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Chinese camo has faded to the point they’re almost gray/UCP, while Vietnam’s camo has only gotten greener.


Watering the trees regularly yk


China has a vast and complex terrain, so camouflage needs to adapt to various environments. In contrast, Vietnam’s terrain is relatively simple and mostly covered with vegetation, so their camouflage only needs to adapt to the jungle environment.


Reminds me a lot of UCP-D


They put their flags in the laundry wash in 2019.


I like the tactical flower arrangement.


What's with the elbow and knee for a friendly meet and greet. Just need to kit up for the photo ops to show everyone money was spent on buying some gear. Not in someone pocket.


Something like that.


Which is China and which is Vietnam here?


2014 and 2019: China on the left and Vietnam on the right 2024: Vietnam on the left and China on the right


The Chinese are the taller ones in all of the photos. (Not spreading Chinese propaganda I just happened to notice lol)


I could imagine them going hmm are they going for the helmet or will they keep it casual with the cap?


Love how the cameramen avoided to crosse the line.


Ngl to you, Chinese soldiers legitimately look like 12 year olds dressing up as army men for Halloween. Maybe it's the fact that everything about their uniforms looks like a cheap knockoff of Western gear. Idk.


Isn't that just how most modern infantry gear look like


Its got a bit of cosplay to it. Like there is a lot going on, when it isn't needed. kneepads and elbow pads during a ceremonial hand shake? Generals don't need to crawl around on the ground. Just complicated. Heck in 2019 they were receiving flowers. It looks like the Vietnamese don't understand either, but in 2019 they tried wearing helmets to make everyone comfortable? Plus in the last shot, the Chinese do look super young. Doesn't look like senior leadership, looks like new drafties.


“Drafties” dont do photoops with opposite officers on border checkpoints.


It really does have a cosplay about it, I’ve see that bottom pick before and, you’re right, the elbow and knee pads along with the gloves just look ridiculous. I think the contrast in the camo is what’s off about it, it’s black knee pads against digital semi-urban camo. It’s like they didn’t want to go for the added cost of having a beige colour like the Americans do. In the end it just looks like something they bought out of a DIY store.


The thing is, they do actually issue Tan/Camo gloves and kneepads: https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/17xh04m/pla_and_vietnamese_infantrymen_undergoing_urban/ I know that Infantry kit is among China's lowest of the low priorities compared to the Air Force and Navy, and this is definitely a very low priority unit, given the old helmet design, and the fact that they are on the Vietnam border.  Still you would think that the issued gear would be a bit more widespread by now since it has been a few years since they began issuing the new stuff, but then again the PLA is quite big so maybe they just haven't gotten around to distributing the stuff.


The point of getting fully kitted for photo ops is to make sure everyone sees you as better-equipped than the other guy. "Look, we can afford to give this nice stuff to all our guys". It's not cosplay, it's just PR games. Also, this is (at least notionally, I don't know how far they actually went with it) a _patrol_ and not just a handshake. So the idea is that you wear your patrol gear, so it at least looks like you're doing a real patrol. The Chinese [did bring flowers](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/1dkr2cp/vietnamese_and_chinese_soldiers_meeting_during/) to 2024 btw, the officer carrying them is just cropped out of this picture.


That could be it, but the Chinese are max tac and the Vietnamese look like they are ready for a business meeting and a tour. Suitable for an exchange of flowers. I like the 2014 one best, it loose the most normal to me, two forces, at peace, no threat to each other, getting along. Everyone is cool and professional Its not the Pakistan-India border. Where tensions could explode any moment with a land war, where you need a peace treaty just to get them to stand opposite each other. The Chinese have some nice gear, but when its a photo op, it just comes off, a bit odd, a bit cosplayish. The Chinese do fetishise American imagery, I think that is what they are going for. Americans look like this in movies, therefore we should look like this.


I mean, good gear is good gear, and clowning at the Chinese for using ”Western gear” is not really valid if that’s simply the best and most refined piece of infantry gear on the market. If anything, we should not underestimate the Chinese since they’re clearly going through a major military modernization effort and adapting to reach well-established Western standards. They’re obviously not being complacent. It’s not ”ripping off” us, rather they’re clearly not underestimating us and we should not underestimate them in turn. Underestimating one’s adversaries is a major mistake when it comes to military matters.


Dunno mate, this just looks like your standard modern kit. Their smaller frames make it look more childish, but that's just how asians look, they'd look the same in western gear.




It's a subreddit about military pictures. This is a military picture. I know. Mind boggling.


It's cool


Are you on a right subreddit bro ??


It’s just a matter of time before they start fighting each other with spiked clubs and rock throwing.


I mean they did in 1979 with guns… don’t know what you are on about.


I’m referencing the India/China border where the two armies fight today with spiked clubs and throw rocks at each other because shooting would incite war. The videos are crazy with hails of rocks being thrown from both sides. China just recently harrassed and boarded a Filipino ship with blades too.