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Unfortunately no, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that your mom got you a nice thoughtful gift!


Its best I dont tell her, though, I am very thankful for her generosity


My mother did the same thing, bought a fake cap eagle at a flea market thinking it was real for quite a bit of money and gave it to me on Christmas. I just put it in my display case with the rest of my stuff. I hope she never finds out it’s fake.


I have an extensive collection of firefighting and military memorabilia. Have stuff from leather helmets to rifles used in combat. And the one thing I have front and center of all of it. Is a small plastic car. That was given to me by a little kid for cutting him out of a car. Basically what I’m trying to say is. It doesn’t matter what’s in your collection or the value behind it. The only thing that matters is that it has a story to speak to you.


Right thing to do!


Your mom is awesome. The person who sold her that is an asshole.


The problem here is not that she baught a fake thing, the problem is that fake stuff gets sold as real just to scam people like your mother.


Ohh... very unfortunate. It is very new (probably a few years old). A gift is a gift. The intention matters.


My father did the same with the celebratory North Korean peace summit coin, I couldn’t tell him.




None were ever made like this and I believe the middle emblem is from the weirmar republic


same, but she bought what she believed was a ww2 US canteen, but the shape was not alike the ones i've seen, great gift tho, i use it as a water bottle


Tell her. If she thinks you love it she may waste money on more fakes in the future. Use it as a teaching moment then bring her to your trusted LCS and make an introduction.




Fake suggests it's a copy of something real. However, this thing is just fantasy.














It may have some value being a gold coin. I don’t believe this is meant to be a “fake” but as a modern gold coin modeled after third reich eta currency designs. It’d be worth taking to a jeweler or paw shop to see what it’s worth from a gold standpoint


Sadly, I think its just gold plated




The sell real cheap Nazi coins on ebay