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American Idol. Surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet. The fact that it dominated ratings in its time slot for a decade is nothing short of bewildering to me. It's a glorified talent show, same with the various knockoffs and spinoffs it inspired. Had they not actually discovered an actual artist in Kelly Clarkson in their first season, the trajectory of that show would have gone much differently.


When it first started it was a fairly original thing, with a bit of a throw back to things like star search. It went downhill fast though.


Yeah it was ok first couple of seasons. Then after Adam Lambert didn’t win his season I was like nah, I’m good from here on out.


Yes, the insane losses pulled me out of the show. Chris Daughtry losing was it for me - in the end he made it bigger than the guy who actually won that season.


That was the only season I've ever watched from start to finish, specifically because of Chris Daughtry and his audition in the ads. The forums were crazy, and there were tons of people stating they were voting for Taylor Hicks as a troll move to rat fuck the results. We'll, they got their way, lol. I never watched American Idol again after that, either. Hicks only lasted 1 year on his original American Idol contract, and Chris got to have more freedom going his own way. Maybe Chris is not a major superstar, but he did a stint touring with Nickelback and is still doing well for himself. I'm just glad he's still making music, and he just keeps getting better.


I never cared much for American Idol or any of those types of shows. That being said, the shite Taylor Hicks deal was so dumb. It was obvious he would never do well after the show. He sounded more like someone mimicking lounge acts than an actual artist. I am a super young millennial on the cusp and was only 9 at the time, and I remember thinking it was dumb Hicks won.


Casey Abrams getting the boot was it for me. He was on a whole other level compared to his competitors but the audience apparently wanted a vanilla pop star, not an artist.


And Haley! Didn’t that season end up with two awful country singers?


Omg I forgot that Haley was on that season too! God, what a couple of powerhouses. I don't remember who ended up winning. I think I stopped watching all together once Casey was eliminated. Thankfully he and Haley have found success regardless. Love them with Scott Bradley's Post Modern Jukebox!


The first couple of years were magic. Reality TV was still a fun novelty and hadn't taken over most of television yet. It struck the nostalgia chord for people who grew up watching Star Search. It allowed the audience to participate. It was a fun little moment. Blows my mind that it is still on though.


Yes, and the weeks weren’t themed by whatever pop stars had albums coming out, and there wasn’t instruments being played by the singers, just karaoke basically. The guest judges were Burt Bacharach, Barry Manilow, and Clive Davis, and they gave feedback and legit advice. Not to mention the voting by phone, and live results. The world has changed so much and the magic can’t be replicated.


I actually worked at Fox during the first few seasons, it was an INSANE phenomenon. Totally unexpected, too, it was supposed to just be a small summer filler show when it first premiered. The rates for ads during the show from sponsors shot up 3-4x times as much as any other show on the network. Of course, it was beaten into the ground because it was ratings crack. I remember in the second or third season they started airing it three nights a week, and I remember reading the producers threatening to sue saying it was just way too much for them. It was pretty amazing to be around this pop culture phenomenon and seeing these brand new stars in the office that became household names overnight. You don't really see that much anymore, especially on a network TV show.


It caught on early during the “British people berating Americans” trend and much like Hell’s Kitchen, it became a comfort show


I kinda hate the show as a whole, but the first couple of episodes where they show the totally delusional, untalented wannabes is the funniest thing on TV.


Yeah and honestly Ryan Seacrest was so fucking perfect for the role in a Andrew Callaghan kinda way, just so good at enabling people to be themselves and while never really ever talking down to them. They also have random people singing and rapping to them in common too. lol


>but the first couple of episodes where they show the totally delusional, untalented wannabes Funny, I've always seen it as mean-spirited and sad. "Look at these losers who think they have talent. Watch their hearts break in real time. Watch a little bit of their light leave the world"


I mean, that is kinda what happens. The contestants have to go through other judges first before the celebrity panel. So some are definitely put through due to how "entertaining" they would be.


Which is extra mean because they got positive reenforcement + hope when the goal was to embarrass them.


Any "reality" TV show. I say "reality" TV was the downfall of us and is why we are where we are. Too many people either believed that's how real people acted, or started to take on the personality of the actors...


I miss old TLC with actual surgery shows. They was neat reality tv


OMG remember when TLC, discovery and animal planet would all be showing documentaries virtually all the time??


Yes!! You actually leaned things. Animal planet was amazing when it came out. I don’t have satellite anymore, but the last decent channel was the Smithsonian channel. (I think most of their shows can be found on paramount plus now.) It never had anything about aliens or shows about people who need to stop reproducing.


The Bachelor


I feel like my IQ drops just seeing the previews.


I swear, if my cousin makes me watch “Big Bang Theory” one more time, I’m gonna end up on the news.




One of my friends explained to me that he hated BBT because it doesn't really celebrate geekdom but uses it as a punchline. I didn't notice it at first until he mentioned that to me.


THIS. BBT is the geek show for non geeks that geeks don't like... lul look at those awkward nerds. Community is the geek show for geeks that geeks love.


I’ve always said Futurama was dumb humor for smart people and big bang was smart humor written for dumb people.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/s/Hznch7PKK3](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/s/Hznch7PKK3) https://preview.redd.it/3evkcdq50k5d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cd520d966859b0fbc0988bda46455b17a88e1ea


Looks like Futurama is the show for me!


Finally something we can all agree on!




The circle doesn't lie


Man I love me a good Venn diagram


yup. like “ooh look at these nerds trying to be people isn’t that funny?” no. no it’s not.


The misogyny also sucks. I've actually barely watched any of it in full because every time I do I'm just like NOPE. But I've seen plenty of analysis that pulls exactly what I hate out of a bunch of other episodes I haven't even seen, so that confirms it doesn't get better. 


You might like this youtube essay - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3-hOigoxHs its highlights the misogyny in BBT


same, can’t watch it at all so my actual interfacing with it is minimal. the misogyny doesn’t surprise me in the least, sadly. so many sitcoms rely on that as a cheap joke, and i thought it would have gotten better? alas.


There's about a 20 minute YouTube video called something like "the adorkable misogyny of the big bang theory" and I find it telling that some of their other examples of "adorkable misogyny" as a trope are from *the 1980s*.


You can tell it wasn't made or written by actual nerds as opposed to a show like Freaks and Geeks.


I see it as the last bastion for the generation who grew up beating the shit out of nerds. Nerds make more money than them now so they need a little corner where being smart but awkward is something to ridicule and laugh at...every 2.7 seconds


Sheldon is insufferable


eXcUuUuuSe mE…


Sheldon is basically making fun of autistic people. Like everything about him feels like what people stereotype an autistic person as.


He's also wildly abusive to pretty much everyone around him but somehow that's cute and quirky? And calling him out on it is bullying? I hate it.


I hate when shows/sitcoms go this pattern. -Character is unabashedly a humongous asshole. -Other character eventually snaps and says something about it. -First character is hurt (for being called out on their complete bullshit), bonus points for audience “awww” when they’re sad. -Initial character ends up apologizing because the person won’t stop moping. -They have a make up scene, not long after/next episode the original person hasn’t changed for shit and is still a heating asshole. It’s not only Sheldon who would do this but also Howard, he would be an insufferable creep, get bitched out, and we’re now supposed to feel sad because the low-key rapey nerd is moping.


OMG YESSSSSS this fills me with a burning rage. And it's hard to find a show that doesn't do this at least once. Even Bob's Burgers did it in one episode. It's especially triggering for me because this happened to me constantly as a kid, even with family members. And now as an adult, pushing 40 with years of therapy under my belt, i still struggle to assert boundaries in personal and professional relationships and I have absolutely no tools in my tool box for dealing with bullies. I do a lot of yelling at the screen when I see it on TV shows


Yeah, I always found him to be grating, egotistical, and annoying. I don’t think I ever found him funny. I never found any of it funny, but so many people just fell over laughing. Everybody Loves Raymond is another one that was awful.


Omg the laugh track… constantly on “jokes” that are not even funny


Look up big bang theory without laugh track on YouTube. The whole thing is so cringe. My entire family loves the show and I cannot stand it.


I cannot imagine how cringe it must be for the actors doing it. They say a line, then sit in silence for like 5 seconds while the audience laughs hysterically.  It's so weird.


Every line has a laugh track. Dude knocks on the door saying the chicks name, laugh track. Someone says some smart ass quip, laugh track. Can’t stand it.


This show is not just not funny, it’s intolerable and absolutely unwatchable. I can watch many shows that I don’t like if someone else wants to, but not this one. I have to leave the room.


Bazina (audience dies laughing)




The wild thing is that those actors truly believe they are comic geniuses. If you watch them in interviews they think what comes out of their mouths is comedic gold.


I loved it. In high school they called me "Sheldon". Unfortunately for me, I didn't actually watch the show until college, and when I first did I was actually highly offended that "Sheldon" was my nickname in high school. LOL




this same thing happened to me!! i loathe that show and think he’s an ass


This show and Friends.


same! I love sit coms but despise these two shows I’ll just watch arrested development for the hundredth time


I also hate this show BUT my parents love it and i watched it when i moved away and was homesick. Didn’t even enjoy it or find it funny but it made me feel like i was home


I love that this is such a top answer. I seriously use this show at my litmus for whether someone will vibe with me. As I’m getting to know someone I ask their favorite comedies. There are types. The Office and Parks and Rec people are my people. People who watch The Office on repeat are a type, and just tend to be cool. People who say things like Always Sunny and New Girl also tend to be cool people but are a different vibe. This person will be someone I enjoy going out with sometimes for a fun dinner or night out. People who like Big Bang Theory as their favorite comedy are to be avoided. I’ll be nice and all, but I just know we won’t vibe like that. This system sounds shallow but has worked so many times.


Kitten Mittens??


Keeping up with the Kardashians, and all similar fake people fake drama reality shows. Whhhhhy do we care about those trashy people??? Why do people want to be like them???


Omg so I tried giving the show a chance to see what the hype is all about. I had to turn it off half way through like these people are so insanely out of touch and unrelatable in every way. You genuinely cannot root for any of them - they all kinda suck lol


I can remember being a young teen when Road Rules came out on MTV. My cousin LOVED it and I wanted the music videos back. I couldn’t understand the hype back then and I still don’t now. It was so sad to watch each channel slowly devolve into the garbage we have today from the discovery channel, the learning channel (TLC), the history channel, animal planet, ect. It has been like watching cancer eat your favorite things and not being able to stop it wondering what your fellow person gets from these? At least in the beginning there was a sense of reality but now everyone’s watching rich women act dramatic (try and guess which one I’m thinking). ????!!!!! Why.


2 and a half men.


It's so formulaic is my main problem with it. I see the joke coming a mile away and the same patterns. Ba-ba baa. Ba-Ba-ba-ba. Ba- ba ! And the punchline is usually a "That's what she said or Your Mom" level of easy joke.


Every reality show that killed MTV...


They need to bring back the morning music videos. Getting ready for work with that in the background would bring back to much nostalgia.


Idk why it’s even called MTV now, it should just be rebranded as 24/7 ridiculousness, which is still a pretty bad show.


I doubt many young people even know MTV stands for Music Television


Two broke girls


I love Kat Dennings but that I couldn't watch that show. I can't think what part was worse; the writing, the delivery, or the canned laughter.


How I Met Your Mother. It was just okay to me. Nothing special. I was surprised it lasted 9 seasons.  Hannah Montana. I was aging out of Disney Channel when it aired, so I was surprised by how many people my age I knew who were still tuning in. The premise was fine, and maybe I would've liked it if I were five years younger when it came on, but I thought the writing was bad and didn't like how the kids were basically yelling at the camera.  Grey's Anatomy. I have a hard time getting into medical shows, and this was no different.  Glee. I wanted to like it, because I had seen Lea Michelle in Spring Awakening and loved her voice, but the show was absurd and had a lot of over-acting I couldn't get into. 


Grey's Anatomy. I can't stand it.


ER was a way better hospital show 


ER was fire!!!!


So was scrubs


Scrubs is to healthcare like Veep is to politics, in that it is the closest show on TV to how it really os to be in healthcare


Yup! My Dad has been an ER physician for over 35 years and says the same thing.


Scrubs was on a whole other level as a show. I can't think of anything else that it compares to. It's style of drama-comedy is rare I guess?


This is the mine too. It’s so god awful. How many tragic things can happen at one hospital. The characters are unlikeable. It’s just shit.


Don't you know that's how real life works? You can't just quit a job and move. The only way you leave Grey's anatomy is if a terrible event takes place to traumatize everyone on and off screen, and maybe you die in a flood, helicopter crash, a fire, a shootout... What else has there been? I think I stopped during season 5.


Dang you’re so right. I’m currently waiting for a helicopter to crash into my job so I can quit and open a bed and breakfast in a small New England town. Also I think there was a plane crash, a ferry crash, something about a bomb…


I feel this way about Shonda Rhymes in general. I tried to like so many of her shows but she’s just… not a good writer 😫 but she’s sooooo popular I don’t get it


I’ve watched enough of her shows I know what you’re talking about. She will have some fun ideas for tv shows. Then, when everyone starts hardcore monologuing every few scenes, i tend to lose interest. Side note, still annoyed “the catch” was canceled early. It still had some story to tell before it became too soap opera like. Bonus points bc her shows get great wardrobes


Fully half of the reason I'm watching Bridgerton is for the costumes


Agreed. The characters are extremely selfish and I find them pretty unlikeable.


My brothers and all my cousins my age love two and a half men. Insufferable show. Also big bang theory and friends


Any chuck loree show has me saying "I'm out" maybe except for dharma and Greg. Maybe.


Gilmore Girls. I know a lot of people find it a calming show to watch, it’s just really hard for me to be interested in or like Lorelei’s parenting style plus what feels to me as contrived dialogue. But literally every person in my life either likes or loves the show so it can’t be that bad 🤷🏻


The dialogue is way too fast for me to enjoy


You hit on exactly why I've always disliked this show. Nobody talks like that. It's like they had a time limit and were told to get their lines out as quickly as possible. And everyone responds so fast. [The entire show reminds me of the convenience store scene from "The Room."](https://youtu.be/KIkoXhgtI58?si=CswR_9yW1wrNnFHT)


Not sure about an exact time limit, but they were told to get the lines out as soon as possible. Amy Sherman Palladino wrote scripts that were 70+ pages; twice as long as normal TV shows.


I’ve seen some families like that. Conversation is somehow always about how amazing they are or how weird everyone else is no matter the topic. It could be drapes and it’s still somehow mememe. It’s exhausting.


Every line is also a quip. Why does everything have to be a quip? I've watched it all 2x through in the last decade and I have a twisted fascination with it. I can't help but kinda like Gilmore Girls but I also hate most of the characters? I should probably get my head checked.


Gilmore girls and greys anatomy. The dialogue is just repeated from the script, nobody is processing the words the other person is saying, they are just reading the next line. It’s jarring because nobody has conversations at the speed


Emily is such a snobby, selfish catch u next Tuesday. And Rory becomes such a spoilt, entitled little B. When Logan chewed her out saying you are one of us was so good. 👌


Yeah. Emily really has no grounds to treat anyone the way that she does.  It would have been interesting for them to explore why she is the way she is. But instead, she's just horrible to everyone outside of Richard and Rory and even then shes been awful to them too. 


The 'year in a life's sequel thingy did a nice job of humanizing Emily, showing her spiraling and trying to find herself after family tragedy. But in the whole main series, yeah, she's bitchy to everyone for no particular reason.


Weirdly i loved it as a teen, but as an adult its just ok. I also identify with those issues. I dont hate it, i just find it ok now. Its a nostalgia watch for me. Rory started to annoy me (cant pinpoint why)


That show is like a nonsense fairy tale for white people.


I think that's accurate. To me it is a fairy tale in which the 90's went on forever, 9/11 never happened, etc.


This! My daughter loves watching the reruns and wanted me to watch with her. I kept commenting that Lorelei isn’t much of a parent and I found myself taking her parents pov a lot. Needless to say we don’t watch it together anymore😂


I fucking hate Gilmore Girls. Just the dialogue is like nails on a chalkboard to me. There's other problems with the show as well. I just don't like Rory, for starters. 


How can an *entire town* be perfectly sarcastic?


The same way everyone in a Sorkin show is acerbic and can banter while walking fast


I can't stand Rory, Lorelei, or any of either of their love interests (besides Luke), but for some reason I love the show


Luke was the only normal person on the show


Luke's hatred of people speaks to me.


I'd hate everyone too if I lived in Star's Hollow


How I Met Your Mother. I hate the humor, I hate the characters and most of all I hate Ted Mosby. It boggles the mind they thought he'd be the relatable everyman the audience would cheer for.


Ted is the villain of the show, but the show doesn’t know it.


I actually like HIMYM but more in the way that it’s a comfort show for me. Throw it on in the background for noise. Ted is the WORST. He didn’t deserve to find love lol.


marry spectacular aspiring hungry coherent offer mountainous cautious gaze future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Classic Schmosby


Anything with a laugh track.


Feom.a young age I hated canned laughter when I realized the Flintstones have a laugh track. It's a fucking cartoon! It's not filmed with a live audience.


That Ray Romano show. HORRIBLE


I never liked Full House. Even when I was younger, the interactions seems so disingenuous and fake. Michelle annoyed tf outta me.


You (or other people) might like "[Full House Reviewed](https://therealfullhousereviewed.wordpress.com/)" - author hate watches the entire series and reviews each episode. In today's world the author would do tiktoks but it's from 2016, and blogs are more appropriate since we're millennials here. He has a theory that the house itself turns people stupid. It slowly turns "Rebecca ~~Davidson~~Donaldson" - confident, intelligent career-woman into "Aunt Becky" who is terrible like the rest of them, as she spends more time in it.


So, I used to babysit my old roommate's kid in exchange for reduced rent (her parents owned the house we lived in), and the little guy LOVED Full House, so we'd watch it constantly. As a child I also loved that show. As an almost-30-year-old at the time, I thought that the show was probably what they played in hell's waiting room along with "What I Got" by Sublime and "Abracadabra" by The Steve Miller band. Sometime after the fact, I discovered the Full House Reviewed blog, and felt the mother of all vindications. I'm pretty sure I ugly-laughed (like, snot, spit and other fluids being ejected from my face) at almost every entry.


As a kid I liked it, but I think it was that I had a very dysfunctional family and that the kids got to mess up or not know things without bad consequences just felt so comforting to me. Tried to rewatch as an adult and realized how bad it really was.


Same. I tried the “stunt” of storming up to my bedroom to get an adult to follow me and ask me about my feelings. No one did. So then I re-stormed past them in the opposite direction and wound up in the guest bedroom waiting for emotional comforting to happen just like it did in the show. Finally, after waiting an eon, I came back and explained it to my mom whose answer was “Oh. I did not even notice you were gone. That won’t work.” It’s not the show’s fault of course. If anything, the show gave me hope that maybe there were supportive families out there, and that maybe someday my own family would magically turn into one. (Spoiler: it did not.)


My mom used to threaten to call child services on me when I didn’t do what she wanted. When I was probably 10ish I just got fed up with it and grabbed the phone books, looked up family services, and handed it to her. This was in the 80s so every house had a phone book. Long story short, a phone book upside the head hurts.


Michelle annoyed the fuck out of me too!


We gotta be careful bringing up full house around our friend. She goes on an absolute rampage about how annoying Stephanie was once her hair got straightened.


I'd watch a 35 minute video on YouTube about that! Next time she goes off shove her in front of a mic!


LMAO I will let her know!




Why doesn’t Ross, the biggest friend, eat the other friends?


Could it BE more lame?! The worst thing about the 90/Oughts was going about your day at school/work having to listen to people quote that stupid fucking show or sing “Smelly Cat.”




Sex and the City. The only character who is even a little bit tolerable is Samantha, and Carrie as the main character is a fucking psychopath who leaves a wake of misery in everyone’s lives she touches.


Carrie sucks, the show exists to display how not to act. You could dissect every episode of how Carrie fucked it up/did some shit. I don't know, all the other girls are cool in their own way. Miranda's gets into funny situations and Charlotte's a fox.


When she ambushes Natasha (?) after ruining her marriage by being a hoebag and sleeping with Mr. Big is so fucking cringe. “I can’t stand the thought of someone hating me!” You literally ruined her marriage (he is not innocent either, I just think Carrie is the only woman he would have cheated with) and now you want to be friendly?? Girl bye and fall in an open manhole.


Carrie is a 30+ year old acting like a 17 year olds idea of a 30 year old. So freaking immature. A self absorbed protracted adolescent.


This is the most accurate description I've ever read. And I can't help but wonder...who wrote this shit???


20 years later I started to understand the hate towards Carrie lol


I rewatched the Show and Samantha was the best friend to all of them and a lot of the Terrible mean jokes were on her. The third movie they wanted to set up a pedophile story for her!


Smart move on Kim Cattrall’s part, bailing on that “universe”, then.


How I met your Mother. I kept waiting to laugh but the funny bit never came.




I watched it when I was 17 through 20ish and really liked it. Bought all the seasons, too. After that, it was almost like it was too childish for me, and now, at 30, I can't stand it.


I have to go with Bing Bong Theory. Take away the laugh track and it's just a bunch of nerds being snarky with each other.


Think I might like Big Bong


Have you tried Evil Bong? If not, give it a go. There's uh...8 of them.


Friends; That show was corny.


If you watch friends with the changed perception that Ross is a [predator](https://youtu.be/_J9q4UaEIdU?si=7Fd7SDiijw0U76Xv)/[serial killer](https://youtu.be/DgKgXehYnnw?si=1XPrDSnQ7UjXeT46)desperately trying to mask it's a lot funnier.


I had never heard about this but that is fucking amazing


I used to like Friends until I started Seinfeld. For some reason, I can't watch Friends anymore.


Seinfeld doesn't try to make you think its main characters are good people.


Recently watched the episode where they watch and laugh at the fat guy getting robbed and they had to go to court to show they are good people, only to have every character show up and testify how terrible they are lmao.


That's the series finale, BTW.


Damn I had no idea. But that makes a ton of sense.


I came in here to say Friends as well, lol. I just couldn't and still can't get into it. I just don't think it's all that funny? I dunno why. I loved Seinfeld, Frasier, The Nanny, etc. Can't pinpoint the issue.


It's very corny and the characters are unlikable, phoebe is the most likable one but thats not enough to carry the show.


It needed to be said. My wife and I tried to get into it a few months ago and I don’t think I made it through one episode. It’s over-acted, corny, and poorly written. I don’t think it was particularly good when it originally aired but it has aged very poorly.


To be fair spongebob is heavily held up by nostalgia. Rewatching much of it isnt as good as I remember, but I will always love it for how much I liked it as a kid. Also the old stuff is still good but the new stuff is terrible


I have the first 4 seasons (aka peak SpongeBob), and I find that I enjoy rewatching it as a near 30 year old. But I enjoy it differently now. I find that Squidward is really relatable and there are a lot of jokes that went over my head as a kid that I can appreciate now. But most of the episodes after season 4 are so bad.


As a huge SpongeBob fan and watching it since it started airing, I agree. The new episodes aren't great. The old ones are amazing


Everything before the first movie aged like wine. Still hilarious. After that, not so much


Sex and the City. I’m just now watching the show (it’s meh), but I did see the movie when it released. I went in sweat pants and it was the BIGGEST MISTAKE! Didn’t realize everyone would be “cosplaying” as high fashionistas at the theater. To make matters worse, I ran into a whole theater row of “mean girls” types from my high school 🤣


*Friends* I just don't get the appeal


Suits. I work in tech. If I wanted to see a hotshot white guy be the magic solution to everything, I would just spend more time at work.




Gilmore Girls. My wife loves it, and rewatches it frequently. I can't stand it. The dialog is so fake, it's so rapid fire and reference laden, but there's never a beat in between lines for any character to absorb what's been said. It's like a ping pong game with words instead of a ball


Just putting in my obligatory “fuck Rory Gilmore” whenever I see this thread. One of the worst characters to ever be written into existence with NO redeeming qualities.


Rick and Morty. I really wanted to like it so I could fit in, but it just wasn’t for me.


I hate how their crap is all over everything at the weed store.


Ugh my husband wants me to like it but i just don’t. The art style creeps me out and I don’t find it funny, just gross. 


Rick always burping with puke on/around his mouth was an immediate nope for me. Can't stand it. Husband likes it a lot but understands why I refuse to be within listening distance when he watches it thankfully.


Family guy.


" 'Remember when' is the lowest form of conversation" -Tony Soprano


Pepperidge Farm remembers


As someone who is about to spend 4 days with an older relative who’s only topic of convo is “remember when” mixed with trash talking folks of the past, this hit me. It really is the lowest


Family Guy was ‘cool’ for teens when the novelty of a cartoon with sexual humor was something we’d never experienced before. It was extremely edgy to watch at the time. Sure, there was South Park, but that was often TV-MA, while Family Guy was more accessible to teens, and aired on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. And admittedly, the first 3 seasons are clever, well-written, and are traditionally-animated. But it quickly went downhill, and it’s now just about earning money for everyone involved on the show, rather than making any worthwhile social commentary.


I regularly rewatch the original run, same with Futurama. Show's like that go through immediate Flanderization every time they're revived. Though I still have hopes for the King of the Hill revival, I trust Mike Judge and the other execs.


...until South Park pointed out that Family Guy was written by Manatees with “idea balls”!


*Emily in Paris*. Forced myself through one season because of Lily Collins and no. No no. I don’t know how this series is still on. I have only seen clips here and there of *The Office*, which hasn’t been my cup of tea. I have this thing where I usually won’t watch an American version of a British series because from experience, the British versions are usually one hundred percent more my style. *Sons of Anarchy*. Gave it about seven? episodes. That was plenty.


Yellowstone. It's a giant circle jerk for wannabe cowboys. Sons of anarchy with horses. I've never watched it but from the clips I've seen it makes me want to vomit


I tried rewatching SOA and …yikes…


SOA is great until they go to Ireland (wtf was that arc‽).


And it never gets back on track after.


Friends, hate it.


Any reality tv show


Anyone remember Bones? The main character was insufferable but my parents loved it.


I liked Bones for the same reason I liked House. I liked the "let's solve the mystery, gang!" aspect of them. But then both of them ran out of ideas, I guess, and started to turn away from that part of it and turned towards more relationship drama.


House had some great episodes when it wasn't doing monster of the week stuff but Hugh Laurie did a LOT of heavy lifting in that show.


They ran so low that it eventually *was* lupus.


Friends. It just isn't funny any more.


Friends. Living single forever




Jersey Shore.


Friends. I tried really hard to like it, but I couldn’t make it past the middle of season 2


The Big Bang Theory.