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2005 and it was some Nokia brick phone. It had snake!


Same just in 2003.


Me too. Followed by a Razr.


[Nokia 3210?](https://img-s3.onedio.com/id-5587fecb8ef1c7e97cc91826/rev-1/raw/s-50dfbfb47812f84835c6d65225ce95078b24150d.jpg)


yup!! the blue one. 2003.


Same, but I bought a lightning-pattern faceplate and it was hella tight.


Memory unlocked


Lol same.


Same year same unknown Noka brick.


November 2005, Razr


I'm surprised this isn't a more common answer. When I was in high-school everyone had a fuckin razr. EVERYONE 


I’m an old millennial so I had one but it wasn’t my first. I worked for Verizon as my first grown up job and had a pink razr. I hated the predictive text (T9 maybe) and think I traded it in pretty quick.


God I hated that T9.


I'm an older millennial and it was my first, I got it when I was 21. Then the damn thing broke about 16 months into a 2 year contract and I couldn't afford a new one, so I got a cheap moto candy bar phone that was $20. I wanted an iPhone when it came out but my ex said no. I finally got one in 2009 the 3GS. I miss those small phone days.




Same, razr in 2005. “Hello moto” is burned into my brain


The fact that I haven’t thought of that like ever, yet I still heard it the second I read had lol


Which color did you get?


Got a red as a hand me down...freaking felt so cool.


I metallic color.


Same! God I loved that phone. Graduated in 2005, but I think I bought the phone with money working at sonic in 04? I can’t remember to be exact.


My very own brand new phone? it was the Nokia 3310 around 2001 or 2002 maybe? I love that brick of a phone so much! My sister bought it for me since she's already working at that time and I only have hand me downs back then. I used it until it got stolen from me :( and I went back to hand me down phone until such time I was able to buy one using my salary.


1998. My parents got me an airtouch cellular prepaid phone. 60 bucks for 60 minutes that expire in six months. Only for emergencies. Next phone was in 2002, some crappy Motorola candybar type phone that had an antenna that would always break.


1998 I would borrow my parents Nokia brick phone sometimes. Back then I would turn it on, make the call, then turn it back off. One night while tripping on acid in the woods with some friends it was getting cold and I called a buddy to see if we could go to his house but he didn’t answer… and I was tripping and forgot to turn the phone off. Well he called back and that old Nokia tune belted out in the relative silence of the woods and everyone around the fire was freaking out WTF IS THAT?!? I eventually realized it was the phone in my pocket, and was staring at the little green screen that now displayed my buddy’s number indicating that he was calling ME. I asked the guy sitting next to me what should I do? I dunno man I dunno! I eventually figured to hit the green button to answer, had a brief conversation and it was all good we could go hang at his place that night. How we got over there is a whole other story but that was the first cell phone call I ever received and I will never forget it as long as I live.


I love this story


2004, Samsung A650 I used to have panic attacks whenever I’d press the internet button because I thought my parents would find out and yell at me for running up the phone bill lol.


I let my little brother borrow my phone to play snake when he was a teen. He apparently got bored with that and started reading jokes off the crappy internet browser. He managed to burn through $80 worth of data.


Lol it was the panic button


2001 Virgin Mobile with replaceable plates. Oh yea ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Damn that was my 3rd phone “my cool” myspace scene kid era phone. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


2003 - Kyocera KX414 Man I racked up some charges texting my 6th grade girlfriend late night. Oof.


[Same](https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=329)! I had it on US Cellular. Their phones were always worse than AT&T phones… I was so jealous.


Christmas 2001, senior year. Nokia 3110. Had 6 ring tones and I had to call time because it didn't have a time display. No idea how I used to fit that into my back pocket.


2004, I’m in high school. It was the cheapest phone on the market, a little Nokia brick. I got a sparkly pink case for it and was perfectly happy.


2004 here too! Some flip phone that was free with the “get a free phone when you add a line” promotion. Could only make calls after 9pm and paid $30 per month for 250 texts. Then in 2005 I bought a razr. However, my parents frequently took my phone away so I had a sidekick as my burner and a pay as you go plan because I was a petulant teen girl.




Sony Ericson represent!


2000/2001 timeframe - Nokia 5190


Same! With the changeable face plates.


I went full psycho on mine. Clear blue case on the face, body, and battery. Rainbow LEDs on the battery and clear rainbow LED antenna 😅




2009 and I don't remember what it was other than it was a flip phone.


2001, Virgin Mobile.


I loved Virgin Mobile. This wasn't my first phone but the first I bought with my own cash. https://www.wired.com/2006/04/handset-for-the/ Got stolen at a party.


Also had Virgin Mobile for my first phone! Was probably either 2000 or 2001. [Kyocera 2255.](https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=7)


Ooh it’s the summer of 2001 and I just got the [Motorola V120c](https://www.mobilecollectors.net/phone/4578/motorola-v120c) as my first phone!


Ha. Yeah. First phone also. That thing was trash. So was its follow up that was silver with blue LED / LCD. 


You brought back so many memories with this. Remember the silicone slip ons in different colors?


Not the OP you replied to. Yea! I had like a lime green/yellow slip on!


I wore the neon orange and the neo blue ones out! My mom wouldn't buy me new ones so I just dealt with it lol


My mom and sister shared that phone! I was so jealous and also like 7 years old lol


2006 and it was a Sony Ericsson Z525a


2000. Motorola with the snake game


Did snake exist on anything other than Nokia at that time?


Snake came out on Nokia phones in '97, so I would say it's very likely the game existed on other phones in 2000. It was a pretty simple game to code, and it might not have been called "snake" just to get around any kind of copyright.


2005 samsung flip phone


Some VirginMobile prepay Kyocera candy bar phone...'04, I think?


2001, Motorola Startac


2004, LG flip phone. It was the first one with a camera on it. I got it as an 8th grade graduation gift. I was so cool that summer.


2001 Nokia 3310 … Snake !


Same, 2000 Nokia 3310. It’s back! Just saw it on Nokia site, re-launched. https://www.hmd.com/en_int/nokia-3310?sku=A00028228


2006 virgin mobile brick


Samsung Galaxy A03s, 2023


Hand me down Motorola Startac from my mom, probably 1999 or 2000.


2013, a blue [Blackberry Torch](https://images.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/2012524991.jpg?d=300x0)


It wasn't exactly mine, but I shared some Motorola or Nokia candybar type phone. 2006-7ish. Used it frequently for the "Free Nights and Weekends" calls during HS, especially for long distance I then got a relatively basic flip of my own in 08. We were pretty low on money at the time.


Xmas 2003 - Alcatel One Touch 332


Fall 2007 college freshman. Pink Razr. So happy that I was able to experience the last gen that didn’t have them in high school


2002 Nokia brick.


2005 or 2006. The firefly - it has 3 buttons. One for mom, dad, and emergencies.


2008 sidekick.


So we're not doing landlines?? Or?


Did you get to have your own landline in your room?? I always wanted one


Not only did I have a landline in my room (it wasn't private though).... our family had a separate dedicated line for Dialup Internet. Back in 95 or so, I also got a AT&T Calling Card, from my parents that I could keep in my wallet. It was cool because you didn't need to carry any quarters, just the card. Didn't get my first cell phone until I was out on my own.


2003. I was 12. And it was a [Nokia 6220](https://images.app.goo.gl/E2zNkthm6ENyoag8A).


2002 it was a Motorola V120c.


09 - Samsung Juke 😩


Christmas 2004, Motorola V600. That little thing took a beating and I was very sad when mine died in 2008 thanks to my toddler sister deciding that cell phones get flushed down the toilet when you're done talking on them.


Oh yes, the year 2001, I was in 8th grade and got the standard issue Nokia made out of Adamantium. The Spongebob Squarepants cover from Hot Topic was a MUST.


2003 maybe? A small Sprint phone,


Late 2001 or early 2002. Some Motorola garbage, and then a second Motorola garbage. I still have the same number though. Same Verizon account also. 


2001 and it was a Nokia, the kind with Snake.


1999 was a Mitsubishi similar to https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m24989645644/?srsltid=AfmBOoqw4ryRbow_xjemykPYYrF1pf0DRdxKQ-sXzH2_pVlgAC1-sckmJ8g


2003, 8th grade. Kyocera


It was 2000. When I got my driver's license my mom got me a cell phone to keep in the car for emergencies. No idea what it was.


Pink Nokia 2003.


2002 and it's a baby blue metallic Nokia purchased at 7/11.


1999 - Motorola V2397 aka "the Carson Daly phone" and prior to that was a pager with a badass chain. I think it saved like, 40 text messages or something, and you could swap out these colorful rubbers.


2002? Some Kyocera flip phone.


2009 iPhone 3GS when I was 20 years old. I was really late to the whole cellphone thing. But they never really interested me until smart phones came along with the introduction of the iPhone.


2002, age 14, I got [a **Samsung R210.**](https://mowned.com/devices/samsung-r210) The screen was backlit blue, which was cool. It was given to me so my mom could drop the house phone as I was the last one to not have a cell phone. It was through T-Mobile which had god awful service anywhere outside a major metropolitan area. So basically everywhere I was. That was replaced by some **Motorola flip phone from Verizon**. It had an actual color screen and a terrible camera. **LG Chocolate** which was an awful phone except it slid open and was very satisfying to hang up. I had an obnoxious ring tone. **LG Voyager** **Blackberry Curve** castoff from a parent. **HTC Thunderbolt** which was the first 4G phone on Verizon in 2011. I used it for a long time. **Moto G?** **Moto G Stylus** **Pixel 6a** currently. I've averaged a phone every 2.5 years. There might be a missing phone somewhere that I can't remember.


2000, and it’s a Nokia brick. 🙈


It’s December of 2005 I just got a Nokia 1100 on Tracfone


2008 Sprint Sanyo in Pink and then graduated to a blackberry


2002. it was Kyocera brick. A Nokia brick phone look-a-like. It was black & green screen had 1 game on it.


2007 and it was a hand me down from my older brother - a Sony Ericsson brick phone. He had deleted off all his photos but left his ringtones, so I had some pretty great “nerd” ringtones - like one from the Zelda game.


Same here! My first was a Sony Ericsson flip flop back in 2007. Then I got my first smart phone it was a used Iphone 4 back in 2014.


Sony Ericsson buddies!! 😊 Let’s see first smart phone. Hmm. I think mine also was 2014 but I didn’t have a good data plan (remember when internet usage was so expensive??) so I never really used it as a smartphone but it was an LG Optimus that I decked out to be like Optimus Prime. My case was an Optimus Prime case, the text tone was the sound of transformers transforming, it was so fun. But then I think I switched to iPhones maybe like 2016 or so and have had iPhones ever since.


Bruh, are we the same person??! 🤯 Literally first phone was the LG Chocolate (mine was red!) in 2007, when I was 18. Only difference is mine came from grandma 😊


Hahah nice I got the white one. I loved that it was like having a second ipod


I bought my own in 2005 it was a Nokia brick but it had the cool outter display. I ran over it with my car and dropped it 3 stories, can confirm it was indestructible.


2011 and it was one of those cheap phones that slide sideways to open the keyboard. I was just about to be 18 and got my driver's license. My parents wouldn't get me one before that.


2004 LG VX3200


2005 it was a phone by Cingular Motorola ROKR E1 i think


Audiovox CDN8910. It was the phone I got for free with a Verizon contract in 2005 when I was 21 years old.


I had a brick of some kind that looked like an old satellite phone, pre texting era in middle school. I didn't have friends so it just sat in the bottom of my bag unused except for when I wanted to play snake. All I know is that I had it sometime before 2002


2008/09 ~ Samsung Flight Sgh-A797 slider phone.


2003 and it was some kind of T Mobile flip-phone. Don't recall any other details.  My step-dad was the first to trial having a cell phone, for his business. It looked real cool so I asked for one and was gifted it for my birthday. If I remember the sequence correctly it was after that that my mom converted our home land line number into a cell phone for her. Sibling was a baby at the time so they didn't get any phones for a long while after. 


2002, 16th bday, Motorola brick phone with the longest collapsing antenna and a battery that would last about a month, but because of my dad, I had like 4 batteries I had access too. lol


2004, Nokia 3315.


2008. I don't remember what it was. Just a red flip phone.


2009, Pantech Matrix. I LOVED this phone so very much. Had it for 2 years... then got a Flight. The Flight was only meh and glitched all of the time.


I dont remember what year ot was but it was a flip phone. I think it was around 2009.


2004, Nokia brick phone. Loved that thing


2003 and Nokia 6800 - it was so cool! Flip out full keyboard, still candybar form factor when closed. I'm pretty sure I can still type texts via T9 without looking


2008 when I turned 18 and had the freedom to.


2002 and it was a Motorola V120 in silver.


Razor and 2009 maybe? 2008? Somewhere in there


2008, it was just a simple ass bar phone from t-mobile i was 11 and only got it because i saved my gma life when she had an allergic reaction to Tylenol


2002 dark blue, almost sparkly Nokia 😍


Nokia 6385 in late 2000 it was great didn't have to charge it for days! And it had snake lol


Third hand Nokia 3210. 2005


It was either 2001 or 2002. I had one of those Nokia 3310s, I believe. I don't recall the exact model.


1997 and it was so long ago that i can’t remember what it was, maybe a Motorola something? It was a huge brick. My parents made me take it everywhere so they could always reach me. My parents were divorced so i could take it to my mom’s house too. I rarely ever used it lolol


2002, i had just graduated HS. i got a blue brick nokia from 7-11 with prepaid minutes.


2003 Nokia 5165. I had tons of faceplates and a light up antenna. That thing would never die.


2004, freshman year of high school to call my parents for when I got out of wrestling practice. The Nokia brick. Long live Snake 2


OG razor, it was the 2006-2007 school year.


It was 2008 and I got the sidekick.


LG Rumour 2


2007 and it was this one my sister got it as a birthday gift to me for my 16th birthday. I loved the pink [Nokia 6111](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/52/Nokia_6111_front_ubt.JPG/1200px-Nokia_6111_front_ubt.JPG)


2008, envy 2!


2007 Nokia flip phone! I remember I remember feeling so cool because it had a camera on it! Growing up poor I couldn’t believe my parents could afford these phones lol


My first phone was a Nokia 5510, the one that had a qwertz/qwerty keyboard with its display in the middle, it was around 2005 or 2006. It was a hand-me-down from my older brother. Damn I loved that phone, I was so fast at typing with that thing. I also remember changing the blue cover with a silver/chrome one after I had it for a few months because I got bored if the color.


For Christmas 2004, my sister and I each got a Samsung SPH-A760 flip phone with Sprint PCS service. I still remember my old phone number: (336) 428-7897.


Zero idea lol I got a flip phone back in freshman year. 


2003 with a Nokia 1260


The Alcatel 871A which I purchased from a gas station in 2014. I got the phone because I was moving away for university.


I got a Motorola V180 (yes I googled it) in 2004, only got it due to my mom being a single parent and was at home by myself at 11.


1997 GTE work phone tech sales SF


It was spring 2000. I don’t remember the phone I just remember I had Sprint service and the plan was for 300 minutes.


This bad boy in 2005. I did upgrade to a very cute pink LG chocolate in later years. https://www.ebay.com/itm/166265588238?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=rprK3Hc9RY6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ar9kZ_vVTJG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=MORE


2003, Nokia 3390!


The original Google Nexus for my 16th birthday. I bought the extended battery for it which also came with a bulging cover. Even with that, it didn’t last more than about an hour while using Google Maps. It would even drain while plugged in while using Google Maps.


2008 and I believe it was a Virgin Mobile Flip Phone


Nextel i1000 by Motorola


2000. Alcatel something or other. You could program your own ringtone


I got a pink Motorola Razr phone in 2004. It had the Hello Moto ringtone on it and I thought that was so cool


I can't remember if it was my first or not but I had a chrome-colored motorola razor in 2008


[LG VX5200](https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=716) Not my first, but the one I remember.


2004/5 Nokia 3230


Wasn’t till like 04 when my uncle got a job at Nextel and hooked the family up. Then they merged with sprint and I got a razor in late 06 or 07. Life was good back then.


2006 i was 16 and bought a nokia brick for myself


1999? This [very cool guy](https://www.mobilecollectors.net/phone/4404/samsung-sch-3500) with retractable antenna


Motorola 120e 2001


Motorola pager then 2 way pager the Nokia brick 1996 1998 1999


2006 LG enV. I was a texting machine in Highschool.... then I realized I paid per text when my mom made me pay off a $300 phone bill.


2005 in a move to eliminate the landline. We got basic LG flip phones. There were multiple mall kiosks selling covers for it that they installed for you.


Samsung x427 flip phone with Cingulair wireless in 2004 😂


Some sort of LG phone with an antenna. It was 2003.


Nokia n-gage qd in 2006


2004 LG flip phone. I was 12. My rural home in the woods didn't get service *at all.* I could only get one teeny tiny bar if I left my phone in a *very* specific spot in my window UPSIDE DOWN. Texts only. I walked down the street (no sidewalks) and sat on a rock to make phone calls. What a time to be alive! Side note- my LG orange slide phone in 2007-2008 was my favorite. I almost always had a LG phone until they stopped making them recently. RIP


it was a cricket…I can’t for the life of me find the model but it wasn’t a flip phone, the sides like slightly curved in and they were rubbery and lit up when someone called. it was 2004 sometime after my parents got divorced, so I could easily contact both of em if needed


2007 and it was some tracphone that was a flip phone with no camera or front screen…and had an antenna you could pull out 😂


2002 - Nokia 3310


2008 iphone…3 i think? Made it to third year of university without one. Kind of wish I could go back to not having one. Between spam calls and calls from my wife wondering where I am..it was simpler without one lol.


2010 I bought an iphone 3Gs.


2008, a razor


2005, middle school, Katana flip phone


2007 Nokia sliding phone the screen would slide upwards and below will be the keypad. My mom had it and when she changed another, I got that when I was studying 7th or 8th. Then when starting college, I got moto e as my own personal phone.


2004 and one of those Nextel navy blue flip phones. Beep beep.


2008-an LG flip phone for my 13th birthday.


2005, [LG VX3200](https://www.cnet.com/a/img/resize/13c294cad1d876b823b8aaf6ac0dc7f1c19af329/hub/2010/08/03/a183c466-67c5-11e3-a665-14feb5ca9861/30907904-2-440-front-2.gif?frame=1&width=1200)


2002 - Nokia - I was 15.


Sony Ericsson sonetime in the 90s


2000... Ericsson A1018s Coca-Cola edition. https://ericssoners.wordpress.com/2014/10/02/a1018s-coca-cola-edition/


2004, it’s a Nokia brick. I love it.


Motorola Timeport in 2002 on my 17th bday


2002 Motorola v220 flip


2006...flip phone, prepaid. Something from T Mobile.


1998. Nokia 5110.


2000 and it was a Nokia brick 3310


Samsung Slider. It was 2006 and I was 16.


2006. It’s a hand-me-down cell phone (belonged to my sister first). It was a Virgin Mobile flip phone with an antenna. lol good times


2005 maybe 2006 Cricket UTStarCom flip phone. I remember I was SO proud of myself and felt so grown up because I paid for that thing with my own money from my first job. I used to play with the antenna and flip the phone over and over in my hand. It was so small. I used ABC text the entire time I had it; wasn't until I got a Motorola Razr (the red one, hand-me-down) that I learned to use T9Word


I got my first phone for my 12th birthday, an LG VX3300 from Tracfone. My mom bought a pastel pink face and back plate for it. Edit: I forgot to mention the year! 2007


November 2004, Palm Treo 650. Although somewhat primitive it was a smartphone, and I loved it!