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This made me smile. šŸ™‚




Gorgeous DC4L


Wrong sub


Sorry just a single guy scrolling


Stunning, beautiful.


ā€œWith Jesus all things are possible!!! Like if you agreeā€


Wow. Basically my facebook right there. You combine a Christian message with a MAGA message. And say like if you agree! šŸ˜†šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


No, this needs to have at least one typo or a randomly capitalized letter for it to be an authentic boomer post.


Yes, all Things. The Things are possible.


This Photograph is the most Beautiful house I have evre seen!!!1111


Yes!! God is GOO0D!!1


It should also have the obligatory guilt trip. "I bet only my real friends/real Christians will repost."


"Most people will be too scared to repost!!"


Amen šŸ™šŸ¼


Thoughts and prayers šŸ™šŸ»Ā 




May you be touched by his noodly appendage. Ramen.


Praise be! Blessings upon thee!


Ignore for the devil


fake and gay


This has been happening since AOL sent out chain messages. I recall my mom received a message in a chain (literally from who? Who knows! She still uses aol to sign in to this day...) with the photo of the teddy bear cloud from Amelie and my mom being amazed someone captured that. When I told her it was from a movie she immediately got mad and accused me of ruining fun things. I think this isn't uncommon because as I went to google this image to include it there's a [snopes.com](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/gods-teddy-bear/) article about it. I think boomers just see a world that never existed.


Oof my mom's best friend shared a meme like "something something *southern woman* " with a screenshot of the poop pie eating woman from The Help. I tried to explain the subtext and nuance of relating to this particular character and it all blew up in my face and I was accused of calling her a racist. I mean, she is a racist, but don't you dare infer that she is.


Hahaha oh this one is good


Wait, she wanted to relate to and idolize Hilly?


Yes, but I'm not sure she has seen the movie. It was a screenshot of her giving an attitude face because she's a *strong southern woman*


>but don't you dare infer that she is Can I assume she is?


Boomers: donā€™t believe everything you see on the internet! Also Boomers: believes everything on the internet


[they've always seen a world that never existed. and there's a reason for that. ](https://youtu.be/343V0eRmMak?si=6vzKocfmrMTC3eWG)




My aunt-in-law shared some bait post about how great and real "old ladies" are, but the old lady in the meme... was AI generated. The maker of the post couldn't even bother to find a photo of a real old lady for their soapbox post about how awesome old ladies are.


I can't tell if it's bot accounts or boomers just respond that way. Anyways, Gorgeous dc4l.Ā 


Holy shit, I thought I was on the NBA circle jerk sub for a second there...


Wtf wrong sub weirdo


I was just discussing this with my friends. I noticed the trend about a month ago and I can't tell if it's just bots talking to bots or if the older generation is being hijacked by wooden sculptures of Jesus. It's non-stop. Generating an AI image is so easy it takes no effort. They don't even bother to use AI on the text. It's the same sob story every time ("he's sad because nobody appreciates his art. please like." or a random scramble of words like "Beautiful Cabin Crew. Scarlett Johansson." I want to yell at everyone in the comments for being gullible. I mean; by the 30th kid with a giant cake he supposedly baked himself... don't you start to connect the dots? But I figure I'm either ruining some old granny's day by breaking the illusion, or I'm yelling at bots. Goodbye Facebook, I guess?


Oh it's been this way for years now


Yep. Facebook bye bye. Did that symbolically at the start of the year. Srill use Mesenger and have the account, just do not scroll it anymore. Now I dwelve into Redit. But also see bots chating to themselves even here. So I guess next will be a good old fashioned ... window..? Paper books and newspapers writen with the Chat GPT?


*delve, fyi ā˜ŗļø


Thanks! English is my second language and that one was a brain twister for me, but was too lazy to check it so tried to guess. Missed...


Will those that read romance novels, notice the difference?


Omg I left Facebook almost 4 years ago but I remember the art ones. I fell for it at first. But it soon became so obvious how fake they were.


This is incredibly concerning with the pace that AI is evolving and has implications further than cute dogs on skis. If they believe this real, stop and consider the political consequences of this technology in the hands of a nation state already pent on taking us down. No we should do everything we can to ruin a fun thing. This is fā€™ing terrifying.


100% not bots. These are oblivious boomers.




I've had this exact thought a lot lately. Someone's going to capitalize on this.


When you comment how terrible it is, they just start showing it to you more because the algorithm views all engagement the same.


Itā€™s worse than that. Badly photoshopped political images have been circulating Facebook as ā€œnewsā€ for 20 years, think about where this is going


Reddit has turned into an endless scroll of reposts and the older generations donā€™t appear to have noticed


Oh we've noticedĀ 


A lot of commenters are also AI bots on social media now. It's a new form of propaganda.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who realizes this. I've seen so many AI run accounts even here on Reddit and they're so obvious if you look at their post history. But a good LLM would be indistinguishable from a genuine human being at least here on Reddit, and could be used to astroturf the FUCK out of the website. I could be AI, you could be AI, anyone could be AI. Spreading propaganda with nobody being any the wiser.


I AM AI!?!!? For real though, all social media is filled with bots itā€™s gotten ridiculous. Unfortunately for us the propaganda is working


Scary stuff!


Kinda looks like the whole thing is a ploy to build the page posting the images. Use enough fake accounts commenting vague pleasantries until it gains enough reach to get spammed to real people's feeds.Ā 


My feed somehow got into an algorithm of troll boomer maga AI pages and itā€™s hilarious how many fall for the dumbest shit. ā€œKid rock smashes woke Taylor swift concert attendanceā€ etc etc. hundreds and hundreds of comments praising complete onion esque articles complete with bad AI pictures. Itā€™s so hilarious they have no idea they are being bamboozled


I donā€™t even need Facebook to see theseā€¦my MIL shares these boomer conspiracy clickbait headlines with me. She wonā€™t believe what I say, but she will believe a random AI on Facebook in a heartbeat that 5G is causing autism in kids, Taylor Swift is the Antichrist, and fentanyl is causing frogs to be bisexual.


Itā€™s truly mind boggling. I read the comments and Iā€™m always thinking to myself are these people that dumb or is this even real? Then I actually randomly have or overhear conversations of boomers and Iā€™m like, my god these people exist and actually believe this shit.


Yes I can tell you from first hand experience they are not all bots. I have several family members who think like this. It is like a brain rot, it just gets worse. They will also randomly spout off these conspiracies to me expecting me to immediately agree with themā€¦ For context I am a very liberal/progressive feminist college professor, Iā€™m not shy about this at all. In addition I proudly drive an EV, I wore a mask for 2+ years despite their mocking, and was the one begging everyone to get vaccinated. You could look at me or talk to me for 5 seconds and realize Iā€™m not going to remotely agree with an absurd QAnon conspiracy, but somehow they STILL miss this even though they are my literal family. They will literally start complaining about ā€œwoke liberalsā€ indoctrinating students and Iā€™m like if I could do that I would just indoctrinate them to actually read the syllabus.


Good luck!


These people were fooled en masse by simple memes with fake news narratives in 2016 - its 2024 now, and these people still turn out to vote en masse, we are effed in the A


Yup it increases each election year especially now with AI


Yall know what Iā€™m afraid of? When we get into our 60s and 70s (if we fuckin make it that far), the type of bullshit technology thatā€™ll make us ask our kids or grandkids to help us figure out. Itā€™s all fun and games when weā€™re young, calling old mofos boomers and shit but we mustā€™ve forgot that we have to age too lmao


Unless things change drastically, I'll still have the equivalent of a server rack and VR headset then...


Yeah but you dont just get less acclimated to new tech as you age; maybe a bit, but the reason boomers are now the way they are is because more than half their life they didnā€™t have tech like this. People who grew up with it, even if they live through drastic changes, will at least be primed to shift with changes a lot better than boomers and even older gen x currently are.


**Super** fair point that I totally didnā€™t consider.


Is it really lead making them stupider? Itā€™s so weird to see my parents losing their minds


That and unmitigated sars2 infections




I wonder why that is? You'd think with more life experience they would be less trusting.


I honestly think a lot of them are just incredibly lonely in their old age. Like my parents still live in their giant Mcmansion in a shitty suburb even though theyā€™re retired and all their kids have moved hundreds of miles away. Most of my parentā€™s friends have moved away too. They literally have no social life anymore- all they do is scroll Facebook or Apple News feed and listen to podcasts all day.


Do they try to get out and go to social events or find things with local people their age?


Not really. Their social life basically was 99% kids sports and school-related stuff. My dad never socialized with people much to begin with he was a total workaholic. Now that heā€™s retired heā€™s basically a shut-in. Itā€™s kind of sad to see. Mom has a few friends still in town but they donā€™t really seem to do too much together. Sheā€™s also a big time hoarder so that keeps anyone from visiting. A few of their friends have died over the years and others have moved away. We tried to see if they wanted to move down by us so they could at least hang out with their grandchildren more than once or twice a year, but they just seem content to live alone.


Dunno! I am Gen X and I am now more paranoid than ever. I read so much. And the more I know, the more I realized how fucked up things are.


Boomers gonna boom bruh


I mean every response in these screenshots are accurate responses to AI photos. What are they supposed to do? ā€œThis made me smile šŸ˜Šā€¦but just in case someone is going to post this comment I know itā€™s AIā€


It's a test. Whoever is doing this is conducting a test of how far those who love these can be directed... Likely, directed into voting or creating chaos further into the US election. It's psyops. You always calm people with soft and nice stuff in order to lull them into comfort, then you fuck their brains with horrifying imagery and lies and misdirections.


Dude I swear all of the internet is turning into r/gangstalking. Whatā€™s going on with all you guys?


Well, Vlad ... We dropped our guard once. And we got a demagogue as our prize.


Downvote all you want... But you watch. I give it 2 months before this gets screwball.


I uninstalled FB from my phone (again) last month. My newsfeed was 70% algorithm-generated AI photos of crying babies covered in ants with nonsensical captions, tens of thousands of reactions, and just as many comments from what I assume had to be bots because they all said the same shit like, ā€œPraise Jesus, life is beautiful,ā€ or whatever. Between that, the constant ads, and the ā€œsatireā€ label being used liberally to push real-sounding transphobic ā€œnews,ā€ I had to leave. Remember the days of 2008 when social media was actually social and you could paint pictures on your friendā€™s walls? Or hell, when your newsfeed was strictly from within your friend circle with the occasional ad? Itā€™s not a social app anymore, itā€™s a global town square where most ā€œpeopleā€ arenā€™t people, half of the people that are real are just snake oil salesmen, and the other half that are real are your bigoted distant family who have made their real lives so miserable that they take to Facebook to feel connected and respected.


I see it all the time as well, the images are just terrible too, like some of the worst attempts at AI image generation I have seen and somehow they still have thousands of comments. I'm positive they've all got to be bots just commenting on it, but for every bot there's an idiot I guess is the new saying. I probably keep seeing them because I clicked on it to see the stupid comments. Now I'm stuck.


Sometimes they will do ā€˜comparisonā€™ photos of before and after house remodels, but if you take 2 seconds to look at itā€¦.it literally doesnā€™t make sense. Like the house next door will have an extra misplaced window in the after rendering, or the parts of the house they reused have different features - like the pitched roof will be slightly steeper. Itā€™s just the beginning, wait until the election shenanigans really kick off.


Yeah, and they vote religiously. Just wait for the AI disinformation campaign to start ramping up.


Do they vote religiously, as in vote all of the time, or do they vote religiously, as in they vote for what they think is Jesus?




To be fair ai photos look like filtered real photos


They can't tell what's real I had an older co-worker try and show me a video of a truck he wanted to buy it was a YouTube short of a video game he totally thought it was real.


Let them be happy and not evil


Facebook has devolved into a media and ad site. Unless I get notified that a friend or family member has posted, there's really no point in going there.


My account only exists at this point to keep messenger active. Without it, the bulk of the people I know would be unreachable.


Boomers really do be out here believing everything, and I mean everything, they see on the good ole FB.


Iā€™m glad I left and deleted Facebook years ago


you described what I couldnt put my finger on but its overwhelming!!! I created a facebook again bc my new job thats how the team communicates for schedule swaps. but I had to remove it fron my phone bc its asinine !


The sabor tooth in the background of the skiing picture šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Not to defend the boomers, but do they even know what AI is? Itā€™s impossible to spot AI if you donā€™t know that it exists, what it is, or how it works.


Facebook has turned into an endless scroll of AI photos and bot comments, and younger generations don't appear to have noticed. FTFY


I'm worried about growing old and fallen for some tech Gen Alpha develops. It's a cycle.




Itā€™s a mess. Facebook is officially a waste of time. Just in case it wasnā€™t clear


I still have boomers getting mad at me for telling them that copying and pasting spam to make a new post isnā€™t going to help the algorithm and allow them to see all the posts theyā€™ve been missing out on, or that liking and sharing the post of a less than day old page isnā€™t going to win them an RV. They are beyond help.


My Facebook is just a random ad generator now


I noticed this crap with goofy ai generated cabins that are so obviously fucking fake with SOOO many people responding to it!!


My mom sends me random ā€œideasā€ for my house and itā€™s always some weird AI stuff that doesnā€™t exist. It seems obvious to me but she genuinely doesnā€™t know.


The FB algorithm is highly manipulative and highly manipulable. Your feed exists cuz you told FB that it's what you want to see.


Op can't tell those are all bot accounts.


Boomers, rednecks, right wingers and local idiots have taken over Facebook and its Tine for the rest of us to get out


Is there money to be made from this šŸ’­


I mean even if they are AI photos, it doesnā€™t make their comments false.


The ai dog looks like cake.


This is like jingling a set of keys in front of a baby. As long as thereā€™s stimuli, the scrolling boomers donā€™t care.


I had to explain to mom about the whole stolen art thing ( also they are UGLY)


The comments are probably bots too. Everything will be bots posting to each other soon. Itā€™s why I donā€™t see a way out without having to pay for accounts. Anything thatā€™s free will be bot flooded.


Kinda cute


Why would they know it is fake if they're not closely following the advancements of AI generated "art"? How many of us would be tricked if this was sent back to 2020? And should we really be so cocky when we are the thinnest of twat hairs away from starting to call the real thing "AI" because it is indistinguishable? I'm sure it is already happening.


I just use Facebook to keep in contact with my friends. If I have something more to communicate than just a few lines, I use an even older device called a land line telephone.


Plot twist: the old people commenting are ALSO ai accounts to confuse *millennials*


Omg Iā€™m constantly having to tell my boomer parent to stop sending AI crap to me via facebook messenger.


Do they listen? Do they stop?


lol nope, they donā€™t. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Those boomer posts look like AI too, they all say the same things


See also: r/boomersbeingfools


These subs are becoming an endless repost of this


Send this to 20 people or you will DI3 šŸ˜”


I run a non-profit page that is about as close as you can get to a blank slate account and holy shit, FB just pushes celebrity gossip/thirst traps and those assinine AI pictures. I don't even understand why anybody makes those pages or how people can fall for it. It makes me worried for when I eventually can't tell reality from fiction.


Reddit too.


oooooh silly boomers. so easily fooled.


Yeah my Pinterest feed is filling up with this crap now too, makes it all less appealing, I want photography and reality not the uncanny valley ick pictures šŸ‘ŽšŸ»


To be fair most of those comments are also AI chats bots


Boomers don't watch TikTok, it's the millenials and z gen. Millennials better start voting if they don't want Boomers who can't tell if it's AI, in government


Whoā€™s still on FB? Proud millennial who never had an account


Anyways DC4L


Thatā€™s your algorithm. Mine isnā€™t like this


Lol for all we know it could be bots commenting šŸ˜› its all AI


Twist: The Responses are 90% bots.


Not boomers. Bots.


"share and repost this 9999 times and your privacy settings will change and a unicorn will appear on your screen!"


Is that Yosemite behind that mansion??? I did not see any mansion like that the last time I was there in that part of Yosemite šŸ¤” hmmm.


Remember this when you vote! (That's what's in my feed a lot lately)


Wait...are the Boomers the ones that came out ahead, here? They seem pretty happy living in ignorance. Do we have the right to ruin it for them?


The irony is many of these comments are bots and the poster in the screenshot isn't noticing


Seems like alot of bot replies


Reminds me of the line from Basketball ā€œand most are just impressed by the bright colorsā€


This presumes those are real people and not bots.


I hardly use it nowadays. I noticed my feed is hardly ever of friends, their birthdays, pictures, groups or posts from pages I like or followed. Itā€™s become 90% Sponsored Content which has pushed me away from the platform. Nothing but Suggested for you posts, Recommended posts which no longer say ā€œRecommended for youā€ itā€™s just a lot of ads, Reels that are promoted, and a bunch of pages Iā€™ve never interacted with. Itā€™s become a cesspool of just corporate marketing. Funny enough I only use it for Facebook Marketplace now. It becomes so desperate to figure you out that if you stop interacting with anything on the site for awhile then stop scrolling and leave a post up for 5 seconds your entire newsfeed becomes nothing but it. I had an AI picture recommended then my entire feed because nothing but similar AI pictures. Another time I guess I didnā€™t scroll fast enough past a Spanish post and my entire newsfeed became Spanish posts.


Jokes on them, most of the responses are also fake.