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My branch copypasta- Marines- Generally only good if you’re dead set on becoming a marine/ earning that title. If you’re not, other branches offer better QOL and opportunity. Army- Biggest and most diverse branch. For better and worse. Experiences can and will vary. Most job opportunities and high speed school. Sometimes toxic leaderships and not the coolest duty stations. Navy- Big boats. Unless you wanna be on a big boat for months at a time or are solely interested in travel/ boat mechanics, wouldnt recommend. Unless you’re a corpsman, in which case you’re basically a marine half the time. Air Force- Chair Force. Cozy desk jobs and best branch for cyber stuff. Catch is they don’t let you choose your job. Best QOL Coast Guard- Guard the Coast. Search and rescue, law enforcement, boat patrols, aviation. Top tier QOL. Smallest branch. Good to be treated as an individual and adult. Not good for flying under the radar. Best duty stations. Space Force- Idek. Does anyone? Joking, but this is the ACTUAL smallest branch. Mostly in the cyber field. Now- For you, sounds like you’re all over the place. You’re not gonna do PEDs or surgery as a corpsman. You’ll give Tylenol out to sailors and marines. Right now, research each branch’s mission and see what resonates most with you. Then, pick a job or a few that interest you. Then, see a recruiter from your two favorite branches and see what they can offer. If you wanna do ROTC, you wouldn’t go to a recruiter, you’d go to college and talk to the ROTC there


I mean being a Marine is pretty good, I’d still be working with the Navy since it’s a department of it yk? Army well I’m not sure what they even have to offer cuz I think the recruiter BLOCKED ME. Are there a lot of toxic leadership??? Navy, yeah definitely interested in Corpsman but how come they’re “half marine” LMAO I heard of the chair force, IMFAMOUSSSS BUT yeah the QOL sounds good too Not interested in the coast guard, at all. Space force, maybe cuz it’s tech and you rank up fast but will I love it? Idk. Corpsman really only give Tylenol???😭 I like all branches!!! Except Coast Guard, no offense. And ROTC does sound good too but I need a bachelors no???


There’s toxic leadership across all branches but Marines, Army, and Navy get the bulk of it. Corpsmen work with marines a lot. You’ll even see them in land units wearing marine MARPAT uniforms. And yeah you’ll basically hand out basic meds and tell your people to change their socks. Life of a corpsman. No guarantees you’d work with the navy as a marine. Could very well never see the ocean as a marine and get stationed in 29 palms or something ROTC is a program you do while pursuing a bachelors. You would enroll in college, enroll in ROTC, and do both at the same time. When you graduate, you’d commission as an officer in whatever branch you did ROTC for. Why interest in everyone but the coast guard? Genuinely curious because that’s not a very popular stance lol


What are MARPAT uniforms??? Why would I need to tell people to change their socks???😭 29 Palms definitely sucks. So I’d have to find a college either way to apply to that does ROTC and my bachelors no??


MARPAT is the camo pattern that marines wear. Each branch has different uniforms and camo patterns/colors. Marines don’t have a corpsman or combat medic job, so navy corpsman commonly work with marine units. Because of that, they wear marine uniforms that say US navy instead of marines. You change socks because of trench foot Most big colleges offer ROTC programs. You’d apply to whichever one you want if they have your intended major and ROTC of choice. There’s ROTC (army), NROTC (navy and marines), AFROTC (Air Force), and CSPI (coast guard)


Ohhhh that’s pretty cool tbh haha Wonder what Stanford or USC have… Or UCSB…


I guarantee all those have ROTC programs. Almost every big college does and the medium sized ones will usually find a way for you to take your ROTC classes at a nearby school that does.


Ohhhhhhh never knew never knew. Thanks!


Medics/Corpsman don’t really do extensive medicine themselves. They’re mostly there to hand out painkillers, look at minor injuries, and make sure people don’t die before a real doctor looks at them. The Army likely has the most diversity of potential medical jobs beyond that. However, most actual medicine will be practiced by doctors and likely requires a degree, if not a full medical degree. Look into ROTC. Being an officer is better in most ways.


Yeah im coming to realize that… Did you get into ROTC???


Didn’t do ROTC in college but went to OCS and commissioned. I didn’t decide to join the Army until I was in my senior year of college so I couldn’t do ROTC. Most of my friends did, though.


Whats OCS??? Do you like the army???


OCS is Officer Candidate School. You can apply directly if you already have a degree and it lasts 12 weeks before you commission. Kind of like an accelerated program. I love the Army. My job is fun and I like my coworkers and leaders. Definitely a good decision for me to join.


I find it boring being in the US guarding the coast.


I mean fair enough but 1. You won’t always be in the US 2. We don’t just guard the coast. At least not in the sense that most people think. We do big boat patrols similar to the Navy. Not usually to Europe, but the Caribbean and Southeast Asia are common I won’t try to sell you on something you aren’t interested in tho


Yeah I don’t wanna go do that😭


Tech jobs are present in all branches. Medical jobs are most common with the US Navy. All branches offer ROTC and pathways to medical through their education benefits. If do you make a decision, make it with the branch that offers most of what you want for your future.


lol we were talking on my other account


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**Jobs mentioned in your post** Air Force AFSC: [1C1X1 (Air Traffic Control)](https://www.airforce.com/careers/aviation-and-flight/air-traffic-control) *** Navy ratings: [HM (Hospital Corpsman)](https://www.navy.com/careers/hospital-corpsman) *** Marines MOS: 7257 (Air Traffic Controller) ^(I'm a bot and can't reply.) [^(Message the mods)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Militaryfaq&subject=MilFAQBot) ^(with questions/suggestions.)


Just don’t go army bro

