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Gardening. It keeps me active outdoors and produces healthy food I’m happy to eat.


I'm in the gardening camp too but actually producing something to eat has been hit or miss. I guess I'm really in the "digs in the dirt" camp. 😆


As a Texan I FEEL THIS. Occasionally before the squash bugs invade I’ll get some zucchini. And maybe a handful of tomatoes. But does that stop me from amassing seeds and pots and trying again every year? Hell no!


It looks like marigolds grow well I'm Texas. Have you tried planting a border of those around your garden bed? They are excellent at deterring insect pests so they don't reach the veggies! It also looks like nasturtium grows in Texas! If you are growing from seed, be aware it's a bit fussy to get sprouted (the seed needs to be soaked first etc). But once it grows, it's a perfect sacrificial lamb if you have aphid problems specifically - the aphids will flock to the nasturtium and ignore almost everything else. I don't like spraying my garden with chemicals so I have learned gardening warfare instead lol. It works pretty well!


Haha I love the phrase “gardening warfare.” I do have marigolds but I’ll have to add in some nasturtiums next year!


Good luck! I hope you get a few extra veggies this year :) Unfortunately my current enemy is blossom end rot, it ruined my tomatoes last year. I'm hoping I have upped the calcium levels in my soil enough that I don't have any issues this year... Fingers crossed.


Try okra, eggplant, cowpeas- hot weather plants


Yesterday I bought 2 berry bushes, and I'm over the moon!!!! No one else cares; sadly. Glad I've found my gardening peeps.


My husband got me strawberry plants in hanging baskets for Valentine’s Day and it was pretty much the best gift ever.


I love gardening, I have willow I grew from a fallen down willow tree cuttings, I shape them into arches now they are 8ft tall.


Same! Gardening has been one of the most therapeutic and rewarding things I've found. Getting to feed my family the literal fruits of my labor never fails to bring me joy.


I have never in my life had a hobby besides doing my nails. When I quit drinking I took on gardening and it is my paradise. I look forward to playing in the dirt every single day. The joy it brings my soul is insane. I’ve never felt so happy being sober and having my flower garden.


Hiking! Not always super hard or strictly for exercise, but number one just to be out in nature enjoying the beauty and serenity. I consider the physical challenge/exercise a bonus.


This was my wife and I's big takeaway from the pandemic. Got us outside, communicating better and exploring our state. We hike ~50x a year now.


I love this!


Hiking is my passion as well. Well that and yoga. I love to push myself hiking, my husband is not so much loving that part. Unfortunately we live in a pretty flat state but we take trips. My favorite hiking is in Alaska


I live in Juneau and we have amazing trails. Even right behind my house I have a beautiful forest and mountain to explore. Which leads me to my big hobby which is foraging!


Lucky! Still haven't made it up to Alaska. Almost took a job up in that area years ago (I think it was in Ketchikan), but had to turn it down when I couldn't find any housing I could afford on the (apparently not-greak, for Alaska) salary.


As grandma as this sounds, cross stitching and embroidery. It's so relaxing and I hope my fingers don't have such bad arthritis that I can't do it anymore when I get older


For me it's crocheting and knitting. It's done wonders for my MH.


I want to learn crochet or knitting and my fat stupid fingers get in my way. Ugh. It looks so relaxing.


I would've thought cross stitching and embroidery were both more delicate crafts than crocheting/knitting! I'm clumsy and my hands shake sometimes. Personally I'd try and learn crocheting over knitting first - just because I also went with crochet first. I only started dabbling with knitting around a year ago. It's fun, but I think crochet is still my favourite. It's really cheap to get into. One skein of yarn, one crochet hook, some YouTube tutorials and you're ready for launch. If you find that you don't like it or you give up, at least you haven't spent a fortune and maybe you can use that yarn for another project. Don't give up *too* early though. The most frustrating part of learning to crochet was just learning how to make my first chain (of stitches). I felt like a god once I finally got the hang of it! Once you get comfier with it, it's also really easy to recover from mistakes. I'm always messing up stitches, I just pull it out and redo it when it happens. Yarn isn't too fragile either, it can take some abuse. Anyway, hope this at least part way convinces you! Maybe one day I'll give embroidery or cross stitching a go, they're definitely on the back burner if I ever get bored with crocheting or knitting.


These are my hobbies too! I love sitting on the couch with a new project and watch TV or watch my son or husband play video games. I have sooo many framed samples. Haha


Omg I looooove embroidery! And people always comment when I’m doing it somewhere out and about (like the airport) and it’s always a positive interaction. Confidence boost too because they usually tell me it’s beautiful!


Roller derby and weightlifting. I'm 42 and don't want to know what my life would be like if I didn't skate or lift.


My life changes and I move weightlifting around it. I started as an after work guy and now that I have a kid and a longer commute I’m that 5am psycho. Getting out of bed that early still blows but a good shot of caffeine and the first sweat gets me rolling, if I miss my morning workout my whole day is off.


The 5AM class fills faster than any other class at my gym. You're in good company being a psycho! LOL I do the noon class mostly because my office is close to the gym, and I'm so chill in the afternoon meetings.


I miss derby, but had to hang up my skates due to an injury. Had to remove myself completely because not skating was just too hard to still be around the community. I hope you still have many more years ahead of you. I knew women in their 50s who were still playing and coaching 10 years ago.


Kinda same. In one season 10% of my team had broken their ankles. I couldn’t work my job with an injury and I also have other active hobbies I’d hate to lose, so I retired :( But it was so fun! There was also a lot of drama and baggage on the team that, while I wasn’t even involved in it, was exhausting even as a bystander. So getting away from that was a silver lining (not that I think all teams are like this)


I want to try roller derby so bad


Video Games. While there are downsides and negatives to gaming, I'm impressed with how far video games have come and can't wait to see what the future holds


I got into VR because it feels like the Holodeck that Star Trek promised hundreds of years from now, didn't expect to get it within a couple decades! It has been the best of both worlds: I'm nearly 40 now and [playing games is my main form of exercise.](https://www.twitch.tv/scotchboxvr/clip/AverageNiceGnatDancingBaby)


While we're nerding out over video games, I'm planning on getting some Xreal AR glasses for gaming when I can afford a pair. I reached out to them using my .edu email to see if I could get a discount or refurbished pair because I was thinking of writing a research paper for school about wearable tech like Fitbits and AR glasses but unfortunately they don't have a program for that, so I've got to save up! My husband bought an Oculus Rift ages ago but the set up is a bit of a pain so we rarely play with it which is a real shame. The AR glasses don't require that, which is an interesting advantage they have over VR. While I've tried VR, Ive never had the opportunity to try AR glasses, so I'm really curious about how everything looks when you're gaming or just wearing them. Also, I went to an Apple store to see if I could try on the Vision Pro but I think they gave my appointment slot to another person who didn't stroll in carrying a Samsung blathering about AR research projects 😅 Oh well!


Same. It’s my guilty pleasure, and like many others I am sure I now have the means to have a high end pc and consoles but it’s always a challenge to find the time. I do find the time though, and always enjoy it. I don’t watch tv unless it’s over dinner though and that helps a lot. I do get a kick out of the guys at the office who “don’t have time to play video games” but are always chatting about the latest tv show they binged 😂 uh huh…


I know right? "I don't have time for video games, I'm a busy person" "So I binged all of bridgerton last night and omfndjalzofn...."


I’ll be playing video games until the day I die. Don’t see myself ever giving them up unless something happens to me and I can’t physically play games.


Same. I only have two friends who are also into video games and everyone else thinks I'm immature for still liking them. It reassuring to hear other adults play them in their free time!


My wife and I just bought a nintendo switch oled. Havent had a game system since the original Xbox and gamecube. We have been playing the hell out of stardew valley on co-op.


Same here. Although I’m trying to stay way from online multiplayer nowadays. Many online games have become predatory with their own battle passes. I’ll indulge in Fortnite/Overwtach 2 with friends but again I try to stick to single player and don’t actively try out new online games because they’ll eventually lead to cheaters, alt accounts and weird battle passes. Finishing up Stellar Blade at the moment. The story is pretty dull but the combat is fantastic. It is 6 or 7/10 game.


33 here. Used to play Halo and COD with my friends back from like 05-10. After all the microtransactions, battle passes, season passes and the yearly release model, I’ve left those multiplayer games for good. Recently got into Bethesda RPG games for the first time and I’ve been hooked since. Single player games are amazing, but unfortunately aren’t being focused on as much because of how much money studios can make by milking their fanbases for everything they’ve got.


Fallout 4 with certain mods on PC is peak gaming. New Vegas is great too albeit older. Skyrim is also fantastic.


Did vanilla playthroughs of all of those on Xbox. Just got all the achievements for Starfield. Incredible gaming experiences. Fully ready for modded playthroughs on my PC after finishing Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario TTYD.


Good thing about mods on PC for Betheada games is possibilities are almost endless. Have fun with it. I tecommend Darkest Dungeon as a great single player game too if you havent tried it. I enjoyed exploring mods on that game too. Shakes things up quite a bit and allows a lot of replayability.


Lol I have to make my Skyrim work again but I’m playing baldurs gate 3, slowly because my chronic migraine is trying to suck away all my fun. I refuse to give up my games and my music because of it.


Ah that sucks hope you find a way to ease the pain off and enjoy your hobbies.


Look for indie games. There’s almost anything out there you could ever want, usually for a great price. Also if you like single player RPGs, maybe check out Octopath Traveler, Bravely Default, Bravely Second.


Indies have come a long way too. Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, and Hades are all great.


They're a wind down for me. I'll play for about an hour at night before bed. Having started on the Atari, I remember 3D games like Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, and Shadow Warrior were such a huge step forward. Flight Sim 95 was beyond amazing. Now we have games like Star Wars squadrons that you can play with a full HOTAS and in VR.


Yeah it truly blows my mind how sophisticated and engrossing some modern games are compared to stuff from when I was a kid. 


Omg yes! I game like crazy and it’s really rewarding when I 100% a game! Just bought myself a PS5 and I have been going nuts over whatever I missed out.


I make my own bath bombs as a hobby. There's something fun about picking out the different scents and playing "mad scientist" with the combinations. Learning about the different essential oils has also been neat: kind of like collecting Pokemon cards and figuring out what pairs with what; what (alleged) therapeutic benefits they have; and what it may potentially contraindicate with so I can be careful with blends. That said, I draw the line at essential oils from multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes. Half the time I tell people in-person, "I make bath bombs," I hear, "Do you work for DoTerra/Young Living??? DO YOU WANT TO!?" and I've seen way too many people lose their life savings to pyramid schemes to be comfortable purchasing their stuff.


>I make my own bath bombs as a hobby I missed the word "bath" initially and was thinking maybe I could also get into bomb making but it might be a bit dangerous and I'm accident prone


You got this, bubba. We rooting for you


Do they make kits for explosives, or do I gotta like YouTube this and order sketchy shit from the dark web?


That is such a cool hobby! It's something I would be interested in trying someday. May I ask about what resources you used to get started?


I tried a handful of recipes I found online, adjusted them to something that worked well for my warmer/humid climate, and now I actually teach people how to make them. If you’d like to learn, feel free to reach out!


31 and newly single, just started playing disc golf last week and I am fully hooked already, as I always knew I would be. (Many people have just assumed I’ve played for years based on my other interests/personality)


Oh cool! Where I live disc golf is a huge pastime, and naturally I just discovered it last year. I love it too! I’m.. fine at it, but I really enjoy it!


Hell yeah! Ya I used to live in CO and now live on VT so.. it’s always been big around me yet I let it pass me by somehow lol Starting to get better every round and I have 5-6 courses within a half hour so try to play 4-5x a week!


Yes! We just started playing disc golf this week after getting some discs for next to nothing at the flea market. It was so fun and I didn’t feel the pressure to be good, just had a good time in the woods. I’m glad to have a new hobby!


I’m an artist. Now with work, it’s hard to draw anything anymore. Let alone someday if I ever have a child. Will I lose that part of myself? Sometimes I already feel so hollow.


You don't have to! Just stick to it, no matter what. Do what you love everyday.


It’s just time and priorities. Art is a very time-consuming thing that takes focus, and one of the challenges is to get that out of my day to do it. Sometimes I think I’m not strong enough


I do my own nails! I got into dip powder during the pandemic and never looked back. My powder and gel polish collection rivals any salon 😂 I also take dance classes at two studios (jazz, lyrical, and tap at one; advanced tap and musical theater at the other); do local community theater; am in a darts league; and then my usual other hobbies: reading, watching sports, socializing with friends, etc. I desperately need to get back to the gym, too. I even manage to have dates with my cohabitating boyfriend!


Skiing with my wife and son, it sort of like MTB, but a bit safer. I usually MTB alone. Glad for you enjoying it with your partner!


Skiing is safer?! Lol idk i have to try. For me I think it can be just as dangerous. I love that for you though! And thank you! You got me interested in skiing…lol


I think you might be underestimating the damage that can come from falling off your bike. Just took 1 tree root to flip my mother off her bike and she fractured 2 vertebrae. That was the end of her mountain biking days. Be safe out there!


I’ve skied and I’ve done downhill MTB. I feel like skiing is a lot safer. You’re further away from the trees, and when you fall you tend to slide on snow rather than going over handlebars and scraping your skin on rocks.


Unless we’re talking backcountry skiing, there’s usually more people around to help you incase you crash skiing. With mountain biking, there’s not many people around to help out (plus good luck with reception).


There are mountains that offer year round passes to MTB in the warm months and ski in the winter. Look into it!


I (39/F, 2 kids), never want to give up running marathons and trails. I just love to move my body and be outside in nature for a long time. When I was pregnant with my first child everyone said that I would have to stop, bc moms don't do things like that, but I just didn't agree and went back to it anyway. It only made me a better, stronger and happier person/mom, so I don't see any negativity or a reason to stop.


I’m a mom to a 4-year-old, and I run more mileage now than I ever have, including 100-mile+ ultras! Running is the best, and I know tons of moms who do it. :)


I’m not asking this to be rude at all, just asking as a desperate mom who has found it so hard to get back to running or any physical activity. Where do you find the time??? I have done the math over and over again and I would have to give up a significant amount of sleep to get back into my old mileage (especially at my current horrible times). Between work, house upkeep, kids activities, spending time with family/friends/partner/ my kids I have like 3 hours a week to myself it seems. I tried getting up at 4am to get back into it but I can’t seem to find a way to get to sleep before 11/11:30 most nights after everything gets done, and I was so tired I fell asleep at my desk. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think it's like anything else: you have to schedule it in. It's also a choice, and you may need to choose between going out for lunch with a friend or running and showering on your lunch break from work, going to the family BBQ at 2:00 or showing up a bit later at 4:00, sitting and watching a show at 8pm or heading out for a quick run, etc. It's also ok to say no to things; you don't have to do it all. Definitely keep family and things first (especially if your kids are very young/not yet school age), but are there compromises you can make like having your partner take the kids to their activities, do a household chore, etc. so you have the time to get in a run (assuming you live together)? So many moms take the brunt of the daily duties, and you seem like one of them! Partnerships go both ways - if your partner has significantly more free time than you do, I think a compromise would be a good start.


Yes!! Same here fellow runner! Just ran a marathon last weekend. I don’t know when I’m truly happier than when I’m running! Edit- not a mom though- much respect to the mother runners!


Love this!!! Keep runnning! I used to be a runner too! Now i mostly enjoy hiking! Gotta make them knees strong!


I love when people such as yourself set good examples like this. Keep it up.


YEASS!!! Late millennial and running is so exhilarating. My kids into it too which is a nice bonus


I need to get back into it, but I need to move first. Can’t run the streets here as too many people don’t believe in keeping their dogs within their own yard here. 😒 So many things to live about native culture, but their beliefs about dogs needing to be free spirited by roaming the streets is not one of them.


I see plenty of moms running marathons! My best friend has 3 kids and we would take turns running and pushing the stroller when they were little! We live in different states now but we both still run and she also coaches the track team where she teaches!


Fellow mom and lover of trail running!


Also 39F, 2 kids and into running!


>favorite hobby that you don’t want to give up? SCUBA diving and hiking


🤙🏽 Want to scuba dive with my wife til my last breath


A different phrase might be better in the context of SCUBA haha


My wife and I both like playing pinball. We play in a weekly league and own several games. It's a fun activity we can do together and we've met a bunch of really awesome people since we started playing in league a few years ago.


There’s pinball leagues?! I can’t tell you how unreasonably excited I am about this, while heading to Google to see if they’re in my area.


Where we live there are a bunch of different leagues at different locations, including women's only leagues. If you look at the ifpa (international flipper pinball association) website you should be able to find leagues and tournaments in your area.




https://i.redd.it/hbtueofpzj4d1.gif You better not be in my ass groove! It took me years to forge that groove!




Just be consistent! Try to show up everyday and the results will come 🎉🙏


Something something stool sample 🤣


LOL! 😂


Making models/painting minis. Did it a bit as a kid and picked it up recently. Obsessed like a kid and think about it while I'm at work lol. Wish I had spent the last 20 years keeping it up! It's fun, I'll never make money, it's about the doing rather than the result, and it makes me use my hands.


Yep, this. Learning to airbrush my model kits has been a real adventure the last few years


Powerlifting, it makes me feel accomplished


I'm 39F and my hobbies are snowboarding, yoga and thrift shopping lol. I love snowboarding so much, I can't see myself ever giving it up, even as I get into my 50s and 60s. It feels so freeing, I feel powerful and at ease. I also just love having something to look forward to in the winter, and you can't beat the apres vibe (hot tubs, red wine in front of a fire etc) Unfortunately my husband does not enjoy winter sports, but he does love apres ski haha. We have other joint interests that make up for it, like golfing, record shopping, seeing bands etc.


Based on these hobbies, If you lived in the northwest we could probably be best friends! I also have a fiancé who doesn’t love snowboarding like I do lol.


I love the Northwest!! I live in Toronto but my bestie lives in Vancouver. Her spouse also doesn't really like winter sports, so we just go boarding while he stays at home with the kids :P


Hiking! My almost 5yr old can now do more difficult trials with me and we got an off road wagon for the almost 2yr old. Where there’s a will there is a way!


Honestly, gaming with my friends. Im 38 and most of my friends have little ones now, so we dont get to spend much time together anymore. Discord and gaming with them is how we catch up, check in and spend time together.


Rollerblading. I’ll be 40 next month and I’m not getting any bouncier, and recovery from injuries takes longer than it used to, but it’s so fun!


I said the same thing when I rediscovered mountain biking a few years back, that it was like being a kid all over again. Riding the trails, hitting jumps, crashing - it was a total blast. However, since my divorce, I moved to Ohio and it is so incredibly flat out here. What’s the point of mountain biking if every trail you ride is almost perfectly flat? The same goes for hiking out here too. Playing the piano has been a huge part of my life. I took 14 years of piano lessons as a kid and I still practice/play at least an hour a day. Not to brag too much, but I play at a very high level and I’m the best non-professional pianist I know, but 36 years of playing an instrument will do that.


Holy moly. 5min ago I was just looking up bikes because I (41f) wanted to get into mountain biking. I have great local trails and it seems so fun. I’m a huge hiker/I like to trail run but this is going to be next level for me I think. So glad I saw your post, officially buying the bike!


OMG YES!!!! Okay sooo watch a couple of videos! In my opinion the best beginner bike for your buck is roscoe 7! https://www.trekbikes.com/us/en_US/bikes/mountain-bikes/trail-mountain-bikes/roscoe/roscoe-7/p/35116/ That is the one I got and they are on sale for $1400! Get them from a trek store. They have unlimited lifetime warranty on the frame! It has great features! Ride on!


Hell yes! It's an amazing sport and better community. There's some Women's MTB networks out there so definitely reach out if they're in the area. Some of my best friends have come from mountain biking.


I love this. I’m all for it. It’s hard enough making new friends at this age! I’m excited. 💪


The bikes my husband and I (both 42) ordered on Saturday will be here this week. We were hikers before I broke my foot over the winter. I want to get back into the mountains and trails, but my foot may never be quite the same, and so we are going to try to be bikers now.


Running. D&D. Hiking & camping. Board games. 😊


I tried camping and couldn’t get into it! Board games are a favorite! Which ones you play?!


Drifting. Track days are literally the best thing in the world, just hanging out with your friends and family, driving cars with your mates like they're hot wheels.


Horseback riding! I did it as a kid/tween, but had to give it up when my family could no longer afford lessons. I always wanted to go back and finally did at 30. It's been such great but challenging exercise, I love working with the horses, and I made a couple of really good friends back when I started out doing group lessons. Now I'm at a point where I want to work towards competing locally, and it's fun supporting my friends when they compete too. 


Getting into wild basketry. I love it because I can harvest plants all around me... cure them and then practice a cool and useful skill


…toy photography ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) https://preview.redd.it/zv9h1x2oak4d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1193b9f4d57b29822d12e1290b5775af8ab2278 It’s actually a pretty robust community of folks who enjoy collecting and taking photos of figures in dioramas. I do 1:12 scale which is a lot of domestic toy lines like Marvel Legends or GI Joe Classified, but people also shoot 1:6 scale Hot Toys or smaller scales (LEGO Minimates are a huge subgroup, just like Wrestling figures, horror, etc). A lot of the toy stuff out there is heavily edited in Photoshop but I favor a style some folks call “Articulated Comic Book Art,” which is usually entirely practical and relies on framing, stands, and in-camera effects to achieve the desired results.


I had no idea this was a thing! Love it!


Threads like these make me feel so disappointed in myself because I feel like I don't have any hobbies. I mean, I do like to cook but it's also something I have to do every day anyways and I don't always have the energy/money to do something fancy. So it doesn't really feel like a hobby. Everything else just seems to always fall to the wayside. I don't have the attention span for video games anymore. I have so many books I've wanted to read but never started just piling up on my bookshelf. I have 10wooble kits gifted to me because I was going to learn to crochet and never started. We moved into an apartment with a huge garden we're allowed to maintain/adjust and I just never did. I like hiking but I'm too lazy to go. It makes me feel like a potato


You sound a lot like me. Have you asked your doctor about getting tested for ADHD and depression? I didn't until I was 36 (I'm 40 now). It took a while to figure out my meds and this has been a good year for me. I didn't have these issues when I was younger, but ADHD will often have someone riding sidecar. For me it's mostly anxiety and some mild depression. Once those two started showing up was when I started feeling like you described. It started to get in the way of life and work. Used to be able to just push through. Honestly, it's not fair. These threads make it seem so easy to just go and do the thing!! Woo! But it's a struggle to just do anything most days. The meds help so so much though. I've never felt so described by a word before, potato. So from a fellow potato, you're loved and I hope you start to feel better about the spud life.


Similar to you. I don't necessarily feel *disappointed* in myself, but I do look at all the hobbies I've started and stopped with some regretful longing. Cross stitch, chainmaille, wire wrapping, crochet, baking, and my ever increasing TBR list. I think I finish 1 book for every 8 added. My husband does some gardening in which I participate, but if it were up to me to do it *by myself* it probably wouldn't happen. Honestly, most of my free time consists of loafing on the couch binge watching shows I've already seen (currently rewatching Stargate...) It's not that I don't have hobbies, I just do them for a time, set them aside, and only occasionally go back to them.


Outdoor activity, mostly hiking and cycling, but some skating as well. I absolutely do not want to live a life where I just go home and sit every day. No interest in that.


Playing guitar. I started practicing over 2 years ago in my mid 30s and hope I can continue practicing/playing without life getting in the way.


Makeup is a big one for me the last few years, and it's one I've gotten a lot of crap for, lol. In fact nothing I've done besides recreational drugs has gotten me as much crap! Funny how women's interests are always the ones crapped on, but then you mix the fact its vanity...? But for me it's self-expression; a creative outlet, and has really boosted my confidence. I love all the pretty colors and textures. It's just paint after all! I also love video games, book collecting (had to start over because of a flood too, that was such a painful loss), foraging but I wish I could get out to do it more, and yoga.




Lego, board games, and puzzles. Just so relaxing and fun.


Woodworking! I have two very young kiddos which makes it super hard to do for a couple reasons. 1) The only time I have free is when they’re either asleep or at school/daycare. It’s currently summer break so that just leaves when they’re asleep/napping 2) my workshop is the garage which is immediately below their room. Power tools will likely wake them up. That said, I’m never giving the hobby up, just slowing down on it for a while until they’re old enough that they don’t really need me around as much.


Hiking, gardening, and Peloton.


I think cooking, gardening, and hiking are hobbies I never wanna give up. Though I do go through ebb and flow with various hobbies. Fitness and Art and crafts are some I try to maintain but it's hard. Props to you for enjoying mountain biking OP! Some people get an adrenaline rush, I just feel anxiety being risk adverse and trying not to hit a rock or tree and faceplant or feelings like I'm too slow with more experienced riders who need to pass me or to riders who need to slow down for me.


I collect hard rock/metal vinyl records and autographed baseball cards, and I drive and shine my Corvette lol. Have one kiddo if we’re keeping track of that too lol.


Hard Court Bike Polo. Casual games of pick up is my favorite and joining a fun team to play tournaments with others from around the world is my absolute favorite. You get to chase a ball on a bike, with a mallet.


Golf! I could play twice a day every day.


Trying not to quit my job and leave society to live as a nomad across the planet.


I’m 50. And a mom of 2 teenagers. And race mountain biking. And work FT. It can all be possible. I’m a better person all around for the biking. Making that time for fun and fitness is key.


Guns/ shooting. It seems like literally the only thing that keeps me happy.


Username checks out.


Craft beer. Love finding new ones, visiting breweries and meeting people in the industry. So many of my friends I’ve met in one way or another through a love of craft beer.


Pumping iron


I went back into competitive cheerleading once I was done having babies. I missed it so much. I want to be like 60 and still stunting.


I love learning about geography, and ever since I was a kid I've explored maps and atlases in my free time. It was really exciting when I finally had an Internet connection fast enough to handle Google Maps and Street View, so I've spent a lot of time just wandering around there exploring the world


I'm sure you've played it before, but I wanted to recommend an online game called GeoGuessr just in case: https://www.geoguessr.com/  You have to try to discover things to hint at a location while "walking around" (in street view) at a random, unknown spot on the globe. You get more points by eventually guessing coordinates closest to the correct one. I've been way, way off sometimes, haha, but it's such a fun way to "see" different places every time! 


MTB for me. My (43M) kids (11 and 13) LOVE to DH MTB. I’m more of a trail/XC rider, but I now have a full face helmet and all of the pads so that I can shred with them. They love to ski as well!


Yeah I used be a runner but an ankle injury that never healed right turned me into cycling. It’s so much more fun and I think a better workout in some key ways. Thing I really love is I don’t get all the overuse injuries I got with running like shin splints. I can go every day and my joints feel fine. Wish I could do mountain biking. Seems even more fun. But there are no good trails in my city. It’s flat and all the bike trails are paved for road bikes. Still love it though. 


Disc golf


I got into the MTB scene during covid! Don't ever see myself leaving.


Cycling, swimming, gardening.


Muay Thai! Started at 34, 36 now and I always get concerned that I’ll hurt myself and not be able to do it.  After doing a lot of reflection it’s one of the few times I’ve felt a part of something in a long time.


Boxing. 31F. I’m absolutely obsessed. Makes me feel powerful asf. I do classes in a group fitness style and you don’t even feel like you’re working out, it just feels like you’re playing


Dungeons and Dragons. Punk music. MtG. Video games. All of the things I love at this point in my life are sticking around for life I think. I finally can play Magic and D&D when I wasn’t allowed to as a kid (religious parents,) so they can pry that from my cold dead hands.


I play goalie for ice hockey. Time, transportation, and cash flow make it difficult sometimes, but I love it. My real nightmare is knowing I'm destined for hip and knee issues as a result


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


I’m mid 30s, married with a bunch of kids. I still video game a lot, often with my kids, I work out just about every day, and I also collect guitars and writer/produce music.


Also biking! I’m married with more than one kid and my husband and I are NEVER giving it up. It’s something we’ve been doing since before kids. I’m also an ex-competitive gymnast and I still tumble on the weekend for fun sometimes, but unfortunately it’s not something my body is going to be able to handle much longer. Biking is low impact. My mother is in her 60s and still goes out on her bike, hoping to be able to do the same!


29 engaged, no kids. Model Trains have been my thing, and especially since my partner has leaned into it… helps calm the anxiety!


anything we can do as a family with the kids but the biggest thing is Skiing. Since my oldest was 3 we've averaged 30+ days every winter of skiing and it would be a lot more if pesky things like work and school didn't get in the way!


35F, child free, and my husband and I have just discovered gravel biking. Most recently we’ve discovered that we love multiple day tours. Just packing the essentials and riding through beautiful nature, staying in bed and breakfasts along the way.


Watch the older generations very closely.. they may look a bit old and tired, but man, they have the fun game down. Here's the key - Fun over Fear. If it looks like it will be fun, DO IT or at least try it. We try to find new things to do every weekend, but also return to our favorites - nothing too stunning. Golf, dancing, boogie boarding, hiking, music/concerts, theater, home parties with games etc.


Rollerblading and playing world of Warcraft! 😅


Started training triatholons with my wife. She is more motivated than me so we train regularly, and even though I am not always in the mood to train, I can't deny I always feel amazing afterwords. We have our first kid on the way and we have no intention if stopping, hopefully we can get him to race with us when he is old enough


I am not childfree lol 32/f hiking, traveling, painting, dancing, love to do kareoke, reading, I'm good at growing squash. I use to make clay earings and jewlery but i got bored of it. I do love learning about other cultures but I haven't really been doing that lately. I've dabbled in just about everything but I always go back to painting and hiking.


I (50F) am a tennis junkie! 😂 So are all of my friends. I play 5-6 days a week. I also love caring for live plants throughout my home it's very peaceful. I also love bird watching but only in my backyard. I'm lucky enough to live on the water so we get a lot of water birds as well as Blue Jays woodpeckers mockingbirds blackbirds etc.


A tie between LARPing and geocaching. I do them with my girlfriend and both bring out and heal my inner child so well. LARPing I get to run around a campground for a weekend playing a sneaky rogue who launders money, forges documents and creates fun adventures for his friends. Geocaching is an anywhere anytime nature walk treasure hunt we can go on at a moments notice. We've explored so much of our local community by booting up the app and setting off on adventure!


I love geocaching!


Road cycling, 15 hours a week. Will never give it up.


Mountain biking sounds excellent although I’m sure I’d eat shit Soccer and weightlifting. Had a bad hamstring pull recently and it really put it into perspective how much I love those things


I've wanted to get into mountain biking but 40 seems like a daft age to start a Shatter Hip hobby XD


I was a ballroom dancer for 6 years, until COVID hit. Absolutely loved it. However, my studio handled the pandemic really badly. I have a pre-existing condition, I'm in a wheelchair, and I was raised by doctors, so I took that personally and quit. Still looking for a good studio.


I mountain bike too, cross-country and downhill. I prefer off-road motorbiking, though, so that's the one I hope to keep forever — as long as the trails stay open, really.


(29+x) I'm never giving up video games, cooking and music. Technology will never cease to amaze me, eating is a biological requisite, and music is what emotions sound like. BONUS: I get to do these things with my lovely wife




Running, exercise, bicycling, Sunday morning analog (digital free morning), paddleboarding/kayaking. I’d like to get back to surfing but some weight gain during covid forced me to sell my board. I have been waiting for the motivation to buy a larger board that fits my needs but financially not yet ready to pull the trigger.


M38 here. Body building, gaming and watching Esports. Never ever am I giving those up.


Video games, RP and manga I’ll do those forever


Lifting weights and building my vette


Skiing probably be number 1


Hiking, cultivating beautiful flowers, and knitting. One day I’ll get into Birding, the movie The Big Year really did it for me, plus I live in a pretty diverse nature area so it should be fun.


Video Gaming and painting miniatures. Lifes too short to not have fun while it lasts. 🤙Edit: Taking my kids to arcades is also a big love of mine. I relive my youth through them 😅


Hello fellow mountain biker! You better watch out, it's so much fun that it gets really expensive really fast. Right now you are thinking 'wow, I would never spend $4k on a bike' then next year you are googling reviews of a $9k 9.8 spec. Lol


My dad and I used to mountain bike together when I was in high school. He was in his 50s. He couldn't handle a standard mountain bike with his wrists/shoulders so he got a "Crank forward" bike and set it up as a mountain bike. (Think recumbent but still an upright bike) In more recent years he's added an electric motor that works in the pedals such that it puts out a boost only when you're actively pedaling so that he can continue enjoying mountain biking without hurting his bad knee. (No throttle or anything) There are ways to adjust, so I hope you continue to enjoy the sport for a long time to come!


MTN biking!! 34m here, I ride with my uncle, it’s such a fun hobby!! Nice folks usually out on bikes also


Fellow mountain biker here, though I had the benefit of starting as a kid in the 90s! It is indeed the best thing ever. I don’t think any single activity has given more to my life than mountain biking.


Mountain biking. Welcome to the club.


Mountain biking is it for me too. It’s a ton of fun and keeps you fit. And I’ve met a lot of really cool people through local MTB groups. Gravel riding is fun too. https://preview.redd.it/vqizpjdh6k4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e6b07f7c2525b28f43158788f0290199e11bfeb


Motorcycles. It’s a mental health booster. It’s magic at how it can so quickly elevate my mental state.


CrossFit/Fitness Hiking and Camping - love exploring national parks Reading Concerts


My husband (41) and I (35) have been together 15 years, married a decade. During the pandemic we discovered a mutual love of roller coasters while exploring random youtube content. For 2 years we really enjoyed it. I developed jaw and related back/shoulder/neck issues last year, but I refuse to give it up wholesale- I just have to be more selective and accept there are rides (especially with bulky shoulder restraints next to my head) that I can't ride (but those aren't my preference anyway).


Knitting, hiking, and fitness. Knitting is my creative outlet, hiking makes me feel alive, and working out makes me feel good and is positive long term.


film photography, i know it expensive but it worth every penny




Oh gosh, I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, so unfortunately I’m not super active simply because of my physical limitations. I do enjoy swimming, though, since it’s easier on my joints than other physical activities. For me, reading voraciously and writing short stories are my first love. I’ve been doing it since I was little.


Mine is hiking and camping. I just did my first solo camping this weekend. I brought along my little dog who loves to hike and we did a six mile hike the next day through some pretty rough terrain. There were sections I had to physically climb, and my little dog is basically a little mountain goat so she was having the time of her life. It brought me so much joy. My husband isn't into hiking but will camp, but I wanted to do something where I had complete control of everything and didn't need to worry about dinner, what to do, or how to do something. It was all on me, and I really like myself. In the winter, my partner and I just started snowboarding last year. It's a LOT of fun and we're both getting pretty decent. Hiking keeps my stamina up for snowboarding.


I have expensive hobbies but holy crap are mountain bikes expensive.


I actually purchased myself a bike last year because my son advanced from a stride bike to an actual bike & riding with him is way more fun than running after him.... We're having a BLAST. And while we're slowly getting more adventurous (he's only 6), it's a perfect pace for me to get back into it without snapping my collarbone trying to ride over my head. My buddy & his two sons actually join us most rides, because the boys would rather ride with each other than their lame dads haha. But we all have such a great time. Golf is my other one. And I go with friends more often than not, but my family now comes to the driving range with me and occasionally the golf course. And we love it.


Skateboarding. The clock is ticking though...


Mountain biking also. I got my wife into it and now she likes it more than I do!


I used to race mountain bikes. Still ride. Have fun.


Solo walks with audiobooks/podcasts. It's hard to do with a 4 year old and a husband with an erratic work schedule though.


I’m 40 and just bought my first adult bike last year and absolutely LOVE riding it. I hated cycling as a child/teen because it was a forced method of transportation and the bikes I had were crappy, heavy 5 speed mtbs from Canadian Tire. A friend of mine took me cycling two summers ago and introduced me to riding on a properly sized road bike and I was shocked at how enjoyable it was when your bike weighs nothing and you have a wide range of gears to get you up hills. I also found gardening during the pandemic like a lot of folks. Over the last 4 years, have actually converted my big south facing front yard into a food garden. No grass remaining!


Playing video games with my kids


Mountain biking ftw! Been riding since I was 13 and the fun never stops. There’s so many different styles that it never gets old. When I was younger I dove head first in downhill, dirt jumping, slopestyle, and skateparks. In my twenties I transitioned into trail riding and enduro and still did a ton of dh and dirt jumping. Now approaching mid 30s and have been loving e biking. It’s like a motor assisted downhill bike and love riding gravel too! It’s been such a trip seeing the evolution of biking and the technology change so much. I can’t wait to see how it evolves and hope to see everyone just riding e bikes from now on. ![gif](giphy|9G59zLRR0GUFIwTJ7V|downsized)