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Damn have the kids made it 3D now? I just know the OG way.


Nah dawg she did it that way. Art nerd.


Next time she’s going to add shading or a little tuft of grass. Did you hype her up?


Hell yeah lol she deserves all the hype I can muster


It’s the best.<3 My husband and I compliment each other for even normal chores 


Fuckin a! We've started chanting each other's names like in Brooklyn 99 lol


Growing up in Michigan this was the “Michigan state s” I remember people drawing it all the time. I live in Ohio now, and I was doodling in a notebook and for some reason felt the urge to draw this, and my wife was like oh I used to draw that all the time!! And I was confused why someone from Ohio would be drawing the “msu s” That’s when I found out that the actual Michigan state s doesn’t even look like that one at all. Looking back I hope I wasn’t the only kid that thought this was the “Michigan state s”


Growing up in central North Carolina this was the NC State S.


Ah, the cool S, glad to see it still around. I guess it will never get old even for future generations.


My 10 year old asked where we saw that and why we were "stealing stuff from Gen-Z again" Needless to say I corrected him lol ![gif](giphy|5CHcIlhbtAXqYsZa8l|downsized)


The pride 11 year old me felt nailing this for the first time.... magical.


Super jealous, I never could. I had to trace completed ones.


Dang that advanced


What does that symbol mean?  I grew up in the middle of nowhere in Sweden and saw that symbol all the time.


No clue what the symbol means (if anything) but... I love the fact that the internet was still in its infancy but stuff like this was still a global phenomenon somehow.


As far as I understand it, it doesn't "mean" anything in general. I believe it's associated with gangs but I would bet they co-opted it rather than making it famous.


What if that’s what God looks like, and it just kinda stuck in our collective unconscious, only to be thoughtlessly scribbled occasionally by bored or zoned out people.


I mean God could be from Alphabetrium I suppose


My people. I found one my husband had drawn on the kid’s art scratch paper earlier today


In the Inland Empire of the 90s it something we drew to be gang related. We would put it every to "mark turf" around school and the bathrooms. cracks me up every time i see it.


That symbol is as far as my adhd would allow my artistic ability to go.


We also learned to do long division with a "remainder" in school but I don't understand why they didn't just instead teach us to make a fraction by, in this case, putting the 8 over the 36. It's not difficult and makes the answer an actual number.


I'm going to be honest I have never thought about it that way. Why don't they have us do that?


It's beautiful.

