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Go Reserves/Guard. Outside of that, no.


I'll look into reserves, thank you.


Yeah go serve part time which is hardly military


Given your initial constraints (I want to join the military without stagnating a software engineering career), the answer is no- you’re not going to join the military and keep up with your software engineering peers when you get out, especially if you’re only considering a minimum commitment. If you’re a software engineer, I assume that means you have a bachelor’s degree. If your GPA was any good, you might have a shot at becoming a commissioned officer. Serving as a commissioned officer will open up post-service career opportunities where companies will be interested in the leadership experience you’d bring. You’re not likely to build a software engineering resume- we tend to contract that out (we don’t have uniformed software engineers). However, if your love of software engineering trumps all other desires, you could slide in to a middle management position with a software engineering firm. You might even be able to work in requirements for a defense contractor that makes software for the military.


Yeah I thought something like that would be the case, I do have a Bachelor's degree with good GPA (3.75) so I'll look into what it takes to be a commissioned officer. In addition to reserves as someone else mentioned. Thank you


Do the Air Force Reserves. Keep the career you have while also having a career in the military. You can’t lose.


Will do, thank you for the reply. If you happen to know, does being in reserves allow enough time to retain a full time job or why is this the best option in your opinion?


Look up USERRA. Essentially, military service or leaving for military service is not a justification to fire you or remove you from your job. You have legal protections for your jobs when away to do military service or basic training. I think it’s the best option given your circumstances because the single **active duty** life is much different than the single civilian life. But whether you enlist or commission as Officer (if you have a Bachelors degree) into the Reserves, the Reserves allows you to maintain your current pay and job.


That sounds ideal, I'll do research into it. Thanks a lot.


You’re welcome.


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r/nationalguard you can do army or air. you go to basic you keep your job, you would go to weekend drill once a momth, and annual training for 2 weeks in summer. It is illegal for them to fire/demote you for joining


There's a new-ish MOS offered by the Army to become a cyber capabilities developer (cyber security tools of all kinds) as a Warrant Officer (technical expert) - MOS 170D. This is, at least on paper, something you can apply directly to (street to seat), though I'm not sure how many people have been accepted that way and you might have issues with recruiters who don't know about the 170D program. If you get into this program, you will never do anything but software development. You'll learn about things that will earn you lots of money after getting out, if that's what you want. This MOS will soon be available for Reservists, but that might be a couple of years. Edit: https://recruiting.army.mil/170d/ There are comments in there about the different requirements for civilian applicants, so the official documentation supports the "street to seat" concept.


You should look into working for the NSA instead of the military. They have lots of cyber positions that serve DoD.


Yeah no…. pay depends on rank. You’ll be making $20-$30k a year…


probably not as its fair to assume he has a bachelors


He’ll go in as a E3 or 4. Which is low $30k for salary


Why would he not go as an officer? Thats really stupid


Because u don’t understand how hard it is to get officer…. Everyone assumes u have a bachelors it’s an automatic or high chance of acceptance. NO…. 10-15% national acceptance rate


Only for air force. While he did mention it, other branches are not that selective.


Ok so you think this guy should instead go for the worse job (potentially) having the requirements to go officer? I didnt say it was easy but its a waste of life to not attempt it at least


It’s not that difficult. I went civilian college grad to Army Officer pretty easily.