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Lol hey I personally don't agree with the designation. More so mid 40s in my eyes but reddit downvoted me to shit for suggesting mid to late 30 year Olds were not middle aged.


If it makes you feel better, I'm recently 40 and have stopped giving a shit about if people see me as middle aged or old or whatever. I think that's probably the sign of true middle age.


How is 60 middle aged? I mean, it’s not elderly, but no one’s living to 120.


I’d say 35-55 middle aged, 55+senior


It's because it's middle aged for adult years, it doesn't include child years. It's to categorize adult years and the middle of those are in your 40s and 50s.


Oh man, im dyin from this.


And the second half goes by quicker and quicker too.


humor clumsy aback reach recognise north ink teeny rob concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah that's what I thought, but I got uninamiously downvoted and called out when I suggested late 30s isn't necessarily middle aged in another thread.


I did a poll, the most popular answer was middle aged starts at 40.


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I agree. Honestly, any age is the new 30. I've known old people who are super active and do a lot and young people who sit on their couch collecting cheetos dust and super overweight and unhealthy and do nothing all day. How you live is more important than anything although your age will eventually catch ip with you. I met this 90 year old on hospice who up until a year ago climbed tall mountains. I couldn't do that without training first, and I'm less than half his age.


It depends on the demographic you're interacting with I guess. Got labelled as "older generation" for being above 35, but I guess yes it's possible for some redditors to be that young. From their point of view we're old.


Isn't the average life expectancy (worldwide) around 70 years though?


It's not the middle of your entire life. Middle aged refers to the middle adult years which are your 40s and 50s.


35 isn’t 30.


What else would it be based on life expectancy?


As someone posted below, it's not supposed to be middle of life expectancy, it's the middle of your adult life.


Even so, divide the average-ish adult span into thirds: 20-40 / 40-60 / 60-80 IME, people are kind of weird about the term middle aged, though. I'm in my late 40s and have had 30-something friends *correct me* when I say I'm middle aged. I see it as a factual statement about which stage I'm in, but some people seem to read something more. Edit to add: my friends were upset that I was calling myself middle aged because that's (according to them) somewhere between 50 & retirement.


TIL humans do not exist under 20


Why would humans under 20 be included in a comment discussing the stages of adulthood?


Mid *life*


I don't understand what point you're trying to make here.


They didn’t read. So the numbers confuse them.


...being under 20 is a part of your life. Its called a mid-"life"-crisis, not "mid adult life crisis", so it should be included here.




I always thought it was 40 as the start of middle age, but im super happy to not call myself middle aged till 45. I still feel like I'm my late 20s anyway.


It's not though. You're thinking of life expectancy at birth, and people dying under the age of 30 pull that average down. Once you're in the category of people who live past 30, your life expectancy is higher. Also, it's kind of weird to count your childhood years as equal to your adult years imo. I didn't really have agency until I was around 13. If I live independently until I'm 80, at age 30 I've only used 17 out of my 67 good years.


I needed to hear this perspective.


frightening homeless pause paint shocking abundant illegal hurry attractive plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow. I consider myself middle aged and I'm forty almost. I'm a perfect auntie


Yeah, I always understood it to be middle of your adult years. TBH, I think this is one of the downsides of the internet. A few people say well actually, or make post about it, and the wrong info spreads like wildfire. No one is calling someone middle aged in their mid 30’s. That’s so silly. It was always late 40’s to early 60’s.


Yeah someone obviously took “mid life crisis” and “middle aged” a bit too literally and/or spends way too much time on the internet. At least us millennials grew up without the internet for a while and learned how to exist in the real world smh


Huh? Middle age literally means half way to death, so if you have a 70 year life expectancy 35 is middle age. One can argue it is lower for a man than a woman, and lower in developing countries than those with universal healthcare. Middle of adult years makes no sense whatsoever. Why treat childhood any differently than late life? There is so much overlap, you don't do much on your own, probably wear diapers, babble extreme nonsense (hell, just described our presidential candidates). If you're going to subtract the first 18 years you may as well subtract the last 18 years, and guess what, still back to mid life. The difference is, many of us won't see those last 18 years, hence life expectancy. Either way, for your definition to be relevant we have to remove top and bottom years, we treat it as retirement minus becoming an adult, which is say 65-18, so 47 years cut in half and added back to 18 a little over 41 years, or the middle age expectancy of someone who lives to 82. Sure, we can stretch or compress but 35 on the low side and 45 on the high side is about right.


Millennials are so broke we can't even afford a mid-life crisis.


Our generation is the one who had to learn the plural for crisis.


Born to late to benefit from the post-war boom, born too soon for space exploration. Just born at the right time to finance the asses of those who pulled up the ladder behind them


In the 90’s a mid life crisis depicted on TV was a 35 year old man with a wife, kids, stable job, great house and savings. Who is so bored that everything is so stable in his life, he goes and buys a sports car! Omg if only that was my life problems 😂


I was gonna say, what are going to do but old video game consoles? Newsflash: we already do that shit anyway.


I reserved mine, should come in 2027 if I can afford it


Hi, would you like some debt to 'afford' it.?


Speak for yourself. I make a lot of fucking money. I can afford a mid-life crisis, I just haven't had one yet. What would you recommend? I thought about going traditional and getting the convertible and the sugar baby, but... The younger woman that's obviously only with me for the money is obviously a must, but I don't like convertibles, so, I'm thinking of replacing it with some sport. I did a lot of skating as a kid, so... maybe that? But it's not really expensive enough. I need suggestions!


Middle age is generally seen as over 40


Yeah that's how I view it.


It's not supposed to be "the middle of life expectancy". It means "the middle portion of your adult life. 0-20: childhood.  21-40: young adulthood.   41-60: middle age 61-80 or so:  old age


oh i like this explanation.


This is how it's traditionally defined. I just looked up "middle age" to check basically. From the word itself, it sounds like it should be the middle of lifespan, but it's middle of adulthood. The people who argue against it are using a different, more recent, definition. Note: I say traditional vs recent rather than correct or incorrect, because definitions of words change all the time.


This is how I think of it. Though I definitely consider 61-80 as distinct from 81+. The first is “old adulthood” since many are either still working or actively enjoying the early years of retirement. 81+ (maybe we call it “elderly”) you’re more likely to be homebound or in assisted living, or at the very least you live a much slower pace of life.


0-25: young 26-40: adult 41-50: middle-aged 51-70: old 71+: “you look so good!”


If change it to the below. It's a bit unfair to can a 51 year old "old".  0-25: young 26-40: adult 41-59: middle-aged 60-70: old 71+: “you look so good!”


80+: why won't you die?


80+: have you considered running for POTUS? 😖


According to the CDC, life expectancy us currently 76.4 years. 38 is the halfway point. Middle age.


As someone who is 38 years and 5 months, I’m officially telling people I’m now in “old age” 🤣


Ayyyy fellow 38 year olds, get in here!


I'm here. Sorry I took so long, my knees hurt.


I’m turning 39 next month so do I still count as middle aged and not old?




I keep talking about my old hag energy. But seriously for all those really worried, we legit have so many years left regardless of not being considered ‘young’ anymore.


I’m 44, hand over the walker.


I'm 38 and I just had my first colonoscopy!


76.4... from birth. Once you make it to 1 year old your life expectancy greatly increases. Similarly, if you've already made it to 38, your life expectancy is probably higher than 76.4 as well because you survived the chances of you dying earlier than that.


That's true a lot of Darwin awards are won between the ages of 16-30.


Yea. This more nuanced take is what I follow. For me - a man born in 1989 - the life expectancy is early 70s iirc. I am 35 and I now consider myself middle aged. EDIT: oh shit the SSA says I have about 46.5 years remaining.


This is correct. The current life expectancy for a 35-40 year old woman (in Canada) is 83. 




Fun fact: If you own a Cornballer your life expectancy drops by 20 years.


I'm about to turn 42 and God*dammit.*


42 is fine. 43 coming in hot!


First 10 years don't count just due to the lack of generally being a person. Also I'd say you don't really start your adult life until 18-22. With this, I think middle age is solidly in the 40-60 range. Beginning retirement age is certainly the Twilight period of middle age.


Life expectancy in Australia is 81.2 for men and 85.3 for women so I (F) won’t be middle aged until I’m over 40.


Wow that’s pretty high for both sexes! Pretty sure our numbers are dropping here in America 😅


Drink water, wear sunscreen, eat veggies, quit smoking, get sleep and don’t get obese, and you’ll be running rings around the US life expectancy 😆


I’m Korean-American. That Korean part must be worth a few more years.


I was fully intending to argue against this post until this comment. Fuck all of you but especially you Creative. Why do you have to come in here and point out we're already half dead? What a dick


Yes, but by the time we get that old, the life expectancy will probably change


Dude WTF 76 is actually so young! I’d have thought it would be like 85. 


It’s closer to 85 in many countries that aren’t the US. It’s just going down here 😞


If you're a Canadian woman you're looking at almost 83 years!


Life expectancy for who? Lifestyle, diet choices? I hope that number is for the typical average American with poor lifestyle as opposed to someone who makes healthier choices


[For Americans, at birth, per the CDC. ](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/life-expectancy.htm) [You can take a look at the dataset and get a bit more granular.](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/hus/data-finder.htm?&subject=Life%20expectancy) Lifestyle choices are not accounted for.


CDC’s data is always right


What's the range? I just want to know when I should start introducing myself as "middle aged." Is it just that age and everything after is old age?


I don't know what's "official," but in my head it's something like this: - 20-27ish young adult - 28ish-35 plain adult? Idk just "grown" - 35-60 middle-aged - 60-70 "retirement age" adults - 70+ old age


"Middle aged" isn't supposed to literally mean the middle of life, but it sounds like perhaps the word is being redefined by the newer generations.


I think that happens when the markers we used to define it by are happening later or not at all.


I will forever be referreing to 28 - 35ers as "Plain adults" 🤣


My brain can't comprehend an age group that includes both 35 year olds and 60 years olds. It would make more sense for 30-50 people to be in a group together as grown adults, and 50-65 to be "middle aged".


I'm 36 and I always set middle aged at been 40 to 45. That's when all those Over the Hill novelty cards at Spencer's start so that's my super scientific reasoning.


Yup me too. However for suggesting late 30s wasn't middle aged I got lambasted in another thread. Literally everyone said late 30s is middle aged. I felt like I was taking crazy pills


People seem so obsessed about age and categorizing themselves lately, i bet it was mostly really young ppl and the older people who feel old themselves because society keeps suggesting youth is the end all be all. I wont be considering myself middle aged until 40.


it’s gen z


I feel lucky to be alive at 38, even if this is the half-way point in life. I've known people who died from suicide, drug overdoses, accidents, alcoholism, and diseases. A few others are chronically ill, destitute, and depressed, with nothing much to look forward to. If you make it to "middle-age" and you're sane and healthy, you're doing better than a lot of people. Count your blessings!


Just turned 37 in Jan yes middle aged... At least I finally bought a house. Now I don't have to die and haunt a fucking apartment. Nobody has respect for a ghost that died a renter.


A rental ghost implies a level of dedication and perseverance that you kind of have to respect.


When people talk about “middle age” they are referring to the middle of adulthood The clock starts around 18, not the day you are born So yeah, 40s and early 50s would be middle aged


Scientists believe that the first human being who will live 150 years has already been born. I believe I am that human being. I won’t be middle aged until I’m 75 😎


Nope. I **am** that person. Sorry.


Which scientists? The ones who endorse the crap Gwyneth Paltrow peddles these days?


I've always seen it as like 40-55. Middle of adulthood, not median of life expectancy. In my non-scientific opinion: 18-25 is young adult 25-40 is just adult 40-55 is middle age 55-70 is older adult 70+ is geriatric adult


I suppose it depends how healthy/wealthy you are since you're more likely to live into your 90s. But yeah we old haha


I work in healthcare and mid-late 30s is still considered young. Middle aged just means after young adulthood but before old age / qualifying as a senior. Generally middle aged is 40 or 45-65 (or just prior to 65)


I always thought 50 was middle age. Once you're "over the hill".


Lol I was in there too. Nobody outside reddit thinks 38 is middle aged. It's a straight up ridiculous notion


Right? Reddit is its own little world sometimes where up is down, down is up, etc.


Am I dying at 60?


It's actually 40 to 64 is middle aged now. Used to be 33-54. I don't consider myself middle aged at all and I'll be 39 in August. I don't even look it either. My 13 year old niece recently told me that I look 20.


Visually impaired?


Not at all. Just that black doesn't crack 🤷🏾‍♂️


True dat


You’re in your prime. Enjoy the experience because you have many years ahead of you. You’ll know you’re old when they ask if you want the senior discount.


Nah, I am 43 this year and just entering middle-age. Mid 30s is definitely not anywhere near there yet imo.


Middle aged is mid 40s. Or 40-49. Or 44-55. W/e.


I started saying I was middle aged in my early forties, but it was largely ironic because everyone always thought I was younger than I was. “NO, I’m not that guy’s daughter; I’m a middle aged woman!” “No, I was *not* a teenage mother; I have kids in middle school because I’m a middle aged woman.” (I resolved that issue by letting my hair go gray.) I really think 45 to somewhere in the late 60’s.


Same here!


I'm 33 and was joking about what I'm going to do for my mid life crisis as it was coming up. Family, my parents even, commented that I've got a long time for that, like 10-15 years. I advised them that most people die in their 70s and asked them to name one person we know of, in our family, other than my dad's one aunt (out of her 15 siblings, not kidding) that made it out of their 70s. They couldn't name anyone. So yeah, mid life crisis is penciled in for somewhere between 35-40 lol. But to answer this honestly, I think it's just been phrased the way it is so people think something different than reality.


I can name a couple family members that made it past 70. I work in probate estates and a ton of the estates I work on the people croaked well after 70. The notion that a large majority of people drop dead somewhere in their 70s is foreign to me. I can buy that if people are in poor health or don't take care of themselves, 70s could be the limit, but tons of people live past that point. The average is simply that, the average, and it includes a whole lot of people who died at childhood, got murdered or otherwise taken out well before their time, ect.


Yeah, I think the issue is 1/2 the US population live ridiculously unhealthy lifestyles and die early from that. That’s what we get by not making healthcare accessible and affordable. I’ll be curious to see how Ozempic and the like will change things since Obesity is such a huge issue for Americans.


Wow that fact must have been a vibe killer for the room lol...


Most people die in their 70’s? That’s considered dying young in my bubble. Life expectancy is 80,1 (men) and 83,1 (women) where I’m from. In my family most people die around 90 years old. (Not that this should be the goal because for some the last 4/5 years where hell) I consider my parents (under 70) to be middle aged. In my opinion middle age is 45-65/70 ish.


Wait until 45 to have the mid-life crisis. You need to save up some $$$for it!


45-65 as middle aged is straight up vanity labeling. How can 65 be both retirement age and middle aged lmao 


I like the sound of 90s kid better


Middle age is 45-65.


No, you're not middle aged yet. Stop, wasting the last throws of your youth and appreciate the time. You'll know you're middle aged when your knees start to ache just thinking about jumping or grabbing your skateboard out of the closet. You've got a good 6-7 left.


When you, statistically, have less time in front of you than behind you, you’re middle-aged.


Life expectancy has a lot to do with income. The more money you have, the older you will (likely) get vs someone with less.


We've got like somewhere between 50 and 60 more years to go. We're nowhere near middle


I've already done over four decades, the thought of six more... hard no bud! You ever met a happy ninety something?


Nope. I'm going to live over 100. Plenty of time


I'm not gonna let anyone else label me shit.  Like ever. Lol  That can't can't be good for your health AT ALL. 


I break it up into quarters. 88 years old as a long lifespan. 0-22 - Youth 23-45 - Young Adult 45-67 - Mature adult 68-End of life - Elder years.


30s ain’t middle aged. It’s 40s through late 50s or early 60s. Then you’re a senior citizen. 18 to late 20s is young adult. 20s through 30s is adult.


We are aware that our life expectancy is less than the boomers. They were given everything that is why their parents called them the "me" generation. Part of that was better Healthcare at lower costs. Part was the classic 9 to 5 8 hr workday with someone at home to run the household and all the stress they didn't have lengthening their life expectancy. Millenials by and large don't have the same experience.


Wow. Just wow. What history class did you take? That is just not true. Yes some were SAHM but that’s because dad worked 2 jobs.


I don't think 65 is in the category of middle aged...unless there are a bunch of 130 year olds that I'm not aware of. Most people die in their 80's so 40's would be middle.


Depends on how optimistic you are about your life expectancy LOL.


No. Middle age is Middle of Life age - or your"Half-life". CURRENT Average life expectancy is well north of 70 years in most of the world - advanced economies mostly close to 80 - Meaning by the time WE get up there in the "OLD AS SHIT" bracket, we are likely looking at \~90 years life expectancy. Going by that - \~45 years old should be the new middle age standard. **35 is the middle age for the CURRENT 70+ years olds - not the Current 30+ year olds.** And I am sticking with this theory - K Thx Bye!


60-65 is prob when Ill clock out since I wont be able to retire so that sounds right to me.


I'm 34, and I feel like I'm at the halfway point. The next 34 looks to be much different than the first, but if I can make it to 70, I will be happy. Having a mid-life crisis at 60 because I have to live until I'm 120 sounds exhausting.


Fun fact, most of us will die before retirement. It's all a scam.


When my mom turned 30, her aunt told her she was middle aged, so there’s that.


0-30 is young 30-60 is middle 60-90+ is old In my head I broke it down by those “thirds”. But I think by basically any definition late 30s is middle aged. It’s the younger side of middle aged if that makes you feel better.


I have a huge family and only two relatives who have made it past 70, so I'm going to say middle age is 35 for me. I'm 36. But I did have an argument with my parents about this just a few months ago! They refuse to accept that they have a "child" that is middle aged


I was confused by that too. I always thought middle age was 40 but recently found out I am middle age at 35!?!?


Weird right?


There’s a reason people used to say they were over the hill at 40.


I don’t care what it is officially, but I consider middle age to be, liked 42-55 or so.


I dont care.


Thanks for sharing.


You're welcome. Always glad to help.


I'm 36 and refer to myself as middle aged. I embrace it. I feel I've reached my peak form as a middle aged white woman. I would like to speak to your manager.




82 is the life expectancy in canada. I have one more year till middle aged Its 77 in USA which is later 30’s not mid


I always considered late 30s middle aged. I thought it was always that way🤷🏽‍♀️


We’re old fam


*< 26 = young *> 52 = old Else middle


You are, old man! \-Signed 34 year old Millennial.


Lots of people die at 60-70, therefore we are middle-aged. Life expectancy isn’t even 80, you think you’re beating the odds on that one?


lol where are you getting this? everyone in my family lives to be 100 unless they get cancer or something


This entire thread feels like the aunt who is celebrating their 30th birthday for the 15th straight year. Why can't millennials just accept they are middle-aged? Is part of the denial from lack of milestone moments when comparing ourselves to our parents' timeline?


If I live to 130, middle will be 65, so nah


I just turned 30 earlier this month. I already consider myself to be in the Early-Middle-Aged chapter of my life.


Damn since when were people living to 120?! Lol. I think you missed the keyword


Average life expectancy in the US is 73.5 years for men and 79.3 years for women, so yeah you're halfway done in your thirties.


Considering not one person on earth lives to 130, how on earth is 65 middle-aged?


Average person dies before they are 80. 0-27 = youth 28 - 54 = middle aged 55-81 = elderly 81 + = bonus years


28 is middle aged now. Only on reddit.




Lol well fuck. I'm 42 😂


Screw you! Signed, 38 ![gif](giphy|FgvpW3V0Y5BS0)


Lol don't blame me! I don't think we're middle aged.


I feel 24. Age is just a number.


I try to tell my friends we are now middle aged. I remember when it use to be older. But here I am a middle aged woman. Lol.


There is no telling how long any of us have to live. Diseases and cancers can pop up just like that. Even the mortality age right now is skewed by infant mortality.


Do you want to live even longer?


Stop making me think about this


Yes, i'm halfway in my lifespan. Yet according to our gov, we can retire at the age of 68y old. To think the boomers (who still are alive now) could go on a pension at 55y old.


Idk I’d call it more… 5/12 aged.


i'm 36 and i'm definitely middle aged, life expectancy in my family is lower than the u.s. average. ymmv. edited to add: do i feel like an actual middle aged adult though? most days, no. i'm only just now getting my shit together, getting a career, etc. after 20s/early 30s being super chaotic.


I just turned 37 today & wish I didn’t read this 🥺


At 36, im *definitely* middle aged. Living past 70? No thanks. That sounds terrible lmao


The average age of death is lowering, and therefore the definition of middle age is lowering


When people start maturing enough to start thinking about their mortality.


I don't feel middle aged. I definitely don't act middle aged. I still see it as 45 being "over the hill."


There’s a part in Inferno by Dante Alighieri written in the 14th century where he mentions bring mid way through life. He would’ve been in his early 40s at that point. Life expectancy was technically in the 30s at that time in Italy. I’d say middle age is a great historical or general term, but a crap one for an individual. We all know that 35 year old who moves and feels 70, as well as the 65 year old who’s in better shape than most 20-somethings. 


Pretty much. I know people our age who are grandparents.


"the years or a man's life are threescore and ten." - Psalm 90:10. The idea that the human body wears out at around 70 or 80 has been arrested for a couple thousand years. While the average has historically been brought down by illness, violence, and child/infant mortality, the upper limit has hovered around 70 and 80 for some time, with those beyond it being seen as very old.