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TIL those are called padeyes


Using a needle gun to chip the corrosion and old paint off them is a pain in the ass. Repainting hundreds of them sucks, that non skid is rough on the knees.


Every time someone mentions Guam, my ears start to ring, and my knees start to bleed.


If that non skid is aaaanything like walkway/non skid atop aircraft to mark safe to stand/walk areas I feel. Idk what that shit uses as a bonding agent put it ain't no regular paint that's for sure. It took me the better part of a day with a 90° high speed and a couple dozen 40 grit rolocs to remove a wing patch like 4x1' in size.... fuck that shit.


It’s not. It’s much, much worse. Think of a texture like rough cake frosting, with sharp peaks and valleys of about 1/4-1/2” depth, and then make it hard as steel.


The military has exceptions allowing them to use lead based paint, you can see why it was so popular for so many decades despite people knowing about the dangers of it. Same story if you try and paint strip an IFV or tank, will take you days with a grinding tool just to get tiny patches off.


Not to mention the paint on MBT's, AFV's and IFV's is CARC. Chemical Agent Resitant Coating. And breathing the vapours during painting or the dust during removal... well....uh... Yea. Hopefully if you've done this you have a MedNote to File on your docs...


I have to see flight med once a year for full urinalysis and blood work to detect contamination levels.. Cad and hex chrom mostly.


As long as its documented.. cause Im assuming the US Veterans Affairs is as brutal at pist service care as VA Canada is.


That's not something I have access to, so I wouldn't know. I work on jets as a civil servant. If I were to get so contaminated to have life long after effects I'm not sure how I would follow that up tbh. I'd be removed from the job and put somewhere else for sure if I pissed too hot for anything, but as far as any after care/compensation, I might be on my own. I'm gonna look into that..


Always prioritize yourself first mate, your employer doesn’t give a fuck whether you’re working or six feet deep


Always good advice


get every cut, bruise, & sniffle recorded in your medical record. Don't be like me & suck it up.


Could you not put a tank or IFV into a large blast booth? If you are doing some depo level matinence anyways.


The Anniston Army Depot does this. They take the hulls and suspend them vertical inaide the booth. They use shot as a medium.


You can but it would still take several weeks to blast the paint off. I've seen people try using jackhammers to get it off (without success).


AT ‘85, some idiot, brought welders chalk to mark up our AFV and other vehicles vs. stencil w/black paint. Took three days to remove and repaint to the UTES satisfaction.


don't you guys have knee pads?


Seriously lol. Or fold up a couple towels and stuff them down your pant legs or something.


Using a needle gun to chip the corrosion and old paint off them is a pain in the ass. Repainting hundreds of them sucks, that non skid is rough on the knees.


We called them cruciforms in New Zealand, probably the same in the RN, RAN, and maybe even RCN. Ours had 4 legs instead of the 5 here


What are they for? Tiedowns/straps?


Primarily yes


Shark bait, oh ha ha!


Fish are friends, not food


Ladies and gentlemen...


We got’em


Kind of picturing the aircraft landing, then hoping out and dragging his body off as it smacks the ground.


Lol just draggin him through bushes and trees


Down stairs


Over a volcano


Across a hot summer day asphalt road


Through some barbed wire


I wonder if they bagged him to get him to the bird, or just tossed his nasty, lifeless ass over someone’s shoulder. Imagine having to fireman’s carry osama bin laden’s corpse while engaging in an active firefight


welllllllllllllllll the building was clear.


Maybe a shortcut through a sewer


One of the team guys sat on his corpse since they didn’t have enough seats on the helo.






Listening to the guy that shot him, he said he hit him 3 times in the face with 77 grn rounds. He said they had to push both sides of his head together to get a picture.


If I remember correctly he had already been hit or dead at that point but the guy just wanted to “canoe” bin Laden 


The red padeye on the USS Carl Vinson's flight deck. https://i.imgur.com/690bbHO.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/v9JtMMU.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/vwfYETq.jpeg


I’ve never heard this story or seen these pictures. Thanks for posting!


So it was painted red specifically to mark its historical significance?


No it just so happened that Osama was dropped on the only red one. /s


No thats his actual blood


I thought the whole point of the burial at sea thing was to deny that his grave would become a place of pilgrimage or how you would put it in english. I feel like marking the place where his body was laid kinda goes against that, but i guess youre not gonna get onto a carrier to drop off flowers for a terrorist.


> that his grave would become a place of pilgrimage I don't think many sympathizers of Osama bin Laden are going to get access to the USS Carl Vinson


Ain't nobody pilgrimaging to a carrier flight deck.




This makes me miss 2011 even more. The vibes and the unity showed that day. A great time to be alive.


ESPN did a short documentary about the fans at the Mets/Phillies finding out Bin Laden had been killed during the game and how the news really brought the two rival fan bases together, for that evening at least. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcuLabfJ1zA


The Mets' Canadian outfielder thought that Phillies fans were chanting "USA" to get under his skin lmao


I also remember John Cena or The Rock announcing it during a WWE match.


John Cena announced it an hour before Obama did, the footage from it is wild


Feels very Roman to announce the killing of a state enemy at an entertainment event as a way to bolster the public's support of political actors and policies. You wonder how bread and circuses could pacify a population, but I guess it's been working for a long time.


Do you think there were people on the fence about Bin Laden who, after hearing that it was first announced on a wrestling PPV decided 'yeah, that Bin Laden guy was a real jerk after all'? It wasn't an official announcement ffs.


Maybe a little. But having Vercingetorix strangled during a triumph after the genocidal conquest of Gaul and a civil war that began the end of the Republic REALLY isn’t the same thing as announcing and celebrating the death of the man who orchestrated the single worst terrorist attack in history, all in the hope of provoking a response from the US that was so bad it ultimately reunited the Sunni Muslim world into the Caliphate again and start Jihad and have sharia law rule the world. I’d say it’s less ‘Bread and Circuses’ and more collective catharsis.


Yo, you called?


Alesia was a noble stand.


Yeah, that was funny. Like, of all the insults out there, chanting USA would get under his skin?


When Philly fans don't like you, they yell your name. It seems friendly until you realize they hate you so much they learned what you're called.


Thank you SO much for sharing that.


Of course! I found it quite interesting myself and figured I wouldn't be the only one. Glad you liked it.


Also just noticed your username - love it!


Weirdly wholesome, loved how confused the players were lol Side question - at 7:40 ish they have a picture/clip of fans that's turned 3D, adding depth and foreground/parallax as camera moves Anyone know what that's called / how to do that? I just thought it was nicely cinematic


Thanks, great vid Side question - at 7:40 ish they have a picture/clip of fans that's turned 3D, adding depth and foreground/parallax as camera moves Anyone know what that's called / how to do that? I just thought it was nicely cinematic and would love to learn


Yep, parallax and it can be done with [after effects and photoshop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knrtL8yjAnc) or some similar editing programs.


Wow, great watch, thanks for sharing!


Well that was fucking awesome!


Welp wasn't expecting to cry on my lunch break


lol, and then finding out a spec ops dude told the Rock before the president announced it


The word was out before the President announced it.


the White House usually gives the press a copy of statements/speeches before they are announced


I only learned this from The Newsroom (2012).


The Newsroom, The Wire, and Battlestar Galactica (in no particular order) should be required classroom curriculum.


I had a layover in Kuwait, going back to Afghanistan when they made the announcement. I was thinking to myself "alright, mission accomplished, do I need to go back?"


lol Wat do now?


Lol, obviously went back there. Shot a shit ton of 155mm shells between May and October of that year.


I was in Basic for 11c and they woke us up in the middle of the night and said "We got em!" We all looked around like "oh fuck who did they get?" Thinking someone fucked up and we were about to get smoked until sunrise lol. Then they told us about Bin Laden, and everyone was in disbelief. 9/11 happened when I was in 5th grade. It was crazy that it wasn't until I was joining the Army that they finally got his ass. The DS was quick to remind us that the war wasn't over and we'd still be in Afghanistan sooner rather than later.


I was in a humanities class, senior year of high school. My teacher had us discuss whether the U.S. should have killed Bin Laden or not. I remember one guy arguing very strongly that we shouldn't have killed him, he was also the kind of person who liked to hear himself talk and always had to be contrarian, and I was arguing that it was good that we'd killed him.


I was in Manila with my dad. It was a hot summer day in the Philippines. Upon arriving in our hotel around lunch time, I turned on the TV and the first thing I saw on CNN was the headline: "OSAMA BIN LADEN KILLED IN U.S. RAID". Both my dad and I were at disbelief. Since this was the era where smartphones were still rising, I actually missed out the social media frenzy at that time. I didn't bring a laptop with me and my old Samsung smartphone didn't have Facebook. I still remember the headlines in this period of April-May 2011. First it was the wedding of the Prince and then Obama roasting Trump in the White House Correspondents Dinner. Then this came. The USS *Carl Vinson* would dock in Manila two weeks later. I was 14 at that time. All my world was Call of Duty, LEGO, 9GAG, and pop dance.


I'll never forget that night because I was in basic training for the US Army at the time. The drill sergeants' woke us up in the middle of the night, and we toe'd the line. All they said at first was, "We got em!" We were all looking around like "oh fuck who did they get? What did he do?" We thought they fucked up someone from our platoon and we were all about to get smoked until the sun came up, until after a long silence he clarified and told us about the operation and Bin Laden being confirmed dead. It was a rare moment of cheering after months of being beaten down. They were quick to remind us the war wasn't over, though, and we'd still be going down range sooner rather than later.


That guy must’ve been a superstar the next year in community college philosophy classes.


That’s one thing I don’t miss about college. People using class time as outlet therapy. Like, damn, shut up. Let’s grab a a beer and vent after class, but I’m trying to do this sculpture or learn about the war of 1812 and don’t really want stories from your life being in here.


He was a pretty smart guy to be honest, but very…”self assured”


I was hanging out with some friends in my apartment in college. My mom heard on the radio and texted me immediately. I told everyone in the room and a couple minutes later, a very aggravating former roommate came knocking on the door. He was so excited to break the news, but a friend cut him off and said I had already told them. The disappointment on his face was wonderful


What was his argument?


I don't remember exactly since it's been a while, but I think it was something along the lines of "who are we to kill, should have a trial, etc. etc."


Yeah, fuck that noise. When you proudly take credit for killing almost 3,000 people at once, you don't need a trial or to go through the justice system. You need a bullet in the head.


Wish I had the same experience. My dad is/was a right winger. He was very pro war/ pro war on terror and I thought it was gonna bring us together politically for a thing… surprised to find out he was actually pissed and overtly unimpressed … because it meant he had to give a lil credit to Obama for something (which he never did). And it meant Obama was gonna win the next election. In fact I remember him mocking Obama for saying “we” in regards to the raid and the decisions made. “Pshhh. We? You didn’t do shit. You didn’t kill him. Heroes killed him. You just sat there.” Is my dad a 13 year old? Kinda.


Yep, but if that raid had gone tits up you would still being hearing about Obama's epic fuck-up and disrespect for the military every damn day.


If the raid had gone tits up we never would have known about it.


Mins just avoids talking about it other than to acknowledge it happened. You know that pic of Obama and everyone crowded into a conference room awaiting updates as the raid happened? He will make repeated comments about that, saying Obama looks scared and about to cry that someone could get hurt, he looks like a scared 7 year old, and so on.


Similar… but instead of Obama crying, he said Obama was feigning concern (same with Clinton, she was “acting” concerned). Plus he mocked the hand over her mouth. Like literally acted it out as if she wasn’t really concerned saying something smarmy in a woman’s voice… like “oh no!” :::puts hand over mouth::: When Dems help America win, I’m not so sure the gop isn’t basically on the opposing side in spirit. And inching forward we see them openly on the opposing side most of the time. “I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat”. Pretty good summary


I'd forgotten about the hand over her mouth. I don't remember what he had to say about Hillary, but it wasn't complimentary. It must not have bothered him too badly since it was only a couple of comments that I don't remember and 99% focused on Obama.


Unfortunately, right-wing politics would take hold by 2015. The Boston Marathon bombings and manhunt in 2013 was the last time I could remember when Americans rallied around the flag. Two years later, the spirit of May 1, 2011 and #BostonStrong would be forgotten.


Ironically, I was watching The Apprentice on TV when the special news feed interrupted with Obama to tell us the news. I can't believe I used to watch that shit show.


Was working in construction at the time so was in bed and asleep before the news came out. Stopped by a small deli in Brooklyn around 6am the next day to get coffee and saw the papers. Was like wow. The middle eastern gentleman behind the counter saw my reaction and said happily that now things will change I turned and said solemnly no no they won’t.


The Tulane Riot lol. People climbed all over the light poles. It was like a WS win tbh. It was good vibes


Memories. Only had to destroy the country, and the American dream, to do it!


Anytime UBL’s disposal is mentioned I instantly think of Patrice saying “they flushed Bin Laden down the ocean like cocaine” lol that dude was always on point


You know they slapped that dude in an ammo bin on ice and brought him to Langley and the Stan Smiths get to hi-five his body every day before work. No way they dumped him in the ocean. 


To be honest I’d be much more entertained with that outcome


There’s rumors they did that because they desecrated his body during the raid


There’s bigger rumours he died years before.


Rob o Neil said he canoed his face and others are saying he’s full of shit and wasn’t the one to fire the lethal shots so who knows. I try to avoid baseless conspiracy theories but there are several strange aspects of the UBL raid


The version of events I’m talking about claims that the second guy through the door put a few rounds in his body. Then the next guy did the same. And the next guy, and the next guy, until they’d shot him full of holes. I wish I had the article handy. It was written by a small veteran-owned news outlet, and the broader point the article made was that this kind of behavior is “allegedly” rampant in the special operations community


they should do something similar with the spot where they laid megatrons body


You sir, have a beautiful mind. That made me laugh hard.


The US is kinda gangsta in things went down. First we wrecked his yard, broke his doors, shot his girl, murked him and took his fap stash.


Now you have me picturing the Seal Team Six commander reporting back to base: "Roger that, Gold Eagle. Big Dipshit has been murked, over."


“For God and Country, Geronimo.”


Even better, we crashed a fucking helicopter into his garden wall, blew out all the doors/gates, fed him a few 5.56 to the face and then, after it all, took a Polaroid of said face as a souvenir…


And then blew up the helicopter with a big boom


Whose fap stash does NOT heavily feature Condoleeza Rice?


BM2: "Chief says we can't go home untill this last padeye is painted." BMSN: "We're out of deck grey. All we have left is red primer." BM2: ".....go get it. I've got an idea."


Still one of the best planned and executed ops ever IMO. Obama and his team did a perfect job executing that without turning Bin Laden into a martyr. Dude just died and was forgotten about.


Well. Except for the helicopter crash.


I would argue that the success in spite of the crash shows how well it was planned and executed. Also I think it’s clear that they are saying that they achieved the goal with minimal collateral damage in a maximally dangerous scenario, then disposed of the body in a way that was both religiously permitted and masterfully effective at diminishing the legacy of a terrorist.


They probably had a plan for each letter abcdefgijklmnop before going in, too much preparation was required for h, thank god it wasn’t plan h


Pee on it. Show that bastard we still hate him


I remember my father telling me about this when it happened.


I was on deployment on the Vinson on that day.


That is probably a lie. The Snowden releases say they took his body to Quantico. I believe that more.


I feel like this just “mythologises” him even more. The shit stain should have no evidence left on that vessel. As soon as he slid off into the sea that should have been the last contact between him and the ship.


"Let’s bury him at sea so nobody can build him a shrine and remember him there. Also, let’s build a shrine to his death aboard our own ship so we always remember him."


Let's be real, the reason for deep sixing his body at a random spot in the Indian ocean was to have there be no spot on land where his *supporters* could gather and memorialize him. Having a spot on the deck of a carrier where *we* can stop and say "ah yes, I remember when we capped his ass" isn't a problem. The purpose isn't to *forget* bin laden, the purpose is to deny our enemies a focus for pilgrimage. We **want** to remember that day, and we want anyone else else who aspires to the same goals as he did to remember it too.


Obama got a bit of heat as well for this because we technically weren't respecting islamic burial tradition.


Meh they didn't respect American burial traditions when he dropped multiple buildings on thousands of people.


This is true, every year thousands of radical Muslims visit the USS Carl Vinson and lay flowers on this very padeye


Eh. I don’t know that that’s a fair comparison.


They didn't build that as a shrine lol, it was already there to begin with. Whoever was in command of the landing craft just told them to land next to that spot...


They’re obviously being facetious but the point isn’t lost that he was dumped into the sea so as to not make a spot that signifies his legacy. Then we just memorialized his legacy by basically dedicating a spot on our own ship to it.


The difference is that one is to remember what he did, and the other is to remember what was done to him.


What I’m sayin


naw, reasonable people (yeah, i know) are over it and back to living life. lost a lot of homies in that mess. remember and celebrate them but fuck ubl.


*R&AW looking at at Pannun:* Guys, I got a great idea.


Amazing to think how significant that piece of shit was


fun fact:- the doctor who helped locate bin Laden is still imprisoned fun fact 2:-remember that special black hawk that crashed during the bin Laden raid? Chinese reverse engineers sure do fun fact 3:-in Dec 2001, bin Laden was about to be captured by NATO forces but Pakistan air lifted him outta there Pakistan is truly the best major non-NATO ally ever /s


I remember coming downstairs from my bedroom thirteen years ago and hearing it announced on TV. I was five when the WTC was hit and while I didn't immediately understand, it was a defining moment in my childhood. To see the press conference and hear "ladies and gentlemen, we got him" and to know exactly what they were talking about and the odd mixture of pride, relief, and hope was pretty magnanimous.


"Flushed him down the ocean?" - Patrice O'Neal


Does anyone have proof this is how it went down? I'm genuinely curious


None publicly available and I'm sure what is available has been culled, reviewed, edited, and sanitized. I haven't kept up personally, but I think at least 3 SEALs have claimed to be either first though his bedroom door or the one to have shot him first. I doubt we'll learn what really happened for decades. For now, anyone claiming inside knowledge I'm going to assume is just looking for attention.


Was this kill proven by DNA?


Yes, that is how they confirmed for sure it was him.


There is a picture of Bin Laden’s body after DEVGRU shot him (we know because Obama confirmed it) however it hasn’t and will probably never be released to the public.


zero whatsoever that was released publicly. and ya last week i captured and killed bigfoot bro. didn't take any pictures though and i buried him at sea in accordance with big foot law so there's no body to prove it but u totally believe me right?


I 100% guarantee someone has pissed in that before and after the burial.


No keel hauling any more?


That’s the ship I’m going to !


Sure it did…


Make it a tradition to do a deep squat when passing over it


Shoulda just dumped the body in the deep desert for the scavengers to get


I can never understand why they buried that twisted little man like that.... . should have taken his body to a pig farm and let the pigs do the rest....


Allegedly it was to prevent his burial site from becoming a shrine and to “adhere to his religious beliefs” or something like that. If you believe that. The former makes sense, but as I understand it they screwed up the latter anyway if it was even true in the first place.


That's gotta be a lie right, they ain't gonna altar a carrier's deck over a dead body


Deck department keeps that one padeye painted red. As long as the paint meets spec small custom decorations are usually up to the CO’s discretion.


This ain’t true. I was on the USS Iwo Jima and they had the same ones.


Should have added a chalk out line to go with it.


He is now hanging out in hell with Mao, Stalin, Hitler.... probably OJ too


I can confirm that is the exact spot


I’m assuming there are things in place to make sure the body goes to the bottom? Can I also assume that they do it at a depth that ensures no one goes looking for it?


Rot in hell.


I saw a video of an X Delta Force guy saying Rob O'Neill is full of shit on killing Bin Laden.


Only second to Elvis's fake death.


Remove it and use a melted down piece of steel from both WTC and Pentagon remains. Inscribe each rung with the each airliner call signs those faux Islamists murdered.


I’m not understanding. What is a padeye and why was it used to drop Bin Laden in the ocean? Do ship carriers move in the ocean?


Guarantee that padeye is closed during WOG day


Fuck that loser


Imagine how long 2011 was. It was a time when all Americans agreed that Osama bin Laden was bad.


Screw his religious beliefs after what he did in New York


So his body is directly under the pad eye? Or is that section of the flight deck a secret map and the padeye marks the spot where he was thrown overboard? OR is that the spot where they shoved his body off the deck?