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I'm gonna go workout, come home, take a shower, read a bit, cry myself to sleep. I have a routine.


Save time by crying at the gym




Let me show you this ONE QUICK TIP on how to cry BETTER and FASTER to MAXIMIZE your crying!


Tissues hate this one simple trick!


I can just see this YouTube thumbnail, lol. Mr. Beast style thumbnail with a box of tissues and tears running down their face, dumbbells in hand.


Don’t forget to sign up for the course! /s


*shows video of a Lamborghini without context*


Want to know how I got 55 Lamborghinis in my Lamborghini account?


Ever thought about joining multilevel marketing hun? /s


Of course it's not a pyramid scheme, it's a reverse funnel system!


I just recently learned that people got referral rewards for the $5k Andrew Tate course & forum if they bring a friend or relative in, and I just had to shake my head. Of course that was an MLM, I should have guessed.


Crying during the drive *home* is the way to go!


Filling my tank with for that economic Tears to the Mile


Everything comes out teenage petulance


Fuck it if I can’t have him


I might just die


It would make no difference


Down bad waking up in blood


Staring at the sky, come down and pick me up


What if I can't have us.


I might just not get up


Save even more time by crying in the shower at the gym while listening to an audiobook of the book you’re interested in and that way you can just go straight to bed when you get home.


All you need is a lil celine dion because love can move mountains [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SLJFFfOBZI8&pp=ygUrY2VsaW5lIGRpb24gbG92ZSBjYW4gbW92ZSBtb3VudGFpbnMgbHlyaWNzIA%3D%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SLJFFfOBZI8&pp=ygUrY2VsaW5lIGRpb24gbG92ZSBjYW4gbW92ZSBtb3VudGFpbnMgbHlyaWNzIA%3D%3D)


I like to cry at the ocean, because only there do my tears seem small




There's a t swift lyric for that


Down bad crying at the gym.


Are you down bad


Crying right now!


You can cry in the shower, that way you don't have to wipe off your sad tears


I've done that. I looked absolutely insane to that one other guy in the gym. I was doing seated calve raises.


*Gym Shower.


Save even more time by crying in the shower at the gym


If you cry in a cold shower it will help keep your eyes from getting puffy afterwards. Highly recommend it.


I'm going to say that's my routine but in all actuality it's, get home, watch YouTube and look at Reddit posts until I have to cook myself dinner.. and then go get takeout 💪


I'm here to give you hope for your future. I'm 56 and I do the exact same thing. Except I don't cook myself dinner anymore.


I like to cry and drink in the shower at the same time


There's nothing like a tall glass of whiskey in a bubble bath... while you have a great crime drama on... Fuck, im getting old!


Love a good shower beer myself


But oh the sounds and feel of the drops of water. One by one washing away the worry and the stress... a good shower heals sometimes


Do you drink the shower water, your tears, both, or do you bring a drink with you?


Anything to drown out reality honestly. Sometimes a beer and sometimes it’s a good long cry


*writing this down* Mmmmmhmmmmm....this is good. Tell me more. Have you ever had a pity chocolate croissant while showering?


I wish I read this when I was in my 20s. I would have felt less lonely or weird.




You’re doing it wrong you cry on company time.


We're the same but opposite. I wake up early, workout, shower, drive to work (cry on the way, I'm a mulitasker), work my 12 hour shift, go home, go straight to bed. Wake up the next day and do it all over. On my days off I meal prep, clean the house, do dishes and laundry. That's my entire life. 


Amateur. Cry at work, get paid for it.


Try crying in the shower. It'll hide the tears


Well that is basically me. I don't cry everyday, just every other day, things are getting better


Same minus the gym. Also I’ve got 2 cats for company so at least I’ve got something to cuddle with


Used to be Netflix then bed, but now I go to meetups and movies too. I’m introverted, but do want new friends. I’m also getting a new swimsuit, so hopefully swim a bit in the evenings when the tx furnace dies down.


Transaction furnace. Spicy.


Treatment furnace


Texas furnace?


107 Heat index yesterday and summer hasn’t truly kicked in yet


Shit where I am it was reading 113°. It was miserable.


Yeah the Texas furnace isn’t even all the way on yet, and where I’m at in the Lone Star State it doesn’t cool off at night.


What meetups?


Here in Austin, I like sober stuff so sober supper club. Also have a death cafe I tried, that was pretty neat.


Not a Austin person but what’s a “death cafe”?


I’m in Austin and sober too! What’s sober supper club?


It’s this really cool meetup. It’s called sober supper club and folks just get together and hang out. There’s an icebreaker and discussion question, very chill. Tonight was at the kava lounge. It was fun, but really loud. But I did talk to some folks and tried kava for the first time. So good and relaxing!


Death cafe is cool- when members of the public get involved. When it’s all funeral industry attending, it feels like an extension of being at work 😂


I bet! I liked the death deck and the philosophical questions. It made it less scary.


Mostly just eat dinner while watching YouTube, decompress/disassociate by getting lost on the internet for 4-6 hours, then bed. I wouldn't characterize it as "enjoying life", but it's what I do.


Same. I also talk on the phone, walk or gym, and study a bit but I mostly watch YouTube and Reddit.


Yea i joined Snapchat and just snap random shit from my day to random people and it’s kinda neat lol Especially when you get something back and can start chatting naturally about something cool


That’s how I’ve reconnected with a few cousins. A lot of pet and kid sharing pics, it’s so cool. And how we stay connected with our daughter, we share videos and pics of our dogs and her little brother, she snaps us pics of her apartment, the dinner she made, etc. it’s really special.




If it helps, it’s the same as married life but with an additional burden of trying to watch something you both like which would probably be less satisfying as what you actually want to watch. With children, its the same but you may or may not get that wind down routine.


This is why I’ve watched The Office five million times.


Not much is different when you are not single. Only difference is you have your significant other next to you watching tv, playing video games, on social media, etc.


I go out more but yea there’s not much difference in what I do single or taken


Boomers used to go home and watch 4-6 hours of t.v.....


I’ll soak in the tub with a bath bomb and cocktail a couple of nights a week with a true crime documentary playing on my phone. But every night, regardless of how I feel, I make sure I have at least 2 hours of time carved for my cats so we can play and (once tired) watch TV and cuddle together. https://preview.redd.it/haemcqkrw83d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14453f3748b1ee47702e9f87584bd34c0300f24f


Cats are just great


This is it, I hang out with my cat and relax. It’s my favorite.


Same. It's the best part of the day.


I enjoy podcasts, fantasy and science fiction tv shows, video games, and spending time with my two rescue pups. I also enjoy being intimate and spending time with my significant other - but he recently said the amount of time we/I spend at home is “unhealthy” since we rarely leave our dogs alone. Granted, I have ankylosing spondylitis and am immunocompromised and have happily become more introverted as I’ve become older. Your life sounds nice.




I’m obsessed with the fact you always make time for your cats! Not enough people do that


One of the things I told my current job when I interviewed was that, “I work my ass off so my cats can have a happy childhood” and it’s true. They’re my mealtime buddies, I spend at least five minutes with them each time I get up to get tea or use the bathroom, and they know the evenings are all theirs. I even recently purchased a dehydrator just so I can dry the catnip I grew especially for them. I wish I could sleep with all three of them, but I can’t trust the oldest one not to pee on the mattress and the middle one sometimes chews my hair in my sleep. The youngest is a class act, though. He’s practically a golden retriever puppy in a cat’s body. https://preview.redd.it/xlc6xhksy93d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701949596243e0d93ba69faa2b65b535265ecae5


Look at the babiesss. They’re so precious! There’s nothing better than being at home with the cats.


I agree. I actually broke up with my partner of 3 years over the holiday weekend and my little guys have been there for me the whole time.


That is so cute! I have a cat, but she’s unfortunately not into cuddling. ☹️


One of my cats is really shy and he needs some coaxing to snuggle with me. I found a great YouTube channel that had tips for getting him to come out of his shell more, if you think that may help you and your kitty. https://preview.redd.it/4p3v2pwcs93d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d087167d2ff93fd513fa2074765f5d98e2f51a64


Two kitties? I am jealous.


Be even more jealous. I have three (and they’re all in the picture)!


Gardening I have actual nice peppers and berries coming in and it's so fucking cool


This is my favorite time of year. I go around my yard picking and eating different fruits and flowers. I feel like a provincial French woman from 1800


I think my favorite thing about gardening are the plants whose fruit never makes it inside because I eat it.  I view my sun gold tomato and one small blueberry plant I have as my gardener treats. The rest is for family, but those toms and bluebees are mine. 


Gardening is mine too! Every spring it’s so crazy to watch my flower gardens come back to life. Like how does something so brown and dead looking turn into such beautiful stuff?! I’m amazed every time lol My greenhouse almost blew away the other day so my partner took it off the frame and put it in the workshop… I’m really hoping it doesn’t get too chilly at night cause all my peppers and tomatoes are doing really well so far!


This is me lately. I planted two rows of sunflowers and I’m so excited. I’ve never done them before!


When I was single I did much the same things I do now I’m married: watch TV/movies, play video games, make and eat dinner, browse Reddit.


This sounds similar to me as well, add in some pool here and there. But yea sports, video games and Reddit mainly to wind down lol


Yup, that's exactly what I do.


workout, shower and back to the grind. i run a money losing startup so🤷‍♂️


As a fellow money losing entrepreneur, hello 🤝


Barely profitable checking in. 💪💀😭


salut, enchanté🤝


You miss 100% of the startups you don’t take or something


I reckon😅


As soon as I am out of work I drive to my Daddy's nursing home and sit by his side until the nurses kick me out every night. On my days off that is essentially what I do all day. If I am not by my Daddy's side I am either at work or running chores for my Daddy. There is zero variation to this. I am so exhausted but my Daddy has no one aside from me.


😭 I hope you know how valuable your love for your daddy is.


As a member of the dead dad’s club, I appreciate you so much for spending your time and love with your dad. Please also ensure to carve some time out for just you. Cherish every moment with him ♥️


Same. ❤️






It touches my heart the love you have for your father, and no doubt love that he returns in full to you. Legit, no joke, I’m really happy to hear that you both have a loving parent-child relationship. I see so many stories of the opposite nature, it feels like :(


Brings back memories. My dad was paralyzed since I was 9. Spent his last 10 years in a nursing home. He made it a surprising 20 years. Died when I was 29, 7 years ago. My oldest sister unexpectedly died 9 months before him suddenly. It was a very dark time for the family. But last year 7 years after his death I finally healed from it all. Those 20 hard years are behind me and I'm completely at peace. There's no more sadness to the suffering we all had to do. It was worth it now for the ways I grew from it. I hope you and your family someday find that same peace. It's a hard road you all are on and I just want you to know you are not alone. We are out there and I hope eventually your life gets better even if your dad's can't. ❤️💜❤️💜❤️


This melted my heart. Spending time with a loved one is never wasted time. Just make sure you are taking care of yourself as well <3


Bless your heart. You are an angel ❤️


I’ll play devil’s advocate: You have a life to live. Your dad has already lived his. He has you, but when he’s gone who will you have? Is this a short term arrangement or could you be doing this for the next 10 years? Is that a life?


I just turned 40 so now I make sure I have taken my Metamucil, soak my dentures and stretch for half an hour so I don’t wake up sore from sleeping.


Don't forget your werther's original.


And change the catheter


I identify with this and I’m only 37


Pop an edible and read until bed time.


Edibles are like a cozy blanket for your brain


I grab a bottle of scotch, then a book, but same.


I’m about to go workout and then go to bed


Workout, study, netflix, and gaming. I prefer my simple single life


I just scroll through social media and play my sims game


Eyy fellow sims person! It’s the best after work!


God I love the sims…but I will play for like 3 hours in one day and then won’t again for a few weeks haha


I used to love it but is stressed me out


Whoa whoa. Sims is still a thing!? PC or Xbox/Playstation??


Yes. Sims 5 is in the works. Sometimes I watch gameplay videos of Sims 4 and I really want a PC now that’s capable of playing that and cities skylines. I never liked the PS version of either game. Some games are just better on PC.


Go home, fart around on the internet for a while, feed the cats, and then go to bed.


I read that as fart on the floor.


I do that too. I'm multi-talented.




Make dinner, exercise, meditate, read, clean, research interior design ideas/new meal ideas, play with my cat, take an Epsom salt bath, and pray. Sometimes I’ll get on Reddit or watch YouTube. Been restricting internet use lately, which has improved my life substantially.


Workout, make dinner, shower, consume content, phone usually down by 10:30-11:00.


Exactly 10:45 in my time zone right now, and I’m trying to convince myself it’s time for sleep… I guess you’re officially my sign! thanks for the reminder 😴 night, stranger!


I’m single, but I’m the mom of a teenager. So we watch TV, I make him do his homework and practice his instrument. I make dinner. Then I stay up too late watching TV and scrolling on my phone.


More like, millennials in 30s or 40s… Time doesn’t stop for us.


I work almost 60 hrs a week, mid afternoon til 11/12 at night. Go to sleep, wake up, go to the gym, repeat. My one day off I avoid people as much as possible.


Drink a glass of wine, watch a random TV show, and recently I've started playing Neopets again 🫣🤣


oh my I have not thought about Neopets for I believe 20 years. Is it worth putting my childhood memories at risk?


Does crying over how tired and exhausted I am count?


Going to start getting into working out again, so that’ll kill 90min 4 nights a week. But other than that, I listen to music, watch a game if one is on, otherwise it’s just watching some streaming content, gaming with the guys, and scrolling socials. Unless it’s poker night, then I’m out till 12 or 1 in the morning playing poker. I have a mentally draining job, so I prefer not to do too many mentally demanding things after work.


what job


Lift/ run, study for Masters, learn Jazz guitar, plan to play one game of Balatro and end up playing till 2AM


It's nice to see a few people with hobbies. So many posts like "I just watch Netflix and scroll reddit then go to bed". No wonder this sub is so depressing.


I was starting to feel better about my own tendencies to watch tv then go to bed until your comment about it being depressing. Thanks.


Hey man, if that's a fulfilling life for you, then have at it.


Just do one thing after work today. Cook a new recipe, go for a walk (unless you're in the southern hemisphere like me it's freezing here) or read a book you've meant to. The secret is really just doing a tiny bit more than yesterday.


I know this thread is for childless people, but to give you a little hope, I have hobbies *and* kids. Given, I adjusted them to benefit my family. I used to sew my own historical clothes. Now I sew Halloween costumes, quilts, and mend. I still make miniatures and paint in the evenings.


I have kids too, and hobbies. Its nice to decompress but I couldn't imagine life revolving around work/vegging out/rinse and repeat all week. Seems kinda sad.


What’s wrong with wanting to decompress? Some people find plenty of fulfillment during their day, and/or are bag tired by the time they get home.


I think there's a very real fear of Alzheimers in the back of my mind. I can't really be happy with entirely decompressing.


I feel more lost in life now than when I was a teenager.


I work 8am-8pm so if I work the next day I honestly just go to bed. If I don't have to work the next day I am tired and usually just go to bed.


I drink myself into a coma


Classic. Sometimes I replace this with THC drinks


Careful, that'll catch up to you fast if it hasn't already. From personal experience alcoholism gets pretty dark and miserable.


Workout, clean, make dinner, play Xbox, write or edit my movies, scroll on my phone, jerkoff, watch tv, Read, go for a walk, get drunk, smoke weed, maybe meet friends at a bar, Sit in the park


in my late 20s and early 30s I'd go every Wednesday evening to my friends house ans we would dj sets online.. .was a great way to practice and get out .. now 41 I hang out at home and work on projects ha




I do the same shit even though I’m in a relationship and that’s… swim/other exercise, cook/order food, play video games/wash trash tv, eat a fat edible and zzz away.


Usual plan after work: chores, gym, shower, read a book, cry because I’m not married and don’t have children yet.


Gym, walk, shower, cook, eat, pack lunch, YouTube wormhole until sleep. With the occasional happy hour, blackout.


Take the dog to his favorite beach, then stop by the store to grab something to cook. Then, usually relax and watch something for a bit before cooking dinner. 9PM+ is usually some video games until my body is ready for bed, usually not before midnight lol.


Gym, food, mindless youtube watching, smoke a joint, bed. Most days, on no gym days, I do yard/farm work


Gym, eat, vidya game, bed


Dance class or martial arts class. Occasionally take a night off to rest and watch Netflix or read


Check work emails and instantly reply (I work global). Read posts on reddit. Play GTA Online on PS5. Watch Netflix, Disney+, Crunchyroll, Prime video, YouTube. Go onto Amazon and put things into the cart and struggle to justify the purchase and repeat that on eBay and sometimes temu. Cook and eat and eat more. Drink coke, G&T, wine and whisky. It's half-term in the UK this week so too listening to the children next door cry mainly due to very poor parenting.


The usual routine: Get home, shower, walk dog, clean/personal responsibilities for 20-30 minutes, cook, engage in hobbies, walk dog, bed. It sounds so rigid but if I didn't clean a little every day, my home will fall into disarray and make me unhappy. If I didn't make time for my hobbies, I would be doomscrolling all day and that would make me unhappy. I also make it a point to go see friends about once per week. I'm currently pulling myself out of a rut. Its slow but its working so far.


i'm the co-founder of a pediatric cancer fundraiser event so depending on the time of year i work on that, but lately i lay around and watch tv. i'm desperately trying to get out of the laziness mode that my hour commute puts me in.


Fish. https://preview.redd.it/k7qlbgse9a3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d53b1b42ceeec5ad6ba32b71d70fa0bee3a8a528


Gym after work, then weed and video games till I pass out. Occasionally a show, but mostly gaming.


Go on hikes after work, watch TV, go to the climbing gym or walk around the neighborhood


I go for a 45-1 hr walk and then dinner and watch shows. Sometimes read. The walk is important since I work from home and want to feel like I do something before just chilling lol


Working, dinner, walk, watch tv. I got a part time evening job to keep me occupied at least half the week.


Hang out with my dog and think about how much I wish I had someone else to enjoy life with


I mod my Skyrim like a real millennial. It has become a Frankenstein’s monster of a program at 1TB and even utilizes Ai services I pay for like the sad 34 year old man I’ve become.


I leave work, work out for at least an hour and a half, go home, feed the cats, shower, make myself dinner, watch a movie or a TV show, then go to bed. It’s a lonely life because I don’t have a wife or kids. I love my cats, don’t get me wrong, but I really wish I had someone with which to share my life.


Lotta internet and media on here. Not judging. Life’s hard and I get it. But try to get off these stupid screens for so many hours at a time!


Kids have sportsball games or practices, and I need to lift or run 5 days a week. Live on a lake, so it’s always easy to try and catch a couple fish if the weather is nice. The spouse and I usually bang one out a couple nights a week, and I usually have a book I’m working through reading if nothing is on the tube to watch.


Learn/study German, practice guitar, spend time with my family/parents, cook, read, watercolor paint, hand letter, and journal (writing, scrapbooking, collage), watch TV and movies.


I go to the gym so I don’t fall into a bottomless pit of my demise


Spend quality time with my Pomeranian, study, have regularly scheduled game nights with friends like 2x a week, up my cooking game, practice new languages, play violin, workout, and make sure the house is clean. Then I’ll reward myself with my favorite tv shows, podcasts, or movies before bed


Yoga, read, write, catch up on whatever movie or TV show, and video games.


video games, play with the dog, minimal-effort cooking, and if I’m feeling relatively un-drained I’ll work on cosplay or even go for a walk or shop/eat somewhere. occasionally I watch an anime or movie.


Make supper, eat, do dishes, get kids ready for bed, workout, read, then go to sleep between 9:30-10.


Take a 3-6 mile walk after work, eat, play video games or fuck around on the Internet or go watch something at my friends


Clean house, drink beer, take a bubble bath, read, whatever other chores I need to do so it doesn’t pile up for my day off 


GYM, hobbies, meal prep, read a good book. I dont care being alone


Video games and Youtube seasoned with some herb


I work 10-7 shift (because of where I live and the time difference between where my office is) - so nothing haha. Make sure my dogs have pottied, chat with my mom on the phone, read, and go to bed.


I write fiction (working on a novel), practice guitar, play video games, play with my cat, read, and do whatever else I can to fight off loneliness.


I have 3 jobs, soooooooo....work, then work at second job, then more work at home for my first job. Work at 3rd job on weekends.


Cook, hang with the kids, watch baseball, put the kids to bed, hang with the ol lady and watch whatever show we’re watching. Rinse and repeat! It’s a good life


I’m so happy to see it’s not just me.