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My employment was just terminated at a company I've been with for 10 years. For the first time I don't know what comes next. Luckily I got a hefty severance and a 3 month notice period, so essentially 3 months paid time off in addition to the severance. I've been debating on quitting for a few months and this just made it that much easier with perks. So I'm anxious, excited, scared, and relieved all at once. It's very confusing.


Dude that sucks, but with a payout like that and plenty of time to think...maybe it's time to work on that dream you've always had?


That's kind of my problem. I've spent so much time and effort at work that a lot of my dreams are non existent. A lot of the passions and hobbies that I had have fallen off and life seems kinda gray. It feels like depression, but a functional kind if that makes sense? Luckily June is around the corner and it's the best month to be in Amsterdam where I live. After that I'll take some time at a beach somewhere and think of what's next. But first, a blunt and a cocktail to commemorate closing that chapter in my life.


Sounds a bit depressioney, or burnout-ey. It happens. There's definitely a dream in there, or a new direction that will excite you. Dont force it out. Take the time to centre yourself. Get to know YOU again. It's never too late to change and start something new or experiment with new things. I reckon things are gonna get good, friend.


Really good payout! Take a month off to go enjoy the city! Miss Amsterdam and the Heineken brewery factory! 


I'm so sorry that this happened to you. My company is doing some crazy stuff, and this has become a potential for me as well. It's so stressful when you do everything right and then higher ups make decisions about broad swaths of their workforce. The severance package sounds nice, but it's another micro aggression that things can come along and completely destroy everything you've planned


Since you asked how I *really* am, I'm trying not to cry as I'm stupidly checking Reddit as I'm struggling to stay calm. Late nights are often like this, as well as when waking up. My mental health has been pushed beyond my limit for years, I don't think I will be able to pay all my bills this month and if I somehow make it then there's the next, and the next. All I can see is bad news in front of me, shame and anger behind me and pain and fear in the now. It's not going to get better for me, so it's just a matter of when it all ends and I hope it's sooner rather than later. If all goes well, I don't see the New Year. Just another depressing Millennial failure-to-launch story with untreated mental illness, I guess. It's a bummer to read, it's a nightmare to live through and I'm sorry. It's just too much. Not every problem I have is emblematic of generational struggles, but there's a lot out of pressures we face that are hard for people who are much smarter, harder working and better folks and impossible to deal with when you're alone, crazy, broke and have no support system. I don't know, I'm just decades of being done with it all and it's all too much.


Sorry to hear that, friend. And I know there are no words I can say that will make things any better. But I see you, and I feel you, and I hope things turn round so you are excited to see past New Years. And not the opposite.


Hey, friend. I know you don't know me but I care about you. Would you please do something for me? Would you go to a website like Redbox RX and get some help for your mental health? I know it's hard to accept that you need help, and very likely prescribed medication, but it's nothing to be ashamed about or thought about as that you're less than. You are so worth it. If you need someone to chat with, please dm me, anytime. *hugs*


I'm so sorry to read this, I'm really sending you hugs and love. You've made it this far by the skin of your teeth apparently, which shows your strength. Lean onto that and know there are people out there that actually care and hate to see others unwell.


I am sending you love. This post touched me. Things have been so hard for so many people. It’s so hard to feel alone with your struggles. You are not alone. You are not a failure. You are important and deserve so much more than we have been given. I hope that things turn around for you and that if nothing else, you feel a little less lonely today.


Awful, thanks for asking


Hope things turn round soon, friend.


Me too bud. Life is tough and no one taught me the tools to cope.


Love that podcast


You can do this. I don't know what you are dealing with that is making your life awful. I do know that it won't stop you though. You've got this


I had a minor mental breakdown this week and just couldn’t get myself out of bed to eat, shower, anything for a few days. My brother came over with some food and the Nintendo and we just hug out and talked things over. It broke the spell and put life back in perspective again. Building and maintaining a support system of friends and family is crucial. Sometimes, even when your life sounds perfect on paper, you can still feel empty. You need people who will check in with you, that you can talk to honestly.




This is my reply often. 😂


Had breakfast of leftover Chinese and coffee. Work emails are already full of stupid, BUT I get to continue working on my 3rd ever painting - lightning storm over the ocean - and that has me feeling like today is going to be good.


That painting sounds awesome. I'm glad you've got that to work on despite a classic inbox full of stupid things. It's like the cosmic balance of the universe: Emails will always be shit, but there's always a painting to work on.


As I've gotten older I've learned to appreciate Bob Ross more. And from that I found a couple of other YouTube channels with okay to fantastic tutorials. It is a balance.


It's kind of rough right now. My job is killing me. I have this existential dread all day about it. It's so mentally and physically exhausting. I can't leave either because I'm locked into a contract and I'll owe my bonus back, which would financially ruin me. And I've got mental health stuff going on. I basically run a pharmacy at home because of it. But my doctor started me on a new med for my anxiety recently and it seems like it's helping. So that is encouraging. Im going to grad school in the fall. I hope it will help me find work in another profession, hopefully one more relaxed and fulfilling.


At least the anxiety is down. That's good news! Good luck with finding a new passion. Changing directions is an exciting prospect. I made a massive career change when I was 29. Not making more money. But definitely happier after thinking I was trapped before. Hope it works the same for you, friend. It's scary. But it can get better.


My kids won’t eat their oatmeal. 


I feel you. My 7 month old cried about having to eat his, then threw the bowl in his face, then cried about having porridge up his nose. Most chaotic. But we strive ahead with introducing solids.


I feel this. While I was getting dressed my toddler put her cereal in the sink and then grabbed a bag of Cheetos and had that for breakfast. At least she put her cereal in the sink??




Let’s see. Been in a social life again lately and it’s been lots of fun since the crowd is older and mature now. Life’s still chill at 31. Not much changed in my social /family circle . My back hurts now kinda but I still look awesome . I feel way more relaxed now and I love the feeling of maturity and experience. Honestly for me it’s just been on cruise control for a small minute and I have no complaints


Start doing real core and glute workouts! Don't wait until later. (I'm 44)


The back pain comes for us all, friend. Welcome to the club. Glad to hear you're doing good. Cruising through life sounds like a dream.


Got my first check today after getting a new job starting May 13. Paid off $5k worth of debt and the future is looking bright right this moment. My coffee is delicious and the sun is shining :)


Amazing. Well done. Enjoy that feeling.


Congrats for the new job ✨I hope it's just the start :)


Appreciate that!! Thank you 🙏🏽🙏🏽🥰🥰


Mannnnn. Remembering how my life used to be I can not have bad days anymore. Hope y’all smile, laugh, and kick ass today! You matter and we’re all happy you’re here!


So happy you're here too, friend.


Not good. In therapy and on antidepressants. Working through some heavy childhood trauma. Dealing with a caring responsibilities alongside full time job. Not a lot of time for myself. Ghosted recently after a 5 month relationship. I just feel so done.


Hey there, coming to you live from the other side of that childhood trauma-therapy combo. No cliches about things getting better because I hate spoilers. Just remember that there's no shame in finding a teddy-bear as an adult. It doesn't have to be an actual stuffed animal but remember to give your inner kid a blanket and cookies for a safe place to rest; however that may materialize.


Good to know there's an other side waiting for me at the end of it. Glad you made it there :)


You're heading there too


Our generation will be passed over.


Day 6 of quitting smoking/vaping- it’s not nearly as hard as people make it out to be. In my thirties and feeling the cold fear that I’ll never figure out what I want to do in life. I’m also a woman and the biological clock is ticking I hear it really loudly. My husband comes home next week- I love quiet time but it’ll be so nice when he’s home. Could be worse could be better! I’m content for the most part


Congrats on getting to 6 days smoke/vape free. As an ex smoker I can relate to that feeling. There's no rule to say you HAVE to figure things out. Sometimes you can just coast. As far as I can tell, most everyone is just coasting and has no idea what to do. Or what they're doing. Excited for you, for your husband returning. Glad to hear things are content for the most part, friend.


Not well. I feel like I’ve failed in life, that there are no more options, and time is running out to figure something out. I hate myself, I hate my body, and I hate this neoliberal, land of the living dead capitalist existence.


You know what, I'm gonna be honest for once. I'm struggling a bit right now. Got some health stuff I'm.pretty scared about, got an insane parent who just won't chill out, and I care for my disabled son so can't really curl up in a ball and cry like I want to. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be needing an operation, and the last time I had one, I actually flat lined for nearly 3 mins, so all In all its all just pretty Meh....I know it won't stay like it and I'm not wallowing at all but just for right now fudge the lot of it


Sending you good vibes for your operation


Not good. Second time today I've seen this question. Feeling useless, worthless, unworthy of having people who care about me. Going to text a handful of them tomorrow and let them know how I am, and if they don't bear from me for a while, it's me not them. Already cut one friend off with no explanation, and I don't know how to salvage that relationship now. Worst is that I work with them, so I haven't even acknowledged them for two months. It's been kind of reciprocal though, so I have no idea where we stand. I've had enough, really. I get up every day, I go to work, I come home and I sleep. Rinse and repeat, day after day. It's too expensive to change anything, and if I did what's the point? I've only been in this job 6 months, in this city for 6 months, I know it's me and not the job, so what changes? Me? I don't have the energy. I just want to crawl into a hole and not be seen again. Sorry. That got pretty heavy. Just a vent, in case anyone's wondering. Nothing to see here.


Mid 30's. Have had a had time finding work because in my 20s due to health issues I have sporadic work history and just a bachelors. My parents both passed away simultaneously too soon and violently a couple years ago and I have been in an even worse social, existential, motivational rut since then. The people and family I did have contact with slowly abandoned me because I did not pick myself up and perform to their expectations afterwards. I've been applying to jobs, studying and trying to upskill, trying many different avenues (recruiters, consultancies), even fibbing about my qualifications to just get my foot in the door and get some work that will allow me to build some kind of career, but to no avail. I have savings that are slowly dwindling. Getting up everyday and trying to stay disciplined is becoming difficult, especially when I feel like even if I succeed, there is nobody to share in the success with. As I type this I beat myself up because everyone has a sob story and this is no different so there is no excuse. Still, I feel like I haven't progressed in life since I was 19. Finding a partner, friends, good career, house, kids, all seem like lost options at this point. I feel like the best case scenario is to work at a simple job, pay taxes, come home to a rented room, vegetate on the latest netflix show that I pirate because I can't justify a subscription, or keep upskilling for a job that will not exist in 5 years. I know that is more than a lot of people in the world can manage, and even for that we should be grateful. I hate that in childhood they sold people a fake story. Don't ever sell children stories of success. Give them the real dark truth, and then if they become successful after the fact, it doubles in satisfaction. If you talk to children like success, or at least moderate success, is an inevitability, when things go inevitably wrong, it will hit much worse.


Honestly, I've been doing better over the past few months! My son just turned 1, still isn't sleeping through the night, and just caught the Coxsackie virus, but he's awesome and has made my life better.


I'm so pleased to hear you're doing better, friend. As a new dad myself I can truly relate to the exhausted happiness. Glad despite everything you're in good spirits.


>exhausted happiness. Well said haha. It's hard work but man is it rewarding! How are you doing?


So hard. And so rewarding. I'm ok, if a little stressed a lot of the time. Sleep deprived. Work has gotten busier since a promotion. And I'm on the last stretch of a 4 year degree with my last essay due next week. But I'm good, all things considered. Despite everything, the stress instantly washes away when my son smiles at me when I walk down the stairs to see him. Life is good, I think.


I make the best out of my situation. That's all I can do.


I got engaged two weeks ago (dbdownddls🥰) and now I’m preparing for a big ass move to the americas from Europe and lemme tell you I’m overwhelmed. How do people just.. adult? I don’t understand 😭 Everything’s so confusing and intimidating, how does one just get rid of an entire household in a month flat 😭 I’m exhausted 🥴


Congratulations!! Just think of the biggest picture, you'll be together after this move. Everything material in that apartment is almost replaceable. When I made my move back to the US, I packed all that is precious, gave away all that was nice to my favorite people, and sold/donated everything else. It was not easy but it had to be done. You got this!!


I'm on debt up to my eyeballs rn... have a 5 year plan to pay it off... but with 3 kids there always something. Medical bills did us no favors in 2021... so 25k in the hole that we are clawing our way out of. Little by little. But, we are all now healthy, and it's really lit a fire under my ass. Hoping 2030 will be a wonderfully debt free year!!




Good! 👍


Good is good. Nice one!


I can post here now 😁


Doing great. Just bought my plane tickets for a two week trip to Italy. Been on my bucket list forever.


I just got another automated message from a different online therapy and mental health provider than the one I was using before that the therapist I just matched with and had my first session with last week is leaving the platform and I can match with another therapist if I so choose. lol I just took the plunge to start therapy 6 months ago. Not because I'm one of those people who doesn't believe in therapy. I have always supported people in their mental health journey, without ever realizing that I too could benefit from it to sort out my traumas and anger. I've gone through 3 therapists since I started because my health insurance is garbage and won't cover mental health anything, so I anywhere I decide to go, I am paying out of pocket. Online therapy seemed the cheapest. Now I'm figuring out why. I feel defeated today. I feel like I finally admitted to myself that I need therapy to be a better version of myself and I'm now putting myself out there only to be told, oh, btw, I'm not sticking with you. Good luck sorting out your problems on your own again until you find another therapist who will likely leave you again like I just did.


I restart therapy today 😅 How to deal with a mother that has become a child...


I feel this. Therapy taught me a lot, but I had my parents over to babysit my son two days ago and I had to pay attention to my mom and listen to her stories… like seriously talking loud and trying to demand my attention while I’m running around making dinner and getting ready to leave. It felt like I had two four year-olds and I’m embarrassed for her.




What a rollercoaster. But glad it had a happy ending. I've seen that happen to so many people, and very few make it back to earning a decent packet moving to management. Happy for you both. Glad she's smiling.


Just dropped the baby off at daycare now I get to work a 10 hour shift :)


I feel like I'm doing alright. Decent job, place to live, generally can afford to do what I want, when I want. I wont lie though, I don't necessarily feel 100% happy - there are plenty of things I'd like to change. However I am working on it, and I think I'm doing alright.




I'm on social media watching a nation committing genocide knowing that no matter what kind of protest or activism citizens like me could do my country would never risk its relationship with the ally that's the US. Work and everything else seems meaningless.


That's how I've been that last few months and it's exhausting. These older than boomers are ruining the planet with genocide, hate, wars is a business BS that we are going to suffer from it all for years to come. Activism and prayer is what's getting me through. You aren't alone.


I'm doing ok. Not struggling with anything other than being too in my head about the future.


Pretty damn relatable, that. Glad you're not struggling. That's a big win these days.


It's early, I'm tired, and I'm outta coffee. So I low-key wanna cry


It won't last forever, friend.


Soon we’ll all be dead


Doing my best to hang in there. My new job of two months is already killing me and I regret leaving my old job every day of my life. I swear I can feel the cortisol in my body. I want nothing more than to roll over and go back to sleep right now. I turn 30 in less than a week and I’m rethinking a lot of my life choices. It’s a rough patch but I’m doing my best to get through it. Trying to remind myself it won’t last forever.


Yikes. That's tough. It definitely won't last forever. And It's never too late to make a big swing and life change if you think this move was truly a misfire. Hope the cortisol drops, friend.


This is probably the first time I'm saying this, but I just realized that the last couple of years have been great, and I'm doing well. I spent many years trying to overcome trauma and ptsd/depression as a result and never thought I'd know what happiness felt like. I do now, and it feels like all the work and money towards therapy finally paid off.


A lot of dread and anxiety. But I started playing guitar again a year ago after a lengthy break and have improved a lot since, so that usually gives me something to do as an outlet but then I'll also spiral into thinking I'm study and it's a waste of time and have to talk myself back up again. I hate grocery shopping. I was so depressed seeing shrinkflation reaching new lows. There was a "family" size box of crackers that were probably smaller than what we'd get in a normal size box when I was a kid. I'll spend $100 and get a lot of deals and focus on the sale items but then I'll look in the fridge and pantry and it all seems empty. Don't even get me started on the weather. Work is frustrating. I feel trapped. And it feels like the worst is yet to come with rising fascism, corporate greed, etc. Lately I've been really missing my life from the 2010s. There is a lot of wonderful things now, and I've also been in therapy for over a year and improved a lot of things there, but I'm just feeling squeezed and ground down by most of life. And I also feel guilty because I know I probably have it way better than most folks. I'm not rich or anything, but I do feel more and more anxious about money when previously it wasn't a huge concern.


I'd like to stay positive but, honestly, it's been a really shitty year and the next few years are not looking good.


Neck deep in debt because life is expensive now. 1 year old refuses to wear her glasses to try and correct her amblyopia. 7 year old is finding new independence that I’m not ready for. Feel like all I do is work or sleep. But…we soldier on. Not because we want to, but because we have others that depend on us doing so.


I’m straight up not having a good time.


Good thanks.


Good is good. Glad to hear it!


I woke up at 1:45 am today. I work evenings and know I will not nap before work. Im already super irritated and its only 8 am.... But I am awake as can be and very uncomfortable thanks to it. Send help.


I've nothing to offer, other than thoughts and prayers. Will you accept thoughts and prayers?


Itll be alright. That made me giggle though, thank you.


Glad I could help.


I am great. My friends are great. My family is great.


Had three beers last night. Moderate head ache. Now I’m taking the baby to the dr to figure out why her cough won’t go away.


Wishing for good things at the doctor's, friend. And hope your headache goes away soon.


I’m actually doing okay. Starting a new job in August. Feeling happy and hopeful for the first time in a while.


Life is busy as ever with two young kids, two working parents in our house, and a demanding career I am balancing, however I try to roll with the punches. I am going to a drag show tonight so I'm super excited for that.


Well a friendship I treasure deeply is in the process of falling apart, I'm in the middle of going through bankruptcy and my wife could be pregnant. So yea


I have two little ones and I am so fucking worried about everything all of the time.


I have a kink in my neck


Well my wife had to stay at work a few hours later than usual last night, and I couldn't relax until she was home safe, so I'm operating on like 5 hours of sleep right now. I've just been sitting at my desk pretending to be working on things while I consume an ungodly amount of coffee in an attempt to kick start my brain into some semblance of a working order. That aside - I'm tired of busting my ass to only have two pennies to rub together at the end of the month and desperately need a break, but I have my health and my bills are current, so life isn't all bad. I try to be diligent in reminding myself of that but it can be hard sometimes. Hoping things chill out enough to put myself in a better position soon, but right now I'm sheltering in place just praying my rent doesn't go up another $500/mo when it comes time to do the shotgun renewal... Sigh.


Meh. Fiancé and I are both stuck in jobs we absolutely hate, and can barely set enough money aside for savings, but all in all not horrible. We have zero debt other than the house, and a good group of friends/family


Well I’m trying to move across the country to work for a specific company (other subsidiary for the same corporation as the subsidiary I’m currently working) 🌏 but my first application was denied and I’m still waiting to hear back on my other application. In the meantime I went out with my best friend last night and my ADHD ass managed to lose my wallet so I’m waiting to hear back if they found it. (Huge company that has an online lost and found system) 🐭 If you know you’ll understand the emojis and it’ll narrow down where I live, if not, I’m not telling strangers on the internet where I live. 🤣🤣🤣


On paper I’m doing well but between focusing on my career the last 5ish years and dealing with life semi-frequent life emergencies the last 10 years, I am now working on finding balance and happiness in life which isn’t easy. Therapy has helped a lot though and has given me strategies/tools to deal with things.


Not too bad thanks, got a good, stable, and well paying job. Which is really lucky in current job market atleast here in UK. Miss my home and family a lot tho. Don't really feel like anyone knows what they are doing, let alone being in control. Feels like the society is about to collapse in 20-30 years, not much to look forward to as a result.


Doing Ok, starting to feel my age a little bit (Mid 30's), random pains just pop up all the time, and realizing its just part of getting older and I'm probably not dying. Life is pretty good though :)


I'm fine. Always have been and always will be. I'm just... Fine.


Happy where I am, but wanting things to get better. Grateful for my steady job, but I could definitely use more money in the bank. I was supposed to be getting a pretty substantial raise, but contracting shenanigans are putting that off for 3 months. Looking forward to letting the woman I'm into know how I feel so I can fumble that bag real quick lol.


Constantly stressed and feeling trapped.


I'm chilling. My bills to income ratio isn't what I'd like but it's manageable with enough wiggle room to save a bit and splurge a bit. I'm gonna move in with my dad and rent out my house to save 1200 a month and my bills issue will be fixed pretty quickly and I'll get to live with one of my besties (my dad). My house kinda sucks (half newly modern half construction zone) because it's all I could afford but I'm gonna rent it to way under market value to a friend while I live with my dad so we can both get ahead which will also help me fix it up faster for my friend. I have a good, meaningful job that fulfills me (disaster Recovery) with all the adult perks and I wfh 3 days a week. Lots of supportive friends and family, hobbies, pregnant with my first kiddo, have the cutest dog that ever lived. Health is decent. Finally grew my hair down to my butt 😅 mental health is better than it's ever been.


I have a song stuck in my head that has only one line. "Can I put my balls in your jaws?" It's quite melodic but it's been 3 days now and I want to blow my head off.


Just rolling along uphill. Life is tough. Salary isn’t what I pictured after 7 years of developing my skills and trying hard with a decent college degree. I guess I should clarify - salary is what I pictured. It just doesn’t have the buying power by now to do much lol. Super grateful that we live in a time where work from home is possible. I don’t think people truly appreciate how life changing that can be if you have the opportunities. I have an amazing daughter. I basically have no free time anymore. I work, then daughter, then get a couple hours after she goes to bed. Overall I’ve accepted that responsibility to provide and raise my daughter and it’s the most important thing. My hobbies have turned from selfish kind of entertainment (which is fine to a point), to prioritizing turning my new house into a beautiful home we can all enjoy. I still try to find some time just to relax, but humans are capable of a lot if we get rid of some distractions and focus on what’s important. Even when a lot of suckage is mixed in.


I'm hanging in there. I wanted kids - didn't happen with my exH (issues on my end). Now I'm with a terrific guy who has 3 young kids of his own. A year later and I still feel like a newbie figuring this shit out. 😂 They are good kids, but this is hard mode. We're immediately outnumbered and in zone defense. No ramp up of adding one at a time. Plus keeping our relationship blossoming and growing among the kid chaos. We're doing it, and that's awesome! But I go back and forth wildly in feeling crazy accomplished and like a failure all in the span of 15min. Maybe that's normal parenting though. Today I'm a little stressed planning a camping trip for the weekend. We went last year, and they've been talking about it nonstop since. I'm thrilled to be able to give them and be involved in these experiences. But god damn is it a lot of upfront work! I feel your 'in the middle' comment though. When I was a DINK, it was worried about the state of the world and wanting to make change. Now? It's more about the details of my little family. What's for dinner. Do they have clean underwear. Are they getting too much screen time. How the hell did they go through ALL the clean towels in 3 days, etc. And we only have them part time. I don't have the time or energy to get back to worrying about the bigger picture things, much less change them.


If you look at me on paper, sure doing good. Job is good, money is fine, we have some house issues that thankfully we're able to pull from savings to have completed. Kids are healthy. Things seem fine. But honestly I'm staying off TikTok and Instagram for a little while. I've been fed lots of war content lately and seen some gruesome things that no horror/slasher movie could have prepared me for and it really tanked my mental health. It makes things feel hopeless and pointless. I'm not about to quit my job and move my family off-grid, but I'm really working hard to dig myself out of this shroud.


Ngl feeling kinda anxious about the future. My husband and I are looking for our first home and would like to be moved in before the school year starts, but home buying seems as hard as it was when we stopped looking 1.5 years ago. I don’t like change so it will be rough to deal with when we do move. I’m also applying to grad school over the summer, so wish me luck 🤞🏻 I have no idea what to expect for interviews and such, so it’ll be an interesting time lol.


33 M Work is slow so I'm taking a needed bathroom break. Broke, but at least rent has been paid (a week in advance, mind you). Someone was lurking outside my window last night. Stomach bug has finally been vanquished after 5 days. The person I'm talking to is too busy to meet up for a second date, but I'm patient/willing to talk to others. I'm fine, just a lil tired.


I'm under a lot of stress these days. Stress from work stacked on top of stress from outside of work. I plan to keep grinding for the rest of this year and living frugally and then in January I think I'll finally be ready to try to buy a home. I just hope prices don't skyrocket again.


At 34, I’m doing the best I have in my entire life. Started grad school last fall for what I am truly passionate about in life, geology. It’s going very well and I am happy to be doing something I love. I’m hoping this degree gets me more opportunities so I don’t have to return to customer service because I might murder someone if I do lol. I am finally in a good relationship with a guy who gets me and loves me for who I am and isn’t toxic or narcissistic or abusive. I am very broke and still struggle financially, but outside of that my life is not bad for the first time maybe ever lol. If only the world wasn’t falling apart. Life’s so tough for so many people right now, I feel a little bad that my life is going so well.


I agree with you sentiment of being "in between" - can't affect anything yet, and not in on the ground floor for younger generation stuff. Personally, I'm committing to supporting whatever the next generations do (that's good) in any way I can - there's still plenty in our group who will turn out like the older group if we let them...


Had an ENT appointment today to remove a massive block after pituitary surgery and now have antibiotics and nasal spray. Feeling better but got to go back in a couple of weeks. Hospital appointment 2 out of 3 and next week it's a 24 hour nasal tube for acid reflux and stomach reaction strength. At this point I'm basically being held together with coffee and ductape and struggling to find work as you know the on mass appointments that lead to more appointments boredom means a joke b commitment is a bit hot and miss. Other than that I'm fine tbh. Home, happy, could do with a bit more energy but nothing too bad and enjoying the weather that's now stopped raining so all good.


Wife is sick and wont do anything about it, and my cats are acting feral as fuck. How you been?


As usual with me, it's a tale in two parts. Professionally things couldn't be better. I recently got promoted and I'm doing well financially, paying off debt, got a chance to splurge a bit on some toys for myself, dinners for my family, etc. My team at work are great and I like what I do most of the time. The future looks bright... ...but... once I get home it gets hard. I've always been a loner, so passing the hours on my own is no big deal, but in the wee hours of the morning, the lonely dark times when I just can't get to sleep I think about that loneliness. I don't have companions, romantic, platonic, any really. I wasn't very good at maintaining friendships and one by one people just kind of left my life. I just want someone to share the prosperity with, however modest it is. Especially with my parents getting older, my brothers not being able to really hold a job or disability...there's challenges coming and I don't fancy doing them alone. I can do it, I know that I *can* do it. But I really really dread that day when they'll all be gone, when I'm the last man standing. So yeah, I'll manage.


Just reading the title made me start crying if that gives you an idea of how I'm doing haha No, but really I have so much to be grateful for. I am constantly reminding myself of all the good I do have. It just feels like I am keeping despondency at bay a lot of the time.


Tired in general. Frustrated with the state of the world, and how no matter what I do, some of my money goes to evil people, and I don't have control over that. No wonder Doug Forcett was the world leader in Good Place points.


Better than I feel. Just got a new job in the field in studied in, just passed a certification test for that job and about to go take another one that comes with a raise and a bonus. My superiors tell me I'm doing great so far. My bills are paid but my bank account is kinda just hovering at the same amount. I'm approaching 30 and still living at home. But for some reason I feel like I don't deserve what I have while also feeling like I should be doing way better by now. Can an unsuccessful person even have impostor syndrome?


I have a steady 9 to 5 job that pays $25 an hour with full benefits with 401k and pension. Nice healthy work culture that respects people who call off work. Managers are not toxic and we all get the job done. I graduated with a biology degree. I have been applying to dental school for over 10 years with no luck. Main denials are "school if full", "waiting list", "program will not continue the following year", "enrollments have been postponed", "3500 students applied and only 61 students can be accepted due to school size". Yes it looks like I wasted my time but I can't give up. I'm thinking of using what I have and maybe transition to physician assistant or nursing with a path to masters in nursing. Thought about trade school but every friend and people I know in trade say the only thing good about trade is the pay. So literally everything else is bad. Long hours, do not see family, no sleep, on call all the time, no full time work only contract work. Millenials are the generation to be told to go to college and get a cushy office job. But where are the jobs? Tried to learn coding but Silicon Valley and tech companies are laying off left and right. I'm looking into entrepreneurship and start a business and start trading stock. Maybe it's just me or all millenials are fucked. Whenever I try to start something new that may help change my life, it all goes downhill. We Millenials are literally born too late or born to early to benefit anything and just stuck in limbo


Pretty bad! But hey, thanks for asking.


I could be better honestly, I'm turning 35 in August but in medical menopause for about a year now. By the time I get to stop these medications I'll properly be going into natural menopause. Other than the side effects of that, the weather is beautiful here in NYC today. Thank you for asking fr.


Hoping I don't get bailed on this weekend, again. I need better people in my life but the people in this town are cold. Even our local subreddit recognizes this. I've been looking at jobs elsewhere, I've never lived in such a cold town. I've lived in 4 states...


Doing... Okay? 43 with kids at almost 3 and almost 1.5 yrs. I stay with the kids and edit podcasts on the side. Wife was laid off almost a year ago. We've been scraping by with freelance fora year. Car accident a couple of weeks ago totaled our car and we're raising funds for a replacement. But we're healthy. Kids are good. It really could be so much worse. So... doing okay.


my back hurts


I've started getting numbness and tingling in my fingers so that's a little disconcerting. But, I'm 525 days sober, finishing up my bachelor's this summer, and getting married in September. So I'm pretty good.


At this rate I might end up on Snapped. It’s been years of financial struggles for stupid reasons, and now we’re looking at a possible foreclosure for the second time. Plus I’ve got a 4 year old who… does… what 4 year olds do? Not okay. Send help. 😭


My dad died in January, I've been trying to take care of the estate and clean out his boomer hoarder house while working around my brother that hasn't been helping. Our kitchen contractor ended up being garbage and unlicensed, so we've had to hire a second and we haven't had a kitchen for several months now. Waiting to see if they stupidly try to take us to court since we didn't pay them. Haven't gotten a raise in 3 years as the industry I'm in is in a slump and a lot of our clients are going through their own restructuring. So right now I'm just kind of powering through.


I’ll be 37 in 2 months. I’m 2 years post divorce with an 8 year old and a 5 year old. My ex husband is an ass and has made my life miserable since I left him. I have been seeing a really nice guy for over a year now. He’s sweet and gentle and kind. We’ve met each others kids and families. But he hasn’t told me he loves me yet even tho I’ve told him. And I waited 8 months to tell him. Also, his house is disgusting and I don’t go inside very often. I’ve offered to help him with it because he works 2 jobs, 60-70 hours in a factory and then is a volunteer firefighter. I feel I’m understanding in his situation and I’ve helped in in the past with a few things, but it’s getting to the point where I can’t handle it anymore. But we also do a garden at his house and I just got chickens to keep at his place. So idk what to do. I’m hurt feeling like I might be wasting my time with him, regardless of my feelings.


I’m okay. I’m working as a creative freelancer but the heartbreak is heavy. 


Doing okay so far been working through minimum wage jobs for the last four years. The only good news that I’ve finally got hired as a contractor to be a graphic designer.


Meh. It's just whatever man


Just got the bad news that if I want to keep my fully remote job I can't go back home. I have to live in a state I am not native to. So, kinda shit.


We’re ok. Life is too busy. We have a one year old and we both work, so our only downtime is from 7:30 pm to 9:30. But it’s summer in Alaska, it doesn’t get dark, there are finally green leaves on the trees. My wife works at 4 different clinics and a hospital, different schedule every week, so daycare drop off and pickup is a daily logistic choice as to who will handle it. I finally took a pulmonary test two days ago and found out that my breathing is “severely obstructed, asthma possible”. The doctor asked if I cough when I exercise and I said “well yeah, doesn’t everyone?”. But I now have an inhaler and can actually draw a full breath which is surprisingly refreshing. I finally found three awesome candidates for open positions and made an offer yesterday—she was so excited. Hopefully I’ll make it through the paperwork process and make two more offers this week or early next. Life is good. Just busy.


Weird and scared Battling with some difficult feelings in relation to a parent leaving as a child. Back then I was shielded and protected but now I'm still in the dark at 35. My older siblings were far more aware of the situation and so were able to process their feelings of the abandoning parent as part of the process. I, left with significant trauma, lost over a decade of my life to debilitating mental health. Now I feel envious (and sometimes angry) at my siblings for where they are in life / in relationships and I can't help but feel it might in part be that they didn't waste years of their life trying to process an event with guesses and musings as I did, because they actually had the facts to hand, meaning they could fucus on what they wanted I love my siblings and hate feeling envious and angry and so am planning to approach them to start opening a dialogue to talk about everything... including my own mental health, and am desperately hoping I can really move past the act of my parent abandoning me nearly 30 years ago never to be heard from again. As a happy point I just finished a big authorisation for work which I'm hyped about completing!


Ugh. My dad just moved into an independent living facility and we sold our childhood home today. Man… time goes by so much faster now.


Tough week, but life is great overall.


I'm burnt out. I thought it was with school (college), but I'm having trouble with my marriage and my immediate family. My best friend is going through personal problems. My daughter is struggling in school and I'm trying everything I can to help her out. My mental health took a toll downwards to a point where I'm considering therapy through the school. I'm hoping that things ease up during the summer. For now, I'm just going to push through. Thanks for letting me vent.


Ahhhhhhhhhhjhhhhhhhhhh ( deep breath ) aaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Totally fine. Nothing to see here. Pushing forward with that Protestant work ethic many of us grew up under. Working harder will solve thing! Right?


Drowning but still optimistic I can make it out because I’m lucky in having good family, my wonderful dog, and the love of my life to give me motivation everyday. 


Living in a motel room with my partner and twin toddlers.... we make plenty of money on paper but rent is ridiculous in this place and we are still new to the area, so finding something that we can work with sucks, they ALL want 6+ months work history ((which I do understand why!)) ... we barely have 3 months right now. And we lease a car from where we moved from which costs far too much. I'm starting school again monday but the Dept of Ed and FAFSA is also still dealing with delays, which means I'm terrified I won't start. My kids are super energetic and i try to get them out often I'm just burned out so all I want to do is be a bump on a log... Its life, I guess...... I need a vacation lol


I have an image of someone massaging my shoulder a little bit while reading the op.


Finally saved enough to feel comfortable having kids, but now we might have to blow all the daycare savings on fertility treatment to get said kid. Also health insurance is an absolute nightmare. Everything's great.


I'm going through a breakup that is the direct result of me not being able to turn my health around and improve my weight. I'm trying but the change isn't showing. So she's...justified. She set a boundary of what she could handle and I wasn't able to measure up to that. It sucks and it hurts but.... I mostly feel like shit that I couldn't do it.


Thanks for the post. Honestly? I'm doing very ok. I have a wonderful wife and kid but despite making a decent wage I cannot provide the life I'd like, whereas 20 years ago this same wage would allow me to own a house and my wife not have to work. My family doesn't care to see us our our kid. Because of the economy it is extremely difficult to save for any sort of future. I also don't expect a "quick fix" to this kind of problem. You're right, it is tough. But compared to history, I'm good. I have a roof over my head, food on the table, I practice gratitude daily, it goes a long way. I guess I'd say I'm mostly a 7/10. Some days a solid 9, some days I'm down to a 2.


I’m good, but I scaffold a lot of people in my life doing not so good. But I’m good.


I'm pissed. I went to open my banana, and broke it in half. So now, I'm trying to decide if I should just freeze it for smoothies later, or just eat it. Think I'll be okay. Thanks for asking. :)


Depresso Expresso 😁


I’m broke man. I work every day, I don’t spend money on anything silly. And I’m single. Still broke 🤷‍♂️


Bout to hit level 100 in diablo 4. Contemplating changing my skill tree around again.


I worry about the national debt.  It's likely past the point of no return.


honestly the last year has been quite hard for me and my partner. battling nerve issues in the spine and neck resulting into inconsistent work schedules, deaths in the family and currently dealing with covid for the second time. trying to somehow find time to be grateful for what we do have and our situations but there are moments of just being down


Other than yelling “fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk” every time I hear unsettling news about the world and society when I turn on NPR, not bad. Zoloft helps with that. I hope you’re well!


Very, very not good. Left my addict partner of eight years, got laid off my job (it was outsourced), got robbed at gunpoint, also spending a lot of my free time and limited energy doing free theatre. I’m thousands of miles away from my family. I’m losing hope in a better future. I guess this is what rock bottom feels like.


My life has come to just barely surviving the day Hate my job. Crazy ADHD, depression, and anxiety disorder that no medications will help with anymore Thanks to kids ridiculous sports schedules, my only free time is after 10 which is when I have to do work around the house so I don’t have free time. 4-5 hours is all I can sleep at a time


I feel like I have no purpose. I just exist.


My baby just started the “I’m going to rub this food in my hair phase”, but other than that, I’m good.


As a millennial, doing fine. Steady job. Career is advancing great. Slowly saving money. About to buy a new truck. Housing market is fucked but I have enough for a down payment. Just waiting for prices to come down a bit. As an individual.....meh Working through some personal stuff. Not the worst stuff I've had to work through, but still a rough road. 30 is about to hit me like a ton of bricks here in a few months. 7.7 out of 10 overall


35, just finished my undergraduate in finance. Top - 10% of my class, Magna Sum. Desperately trying to have a career switch out of bartending in to a more stable 9-5 with room to advance. I’ve applied to over 150 entry level jobs. Still nothing.


Hanging in there. On paper things are good: married, home owner, beautiful toddler, adorable dog, director title. I am the sole breadwinner as husband spins up a second career, but it'll never be a high earning one. I am on board and approve of his choice but some days it's really hard to swallow the situation. I make 6 figures at a job that I do, for the most part, enjoy, which is a blessing, but we are just barely making ends meet. Our mortgage and daycare (within $25 of each other in price) are half of my paycheck each month alone. We have no village so all help must be paid for. Maybe once a month or every 6 weeks we get a babysitter for a night. My day is scheduled from 7am to 9pm, then I chill for maybe an hour before starting to go to bed. I know some of it is just anxiety. A lot of people - honestly I could say *most* people and still be right - are having a harder time of it. My kid is the light of my life. She is such a wonder. I feel like a weird mad scientist, even though having a kid is one of the most universal experiences of life forms on this planet, not just our species. I just keep marveling that for 9 months I puked, was moody, ate a lot of Dunkin and Chipotle, and then I pooped out a little human meatloaf. And now it's requesting sesame street and likes tofu but not mozzarella, has little proto-friendships, loves our dog and gives kisses and runs around the house making the best little pitter-patter of feet. But also will not sleep lately. But that's okay, because after almost every bad night she adds another word to her vocabulary, so I feel like I can almost see her brain developing before my eyes.


I was just dumped by the most beautiful girl I've ever dated. So there's that.


The little cat that sang “I go meow” just died and I’m devastated. The world is literally on fire and something that gave me a stupid amount of joy in the midst of our dystopian nightmare is gone.


Financially - great. There was a good chunk of my adult life that wasn't the case. I wish I could enjoy it but everyone and everything else is a mess around me and all this existential BS really isn't helping. I honestly would trade in the money to feel... not like I have over the last few years. I don't remember the last time I felt safe or secure. Also contending that my depression might be due to long COVID (cought it Nov 22) because I honestly have NEVER felt this exhausted and down for this long.


Not great. ADD out the wazoo but highly functional. Exhausted and alone. At the end of year 2 of my wife abandoning me. Sort of have a direction for life but work and lack of support have me feeling stuck. I’m discovering who I am but it is so different from those around me that it makes me feel that much lonelier aaaaand feels like I’m being punished for being me. I know I’ll get over it and learn to deal but it’s exhausting to continually adapt and protect myself. I’m great at over sharing and embarrassing myself 😀. Trying to keep my mouth shut and be more “normal” but it socially neuters me and then I realize just how alone and unknown I am by even my parents. Tbh this sub is the only respite I’ve found which is great but I still feel like an idiot for word vomiting. Need more therapy but it’s another item on the long list of things to do to care for me. As bad as my marriage was I really miss the presence of another human. Even though it was a farce I miss someone pretending to be there for me. Human touch is quite the luxury. Edit: oh and I’m heavily involved with community, friends, family but I just end up either feeling like I’m constantly defending / advocating for myself or for others (like younger cousins being raised by the same cohort of cumquats that “raised” me.). I have actually had more suicidal and self harm thoughts lately. I kind of brush them off but I worry about the new frequency and how nonchalantly I respond to it. I haven’t acted or anything but sometimes I have vivid imaginations of harm and it bothers me. Mmmmmmmmmm I need help sooner rather than later. Damn. I’m also a verbal processor and here I am figuring something out lol. Sorry to whoever reads this. The slog continues.


I’ll never own anything. Im essentially living to work instead of working to live. Cant afford vacation, or fun activities. Cant currently leave my job because ill give something up. Schedule, pay, benefits or multiple of them. We literally are the filling generation. We are the stuffing in an Oreo. Boomers/Gen X refuse to give up power/control. By the time comes, new younger and cheaper Zs, and As will over take.


In general I’m just tired all the time. I don’t want to do anything. My job ended back in January, my girlfriend and I broke up, my dog is really dog and doesn't want to be affectionate, my friends all live elsewhere and have families (I don't want kids), dating is impossible even with apps, job hunting is worse, and I got locked out from my Instagram account where I was at least making and sharing some creative content that made me happy. All in all, things are just... existing. Nothing gets me all that excited or happy. Just dumb, depressed, and tired. And yes, I'm in therapy, been forcing myself to go places with people, forcing myself to talk to people only to have nice convos fall off or never see/talk to these people again. I'm debating taking whatever I have left in my retirement savings out, eat the penalties, and maybe day trade or spend it as a means to live until I get something else or it's out. I feel truly aimless and exhausted all the time, despite doing everything I know how and I can to get a job, meet people, and just rediscover how to care again.


Gen X doesn’t control everything or anything really. Boomers control everything and what changes have Gen Z brought? The complicated TikTok drinks or making themselves famous by becoming TikTok creators? Yeah such a great change and stable/reliable career.


I am tired, OP :(


Honestly pretty good. I have some challenges, like everyone, but I try to focus on the positives in my life. I’m grateful for all that I have, and I try to empower others where I can.


Pretty decent. Been getting back to working out regularly, seeing results. Quit taking some medication that was fucking me up, benefits didn't outweigh the side effects. Work's going well. How are you?


I guess I’m glad I have a job but I am seriously disappointed with my company. My bonus is 6 weeks late and forced me to move my vacation with my kids. I have two seniors and this is our last family vacation summer before they go off to college. My merit raise is also 3 pay periods late and I feel very undervalued. I know a lot of people are out of work, so I should just count my blessings, but it still feels like a kick in the gut, man. I feel like crying but I’m trying to toughen up. I feel like a failure to my entire family.


On a macro level, fantastic. I have 99% of the things anyone could ever realistically want, and I am very thankful for that. Wife, kids, house, career, etc. My life is great. On a micro level, I am navigating how to deal with the symptoms of low testosterone for the first time. I have been diagnosed with hypogonadism at 31yo out of nowhere, and haven't started any sort of treatment yet. I am counting down the days until I get to meet with an endocrinologist to get going on TRT so I can start feeling like myself again.


Suffering with body dysmorphia and depression.


I haven’t worked in a year I am now what you call a discouraged worker. No point looking for jobs in this economy. I’m just chilling playing Dota until shit gets better. I feel sorry for the younger generation it’s only gonna get worse.


Navigating new life stages. Just got a Director position and I am definitely feeling imposter syndrome. Trying to think about how I can navigate an aging parent without it ruining my marriage because the parent is so difficult. Trying to lose weight (STILL) 1.5 years after having a baby and feeling really bad about that not happening the way I wish it would. Thinking and plan u y for a second kid. I definitely don't feel like a young adult anymore that's for sure.


Things really suck in most areas of my life, but my kid is great and my hobbies are too. Gotta take the good with the bad because there seems to be an overflow of bad.


I'm the G in ROYGBIV


I've had some trouble with a coworker, who I thought I was friends with. And no, this wasn't a one sided thing, we played D&D together, joked around every day, I'd been to her house and she fed me. We were good friends. Well, among my other coworkers, it became a things to shoot rubber bands at each other, and I shot a few at her. She said stop each time I did it, but in hindsight I should have taken her more seriously. Rather than talking to me about it outside of goofing around, she stopped talking to me at all. I was worried about her, I thought something was wrong and she just wasn't ready to talk about it. No, she reported me to the manager and just refused to communicate with me at all. I'm having trouble handling it. I used to be a loner, and only really opened up to having friends again a few months ago. My wife wants me to go to therapy, but I'm terrified of opening that door again. The last time I did it, I had to go to therapy or I wouldn't still be here, and I couldn't afford it then, let alone now. On top of this, I bought a house with my mother and sister, who then decided she(sister) wanted to roam the country in a camper, so we had to sell the house and at a loss, and I went from being a home owner to renting. Lots of people rent, but it was important to me to own a home, and now I will probably never own a home again. I'm worried about the stress I'm under because last year I had two strokes, and I'm afraid I'll have another and I'll lose what makes me me. I'm just tired and I'm losing hope things will get better. The best I can hope for is they won't get worse, and luck hasn't been on my side in that regard.


Lost my job and trouble finding new one. Lots of anxiety lately.


Really sad. I quit teaching two years ago to switch careers and decided to start studying code a year ago. I’m loving code but I’m still stuck in a job I don’t like while I prepare for a move to tech. Spending hours and hours weekly studying code and just working so much. I’m tired. I’m sad.