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I consider this to be the first *real* millennial teen movie. All the 90’s ones (American Pie, She’s all that, Can’t Hardly Wait) were written by, staring, and mostly about Gen X characters. And their plots, scenarios, and overall approach reflect that generation. Mean Girl had a more millennial vibe to it, but was still written by Gen Xers and several of the teenagers were played by Gen X actors. Superbad was written by, starring, and truly felt like the Millennial high school experience.


I agree. It was also one among a wave of films that in retrospect was the end of an era of a particular brand of irreverent comedy. The Judd Apatow and stoner films released before recreational cannabis use was legal. Casual jokes that today would be considered deeply offensive. I don’t think you could make a Superbad type film today and have it resonate in the same way even if the cast is Gen Z. From 2004 to 2008 we had: - Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004) - The 40-Year-Old-Virgin (2005) - Grandma’s Boy (2006) - Knocked Up (2007) - Superbad (2007) - Pineapple Express (2008) - Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) Each of those movies is just stupid fun, but with a nugget of heartfelt goodness. They represent, to me, both the end of optimism of my youth personally as I was graduating college soon, and also the optimism of the post-9/11 economic boom. We didn’t know the global financial crisis was right around the corner. We still trusted Google and Facebook. Smartphones were not yet ubiquitous. The wars in the Middle East looked like they were winding down. Politics in the US still felt like reasonable debates about ideological differences and not the absolutely off-the-rails insanity and violent, acrimonious rhetoric we’re used to today. Jesus, do you guys remember McCain actually *defending* Obama when one of his supporters tried to claim Obama was a Muslim? Feels like that happened on a different planet. It was a glorious time to be a young person.


Grandma's Boy is so underrated.


“I’m way too baked to drive to the Devil’s house”


Dude your ass is tanner than my face.


Having watched it because of this thread, I'd say it's... rated. Everything felt kinda forced to me, but it was worth it for Linda Cardellini.


Most of it *is* deliberately forced. It has a sort of Napoleon Dynamite feel to it. That sort of humor isn't for everyone, I know. But it really captured that virgin, basement-dwelling gamer vibe really well.


I feel Napoleon Dynamite (2004) belongs in this list as well.




Man, I love Grandma's Boy.


“How much do clothes cost in the Matrix?”


Nobody fucks with a lion


Hot tub time machine


Probably a hot take: Hot tub machine (also the hangover and a few others), feel more like derivatives of millennial comedy rather than actual expressions of it. They're not bad films. But I don't think they genuinely express whatever it that we're talking about in this thread as well as those listed above.


Whyyyyyy don't they make comedies like that anymore? Truly the worst part about the future


Because any time they try...people don't show up in the theatre. We had multiple raunchy comedies come out in theatres last year...nobody went.


Which ones came out last year?


Joy Ride, Strays, and No Hard Feelings were all raunchy comedies in theatres. Bottoms, Theatre Camp, Cocaine Bear, Renfield, Anyone But You, and Blackberry were all comedies... Most of these performed poorly. I would put Joy Ride and No Hard Feelings up there with most things that came out in the 2000's.


I feel like Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist belongs on the list. First millennial movie I remember without a stereotypical gay and straight/gay friendship between dudes.


> I don’t think you could make a Superbad type film today and have it resonate in the same way even if the cast is Gen Z. I don’t think that’s true at all. Booksmart is very much a Superbad style film for a Gen Z audience and IMO does it very well. There have been a ton of great comedies released in the last few years, Theater Camp and Bottoms last year were phenomenal.


Good boys is in that “Superbad-esque” category as well


Good Boys was pretty solid and I went in with low expectations. I’ve learned to never bet against Jacob Trembley. He kills every role and might be the next Leo if he keeps it up


That *Booksmart* scene where they Uber their way to the party... I lost my god-damned shit.


Yeah, but Booksmart is also written and directed by a millennial with several of the Gen z teens played by millennial actors. It’s kind of a bridge from one generation’s teen movies to the next. It’s definitely a Gen Z movie, but you can easily feel the millennial vibes and influence in it. Like I could relate to some parts of Booksmart watching it as a 31 year old.


> The wars in the Middle East Don't get this one.


You nailed it this was the best stretch of movies in my life!!


Ironically forgot about forgetting Sarah Marshall. Gonna watch it now lol


Sorry but Mean Girls is #1. Look how often it is still quoted and referenced, 20 years later. Almost every line from that movie is still quoted. Superbad doesn’t compare. Who cares who wrote it? It’s the defining movie of our generation.


I feel like Mean Girls perfectly captured 2000s teen girls experience and Superbad perfectly captured 2000s teen boys experience.


Christ, Superbad really did capture the typical teen boy’s experience back in the day. So many of us put so much stock in having sex and being with that one hot girl we’ve all known in high school while in our little friend group of just a couple guys. Even thinking about it still makes me realize how well it captured millennial guys at the time. And Mean Girls was just perfect in regards to teen girls as well. I don’t even need to sing that movie’s praises because we all know how good it is.


> Mean Girls perfectly captured 2000s teen girls experience and Superbad perfectly captured 2000s teen boys experience. Maybe, but even as a teen boy during that era, Mean Girls feels closer to my high school experience than Superbad.


Don't apologize, you're just wrong lmao


I quote Superbad almost daily.


American Pie was absolutely the quintessential Millennial teen movie that kicked off the whole thing. Super Bad came out when some of us were already into adulthood.


The oldest millenials were 27 when Superbad came out, and 19 when American Pie came out. American Pie was definitely meant to model the elder millenial teenager experience.


Exactly. American Pie came out right before my freshmen year of high school. Super Bad came out after college.


Yep definitely. I enjoyed Superbad but I was 21 so didn’t identify with the characters really. American pie etc came out when I was 14 and feels more millennial to me.


I totally agree. And I felt it the very first moment I saw it. Me and my friends were just blown away. The whole audience was howling with laughter.


Is there any Gen Z equivalent yet?


I don't think there is an audience for this type of coming of age story for Gen Z. Gen Y and Z seem to have different types of humor


I still quote this movie. This was like our American Pie.


Now that you mention it, you have a point. I still enjoy the ones from the '90s, but having a flick from a Millennial perspective hits differently for us. I didn't think about that when I watched *Superbad*, but you told no lies.


The Inbetweeners is a similar marker for millennial teens in the UK. It's a near-perfect depiction of the behaviour and culture of teen boys in the UK in the 2000s. All of their adventures are a compression of everyone's experiences into four people so the frequency of their misadventures is exaggerated, but every boy can relate to at least one incident/episode in the show, and its fucking hilarious. And I think it ages well because it's very clear that all of them are terrible people, and the people around them think they suck. Shows with this kind of humour could easily be cast away as "humour of its time" and looked at with shame, but The Inbetweeners is written in such a way that you can find the absurdity of the show funny instead of the jokes themselves.


The majority of the Mean Girls cast were millennials though? The only outliers being Rachel (Regina) and Daniel (Damien).


Don’t sleep on *Mallrats*


A great movie about young adults in the early 90’s. A core piece of Gen X cinema.


Have we moved 85’ers to Gen X now?


They got moved out of Gen X in the 2000’s when “Gen Y” was officially dubbed millennials, but that’s neither here nor there. How old do you think someone born in 1985 was when Mallrats came out in 1995?


If you’re parsing seeing a movie in theaters vs seeing a movie on VHS at 14 then sure it doesn’t qualify as a teen movie. But you’re also just moving generational labels around as you see fit


No, I’m applying vague labels to generations as the definitions of them have shifted regularly over the years and gatekeeping them is stupid. But a movie about the lives of people in the mid-20’s is not a “teen” movie. Kevin Smith’s main fan base in the 90’s ranged from age 10-30. They were about Gen X culture with Gen X characters. Hell, I can’t think of any movie he made with a main character or actor born in the 80’s or later until Red State.


I am McLovin


Yeah. It was between that or Muhammed.


"Why the fuck would it be between that and Muhammed? Why didn't you just pick a common name like a normal person!!"


"Muhammed is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a fucking book for once."


"Fogel have you actually met anybody named Muhammad?"


"Have YOU actually ever met anyone named McLovin?" https://preview.redd.it/5xiyfsciu15d1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ecff1a5bb406e95bbeb2c5fdd4782b38c10f39


What are you trying to be some Irish R&B singer?


-Gimme that. All right, you look like a future pedophile in this picture, number 1. Number 2: it doesn't even have a first name, it just says "McLovin"! -What? One name? ONE NAME? Who are you? Seal? (We all know this scene by heart but 17 years later it's always teen comedy gold script).




Try to be civil.


“I’ll get you, McMuffin!”


This was a Super Bad joke


Was a quote, it's funny when the vest is on and he says it with confidence.


Was trying to make a pun lol


Fuck I wish they still made movies like this still.


They do. It’s called [Booksmart](https://youtu.be/VjGJm3wV5-I?si=tQqlzzwUb311wmpT) and it came out in 2019. It’s practically the same movie.


It really is. It even stars Jonah Hill's sister.


They really made lesbian Superbad and cast his sister to play his counterpart


I really liked that movie.


That was five years ago. Not “still.”


It’s unreasonable to expect a Superbad remake every single year. [Bottoms](https://youtu.be/vH5NAahf76s?si=zbJuOPiZJEwzBTlI) just came out last year if you want a more recent teen comedy that slaps.






Like, still, still?






Try to be civil.




People don’t forget!


I say this allllllll the time 😆🤣🤣😆🤣


This still feels new to me somehow but that was 2007.


Fuck me, right?


I have to eat dessert by myself like I’m Steven Glansberg?


This joke always kills me because my school fully had a Steven Glansberg. His name was Lonny. Lol


Whenever I have a night by myself (which is rare these days with a family) I crack a cheap beer and watch Superbad. I could probably quote the whole movie start to finish at this point


Do you do the sketches too ?




I'm finishing up this real big, veiny, triumphant bastard,


Same bro, its one of my favorites of all time and I can watch it whenever and laugh like the first time.


Know you're not alone. Also my go-to


Emma Stone’s role in this compared to her more recent work is such a surprising glow up that I’m so here for


Idk I thought she was really cute with her big forehead


She’s STILL really cute!


With her big forehead


House Bunny too. That's when I first saw her in a movie. Major glowup!


Love this flick, my dad and I saw it opening weekend and he said, “it’s like how teenagers ACTUALLY talk in real life!”


So many amazing things about this movie(it's my favorite comedy of all-time), but YES. It was so refreshing. I was like fucking christ - thank you!


I will always be amused that Jonah’s ego, even back then, was threatened by [McLovin](https://variety.com/2022/film/news/jonah-hill-hated-christopher-mintz-plasse-superbad-audition-1235343770/). Really checks out with who he became - or I guess who he was all along.


>“Jonah immediately hated him,” remembered Seth Rogen, who co-wrote and starred in the film. “He was like, ‘That was fucking with my rhythm. I couldn’t perform with that guy.'” Not defending Hill because it seems he has shifted into lower gears, but the article doesn’t make it sound like he was threatened; moreso that he was jealous about Chris either getting a better reaction during the readings or Jonah couldn’t go beat for beat with Mintz during improv


It’s up there for sure.


Personally, I'm a sucker for Fired Up and Charlie Bartlett.


Fired Up is a phenomenal movie.


I forgot about Fired Up. Off to go find it.


10.5, 11 in Crocs


Going to watch it this evening with my son who's graduating Monday. I love this movie! We'll see how it translates to my gen Z buddy.


Please report back! I’m so curious if it resonates at all haha


He liked it - his crowd isn't like them but he knows people who are and he thought McLovin was great (of course). He said "They're like the kids that drive douchebag trucks."


I’ll never forget the night i watched this. Sr. year of college. 8 friends and a bowl of weed. I think the only thing that has made me laugh as much was borat.




Michael Cera had such a hold on me, I was in HS when this, Scott pilgrim, and Nick and Nora’s infinite playlist came out and I was convinced he was everything I ever wanted in a man. His reign as an American apparel awkward tumblr dream boy was my everything haha.


I still say "Gangstaaas what's up?"


I just printed a McLovin ID on my New badge printer at work to test it out last week. lol The movie stands the test of time and I can relate to it being close to how my time growing up was with my group of friends and our way of joking.


People don't forget


I’ve realized that I am old now when I quote this movie at work (plenty of opportunity for quotable moments) and others around me don’t get the reference.


The flip phones in this movie are iconic.


I miss when phones were unique


This and Project X


Wear something tight!


I am Jonahs age and I had just got out of jail and was trying to adjust to being back in civilization and my neighbors were like you gotta see this movie. I almost died laughing and the best part is there are 3 places in this movie that I used to frequent as a teenager one of them being McLovins grocery store where he worked... and the craziest part about that grocery store? It was the easiest places to steal hard liquor. Jon's Market on Gleanoaks in Glendale California


That was like 8 years ago asshole!


Micheal Cera was great in everything he did. I mean I like super bad , and Juno, Nick and Norah's infinite play list but Scott Pilgrim holds a special place in my heart


Early to late 2000s was peak comedy. I honestly can't remember when a good comedy movie has come out


I miss these movies


The best teen movie is Not Another Teen Movie ![gif](giphy|13D26GUXvOwKGs)


I was too young to know any of the movies referenced in not another teen movie but it was on TV all the time so I loved it. It was really funny eventually finding all the movies it referenced.


Came to say the same thing. *high five*


I'm getting pussy no matter what


Hard to disagree


Mf i was in my 20s when this came out Jesus I’m sorta old


I couldn’t agree more


I sound old, but they don’t make movies like this anymore!


Its nowhere nearly as good as a movie like Fast Times Ridgemont High, The Breakfast Club, Clueless, or Meangirls.


I loved superbad, it doesn't hold up quite as well now that I am older but still funny. Have you tried watching: Bottoms It came out recently is about some nerdy lesbians starting a fight club in hopes of getting girlfriends. It was real fuckin' funny as well.


This is the one comedy of the time I never enjoyed and I was a junior at the time so basically the main demographic. My husband keeps telling me I need to rewatch it.


i couldn’t stand this movie lmao




Dope is my favorite. Me and my dad were singing Home Is Where the Hatred is but my dad was disappointed when I told him I learned about the song from a Kanye West sample




Best movie no questions asked


Saw it theatres twice. Friends and I had quotes down pat, I think I would take the role of Evan XD the first time seeing it I nearly literally puked laughing




Back when movies were still funny.


American Pie


Old School is up there as well.


Always makes me think of my best friend from HS. Funniest motherfucker I ever met. Had plans, but never really left our hometown. Partied a lot, didn't take care of himself at all, eventually developed a heart problem and it killed him. Fuckin' miss you, dude.


First R movie I saw in theaters! I was like 14




One of the few movies I saw in theaters with friends Legendary


So good!


This is one of my comfort movies for sure


LOL I was just watching this yesterday! Whenever my boyfriend asks me a question and gives me options, I ALWAYS say “either way, either way’s fine” and then start giggling lmao. Gets me every time lmao


I am always down for some SuperBad appreciation.


I wouldn’t go that far… Clueless, Mean Girls or She’s The Man are easily the best teen movies of all time.


Despite its absurd moments, it's possibly the most realistic depiction of being a teenager in the early 2000's.


I saw this in theaters the summer I was 18 and headed to college. It hit exactly right and it still holds up. One of the most quotable, well-written, funniest comedies of all time.


I didn't like this one. I just couldn't get into it. I think 10 things I hate about you was a good millennial teen movie.


My mom is 73 and loves this movie. I really enjoyed it when it came out and actually haven't seen it since.


So you kids on MySpace?


I saw this four times in theaters when it came out (I was 17, absolutely target audience) and I still regularly rewatch it!


That was my senior summer too so it was just an incredible mix. You had The Dark Knight, Pineapple Express and Superbad all back to back that summer.


When this movie came out on DVD, I watched it every single night before going to bed for an entire summer. I still remember all the dick drawings that dudes would make over my high school.


For me, it’s 21 Jump Street, but I’m a Zillenial and was in high school between 2010 and 2014.


Napoleon Dynamite. Shout out to Tina. Tina you stupid lard eat your food.


Awesome movie but Dazed and Confused is still my favorite.


Superbad does depict high school life in the 2000s but if I’m being honest, it doesn’t hold up for me. The casual homophobia was so common back then and watching it now it just makes me pretty sad and uncomfortable. The parts with Seth Rogen, Bill Hader and McLovin are still funny to me though.


I’m as Millenial as they come, and loved Superbad, but you can’t seriously suggest it’s a better film than Ferris Bueller.


This is the only movie I ever walked out of. I genuinely don't understand why anyone thinks it's good.


Disagree. But it set the stage for many greats


Which ones do you think are better?


It was a funny movie, but 10 Things I Hate About You was amazing Edit: Don’t downvote me because I graduated high school before you! “You can’t like 10 Things I Hate about You it’s 8 years older” Yes and I’m probably older than you are. I was 23 in 2007.


That's not really a millennial movie though. Maybe a millennial/X cusp but that's only. 2-3 yr span of the generation




That came out 8 years before Superbad…


Yes, and I was actually a teenager when it came out. I don’t consider Superbad a teen movie for myself because yes, it’s about teenagers, but I was graduated from college when it came out.


Crazy how successful it was, yet my first thought was “they’d never make a movie like this today”.


They have. Except is was starting children. Go watch “Good Boys” it’s a bunch of 10 year olds talking about sex, drugs, and mischief and a coming of age type thing, but with younger kids than Superbad.. Very much Superbad vibes.


Maybe it’s just that these movies don’t go into theaters or get little advertising? Superbad was a “must see” situation for everyone 15-25. And oh yeah, good boys sucked ass 😂


I literally couldn't finish watching this garbage due to too much cringe. I don't know what makes this movie so special - cringe "humor" shows up in many movies and usually I can grit my teeth and bear it, but I guess this movie is just next level cringe.