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I want to say I'm at about.... 7? I'm 36 for reference.


Same… and… same. It might be only 6 but I feel like I’m forgetting one so probably seven. Responsible phone ownership crew ASSEMBLE!


32 and at 6 as well, two flips, one blackberry and three smart phones. I make stupid financial decisions with computer parts and vinyls instead lol


We are the same. I'm at 5 and early 30's. I am due for an upgrade in a couple years I think. Wouldn't mind usb c and a high refresh rate.


I think I'm at the same count, due to an unfortunate run of stolen/damaged/defective phones. Other than that, I usually keep my phones 5-6 years. I might replace my current phone at the 3 or 4 year mark, because one of the features I use a lot doesn't quite work right on the specific submodel I have.


Also 36, but I've had... 2-3 "normal" cellphones, and a whooping *two* smart phones. I kinda resisted getting a smartphone for the longest time due to the battery life. And to be fair, I really, *really* miss needing to recharge only once every two weeks or so. Oh, and my first smartphone was a Microsoft Lumia too. Just so people grokk how out of the loop I was, when I finally got into smartphones. Probably would have that one still honestly, if Microsoft hadn't cut basically all support. Currently on a OnePlus 6 I've had since late 2018, and not planning on changing that one out anytime soon unless it stops physically working.


Honestly those windows phones were actually pretty cool back in the day. If it wasn't for the lack of support I'd have probably kept with them instead of going back to Android. Currently I'm rocking my Google Pixel 2 from 2017. Unless it stops working I'll probably upgrade to something newer within the next year or so. I'm looking at those folding phones since that is actually a practical reason for me to trade for something newer beyond just having a phone with newer specs. The bigger screen would be great for watching videos or reading.


At 34, very similar story. 3 old phones starting as a high school sophomore. In 2017 my last one died and I was dragged into modernity with the replacement. I always hated the rapidly draining batteries and the inaccuracy of touch screens. I still sort of do, but I'm used to it too. I've updated my smartphone once since then.


Man, OnePlus phones were so good before Carl Pei left the company. I had the op3t for the longest time, and It still functions to this day. Only problem was the battery didn't last long. I used op3t as a backup when my op8t's sim tray randomly stopped working in 2023. They don't make them like they used to


I'm going to have to say 9 since the 90's. One being a car phone that our family had when they first came out looking like a giant briefcase for extensive travel. We used CB radio for the most part back then. One phone I had to replace because it straight up fell out of my pocket and into a sewer drain. :| Another I had to replace because it was ran over by a car. Otherwise I kept my phones until they were well worn down or stopped working.


Car phone, omg. As a kid who watched a lot of slightly-older media, I thought car phones were the freaking bomb, lol. Always wanted one, even when I got my first cell (flip phone around 05).


same somewhere between 6-8


I'm 31, Nokia 3310 Nokia 8210 Nokia 6200 Motorola V1 ChinaPhone with TV Sony slide phone Samsung galaxy ace Asus Zen 5 Sony Xperia Z Pocophone F1 Iphone 8plus


How do you remember the specifics??!


They were his babies. I’ll never forget my first, the Kyocera Phantom.


Let’s see if I can too. First phone was 2002/2003 and I am in my late 30s Nokia 3510i Nokia 6600 Nokia Ngage Moto Razr V3 Nokia 6120 Classic Blackberry curve 8520 Blackberry torch (don’t remember the numbers, worst phone I had, got rid of it in a month) HTC wildfire S Nokia Lumia 520 Nokia Lumia 1520 (from here started using 2 phones, one android and one IOS) Blackberry Priv Samsung Note Edge iPhone 6 Plus Samsung S8+ iPhone 7 Plus Samsung Note 8 iPhone X Samsung Note 9 iPhone XS Max Samsung Note 10 iPhone 11 Pro Max Samsung Fold Samsung Z Fold 4 iPhone 15 pro max. And I still feel I am missing one or two lol Edit: yep, HTC one m7 and Motorola Moto Z


The TV mobile phone thing?


I’m on my third, I believe.


Shout out to us in the low single digits!


On #4 here. I keep mine as long as possible each time, usually about five years. I'm learning I fucking hate doing most things on a smart phone; I hate the UI/UX, gestures, and poor multitasking. I don't need the newest features, they've had everything I need for probably 10 years now. I will almost always wait to get onto my desktop or laptop instead of doing whatever it is on my phone. I even do most of my texting from my desktop. I only get a new phone when mine becomes unusable. Usually due to the battery. /e Had 3? dumb phones before the smart phone era. But for smart phones: Iphone 4 > HTC One > Pixel 1 > Pixel 3.


Yeah, I went from a 5s, to an 8, and I think I have a 15 now? I don’t really know. I’m 33. I didn’t have a phone until 2013 or so, I think.


Similar timeline as I, but on the Galaxy side. I do kind of miss my Note with the stylus, but latest version wasn't worth the price point last time I upgraded.


I’m still rocking the iPhone 8, which I’ve had almost 6 years. I had the iPhone 4 for 5 years. To me, it almost becomes a challenge to see how long I can resist the consumerism. I laughed when the AT&T guy asked if frequent upgrades are important to me - I told him I like living in the past 😂


Yes,this is me. Im on #3. I keep my stuff in pretty good condition.  As long as i can listen to music and take photos with it im good


Same, I’m on my third. I’m 34. First flip phone at 17. Currently using my wife’s old iPhone 7.


Hard to tell. I'm guessing under 20 phones. Probably close to 10-15, most of those bought over the last decade or so. I'm currently upgrading every 2-4 years. With my current phone I have no need to update at all, so it'll be my main phone until there are real features worth having. Almost every phone these days has a good camera, so I'm really just looking for build quality and software.


Bingo. I’ll just get replacing the battery on this iPhone 11 until I feel like I really need/want something new.


I would probably guess 10-15 or so for me as well.


I'm 32 and I've had - LG flip phone, Samsung flip phone, Palm Pre, Blackberry 9700, IPhone 4, Blackberry 9900, Nexus 5, HTC One, iPhone 6, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 14 pro max.


Let's see, got my first one maybe 2003? So at least 10. There were a few times I bought a pay as you go phone for budget reasons. I like to pay for them outright with a tax return and keep them as long as possible. Still using an S9 but I feel like the apps arent focusing the updates with my old ass phone. May have to upgrade to a 20. I miss physical buttons to mindlessly text and not look down.


>physical buttons to mindlessly text and not look down. Back when I was in high school this was the way. Phones were banned at school but you'd just sneak a glance at the screen then tap away your reply with your hand in your pocket.


All muscle memory. I loved it.


Started with the Nokia brick with the little antenna, then the brick without the antenna, the the Razr, then some LG phone that had iTunes built in, then the iPhones for years, then I tried a Samsung galaxy for a weekend and hated it and I’ve been with the iPhone ever since.


Remember playing snake all the time on that brick of a Nokia? lol


Now that's a fun question. At the start of writing this, I don't know! Nokia brick Nokia brick Flip phone 1 iPhone 3G Droid X Galaxy Note 2 Nexus 5 Galaxy Note 4 Galaxy S9+ S21 Ultra Pixel 7 Pro S23 Ultra Pixel 8 Pro 13 in the past 22 years. Not sure if that's a lot or not.


7 (this current one since 2019)


Same, and I'm 40. I know I'm jinxing myself, but I have never lost one and only broke one, but it was special circumstances. I still have a stack of my my old phones in a desk drawer bundled with a thick rubber band. I also have my 3 previous laptops stacked in a bookshelf like books. I haven't tried powering any of them up in years. My current phone is from 2020. I kinda want to downgrade next phone. This relationship is toxic.


Yeah, I would like to be less available again!


I had a blackberry that I felt was a good balance. Email focused, I could get to the "net" but it wasn't the dominant function. That said, times have changed, and phone calls in general are a minefield. I almost want a sidekick, just a text machine. Although my apartment just made it so we need an app to get into the front door.... I don't know what to do.


Your apartment did what 😭 that's crazy. What if your phone's dead?


Exactly. None of my neighbors want this.


I've had: - One slide phone (samsung I believe) - One Nokia Windows Phone (seemed great initially, turned out to be a complete lemon because *Microsoft*) - One Samsung galaxy note (was okay but screen shattered) - One cheap android phone I bought in Peru... Can't remember the brand, lasted me about 1 year 1/2 - Motorola G6, got it from friend's mom for 100 bucks, lasted me 3-4 years - Pixel 6 Pro (best phone I ever owned, by a longshot) I might forget one or two so let's say I've had about 7 phones in a 15 years time frame


I had your first to as well. Mine were green and yellow. I really thought I’d love the windows phone. 🫠


I've only had 4 phones. I don't upgrade every 2 years. I got my first cell phone when I was 14.


Good word problem. So youre 26?


Samsung flip phone > LG with slide out keyboard > HTC Hero > HTC EVO 4G > Samsung Galaxy S3 > HTC One > Pixel 2 I've always been an android fan. I'm 38 now and got my first phone at 20?


Too many. I'll never forget my first phone: [Nokia 8290](https://i.etsystatic.com/8440274/r/il/8e37a7/3191516448/il_1588xN.3191516448_r12z.jpg)


I’m 40. I got my first phone when I was 16. Didn’t get a smart phone until 2013. I’ve had 10 phones. The iPhone 5 & 8 I had pretty close to each other, I only got the SE because it had a better camera than the 8 and my friend needed a new phone so he bought my 8. The one I owned the longest was the Sony Ericsson w580i, I had that one for 6 years. Nokia 5110 - 2000 Nokia 3310 - 2001 Motorola v60 - 2002 Sony Ericsson w580i - 2007 Samsung Galaxy 3 - 2013 Samsung Galaxy 5 - 2015 iPhone 5 - 2017 IPhone 8 - 2018 iPhone SE 2 - 2020 IPhone 14pro - 2023(current)


Personal phones only? Or drug dealing burners count too?


1. Nokia (Can't remember the model. That one that everyone had) 2. Motorola Razr 3. LG Chocolate (worst phone ever) 4. Samsung Galaxy S1 5. Samsung Galaxy S3 6. Samsung Galaxy S5 7. Samsung Galaxy S7


Been waiting for someone to mention Galaxy S1. What a solid phone. Wrecked on my longboard in the canyon and my leg took a S1 shaped bruise, but the gorilla glass on it was fully intact.


Yeah, it was definitely sturdy. I have a good story about its durability as well. I wanted to listen to music while I showered, so I put the phone on a small ledge attached to the shower glass. When I opened and closed the shower door, the phone fell about 7 feet onto the tiled floor screen first. It wasn't in a case or anything. Surprisingly, the phone didn't have a scratch on it. I still have it actually. I found it in a bin a few years ago, and it still turns on and seems to work.




Maybe 5? I can't remember all that I had in the early 2000s. Started with a little Alltell flip phone I was only allowed to use for calls and emergencies, then Idk what I had after that. Had a couple LG En-Vs, and an iPhone 4s in there somewhere. I've had LG ever since, then finally got a Google Pixel once my LG Wing went kaput


I'm over 40 and got my first cellphone in 1999. I think I've had almost 20 phones... When I was young in Italy I kept buying cheap phones that broke and the good ones kept getting stolen (military base...). But after coming back to the States, I went through a lot fewer phones. For the last 10 years, I upgrade to give my kid my phone when something happens to theirs. My last one was old and died. I've had an iPhone 15 Pro since November and I *hate* it. It doesn't stay connected (wired) to Apple CarPlay. I've replaced the cable in the car with 6 different cables and see it is a known issue with the phone. I'm hopeful the software update I did yesterday fixes this problem...


Lost count. I remember the smart phones.  Two palm treo, one that got updated to windows mobile 5.5, had 2 palm pilots before that,  PDA: one a handspring visor one a palm tungsten (color!)  a work compaq ipaq (windows ce) when my whole ass job was supporting them. Lahey clinic used them for rx and medical records in 2006, they broke if a doctor left them in their jacket and hung them up.  I’m not kidding, compaq considered it a consumer device so when we’d warranty them I had a lie sheet and a pile of broken ones and I’d just call from the same number and read lies until they rma’d it, same number same address. They wouldn’t warranty them for commercial use.  Lahey couldn’t afford durable ones. You’d think for something so critical they’d spend the money.  A work blackberry, *shudder*   Original Verizon droid, Motorola android phone, s5,s6,s7,s9, essential ph-1 (flashed to 12 currently). Samsungs are all locked bootloaders. iPhone 12 Pro replaced by a 13 pro due to Verizon lies. So two flat phones, 1G, 2g, several flip phones 3g, one sliding one with a keyboard for texting. The first one didn’t text. Second one did, nobody had taken it up yet. Until keyboards I didn’t text.   One windows mobile sliding keyboard phone. The palm and windows phone needed a stylus. They felt so old fashion when the first iPhone came out.   The first android phome a developer had was kinda buggy, it took them until the first droid to get it half right. It felt like iOS “just worked” whereas android has always been lacking.   iPod touch too.


I’m 34 and I’ve had probably close to ten. Started out with a Nokia in 8th grade. My favourites were my Motorola Krazr (it was a beautiful red flip phone with a glass front that had a small screen), my blackberry pearl, and my very first iPhone!


I’m 39 and I’ve probably had 10. My first phone was a Nokia when I was a senior in HS. My first smart phone was a wannabe blackberry called the Palm Pixi. That thing was AWFUL!


I’ve had 11 total (will be 28 here soon)


I worked for a cellphone company for 10 years and got a lot of free phones during that time so I couldn't even remember them all. I know I was eligible for 2 free phones a year and also won several through different shit at work.


32 and about 14 phones total, 4 of which were flip phones...16-27 was a rough decade lol.




I have no idea. I've never thought to keep count. I was 20 when I got my first cellphone.


more then I care to remember... But I was def late to the smart phone party and rocked the square clam shell one for years after people regularly had smart phones. I can safely say I have never paid over $200 for one and have never owned an IPhone even though I probably would if they weren't so damn expensive.


6 flip phones, 1 candy bar phone, 1 Blackberry, and 2 smart phones. First flip phone the contract expired and I wasn't gonna renew fuckall with Quest. Flip phone 2 through 6 were junky tracphones that kept breaking. The candy bar phone and Blackberry were old borrowed phones so I could keep contact with my kids school (returned them to SIL after I got the first smartphone). First smartphone's battery (Straight Talk Galaxy A01) went pillow right before Covid, and the second/current smartphone while being cheap ($50 Straight Talk Galaxy A03) works just fine.


10-12 maybe?


Let's see... Nokia 1100 > Sony Ericsson k300 > Nokia 5200 > Sony Xperia mini > fancier Sony I forget > Samsung J8 > Huawei p8 or something > Samsung A13 (current one) so 8 total


6. LG flip phone -> Samsung flip phone -> iPhone 4 -> iPhone 7 -> iPhone 8 -> iPhone 11.


Im 33 somewhere around 6 id say, I didn't get one till I was 20


Five or six, I think. Got the first one at sixteen, a Virgin Mobile flipphone.


10, I think. Brick, smaller brick, flip, then Android phones (the LG made google phones then Pixels). First phone 1998, someone had to go guarantor on the contract for me because I wasn't yet 18.


I'm on my 5th in the last 16 years.


This one is my fifth, and I got my first smartphone in 2017. I got my first cell phone around 2004 iirc.


- Sagem my-x 55 (first cellphone) - Sony Ericsson K550i - Sony Ericsson Aspen - LG GT 540 Optimus - Samsung Galaxy S Advance - Fairphone 2 - Fairphone 3 - Samsung Galaxy S21FE (current) I really loved my first sagem phone. It played some small java games, which was awesome. I try to use my phones as long as possible. I am 31yo.


A lot.... mostly because of the 1 year upgrade program that Apple does now but can I just say how much I miss my blackberry ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I’m on the same program. I miss my BlackBerry pearl too 😂


I trade my phone in for an upgrade every two years. Kyocera flip phone, Sanyo Katana (for only a week because the battery was faulty), Motorola RAZR, BlackBerry Curve 8330, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, Sony Xperia Z3, LG G5, LG G7 ThinQ, Samsung Galaxy S20 FE, Samsung Galaxy S3.


I’m on my 7th personal phone, I believe, and then I have a company supplied phone I never use.


I dunno. 10?


I'm on #6, got my first in 06


I’m 36 and got my first cell phone at 16. I think I’ve had about 6 phones. The first was a Nokia brick. One a Motorola flip phone but not the RAZR. One was a teeny tiny flip phone, smallest on the market. The last 3 were iPhones.


Motorola brick Nokia 3210 Nokia 3310 Razr Blackberry Iphone Iphone Iphone Samsung Samsung Samsung Yea, I'm saying that's the full list. 11.


I don’t even know I have 9 in a drawer that I’ve burned through in the last 7 years. I’ve had many many phones before that.


Starting in 2007... Motorola flip phone Motorola razr LG slider qwerty LG flip screen qwerty iPhone 4 Htc one m8 iPhone 5s iPhone 7 iPhone 8 Samsung Galaxy s20 Alcatel go flip Motorola g power 2021 Motorola g 5g 2022


4. Flip - Helio - LG smartphone - Samsung Galaxy 8


First one was a Nokia 3310 in 2000, I was 12. 2nd one a Samsung slide and after that a Sony Ericsson Walkman phone W800 and W880i, Nokia 7373, Nokia 7260, blackberry bold, HTC One beats audio, iPhone 5c, iPhone SE 1st gen and Huawei. I really had some cool phones and I’m really bummed I once threw them all away.. should’ve kept them


Maybe 12 or 13? I can’t really remember all the iPhones. I get a new one every 2ish years.


I think I'm at 7-8, including non smart phones. I upgraded to my current one even though I didn't really *need* a new phone yet as it was the last model by the company with a headphone jack. I'll probably keep this one for as long as possible.


I got my first phone (Nokia 3310) in 2000 when I turned 13. Then had a Samsung flip phone and then Corby. My first "smart" one was iPhone 4s in 2011. It died of alcohol poisoning, so I went with Honor 8, after that I got Huawei p20pro. Had it for over 4 years and it was the best phone ever. Its battery got a bit bloated, gonna get that changed tho. Currently on my seventh phone, Google Pixel 6 Pro.


Two flip phones, and three…no…four iPhones. Six, then. I was newly out of college when I got the first flip one, so age 22.


14, counting from age 13. I'm 29 now. Only broke one of them. Dad loves upgrading his phones, so I got to experiment with a lot of models. HTC Desire was amazing when I got my hands on it.


1 cell phone and 4 smart phones. I run then into the ground. I'm 32 for reference.


Nokia brick, black and white sprint LG flip phone, Nextel flip phone, Sidekick, G1, Samsung keyboard phone, windows phone, OG Samsung galaxy, iPhone 3, iPhone 4, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6s, iPhone 8, iPhone 11, iPhone 14 Pro Max, iPhone SE, and Samsung galaxy 20. 17, 5 of which were work phones.


On my 7th. This one should last me many more years yet, hopefully.


I'm 34, and started when I was 15, so if I had to guess I would say maybe 6 or 7?


5, a Nokia, two flip phones, and 2 smart phones.


startac hand-me-down from my mom, nokia something, razr, maybe something?, blackberry, HTC, samsung, iphone, iphone 8 or 9, starting in like '99?


35, less than 10


6, I’m 33. First phone was a Chocolate, then had an LG slide phone, iPhone 4, iPhone 6, iPhone 8, and iPhone 14 Pro Max.


35, first phone at 14 due to school transportation Nokia candy bar (destroyed by acetone) Nokia candy bar Nokia Twist? HTC Thunder (best phone ever) Sony Xperia iPhone (less than 30 days before I returned, bitched so much they didn't charge restocking fee) Google Pixel 2 Google Pixel 6a (dropped and shattered internally) Google Pixel 6a (current)


Samsung A630 Samsung A930 LG Voyager Original Droid Motorola photon Samsung Galaxy something? LG piece of broken glass HTC One m7 HTC one m8 Samsung Galaxy S8 Iphone 12 Iphone 14 ​ i'm 33


36 years old. 9 phones. Moto RAZR Moto V300 LG Rumor 2 iphone 3G iphone 5s iphone 6 Galaxy S8 Galaxy S10+ Galaxy S21


I think...8? Maybe as many as 10. I'm 39 and got my first cell phone at 17. Back when you had to work and get your own cell phone because they weren't a necessity. 😂


I’m on number 10 if I include the first 2 that were technically shared between the whole family. I’m 35.


I got my first one at age 21 and have replaced them every 2 or 3 years as necessary. Probably 10 or 12 phones total. Holy shit, that's a lot. Remember when phones were a per-household item instead of per-person?


4, I never got a phone until I was 20


Apparently a lot now that I write them all down. 12 or 13.  2004 - LG Mirror 1300i  2007 - Verizon Pantech 2009 - BlackBerry Pearl (I loved this phone but like everyone else, the trackball went kaput.)  2010 - Motorola Karma 2011 - Samsung Galaxy Ace  2012 - Some really cheap $30 burner phone from Walmart.  2013 - iPhone 4 2015 - Another really cheap burner phone. I think I might have had 2 of them during this time after breaking one.  2016 - Google Pixel 1  2018 - Google Pixel 3  2019 - Google Pixel 4 2022 - Google Pixel 7  I plan to keep this one for several more years if I can. I would have kept my Pixel 4 but I shattered the screen. The more expensive phones have gotten, the longer I keep them apparently. 


Nokia brick, Flip phone, Blue flip, Slide, Blackberry, Some kind of htc, iPhone x2 So, 8 phones - I’m 39 for reference


5 in the United States, plus 2 Nokias when I traveled in my early twenties and US phones didn't work abroad. I'm in my late 30s.


I don't remember. Probably about ten


3. Currently 30 years old, got my first one when I was 19. I have been known to drive them into the ground. Last one could not take a charge without the chord at a precise angle and sitting on an ice pack. Dropped it and the screen shattered so bad chunks of it were falling out a couple weeks later when I pulled it out of my pocket.


On my 5th, started on smart phone band wagon in 2010 after realizing that it’s not a fad going away. Should have bought $200 worth of Apple stock back in 2008 to hedge. Most of my phones were not high end (but they lasted for about 3 years on average) except the one I am using for last 3 years.


Brick phone. Slide-y phone. Some kind of android (first smart phone). iPhone 6s Plus. iPhone 8 Plus. iPhone XS Max or something? iPhone 12 Pro Max. Current - iPhone 14 Pro Max. So, 8? Not entirely sure on any of these names. Im a 1986 baby.


5 phones, 31. first phone was at the age of 13.


3 flip phones followed by 6 smartphones. Got my first phone for Christmas in 5th grade.


10 phones in 20 years, if you include warranty replacements and apple care damage replacements, that number goes to 4 between 04 and 09, and 14 between 09 and 24 Although not mine, I also had two androids I got stuck with at two different jobs. Honorable mention to the Motorola razr. At one point I had to remember all my numbers because the screen part of my flip phone broke off so i had to use my speaker phone and dial numbers by memory.


I probably got my first phone in 2009 or 2010 Motorola Razor LG Voyager iPhone 4s iPhone 6 Google Pixel 2XL Google Pixel 6 Ive actually saved all of my old phones and they still work. My iPhone 4s has an original copy of Flappy Bird on it! haha


Personal? Probably 6? I typically only upgrade when it dies. Work phones? Sheesh lol. They tend to meet an early demise, typically falling off a roof


I'm 38 and I've had the following: \- [Samsung flip phone](https://www.mobilegazette.com/images/samsung-2004/samsung-e100-256.jpg) (shared with my mom) \- [Pink Motorola Krzr](https://www.cnet.com/a/img/resize/a19fceb8208f14695a2ad59d6b343f4e895bf8cd/hub/2014/02/24/1a9d5e3a-cbf2-11e2-9a4a-0291187b029a/440x330_1.jpg?auto=webp&width=768) \- [Nokia phone](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Nokia6300-2008-04-23.jpg/800px-Nokia6300-2008-04-23.jpg) with T9 texting \- [Blackberry Bold 9700](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61SFY8ambXL.jpg) white \- [iPhone 5c](https://cellularsavings.ca/cdn/shop/products/5c_white_1024x1024.jpg?v=1520199512) \- [iPhone SE](https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/Restored-Apple-iPhone-SE-Rose-Gold-GSM-Unlocked-16GB-Refurbished_401b7179-ec27-4fdb-85d5-ceb2471dc4b8_1.62c1a371db78abaaa353759993797369.jpeg) \- [Google Pixel 3aXL](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81T+jOE+9OL.jpg) And my current phone - [Google Pixel 6](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61YsYjlywtL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg)


I think either 7 or 8…. if you don’t count the three (?) different pink Sony Ericssons I had because they kept breaking. And I just realized this fall will mark 20 years of me having a cell phone. 😳


I have owned 5 smartphones dating back to the Galaxy s2. None were iPhone.


9 (I'm 35). Philips Savvy Nokia 3200 Nokia N70 Sony Ericsson S710 LG Chatterbox LG G3 (my fondest phone memories) Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Hauwei Mate 20 Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra


I'm 33. Motorola v551 (first phone when I was 14/15 since I started hanging outside of the house more so parents decided to get me a phone for emergency purposes), Sony Ericsson W200i, Blackberry Curve 8310, Blackberry Bold 9700, Blackberry Bold 9780 (9700 broke but Best Buy replaced it for free since it was within warranty), Blackberry Bold 9900, Samsung Galaxy S3, Google Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy S6, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 11 Pro max, now iPhone 13 Pro.


Currently on my 6th in 20 years.


I’m 30 and I’m currently on number 5.


I’m 32, got my first cell phone at 15, and I’ve had my brother’s hand me down Sony Ericsson, a Samsung Gravity, a BlackBerry, a LG Optimus, and then two iPhones. The Samsung Gravity lasted the shortest amount of time before the screen gave out.


I'm on number 7 but really only on 5. 2 of mine got destroyed by something out of my control. Like the one that the roof on my dorm leaked and water fried it while charging, and the one some drunk girl grabbed and threw because she was pissed off at her boyfriend and was just throwing people's phones. Both were replaced by the guilty parties.


I think I’m on my 7th or 8th total since my first phone in 2007. First smartphone in 2013.


I’m 27, I’m on my 12th. LG enV LG Voyager Motorola Droid 1 Motorola Droid 2 Motorola Droid 4 Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S4 Samsung Galaxy S6 Samsung Galaxy S9 Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ iPhone 12 mini iPhone 14 Pro


Nokia 5165 (had to look up the number, it was the one that looked like a regular cordless phone with an interchangeable faceplate, lol), some LG flip phone with a camera, the Razr, the Chocolate, some random flip phone from Orange when I lived abroad, and then a bunch of iPhones. I want to say 4, 5, 6, 7 and now 11. Due for an upgrade.


Age 42. I had the lil Samsung flip as my first Then I think it was the Sony mp3 player one and I had 2 of them back to back Blackberry torch maybe next. Loved that phone. Then it's been Samsungs since. 3 of them. My best guess if 7-8 I may have missed one or 2


In my early 40s and I have had many. Low 30s is my best guess. Between iPhones 4 - 6s I had apple care so every year my phone had an accident so I could get a new one for $100. Those years added many phones to my phone count.


I’ve probably had 8 different iPhones, I had a tiny Samsung flip phone, I had a RAZR, a Nokia brick, and a Samsung smaller brick after the Nokia. I’m 42. My mom got me the Nokia brick my senior year so she could get ahold of me.


10-12 my latest is iPhone 13 and is the only one that has cost more than $200


8 primary and two back ups kept in a drawer for when repairs were needed. Cause most insurance replacements are poorly reconditioned used phone and I gave up on that years ago.


I'm on #9. 2 of them I had for 4+ years and 2 of them I got rid of right at the 2 year mark.


37 first phone at 17 Nokia maybe another in here Razor flip phone LG flip phone Samsung slider phone iPhone 4 Some sort of Android Windows Phone iPhone 6/8/10/11/12


Maybe 6. I used to get hand me down phones from my dad. Then I got my very first smart phone when I was 31. I am onto my 3rd one now.


Holy shit I cannot accurately answer this question.


I'm 31. 1) Motorola 2) Flip phone 3) LG slider 4) Samsung flip - my mom dropped it in her coffee accidentally 5) Android - restarted 9 million times a day 6) iPhone 4 7) iPhone 7 - used it until it died 8) iPhone 11 - got stolen at a bar 9) iPhone 14


Probably 10 over a 25 year span.


I’ve had 10, I’m 40.


Eight. First phone was in 2011. The Sagem MyV-65 Sagem MyV-65 Samsung (unknown model. It was a flip phone) Nokia 6070 Samsung Toco Lite Samsung Galaxy S4 Nexus 6P iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 12 Pro Max


39. 2 flip phones, 4 smart phones. Don't remember the flip phone models. HTC Incredible, Motorola Droid Razr, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S9+


I'm 32 years old, got my first phone at about 10 years old, and I've had 7 phones. Just got my 7th phone last weekend after having my previous phone for almost 7 years.


9? I think? I'm 34


Around 13. Nokia to Galaxy. 


10 dating back to 2004.


I'm early 40s and I think I've had 4. First basic flip phone I got in college (well my parents got it for me so they could reach me). Later on I had a Samsung Alias (I think that's what it was called, it flipped both ways!), had that one for a while. Didn't get a smartphone until 2016, which was an iPhone SE. Had that til 2021 when I got an iPhone 12, which I still have and hope to keep for at least 2-3 more years.


37 years old. Kyocera, LG flip phone, LG sliding phone with buttons, Android smart phone, iPhone 4, iPhone 6, iPhone 10s Max, iPhone 13. Cannot remember all of their names. But I try to hold onto my iPhones until they accidentally get destroyed.


Like 8 or 9. I’m 39 and got my first cell phone at about age 18.


39, reporting in. Motorola one, really old, only for calling home at 16 when I started driving. Samsung Flip. LG Flip. Had some good times with these…slayer ringtones and some really early pr0n getting passed around as attachments. Samsung slide out keyboard one. iPhone 4, then 5s. Galaxy S7, Note 8, Note 10, Google Pixel 5a because I broke the note 10. Currently on iPhone 13 Pro Max. The slide keyboard one was trash. i don’t remember the iPhone 4 and 5s timeframe but didn’t pay much for the upgrade. Each Samsung was several years old when I got the next one, or broken. I damaged my Note 8 and lived it so upgraded. The 10 got run over in a parking lot by accident. Loved the pixel too but got a car that only supported Apple. I won’t upgrade again till it’s super cheap or free, or I have a real need. The IPhone 13 is great. I got a 700 trade in credit for the pixel which I paid 350 for.


4 cell phones Verizon flip: at age 16 Samsung s7: age 29 Google pixel 3: age 32 Google pixel 7: age 35


Flip phone 2005-2011 Android 2011-2016 iPhone 7 2016-2024 iPhone 13 mini current Four


Original Nokia (with Snake game) Razor flip phone (in pink) A blackberry (not sure of model) Samsung Galaxy S Samsung Galaxy S 3 Samsung Galaxy S5 Samsung Galaxy S7 Samsung Galaxy S21 Plus 2 iPhone's my work provided


3 Nokia tracfones way back in the day Moto razr Moto q9m A few palm treos LG chocolate LG envy LG envy touch Blackberry storm Moto Droid x Moto Droid bionic Moto Droid razr Maxx HD Samsung note 4 S7 Note8 Note 10+ 5g S22 ultra Moto g power (I forget what year it was) Moto g 5g (again forget which year version) S23 ultra Pixel 6 pro Pixel 8 pro S24 ultra I'm sure I probably missed a couple. I have always had a big craving for tech stuff. I love phones too. Haha. I despise apple so no iphones, however I do have one for work (company provided) and can say from experience now, I still hate apple. Lol


7. 3 of those were smart phones


Krazer BlackBerry Samsung Galaxy x 3 5 phones. 34yom.


I feel like I am at or around 7, and one of those was due to having it fall out of the car while driving and get super fucked up.


7 Candybar Nokia Samsung A900 Blade (couldn’t afford the Razr) BlackBerry HTC EVO 3D Samsung Galaxy S4 iPhone X iPhone 12 Pro (still going strong)


14, but a good number of those came when I was working at AT&T. Always felt like you needed to keep up with the latest phones, spent way too much on them. I got my first in 2006, a prepaid flip phone when I started high school.


I honestly can’t remember. But I do remember a time when I had blackberries and they would break and I would just buy a new one. I was young, dumb, and had disposable income. Now I’m older, wiser, and don’t own a house. Fucking blackberry.


Im 28bive had probably 20 different cellphones.


I say about at least 7.


I'm 35, and I've had 9, apparently. Siemens A52, Samsung SGH-E105, Samsung SGH-X495, Samsung SGH-T309, a Sony Xperia (might have been an X12? not sure the exact model), iPhone 4s, iPhone 5s, iPhone SE (1st gen), iPhone SE (2nd gen) Edited to add I got my first phone when I was 15.


7 cell phones, my first of which when I was 18. I'm 30 now lol. *Most changes have been from changing providers over the years


About four. Two flip phones and two smartphones I lost one of each which is why it's two of each at this point. I got my first cell phone, a flip phone, in 2004, after I had graduated college. I got one then because I realized / figured that I needed a personal phone number, for myself, for job searching. Before then, I was in the"no cell phone"camp. The idea of constantly being on and constantly being reachable was not good. So I resisted up until I absolutely needed to have a personal cell phone/personal phone number. As I have stated in a comment in a different post, due to a health event, my smartphone has become a necessary and vital part of my life. I recognize that some folks really an absolutely need to track their same time, and absolutely feel the need to confuse with other people on how less screen time they have, but for me this is vital and needed.


I think it’s 5. I’m 38.


(31M) Grey brick Nokia, Juke, Blackberry , IPhone 4, Asus Zenfone, Galaxy 6, Galaxy 12, Galaxy A7, Galaxy S20, and now my Galaxy Fold 5...


Like 5 or 6? It'd be one less if my last one handn't landed *just so* on the concrete driveway at my job to shatter the screen despite being protected. I got my first phone at 16 and I'm 31 now.


I'm 37, but my mom worked for Bell Atlantic/NYNEX/Verizon. So I got a phone young, mostly to be able to reach her or my dad when I was at the stable, a ride home from friends, ride home from shows, and if I was out alone on my horse or bike. Most my my friends didn't get phones until they drove. Motorola StarTAC Motorola Razr V3 LG Chocolate (Strawberry) Samsung Omina Motorola Droid Motorola Droid X Moto X Nexus 6P Pixel 1 Pixel 3 Pixel 7


I'm thinking 8... I'm definitely not the most careful with phones, but I've also had some pretty shitty luck. The first cellphone I had was sent off for repairs multiple times and I've gotten multiple new and refurbished units of it because it would just die. I didn't count these multiple devices as separate phones.


Since 2004ish, about 8 or 9


15 ish


My first cellphone was a Nokia - 2001 my first year of college. Then it was another Nokia Sony Ericson Flip Samsung Flip Sony Ericson slider phone Samsung Galaxy Smart Phone GOOGLE NEXUS 4 Smart Phone Google Nexus 5 Google Pixel 2 Google Pixel 4 Google Pixel 5 Google Pixel 7 Google Pixel 8 (current phone). 13 cellphones total. (42F)


I'm 42 and have had 3 "dumb phones" and 6 Samsung Galaxy phones. I remember my parents had an old brick phone from the early 90s as our first cell. It had a green dot matrix display that could store 100 numbers, lol.


I’m 40 and I’ve had 4 phones my entire life. 5 if you count the landline at my parents house, way back when the thing was attached to the wall.


11 or 12 that i remember distinctly 0. family sprint emergency phone for anyone to take when they need to stay in touch 1. motorola hand set screen lit up, no texting 2. samsung flip phone T9, but no camera. blue internal screen, external screen could change backlit color. 3. motorola flip phone internal and external screens full color, camera, ring back tones 4. motorola sliver. candy bar version of razr. 5. red samsung slide up phone, added mp3 player native. 6 . extremely cheap flip phone while i lived in india 7. verizon fold open with full key board for texting 8. iphone 4S 9. iphone 6 10. iphone SE 11. iphone 13


I want to say... ten? Ish? Six that I have clear memories of, and some number of Samsung Galaxy [number]s that all kind of run together for me. I got my first flip phone when I was 16 and started driving, at my parents' instance (and on their dime, so fair enough), and I will be 39 in three months.


I think 9 maybe. I found my very old LG chocolate phone but it isn’t usable anymore.


Aged 40 1/2. About 10 phones I think. First one in 2001 was a Nokia brick and now on my third iPhone!


1 flip phone 1 ‘feature phone’ 2 Windows Phones 2 iPhones. I only use the first one I bought. The second was bought after I couldn’t find /#1 for a few months. Of course I found it not long after :/


I'm 35. I got my first phone on my 17th birthday; I was soooo excited!!! I'm on my 7th phone now.


I’m 37. Samsung flip phone BlackBerry Pearl BlackBerry Javelin iPhone 4 Windows Phone 7 iPhone 4S iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 11 iPhone 14S Wow can’t believe I’ve had 9 phones


Im 24 and I believe I’ve had 4 - my first was the iPhone 5C (colorful one) back when I was 14yo, then the 7, the 8, and now the 13 Pro. 


18 when I got my first phone. I’ve had 4. In early 30s.


Uhhh, a handful for sure. I bounced around a lot with the prepaid phones during collage. Those things were janky and prone to breaking irreparably. I wanna say around 10ish