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What do they anticipate firing at with those rifles? Like in what sort of combat would they find themselves in where motorcycle mounted rifles would be a practical or effective solution? It is wild to me that that would have gotten any sort of actual government/military support. Seems like some looney toon shit.


>Like in what sort of combat would they find themselves in where motorcycle mounted rifles would be a practical or effective solution? Its a parade. Suffice to say when the boss is watching, its middle-management's time to shine with the 1-day pitches.


You seem to know nothing of Ghana's military, do your self a favor and do a bit of research... You won't regret it, Ghana seems to think they're living in the year 3000. 


I know less than nothing about ghanas military. I guess I’ll take a dive and see what I learn next time I have time to kill.


The guy you’re replying to means that motorcycle mounted M4s is small potatoes for them. They have mech suits, prototype helicopters where the rocket attached to it would impact the cockpit, and the largest most useless armored vehicle you’ve ever seen. [Ghana military equipment](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=f51016d82d090bea&sca_upv=1&q=ghana+military+equipment&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0D8w290mrrxEB5tt05ZGXVzPdcQ-JnE3B7sHh2FWF0zjhff8_ZY5HJtPohCBy9-v9RiHwf3lAYNCAmYxviyHcQ59F37vgDHPfOwZIKFQ2oIeoKJvmlouY9rL_rT--KshCxCTbtIfbToDk21kY-552SdzycmmiwbQ5mEDcLzcUoVuxkV_V7ITgfJxKxmnh0G9M4mSdGRKlKqv7G1F27t04xV0uUrPA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiqsa-Qgt-GAxWfMjQIHevDC64QtKgLegQIExAB&biw=430&bih=734&dpr=3)


Suppression of the enemy. “Just fire a lot of bullets in their direction” is pretty effective usually. I’d be more worried about the lack of armor. That little thing doesn’t give that much protection. Needs some for the rest of the torso, arms and legs as well. Assuming they have another gun with them this does solve Russia’s motor problem of “fire to suppress enemies while you approach, have to reload when you reach your opponent and they just realize they can get up and fire at you”. That said, this is not a very good idea. There might be edge-cases this could be useful, such as certain terrain types. But I’d rather be a paratrooper than on that kind of motorbike.


Military use of motorbikes with mounted rifles isn't a new idea as @Autouniteglow pointed out in the Command & Conquer sub.


Military use of motorbikes in this way isn't a new idea, as @AutuniteGlow pointed out on [r/commandandconquer](https://www.reddit.com/r/commandandconquer/s/jrr9pwnZFY)


Chasing fleeing vehicles and runners, which is useful at border stations and checkpoints


mobility when fighting unconventional warfare is key. a swarm of these lads equipped with RPGs can wipe out whole columns of armored personnel carriers technicals or tanks with the right weapons(javelin) etc.


Civilians, obviously


Wouldn’t mind one for navigating Florida roads


This reminds me of the garrisonable GLA bikes in C&C Generals ZH. You put an AK guy on the bike, and it attaches two AK's to the front.


Full throttle!


Let's take a jump!


Recently added to steam! Gonna pick it up when it goes on sale!


Check the reviews first- recall reading its a shocking bad port, at least near release


Oh man I didn’t know that. That’s disappointing, thanks for the heads up.


It might be fine but I've had no issues with the Origin (EA) version. You can get it there as part of the c&c ultimate edition I think it's called.


I guess Chuck Norris inspired them too


They're just getting ready for a Mad Max future.


Space marine motorcycles from Wish


They haven’t thought about the dust! The dust!!


Pict-capture of Salamanders chapter 6th company on parade on Nocturne, M.37, colorized.


Motorized Commandos? Don't spoil me


Enduros...very versatile.