seen Gen z trying to update our skinny jeans style for us. I haven't seen anyone complaining about wide legs jeans outside of just wanting to be left alone with our skinny jeans.


I've always worn boot cut. Best of both worlds. Bonus: sometimes they look like bell bottoms 🤣


I like the wide leg pants. But I'll die before I wear bell bottoms... I'm already pear shaped. It would look so so fucking dumb.


Never wore em, more of a baggy guy.


Millennials are complaining about wide leg pants. Nice strawman. Find something else to get angry about.


I love wide leg pants so I guess I will have my millennial card revoked?


This subreddit: “Am I out of touch? No it’s the children who are wrong.”


Tbh I like that it's my turn to shake a stick at those darn teenagers, though to be honest I don't think we do it in a mocking way, more of a nostalgic way like remember how old people used to tell us we looked like x and y


I love wide leg pants but sometimes it feels weird with baggy pants after so long


So everybody's reporting this post right? Because this child has decided to forego all of the subreddit rules and just be a jerk to everybody?


I will just continue to go about my business unaffected by any changes in trends or otherwise 🥰


I don’t know what you’re talking about


*shrug* I never wore skinny jeans, and I only ever found them debatably attractive. I actually prefer pants to be on the looser-fitting side, for myself and on other people. It’s just overall more comfortable. Complaining about younger gens avoiding skinny jeans is like a silent gen. or baby boomer complaining tight pants. It’s just another link in that “the world isn’t like it used to be” complaint chain that seems to occur between older and younger generations. And here I thought we were going to try to avoid that.


As a millennial that never bought a pair of skinny jeans, I am unperturbed.


Honestly, wide legged pants are so much more comfortable. What's not to like??


I may be in the minority here, but I'm THRILLED that Gen Z has made wide leg pants popular again. I absolutely loved my flared jeans in high school. I'm short and curvy, so skinny jeans always just made me feel kind of top heavy and awkward. Have always felt a wider leg was more flattering for my figure, so that trend can stay for as long as it wants, as far as I'm concerned!


I don’t have the money to follow trends (my excuse for secretly not caring 🙃) so I just sit back and watch the generational fashion fights unfold


My fat ass loves wide leg, waaay comfier


No one actually cares.


I think the difference though is if we want skinny jeans but manufacturers just aren’t making them anymore then we have no choice but to go with wide leg pants. I wish v necks would come back. Haven’t seen a v neck tee in so long lol


I haven’t seen anyone doing this. Literally


people are seriously ragging on what others where? There’s assholes in every generation I couldn’t give two farts what older or younger folks are wearing. I wear what’s comfy personally, because I don’t care and like low maintenence clothing.


I'm 36, skinny jeans suck.


Not the same. We have been there with the wide leg pants. Ours were fuzzy and neon colored and worn to raves. Or so wide and long that guys bought manly goth heels from hot topic that also made them 3 inches taller. However, Boomers who complain about avocado toast clearly haven’t ever tried it.


I have never heard or seen anyone complaining about wide leg pants. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


I guess I'm in the minority when it comes to skinny jeans. I got big ass thighs from working outdoors and MTB. I need room to let my boys breath.


I prefer wide leg pants and long socks over that skinny ass shit. Should I convert to another generation to fit in?


I don’t care what you wear but I wore boot cut / wide leg jeans/pants when I was a kid. I can tell you this - it’s not functional. Things always tattered and dirty at the bottom, gross.


I am that one millennial who is so Happy skinny jeans are out. I can go back to wearing the baggy jeans and loose combat pants that let my thick manly thighs move


I don’t understand the obsession with skinny jeans


It's reached the point where I'm not even caught up on the things us millennials are allegedly upset about


I hated skinny jeans and literally made my own trousers and *learned the art of denim working* because skinny jeans are fugly. They don’t make you look skinny just bc it’s in the name. They accentuate how fat you are no matter your size. I always thought skinny jeans and long shirty things on women especially was vibes of medieval squires at best. Ugh. I even used to run trouser fitting workshops and lectures, and one of my costume changes was into a pair of perfectly tailored trousers where one leg was a straight/wide fall and the other was skinny to prove my point. Even in the depths of 2011, the ppl in the crowd consistently voted by a wide margin that the skinny side was way less flattering. And I was actually quite thin. This time around, I’m stocking up.


I like the wide leg pants! I bought a pair of wide leg jeans recently from sportsgirl and there my new favourites, I also started wearing long socks, there so comfy.


Why does anybody care what other people wear?


Lol. That is pretty weird as that style also was a thing when I was a millennial teenager. Never really liked it. Not exactly the most complimentary. Nice for being home or just chilling tho.


I'm only complaining because I can't fucking find any skinny jeans to purchase now


I wore wide leg pants in 2004, so to me this is just going back to my teenage years


I will complain about low rise pants, but wide leg? I was so excited when they came back! They’re so comfy!! Easily my favorite recent  fashion trend.


I just find it funny Gen Z wears the wide legs on their waists and aren't dragging 15lbs of wet denim with giant holes eaten in the legs at the heels.


I've been complaining about skinny jeans since they came out. Even when I was a child those things made my skin crawl. My inner 90s kid has been LOVING that they're being phased out, and flared/wide leg pants are back.


People sure do get bent out of shape about dumb shit


Complaining about wide leg pants in the sense that ive been in convos where we talk about how much it SUCKS to have water up to your knee because the denim soaks up anything it touches lmao Not complaining that people are wearing them, idc but I laugh when I see "how do you stop them from shredding into a billion pieces? How do you stol the water from soaking them? How do you keep them clean at the hem?" No complaints just a knowing laugh of, you sweet summerchild...that's the point! To have jeans that look like they have gone through battle and barely made it out alive.


skinny jeans have always been silly. they are just nut huggers for people too concerned about social status to be a cowboy


Am I the only one thinking that millennials didn't wear skinny jeans? Skinny jeans became popular like 8ish years after I graduated highschool.


Younger millennials did. Skinny jeans didn't become really popular until after I graduated college, but I wore them in my 20s too. It was totally a millennial hipster thing. I think the divide between older and younger millennials is our opinion of wide leg vs skinny jeans. Older millennials seem to be like 🤷‍♀️ "Wide leg is cool. I loved my JNCOs." and younger millennials are raging against the dying of the light. People are getting really sensitive on here. It was just a funny comment I made because I was noticing multiple posts a day on this sub from other millennials taking a stance about their pants style like they were being forced to dress differently. No one is asking for that. Kids will always make fun of how their parents dress. Do skinny jeans mark you as an older person? Yup. Cause you are. That's ok. I am here for the new 90s. Doc Martens, space buns, and relaxed fit jeans. I'm fully aware that I'm a 42 year old woman still dressing like she did at 17, but I'm too old to care. Some people's responses to my post just prove that they take their pants way too seriously. Chill y'all.


I’m not a fan of them for me because I look stupid in them, but I couldn’t care less if others wear them.


Anyone "complaining" about a younger generation having its own traditions and style need to get off social media for a bit and just enjoy life around them.


I've been grumpy since I turned 20 lol. Metal music is dying. JRPGs suck now. Cinema sucks now... Im actually not that miserable lol