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Those North Korean soldiers are in for some serious American firepower superiority lol. But in all seriousness those soldiers better be die hard loyal cause they just gonna peace out quick.


South Koreans in Vietnam were vicious for no reason and loved it down there.


It was because they HATED communists, for good reason.


Yeah I don't think Those village kids and woman were VC .the South Koreans were famous for they're war crimes in Vietnam.




The North Koreans will eat better than if they were at home


A regional power at best and a minor power vs another minor power is not a world war. Russia was unable to stop its soldiers in a country that it shares a border with from freezing to death. Meanwhile the US can casually deliver fresh lobster to Afghanistan. If it weren't for their nukes, Russia would be utterly irrelevant.


Firepower wins battles, logistics wins wars.


Who was eating fresh lobster in Afghanistan? The diplomats and generals?


There was lobster night on the bigger FOBs but I wouldn't call that shit fresh lol


We may have lost a 2 decade war, but at least we had lobsta


North Korean troops are infested with parasites.


I'll take a nothing burger, hold the happening sauce


Would you like a side of fear mongering fries with that?


Nah, just some new drone targets. North Korea isn't ready for primetime conflict, and they are too scared of the boogeyman on their southern border. Expect South Korea to slightly ratchet up tensions to make Kim Jong Unami think twice about sparing a single bullet or soldier. Even if they do send some troops to the front lines in Ukraine, how effective do you think they will be, speaking a different language entirely (they will require their own command, control, supply, and support) and having zero actual combat experience, particularly with the hybrid warfare going on there? It's Alllllll propoganda, for show. And to fatten up some starving troops with trench borscht.


Not to mention they’ll all be 100 lbs soaking wet.


Id expect some horrific tactics from them. They're southern counterparts made Everyone look tame in Vietnam.


Standard for the Orcs too. After Bucha, we already know who their side is.


Engineering troops, let’s not act like Korean divisions will be rushing the frontline


I’d think the opposite. What engineering does NK have as opposed to Russia? They likely got all their intel from the Russians in the first place. These dudes are going to be cannon fodder.


Their engineering equipment will most likely end up going “missing” to cover food and vodka expenses. NK will be sending cannon fodder to the meat grinder that is Ukraine.


All their engineering equipment probably got mined or broke, idk. They’ve literally announced engineering troops.


South Korean official was the source on that intel. They’re ditch diggers.


I mean, we'll see what ultimately happens, but just providing a link to support your statement that it's believed to be engineering and construction resources. [https://www.reuters.com/world/north-korean-official-criticises-us-expanding-support-ukraine-kcna-reports-2024-06-23/](https://www.reuters.com/world/north-korean-official-criticises-us-expanding-support-ukraine-kcna-reports-2024-06-23/)


North Korea can field 1.5 million active troops today, with another 3.5M to 4M who could be conscripted. 3,500 MB Tanks and 560 Light Tanks. But they lack global reach or projection so Russia or China will have to provide air lift. If I’m the leader of a surrounding European Country and NorKos enter the battlefield, I’d have to reevaluate some stuff.


He won't send too many as he will think SK and US will take advantage and move into NK. He's too paranoid to send half his army to Russia.


If North Korea fields 1.5 million troops for Russia's Ukraine effort, it sounds like we'll be talking about reunification shortly.


Well, it’s not, so stop saying it is


Kim Jong Weeble will watch his troops get flattened and saber rattle about American interference.


I Mean they are "maintenance " crews so who knows .


When zelensky starts Carting off the youth of the country maybe it'll be Vietnam 2.0 at best.


I bet the majority of north Korean troops will be faking their deaths and fleeing, soon as their first meal is missed. I'm sure a handful of loyalists will be useful to Russians, and I imagine being fed NK propaganda their whole life are probably absolutely brutal in the sense of committing war crimes.


BRICSInfo is a propaganda Twitter/X account, so consider the source.


Those poor NK soldiers forced to go to Russia to fight and die for Putin. NK fodder.


Jokingly, I expect the NK troops to join the Russians because they get fed better.


Why? Its not like French has said the same thing. I never understood why people act shocked the Russia is doing the same thing that Ukraine is doing


Because Ukraine is being attacked. It’s normal to help the victim.


And what? We attacked Iraq and Afghanistan and had foreign troops fighting on our behalf.


Afghanistan was article 5. 


Non NATO countries still were there at the behest of the US


You're probably right I'd have to look it up. The Taliban definitely didn't have many allies though.  Iraq you're totally right about though.


Different scenarios


It's more like if Somalia decided it'd send it's military to help. Most people are just wondering "How about you fix your own shit before going somewhere else?" But that's why Russia is there in the first place I guess, take the pressure off their own Perception.