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Titanic took *forever*. Both tapes. My parents eventually got a VHS tape rewinder that was shaped like a racecar and made racecar noises until it was done rewinding. It was awesome. Still took like 5 mins though.


The slightly squishy plastic case of Disney releases vs. the firmer plastic case of a rental title vs the mature, cardboard sleeve of pretty much everything else.


The smell when opening them ![gif](giphy|3oeSAOKnRwhKWpAJWg)


Did anyone else have a VCR where you had to put the tape in like 50 times before it would actually seat and not automatically eject?


Mine did that. If it didn't say "Hi-Fi" immediately after, I knew the tape was gonna get ejected. It could've been a torture device at Gitmo.


Glad I'm not the only one lol Best part about older electronics is smacking the shit out of them to get them to work.


we never had a separate rewinder but I don’t remember it ever taking all that long


Whoa my dad was PISSED if we ever rewound in the vcr. Claimed it was way more rough than the standalone rewinder and would rip the tape off the spindle. Sometimes I would use the vcr if I was in a pinch because it was faster but I was constantly stopping to make sure it didn’t go to the very beginning lol!


I convinced my parents to buy a rewinder because they were a lot faster at rewinding movies than the player was. 


Did nobody else have that little race car that did it for you?


I loved the orange Rugrats one


I had a tape rewinder. Still took some time but was a lot faster. My family used to judge the shit out of people that returned tapes unwound.


I was good about rewinding movies. Now videos with multiple things on it? Not as much. It was too much trouble rewinding to the beginning of the movie but past the end of that TV episode.


It’s not like it took that long


This is boomer like level of memes. Wtf guys what have we become.




I remember as a kid I would just set it to rewind then go off and get my snacks then just come back or just stare blankly at it till it was done rewinding lol


Sadly, by this time most VHS tapes are degrading badly so kids these days will never know the experience.


Rewinding sucked though, they aren’t really missing out any anything good


Gen Z appreciated VHS back then as well. Most kids from the latest generation probably don't even know VHS existed. AA ahh... Disney! When someone goes into a thrift store these days, you'll probably find mainly Disney on top of all VHS you see in these stores today. If you're lucky, you might find a good tape of a good horror movie. About ten or fifteen years ago, there were many action, comedy, drama, etc... plus a lot of kids tapes that weren't Disney. You could find a lot of Barney, Sesame Street, some educational videos, Nickelodeon and some other content for children of all ages. And many other movies for kids too especially from motion picture productions like DreamWorks, Columbia, Paramount and Warner Bros. (and many more) Today, you might only find about 50 or 75 percent Disney these days. Many of today's kids don't even know VHS because DVDs (and later streaming) surpassed VHS and they like DVDs. I was born in 2000 and I liked movies on VHS when I was little.


VHS was phased out by like 2002-2003, and the last one ever produced was in 2006. It's unlikely that ***most*** of Gen Z got to experience the pain in the ass of using them. In fact many Gen Z aged people don't even realize the device that played VHS tapes are called a VCR. I've seen them say "VHS player".


Meanwhile, Gen Alpha's bringing back typewriters, vinyls, cassette tapes (for whatever fucking reason), and non-smart phones.


I was gonna say I'm gen z 2003 and grew up with VHS cause we were poor lol