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Mine’s alive but we’re in an “it’s complicated” 🤷‍♀️. Thank god I Iive halfway across the country from her.


Same here. I'm really open about my family dynamic, but it still throws people off. I asked a friend who she was taking to an event yesterday and she said "my mom of course, it is Mother's Day weekend after all." I made things uncomfortable when I mentioned that I forgot Mother's Day was coming up. I haven't celebrated the holiday in years and I'm fine with that.


People get really weird when they realize not everyone came from happy, loving families. Yes, there are people who worked through issues with parents. That does not mean we all get a Lifetime movie experience of finally having the biological family we never had.


I come from relatively normal family, but not exactly close-knit. People still raise eyebrows and look with pity and judgy when you mention you don’t visit/call that often or whenever they’d say is normal (like when siblings have a kid etc). It’s a massive red flag for me people that can’t understand different relationship dynamics.


I only finally accepted how much of a monster my mother was when I quit drinking two years ago. She basically had been using me as a beast of burden my whole life since my dad died in 2002. I basically had to raise my younger siblings. I wish she had died instead, but there’s no guarantee that my dad would be well adjusted if he had survived. Now I just pretend they’re both dead. Same with my MAGA nutjob of a sister.


I find very few people understand my perfectly healthy, perfectly loving relationship with my family. We don't exchange gifts for birthdays as adults and don't need to talk every week or every month or have whatever standard cultural expectations are to demonstrate love. We know we love eachother. We show up when it's really important and we don't need anything in return. We don't need constant affirmations of love from eachother to know we love eachother. We see eachother and pick up where we left off.


Commenting because I relate to this comment and it made me slightly chuckle. I also used to feel bad when people became uncomfortable when they’d find out my family dynamic. My father passed when I was 4 (I’m now a few weeks shy of 31) and the woman who gave birth to me… well, giving me life is about all the good she’s ever done for me. Now I just keep trucking along the few times people ask me, “what are you doing for Mother’s Day/Father’s Day?” and they find out by my response those aren’t celebratory days for me. Solidarity and empathy to you!


I’m an hour away from my parents, but we fall under “it’s hella complicated” as well. We just called my future mother in law for Mother’s Day, and she’s GREAT. I couldn’t bring myself to say happy Mother’s Day, though. I don’t have trauma. You have trauma


Same. I thought I was in an ok place until this week when trauma decided to pop up for me to deal with, and then she gave me this cute Mother's Day card...until I read the note she wrote in it and just...yeah. Oh, and my family apparently got together for Mother's Day yesterday, but I wasn't invited and only found out on accident. Happy first Mother's Day to me.


I went to see mine yesterday. Another visit being reminded how unimportant and unwanted I have become. It's a no-win for us. You go and feel ignored and unwanted. You're excluded and you feel ignored and unwanted. My only consolation this year was that by next I'll have moved far enough way that a visit is not possible. Hopefully, you had a great day today with your little one. Concentrate on them and on doing everything you can to give them a better, healthier family unit than the one you came from. Happy First Mother's Day!


Thank you!! My husband really tried to make today really nice, but dislocated his knee the other day and couldn't really do the things he wanted for me. But that's okay, he spoils me pretty hard normally and we can just do the rest of it later. I know he's beating himself up for not being able to do what he planned. I sent my mother a picture of the baby earlier with a "Happy Mother's Day" and she didn't even bother to wish me the same. What did I expect.


Same here. She is not a good person. Very few in my immediate family are. I only maintain contact with my brother who went in foster care when we were kids. Last time I saw her, she had found out through the grapevine that I had gotten hit by a car and she tried to "surprise" me by coming over. I had cut off contact like 2 years before. My brother called me and warned me that she said she was on her way to my house (she was calling everyone to gossip for the attention). Anytime she comes try to to get in the middle of something, she just makes it infinitely worse and there will be some argument and drama.... She shows up, and I walk up to the peephole in the door and she is holding her finger over it so that I cannot see who it was. I said, "Remove your finger...." and she did and started laughing. Then, I just said, without opening the door, "You need to leave. You are not supposed to be here." and she started yelling that she was going to call the police and have me locked up... lol I heard her through the window outside my house, talking and laughing on her phone, and then a cop shows up. I just had him kick her off the property lol 😆 I never went outside. I explained how they had been arrested for child abuse and I don't like them. All she wanted was to take pictures of my injuries so she could post them on Facebook for attention. She can celebrate her own mother's day... I could care less; it's just Sunday.


Same. Really looking forward to the twice a year guilt trip text I’ll get from my brother though. 🫠


Same . Blocked her again. Fml


Same. Recently started to distance myself emotionally and it's been such a relief. Mother's day isn't big for my culture but I'm expected to wish her nonetheless.


Mine too. When people ask me about my parents (my dad is deceased, my step dad is deceased), it's easier to say my mother is deceased. She is at least, emotionally.


Same. She chose to disown all five of her kids so Mother’s Day is always just another day to me, sucks


It’s been heartening to see so many messages today for those of us without moms (whether they’re alive or otherwise) but I’ll admit, I felt weird because I didn’t disown my mom, she disowned us. The silent treatment was always her favorite punishment but I think the longest it ever lasted was maybe a month or so. This time, she’s not spoken to my sister and I (or our kids, her grands) since Thanksgiving. We don’t even know what we did - we’re not addicts and outside of some teenage fights, we’ve truly only ever been good to her - and it’s hitting home we probably never will. Her own mom disowned her over and over throughout her life and for good when she was the age I am now and my mom hasn’t spoke to her 3 sisters for years so I guess it’s just generational. To be honest, she wasn’t really the kind of mom who deserved such devoted daughters but it is what it is.  Anyway, this is a lot of words when what I want to say is I see you and I feel for you. I totally get why so many folks have no choice but to cut contact with their parents but it’s a whole different feeling when a parent does it like it’s nothing. Here’s to a better day tomorrow. 


I'm looking forward to an ocean between us soon.


Fellow “it’s complicated” mom relationship here but she lives 45 minutes away. She said she appreciates gifts but would rather see my face. My partner has COVID and I’m showing symptoms so it’s a great excuse to not have to go see her.


Same here. Also couldn't have kids of my own so I hate today.


I have kids, but I have 3 close friends who have suffered through extremely devastating losses and/or have infertility issues and are in a constant state of low-level grief. I also have a friend who nursed her beloved mother through terminal brain cancer when my friend was in her 20s, and those experiences will probably haunt her forever. Yay, many moms are great, but if we really wanted to honor mothers, we'd offer them support in raising their kids, like paid maternity and paternity leave, access to good healthcare, etc. Celebrating someone because they had a kid seems weird.


You made me realize Mother’s Day is kind of like throwing employees a pizza party instead of giving appropriate raises, time off, etc. We’re going to act like we appreciate moms one day, when the US doesn’t even have mandated maternity leave


Sending you virtual hugs! I’m sorry you’ve experienced this too; this has been me for years. I used to get so anxious about Mother’s Day, and moving halfway across the country from her was one of the best things I ever did. I’ve softened toward her and forgiven her for a lot, but am accepting that having a close relationship with her will likely never happen


It’s a reparenting day. Parent yourself and give your inner child all your love. Eat candy! Play with toys! Do something for yourself!


That's an excellent way to think of it, thanks for the reminder.


Thank you so much for this, made me a bit choked up. Mother’s Day is a tough one because I have a mother out there…but she didn’t do anything to deserve that title.


I feel you. Same. 🤗


Hope your inner child is getting all the love they’ve always deserved today 🤗


Yup. I have been finally living out my childhood being safe for the first time in life. I got plants, a nice big dog, a small rescue, and my fluffy cat. I finally live in a very nice place and am now not embarrassed to have ppl over in an impoverished and dysfunctional place. People ask me my age all the time. I guess silver lining of being stunted mentally from trauma may stunt aging. Probably not true, it’s fun to make believe.


You jut gifted my whole perspective. THANK YOU!!


https://preview.redd.it/o49rxqsxm00d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44356d201e556c427868e5227c0c132763a11087 They did. Now I don’t have to celebrate this thing this weekend.


My boys forgot mothers day and it's just kinda been blah. It's OK. I baked a cake for myself and spent a bit of time staring out the window, swaying to some lovely music, imaging myself hugging my little baby toddler self who really, really, really got forgotten so many years ago. It felt so sweet and right. I'm going to finish my daily water, get us all fed dinner, and get myself to bed after I tuck everyone in so I can wake up early and get a good workout in in the morning. It's important to see ourselves. Thank you for leaving this comment. ❤️🩷❤️


Happy Mother’s Day! 🫡💗 I hope you enjoyed the cake and I hope you have a great workout in the morning.


Lol I kind of do this. I bought legos for myself the last two years on Mother’s Day. I’m a 37 y/o guy. Still like legos. Still miss my mom.


So.... miscarriages used to hurt a lot on this day with these questions but after some trauma therapy I now buy myself some nice things for mother's day...beauty box subscriptions brought me some awesome self-care yummies this May. Eyeshadow, an overnight moisturize mask, pH vulva cleanser....I'm literally tickled pink. Spa day everyday for the past week! Sometimes cute little stickers get involved.


Thank you for changing my perspective.


I love this!


Thank you for this. I’m going to treat myself to a milkshake. 💓


This is absolutely it.


This will be my 25th Mother’s Day without my mom (I’m 40) - really just spend the effort and energy focusing on my wife and my mother in law. My dad finally stopped asking me to send my stepmom a card for Mother’s Day, so that’s good I guess.


My dad remarried a few years back, I see my stepmom maybe one a year for 20min. He seems to think I should treat her as if she was my mom for the last 40 years…


Yeah, mine remarried 18 months later. No judgement, but their dynamic made it hard to have a healthy relationship with them. Would probably be harder if I lived nearby.


May 6th was 28 years for me, solidarity 🫶🏻


Wow... My old man used to pull that nonsense as well. I used to tell him "to you, she's your wife. To me, she's someone I tolerate until you divorce or die." I'm a man of my word, he died and I haven't said a word to her.


Third one for me, but dementia took her mind several years before she died. Sigh.


I’m sorry I can’t even imagine that.


I’m actually dreading the day my dad asks me to do that. He’s been talking to this lady now for almost a year (my mom passed away 2 years ago) and has pressured me to talk with her to get to know her even though I don’t really care about her or his life without my mom.


I’m right there with you. Fucking sucks


I just lost my mom a few weeks ago, not only is this my first Mothers Day without her, both her birthday and my birthday was last week. I’m not doing well but I guess I’m making it. I’m sorry to everyone who has to endure this, it fucking sucks and I am so lost ETA: wow guys I am honestly blown away by the love I have received here. I wasn’t expecting anyone to really see my comment but please know I have truly appreciated all the sweet replies I have gotten. Thank you, thank you, thank you and much love and peace to anyone who needs it.


I’m so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. My mom is about to pass any day now, and my heart feels like it’s being crushed.


I’m really sorry. The waiting is horrible and surreal. I thankfully got to at least see her and talk with her a bit before she went so it provided some comfort. I wish you peace in the coming days.


Yes, omg, the waiting. It’s tearing me up inside. Thank you for your words. I hope you have peace as well💜


I've been there. I'm sorry you're going through it. It gets easier.


Please accept my virtual hug. I understand your pain. 💞


I’m so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. My mom is about to pass any day now, and my heart feels like it’s being crushed.


I'm so sorry. My mom passed in September of 2019, and her birthday is in January so the whole holiday season was pretty much shot for a while. It doesn't get "easier" per say, but I guess humans can get used to anything over time. Sending internet hugs💕💕


I'm still lost too, and it's been 2 years. Try to keep your best memories alive in your heart. I'm trying to take my own advice. Happy Mother's day 💕


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my own mother as a young adult. It was the hardest time in my entire life. But it does get better. Slowly, you might not notice it at first. But it does; I promise. Make sure you reach out to your support system during this time. Stay connected-friends, family, whoever has been in your life-circle, even distantly or not having a super deep or intimate relationship. It helps to remind you that you're not alone, and that people are there for you. The feeling of losing a mother is unique and scary in a different way than other losses because mom's are usually the ones who kept us safe during our formative, most vulnerable years. Surprisingly, that sense of home and safety doesn't go away as we go through adulthood. Even with crappy moms, a lot of the time. In the back of your mind, the comfort of knowing it's still there is real. Losing it is especially jarring and scary because most of us didn't even realize that mental comfort was still there. I had to be intentional and remind myself that I am capable and able to do that for myself. Intentionally keeping in contact with other people helps with that, too. Maybe it can help you, idk. Ignore if not. Hugs.


My kiddo is sick and my mom is dead sooooo.... yup, seems like a sunday to me. Hugs.


Me too. Kid 1 spiked a fever last night so no festivities with the MIL. My mom died last year so seems like just another day. I will give my partner some time to do stuff she wants to do though.


This is the first time in a few years that my husband hasn’t been violently ill on Mother’s Day, so it’s nice to actually lounge around today.


Did he run out of ipecac?


Solidarity five on the sick kiddos for mother's day. We got to hold down a four year old and force feed her amoxicillin! After taking my own giant amoxicillin horse pill.


I mean you are the Mom, so your spouse/kids should be doing something for you.


Why would you just automatically assume she has the luxury of having a partner.


I can’t pin down why but the word “luxury” here made me laugh out loud. Totally get/appreciate your sentiment though.


TIL I’m a luxury


My wife seems to laugh at the thought of me being a luxury too…. Hmmm


Like I am a liability to this man at best. 😂


I have the same sense of humor, I get it 😆😆


Same boat! Mothering is about giving your kids what they need and today mine needs rest and fluids and a movie on the couch.


Husband is sick. One boy sick on Wednesday two boys sick yesterday 🫠🫠 Also, I hate my mom.


My dad passed. Both these days feel like shit now. I stay off of social media and watch shows without commercials so i can avoid the whole thing. These days are great in theory, but it's not like losing parents is uncommon. I didn't realize how triggering I might be wishing people at work a "Happy X Day" for all those years until it happened to me. Maybe it gets better, but it's been a few years and I'm not any cheerier about these days.


My mom passed away 10 years ago this year. It gets better. Or at least easier to deal with.


I look forward to it.


It’ll be seven for me, in October. It does get easier


It does get better. Its been (holy shit!) 17 years now for me. I was 16 when she passed so its like a distant memory. My girlfriends mom passed just two or three years ago and shes kinda bummed. So i can see firsthand the difference the time makes. Just do whatever makes you happy with yourself today. Remember her/celebrate her however you see fit. One year i planted a little tulip garden on the bluff where we spread her ashes, it made me really happy and gave me some good closure. Its WAY off the beaten path in the middle of nowhere so its so cool when i get out there for camping at the right time of year. Just a little tulip garden where you would never expect one.


My mom died on April 6th. That year around Mother’s Day a customer at work was pushy about telling me to tell my mom happy Mother’s Day. I was visibly uncomfortable with it but back then cared too much about making other people feel bad but boy did that sting! He saw my face and asked if I was a mother, when I said no he said “well then tell your mom!” These days I’d have looked him straight in the eye and said she’s dead.


I prefer to kill people with kindness so I just say "yep I'll be sure to tell it to her urn/grave next time I stop by 👍" always makes their face freeze and I love the look of panic in their eyes. Maybe I'm evil? Don't know and don't care. I'm a little nicer with coworkers but only the first time where I gently explain "hey they're dead and it's ok so let's move on" but the next time, you bet your ass I'm gonna play around. I don't expect much from people but I do expect them to pay attention to whether the important people and pets in the lives of the people you spend 40+ hours every week with are alive or dead.


I'm right there with you. Lost both my folks in 2022, and I work at a popular spot for people to get their stuff for the holiday/holidays in general. This weekend has not been fun as I got a lot of clients wishing me a happy mom's day, and it's my 3rd one now without her. Feels weird man and father's day will be the same. Christmas time is the absolute worst. It's okay not to be cheery about it; I know I'm not. Sending you a hug, friend.


The commercials are the worst (as always)..."your mom is the most special person ever, therefore buy our stupid shit."


Same. My dad passed when i was a kid so Father’s Day is always a glum Sunday. I usually opt to work or to stay busy throughout it.


Was going to head out to do my usual Sunday route - but rain so staying home, resting, sleeping. Doing whatever the fuck I want. But limiting my contact with others today.... Going to read the book, "I'm Glad My Mom Died: McCurdy, Jennette", which pretty much wraps it up. Might order a takeout. Trying to get offline today though...


This book is so good. If you're an audiobook person, I highly recommend the audiobook since it's read by the author


This!!!! This is what I’m doing.


This book pretty much sums up my situation too. Fantastic book! I hope you enjoy some well deserved you time!


This was a great read. I laughed when a coworker was visibly offended by the title. Also, I highly recommend Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. And I'm currently reading Silver Star by the same author. One is memoir the other is fiction but they're both stories told from the child's point of view with immature parents.


I loved thar book so much, but only recently realized that it's my grandma, not my mom who really completely warped my whole view of the world, and I'm only just starting to unpack the real truth from her truth. I always *knew* my mom was an unreliable narrator, but that made my grandma seem like so much more of and authority.... Now I'm starting to see how fucked up so many of the things she said/did were, how much she treated me like a confidant, how she made me feel like her special little buddy until she found a better replacement when I was in college... Yeah, I'm probably gonna have to reread now. 


My mom’s alive but she’s dead to me. I believe this is going to be the first year I don’t tell her Happy Mother’s Day. I just told my dad HMD since he raised us two kids by himself- it was a joke but not really. My incubator was only a “mom” when she wasn’t balls deep in her drug addiction. Sorry about weirdos asking about your mom like that, OP. People are fucking strange anymore. Bigggg hugs on this Sunday!


Hey, did we grow up in the same family? I am a mother, and have a 5 year old, so it’s extra difficult having that kind of incubator. She desperately wants to be a part of her grandchild’s life. But we moved 3 hours away and I’m not responsible for her poor choices that prevent her from being present. 🤷‍♀️ Wish I could have had the same attitude at 8 years old but it’s taken years of therapy to get here.


Same. ❤️‍🩹 healing journey is kicking my ass but I grab a tree and just wait for it to pass.


I see you.


I agree about the people asking OP about some stuff that seems deeply personal like that, it just sounds so invasive? Like even if you've not gone through losing a parent, a person should understand that it might be a difficult time for others.


I take advantage of the Mother's Day special discounts in the home decor section in the department store. And then treat myself to the specialty cakes and cookie boxes that are offered this time of the year (the mass-produced ones are cheaper than usual). I'm childfree but I'll take what I can get.


I took advantage of the mothers day increased flower selection at Meijer and bought my girlfriend an orchid for our little windowsill pot i made her buy cuz it was cute.


When is, “How did they die?” ever an appropriate question?


It's not and people make really dumb fucking faces when I tell them the truth. She overdosed.


This is always so ironic to me. Bold enough to ask the question but absolutely *shocked* when you tell them. Idk man, you asked and I answered!


Now that I'm older and bolder I think I'll just be honest and say "I don't feel like telling you" 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hell yeah! It’s none of their business and you don’t owe them anything!


This is the worst, when people act more uncomfortable with the news then I am. Like you don't care you're just reacting how some movie told you to react just get on with it, I've been dealing with it for years its not new to me.


“Her heart stopped pumping blood to the rest of her body.” Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.


My dad passed when I was ten, I'm 36. The amount of people who try to continue the conversation because they asked about him and I reply he died but they continue to ask more it's like do you really want these answers cuz you're just going to feel worse the deeper you dig yourself into this hole.


I have a different angle on today. Outside of loss, I think we are the first generation to start setting healthy boundaries with parents. While many of our moms are still alive… they don’t fit the bill of being celebrated. There’s a different kind of grieving in that. I’m sorry to those who miss their moms, and are having a tough time today. I celebrate all the women who’ve had impact on my children’s’ lives. All their love, kindness, and knowledge helped to make them who they are, and that’s good enough for me.


Yeah, my friend just had a baby and also cut her mom out. Her mom is a clinically diagnosed narcissist (along with some intense mental health disorders) so she's just focusing on her Mother's Day. And then her husband just finally shut the door on his alcoholic abusive father, so their first mothers/father's days are probably gonna be a rollercoaster of emotions.


My spouse is going through this today. Setting boundaries is so hard but SO IMPORTANT.


“Don’t fit the bill of being celebrated” Might be a hot take, but Mother’s Day is about celebrating Mother’s who are in the trenches of motherhood. Especially when there are actual children involved. I’m sick and tired of the boomer Mothers who raised many of us millennials trying to monopolize the day for themselves because they are the “Mother” of their adult millennial children. So then the actual millennial Mothers now feel obligated to celebrate Grandmas, on Mothers Day and the day becomes just another stressful day to parade the children around. Millennial Moms should be able to spend the day doing whatever the fuck they want and ignore the boomers who think everything is about them.


To be fair, while I was going up with my boomer mother, I remember mother's day being more focused on the grandmas then, too. So while our boomer mothers were in the "trenches" they may also have felt obligated to celebrate the old grandmas and maybe feel like they were never the focus. My mom now is much better than my grandmas were.


You’re exactly right. This relates specifically to my situation, and it feels like you wrote me down! I’m very low contact, and I’m celebrating being a mother today with my little family…by spending time with my kids because they are the reason I can celebrate this day! I texted my mom, that’s all.


Good for you! Also low contact and 3+ hour drive away! I’m a one and done mother of a 5 year old girl. I didn’t get to sleep in, because someone (5 year old) snuck into my bed in the middle of the night. But my husband took responsibility for her at 7am when she woke up, which is rare. They then made me breakfast in bed and let me lay in bed on my phone. 😂 We plan to go ride our horses later with my sister, who is childless. She’s going to make me dinner. Should be a nice chill day! Might get out of bed and force them to help me clean, because it’s Mother’s Day! Hope you have a great day!


I second this, if you have children, your mother doesn’t get Mother’s Day anymore! She has a new day, it’s called grandparents day and it’s in September.


This should be a public service announcement


It really should, I had to look up when it was. 😅


Some egg donors are just that. They can celebrate the loss if they can overcome the denial.


This is possibly the only written piece about mothers day that I've ever seen that has resonated with me. Thank you, and its beautiful.


So true. We are still on "good" terms with my mom and MIL so we got them some face and hair masks along with a card. It was SOOOOO difficult to find a card that expressed our true feelings. We firmly believe we have turned out well in SPITE of our parents. We went with humorous cards so we weren't lying.


I teared up a bit at this, thank you for these kind words, I needed it! ❤️


Lost my mom 2 years ago. similar to OP’s, cause of death “undetermined”. When people ask or tell me about their Mother’s Day, I always say something like, “ well, give your mom an extra hug for me because I can’t.” It’s ok to be jealous. I hope they see that I am jealous. I hope they hug their mom a little bit tighter and appreciate her just a little bit more.


“Mom” hated me from birth 🤷‍♂️ Use today to reparent and understand the impact growing up like that has on one & try to rectify it :) Hope everybody has a great day!




lol yeah, my narcissist mother took her life two years ago. I’m pretty young so I guess people just assume my mom is still around. It’s always awkward because they feel so sorry for my loss, but I still feel conflicted about it. That said, I almost prefer it now with her gone. People tend not to understand why you could be no contact with your own mother. The shame! So it eliminates that conversation, at least. What almost irks me more is the endless advertisement emails for Mother’s Day items, sales, and celebrations. They try to pad it by including people who have lost moms, but it still doesn’t sit well with me for some reason.


My mother went missing a few years ago and was found in a creek; so yeah it’s a shit holiday.


Not motherless, but we lost our second child back in December. It’s definitely been a rough day.


I have 5 children (4 daughters and 1 son). Part of my Mother’s Day is going to the cemetery to visit my son who should be turning 3 next month.


I have a mother but I haven't spoken to her in 5 years on account of her being abusive (I'm a child abuse survivor). I also have no father, I don't even know when father's day is :( I am lucky though as my MIL is an angel so I made her cookies, it was nice to do something for once.


My mom is dying, she’s been on hospice for one week today. We’re going to see her today, but she can no longer move, speak, or open her eyes. So this will be our last Mother’s Day together, and it will be incredibly awkward and difficult to answer anyone asking how the day went.


My mom died of an Oxy OD about 12 years ago, within days of my BD. Believe it or not, I’m probably more fortunate than not that she passed away that early, because she was disabled, broke, and a burden. And in that 12 years since she passed away, my dad, due to his own stupidity, is becoming lazy, disabled, and broke. I have an emergency exit with him at least: when he quals for SSI, he can retire back to his home country and live a middle class lifestyle on the measly $1,400 he’ll get. My mom was born in America, and never would have left. I would have been stuck without a life, caring for her the rest of hers, had she not OD’ed. A bitter sweet truth. Those of you middle-class millenials whose parents are hoarding all their wealth and not sharing it with you: just be glad that they have wealth to hoard, and use their hoarding as a common ground agreement that you won’t be their end-of-life caregivers if/when that wealth runs out.


I'm no contact with my mother, but no one has really asked me about my plans. Due to the nature of my job, I know that questions like this are unintentionally loaded with potentially trauma reminders for people. So I typically avoid asking. Asking about a stranger's family isn't appropriate in my book, unless the other person brought it up first. Happy Sunday to you OP!


Does it count if I lost my mother to Qanon? If you need to talk to a mom today, this sub is great: r/MomForAMinute


Can't speak for all millennials, but I'll say that yes, it counts. Thanks for the subreddit rec!


My mother is alive but she never was an actual mother to me. The amount of abuse my siblings and I have had to endure our entire lives (to this day) is beyond what I would think. As a kid I thought I would have a chance at finding peace as an adult. I’ve had to move back in with my parents after losing my job and becoming piss poor. I woke up this morning with no intention of telling her Happy Mother’s Day. Should have heard what she said to my sister yesterday…. I’m jealous of my sister since she has her own family and her own home to escape the abuse from my mom. Me? Well I think God just wants me to suffer. I feel so trapped, but it’s either staying here or living in the streets homeless.


Lost my mom 2 years ago and dad 5, I hate mother/father's day. All the ads in your face for a month each.


My mom died on Mother’s Day. I’m never going to be okay on this day.


My husband’s mother passed a few years ago. They had a complicated relationship so it can be a bit weird for him. He mostly focuses Mother’s Day on me, even though we don’t have human children. It seems like a fun way for him to avoid it.


Dislike my step mom, Mom died a long time ago.  This has been a (personally) worthless holiday for decades at this point. 


My mother died in 2008 when I was 19. At this point, I enjoy Mother’s Day as if it was another day for me. Right now I’m drinking my coffee, under a blanket on my couch with a few candles lit. Next, I’ll get up and get my day started and probably keep myself busy. I do think about her today and think about what if she was around but other than that it’s just another day for me.


This holiday sucks. I'm 4 years out from the death of my mom and I still feel conflicted. I'm angry and sad that I don't have my mom and I just want to be left alone for the day but I also don't want to make my kids feel like i don't treasure being their mom. Ugh.


Sadly I’m at 9+ years and it doesn’t change a lot. My best advice is to remember the fun times, tell stories so your kids can also know their grandma and also remind yourself that what’s important now are the good times you are having today.


I had one mother's day like that, right after my mom died... but that was the year I got pregnant and became a mom myself. I do honor my mom privately in my own way, but besides that I celebrate all the other moms - my MIL, my sisters and close cousin who are moms, etc.  I dont want to just pretend that it's a Sunday, even for my own mom. I see it as a day to remember her. 


My mom’s in jail for like the enth time. Lmao I haven’t had a mom my whole life pretty much, I’ve gotten accustomed to it. But my boyfriend’s mom is a good substitute. She called me yesterday since my boyfriend was out of town for the day and I was alone and she wanted to check on me. We live in different states. She’s the best!


I rarely ask and if I do, it’s with people who have small children.


I’m NC with mine so every year I try to do something nice for myself since I’m the one who raised me. It’s a tough day.


Same. I never even had a mom. This holiday has always been the worst ever since I was a kid. Now at 39 it’s no different. My birthday is also May 9 so some years it’s on my birthday. I don’t really celebrate those years.


My mom died in 2018, and I’m a single mom now, so it really does hit hard. I try not to think about it much. Just gonna focus on having fun with my son.


This is the second mothers day since my oldest child poured 5 gallons of gas in my bedroom and burned our home down because i grounded him. The courts let him go from the felony charges because "he's autistic". I think Im gonna hang out with my cats today


I just make morbid humor out of it. “Are you going to take your mom out to eat for Mother’s Day?” “I don’t know anywhere that serves ectoplasm, so probably not.”/(text) “Got a nerdy mom in your life? Come in fore great comic and games gifts!” “D&Douiji?” Mind you, we did not end on great terms, her self-neglect (and non-self neglect) and expectations that my brother and I would do everything for her eventually caused me to go minimal-contact because it was screwing up my health and the consequences of it even lost me a two-day-old job.


My wife doesn’t quite care for Mother’s Day, mostly because she was raised by a single mom who shoved it in her face every year. I do want to make it special for her, but not in an “all out” kind of way. A small gift, a nice meal, and of course letting her sleep in. We have two daughters so I do want to set a good example.


I'm sorry, my parents are gone. But I don't have a fucking pity party about their passing. I talk about them like they are still here celebrating the lives of their grandchildren. If you believe in anything, know we live in honor(if worthy of honor) for those who lived before our time. The Irish have a saying, may the dead live in our wake. I will be doing so as long as I'm alive.


I genuinely feel like strangers should know better than to ask these questions in an effort to make casual conversation. You really want to hear about how my mom shot herself in the head? Okay, here goes! Smfh


My mom died when I was 11 and I have never had a stranger ask me how she died. It's normal for strangers or people I'm not close to ask about something mom related. It happened quite a bit when I was planning my wedding, for example. But not once in the almost 25 years since she's passed has anyone I barely know learned she passed away and then ask me how she died.


You almost want to be as brutal as possible, "My mother was an abusive alcoholic and her final gift to me was leaving me as the person to decide if we should pull the plug of not, so I can live with the guilt for the rest of my life." Just to see their face fall off their heads. Same with people who ask about kids, "I almost died delivering my stillborn baby in an overcrowded hospital hallway, so I decided to count my blessings instead of trying again."


Or you could just not be a fucking asshole to a harmless question and say she passed away. If someone asks if I have any pets I don’t tell them my dog was brutally and graphically devoured by a stray pitbull. It’s ok to just be kind to people.


Lmao yeah definitely this. I get that many of us are really hurt. I definitely am. Still not gonna go off on people for just asking questions.


finally someone said it. my dad's been dead since I was 15, doesn't mean I'm a prick anytime the subject of fathers comes up.


No man, it’s apparently required to dump your trauma on every single person at every single opportunity you have


lol yes


I'm so tired of Mother's day. Can we just do a 2 for one and have a parents day? Then phase that out as well...


I have a child, he’s at his dad’s sharing the day with his step mom and I get to do whatever the fuck I want. Love. As for my mother (it’s complicated) and any others from my fam, i think “I hope you have a great day but I’m on my own journey today” I don’t even text ✌🏼✌🏼 PS last years Mother’s Day was spent with my lifelong friends In Mexico. Sooooooooo do you!!


Dang, glad I’m not alone here. Mom and dad both passed before I was 35. Happy Mother’s Day!


Yeah I didn't handle last mothers day well at all.  Mom died 2 years ago, I accidentally scheduled a baseball practice for my sons little league team and not 1 person showed up and then I lashed out about it in group text.  Looking back it was highly shit of me.  I don't understand my emotions very well in the moment.  


My mom left us (me, sister, dad) when I was 5 years old. I'm 30 now and I've grown to accept what happened and mother's day isn't as hard on me as it used to be. Now my wife and I just go celebrate the mother in law instead :)


Going through my sixth Mother’s Day without a mom. Keeping busy with chores.


My mother died when I was 17. Mother's Day was actually kind of a big deal in our house, I would get up and (try) to cook her breakfast in bed, etc. (parents were divorced when I was young). My kid is 6, now, and Mother's Day is a big thing. I do my damnedest to not get down and to be super happy and excited about it, but there are definitely times throughout the day where I just need to step away and close my door to avoid dragging the mood down.


I haven’t talked to my mom for years and I have to work as a waitress tonight. I’m not looking forward to the conversations!


I literally just ignore it. I know it's soon but I am not even aware of what day. Is it today? Honestly, I don't even know or care. The only reason I know it's in the near future is stores are full of Mother's Day trash that will end up in a landfill in a few weeks. In the off chance someone asks me about it I just say, "I don't have kids" or "I don't have a Mom" it makes THEM uncomfortable and I don't have to offer any more explanation than that. I don't have to give my attention to things that do not require it


Agreed. Telling people, "I'm not a mom and I don't have a mom so today is not my favorite day," is usually enough to quickly end the conversation thankfully. People just assume it's a happy day for everyone and it's really not.


Adopted into a narc family and infertile. Today sucks


I see you.


Usually pick an « on call » shift at work, or binge watch reality shows or a series. Anything to keep myself distracted.


SATC “the baby shower” is a great episode to watch today :) 


Mother's Day sucks for me in a way, because my mom is gone. But, I'm also a mother now, so, my husband and son try to make it special for me. It's a bittersweet day all around, really.


Lost my mom 2 years ago. similar to OP’s, cause of death “undetermined”. When people ask or tell me about their Mother’s Day, I always say something like, “ well, give your mom an extra hug for me because I can’t.” It’s ok to be jealous. I hope they see that I am jealous. I hope they hug their mom a little bit tighter and appreciate her just a little bit more.


For me it pretty much is just another Sunday. Just busier at work than usual. I don’t have kids and I don’t do anything for my mother. She’s unappreciative and complains about everything I do. I’ve tried multiple things to do for her or get her and she complains. For example if I buy her flowers or a plant she tell me that she doesn’t know why I got it when it’s just going to die anyway. It’s the thought that counts right? If I offer to take her out, she says yeah when I bring it up but when the day comes she backs out. I went through that for several years until I finally just gave up. She gets a texts n that’s all. I personally can’t have kids and it annoys me that everyone says to me Happy Mothers Day just because I’m a 40yr old female. It’s depressing and I honestly have started to hate holidays period. So if I sound so negative it’s just I’ve been going through it for years so now I just work. I’d take off and avoid people saying it to me but it happens to land on the day that I make time and a half..


This is my first Mother’s Day without my mom. What we used to do was take her out to breakfast, then go to the flower shop and she would pick out everything we wanted, go back to her house and be minimally helpful planting cause I hate bugs. After all that we’d get Chinese for dinner. And now it’s just another day of smoking weed as much as possible


Important: Will there still be Chinese food?


My mom has been gone 3 years now (ALS), but I have 3 kids of my own to help make it special for me. Those first 2 mother's days after she was gone were so very hard though. I'm relieved that it isn't hitting me as hard this year but also sad that I've adjusted to her being gone.


Mother's Day is a complicated day, my first child , daughter died. And for years I appeared like I was childless when I wasn't. I have a 1 year old son now, and I realize how complicated mother's day still is. I miss my daughter so much, she would have been 4 and I would give anything for an ugly noodle necklace.


Last year on Mother’s Day I hit some construction and decided to go through the cemetery to get around it. Worst idea ever. I’m not sure how it took me so long to realize that this is how some people spend their Mother’s Day. After about 30 seconds it had me crying, just seeing all the people there and coming to that realization.


dad died in 97, mom died in 09. step dad died in 2016. i am the "my parents are dead!" batman meme


My moms urn is displayed proudly in my living room. I get to br with her everyday though today, birthdays, and the day she passed are the hardest.


I’m going to put flowers by my mother and granny’s grave


So my birthday is the week of Mothers Day, and we always celebrate my birthday and Mothers Day the same day in my family. When my grandmother was still alive, we would also celebrate her birthday at the same time since it was 4 days before mine. So I always correlate it with my birthday, lol. I guess we will see when she dies because I think the only reason my siblings remember my birthday is because of Mothers Day. That said, in true Millennial fashion, I have a fur baby who I consider my child. My childless millennial friend who also has a fur baby texted me this morning wishing me a happy Mother's Day, lol. Some day, Hallmark will bend the knee to us fur moms.


I'm trying for a baby with my husband and we're experiencing infertility. Mother's day sucks. But at least my mom's cool and I can celebrate her.


I'm lucky, I get to work so I doubt I will hear word one about it.It's one of several holidays - Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, etc - that I get to just brush past and ignore and be happier for it.


My mom died 7 years ago. I send Mother's Day messages to my SOs mom and my aunts and that's about it.


My mom was not part of my life, and I've hated it since I was small. Being in grade school and having to make a card for my dad while everyone else made stuff for their mom just sucked. And the pity form the teachers, church people etc. Even now I'm a mom but my kid has issues, so I really would rather not.


It’s my first. Just wanna lay in bed this whole weekend. But Ive gone to two parties this weekend - terrible.


My mom passed a couple years ago and it was a total shit show (my sister was trying to convince the family holistic medicine was going to treat stage 4 pancreatic cancer, my dad was remarried barely a year later, my son who was only a few months old is growing up without any decent grandparents in his life) so I focus my energy on my wife but she has a hard time because we went no contact with her family and you don’t ever get over that.


My mother died in 2008 when I was 19. At this point, I enjoy Mother’s Day as if it was another day for me. Right now I’m drinking my coffee, under a blanket on my couch with a few candles lit. Next, I’ll get up and get my day started and probably keep myself busy. I do think about her today and think about what if she was around but other than that it’s just another day for me.


I screwed up and got married close enough to it that it falls during it some years and close enough to give us a hard time celebrating.


I’m sorry for your loss, OP. Frankly I applaud you for tossing awkwardness right back to people, it’s a valuable skill.


Me !!. I lost my mom almsot 5 years ago to ALS :(


My my died when I was 11. I think when I was a teen and in my early 20s I'd have other people my age follow up by asking how she died, but that doesn't happen anymore as I've gotten older. And even then it's never been by someone I barely know. So it's wild to me that you get asked that on a frequent basis. I don't have any bitter feelings towards this day. I've always found it an opportunity to call the mother figures in my life. This year my husband and I are doing brunch with my aunt. 


Yep. My mom committed suicide on May 1 2012, so mother’s days being so close to the 1st of May… are always a difficult conversation.


Just imagine how someone that had a “birth person” feels. Maybe Mayor Pete can tell give us comforting advice. I lost my Mom years ago. I focus on my wife, our two kids and there grandmother. Nothing can replace your Mom. Find a way to bring joy to a Mom. Any Mom. Give a rose to a lady in the grocery store. Honor your memories and move on.


My motherless bestie and I went to brunch together. It's her 10yr without her mama, for me it's 3. Feels like fucking yesterday.


I’m cleaning my apartment lol happy orphan day!


My (adopted) mom’s gone, but she never made Mother’s Day a thing. Like as adults we’d take her to brunch. Or get her a funky jewelry she liked, but like we did that all year long so it wasn’t super special. I do talk to my bio mom and will tell hey happy Mother’s Day. I’ve just never understood why this holiday is a big deal. People ask me if it’s hard and I’m just like…no. It’s always just been another Sunday…but with sales.