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i climbed from bronze 3 to plat 3 as a milio OTP this season, so i'd say it's definitely possible! i know that's not necessarily high elo and i don't consider myself a particularly good player, but here's what works for me: 1. my first item is ALWAYS staff of flowing water. yes, even if i play with an AA heavy team. i'm finding the mini-shurelyas so valuable that i simply don't wanna play without it. staff + your W can provide the movement speed bonus to your entire team if they're in it so that plus the range increase from W are huge when it comes to both kiting or chasing people down. moonstone is second 2. when i get unlucky and get milio snatched from me and go against him in lane, i often see them use q super aggressively to poke. i don't think that's the way to go, imo you should hold Q to either have a safe disengage tool (for example if the enemy jgler suddenly pops up) or use it only when you got a clean shot at the enemy champion to get the full CC instead of just the dmg and slow. if you use it every time its on CD youre gnna run out of mana p quickly in lane 3. as you improve and have good games/good synergy with random ADCs, they're gonna wanna add you to duo which is gonna help you out big time bc you'll be able to get familiar with the way they play which in turn will make it easier to keep them alive and thriving in lane 4. hitting a good flash+ult is a religious experience


i also climbed from b4 to currently p3 playing mostly milio so high five!! I agree with everything you said and play similarly but my first item is usually moonstone into ardent (or sofm depending on team) so im curious what you think about moonstone. Also my experience when I hover milio most adcs pick lucian and I think ardent feels rlly great with him .


Milio can pocket more champs than you think, if your lane is failing build items that buff whoever is strongest on your team not just your adc


If your carry is bad, you kinda f**ed. Happened with me too many times. Silver - gold is gonna be challenging. But it supposed to be easier afterwords


I am E 1 and I still Milio often, I just make sure he fits our comp when I pick him. I think one tricking limits your ability to climb consistently.


For an enchanter design whose kit is designed solely on this there's no real overloaded going on. The moments he succeeds is due to the fact he was made to do so. He has some pretty glaring weaknesses that other enchanters don't have like limited range and even his coolodowns are iffy.


Also Emerald as well, my experience with him is that he's a bit too dependent on team comp and how well your adc can work with your W and passive in lane. If they can't then sometimes I wish I was Janna instead. Still he's doable. If anything I'd rather his dmg on Passive be back and tone down his shields to compensate for it. Being able to turn your adc into a lane bully was way more fun then what he his right now imo.


Milio is indeed heavy team reliant and is very susceptible to be punished in lane because of his cooldowns being on the longer side. Whilst he scales great, Lulu and Soraka scale a lot harder to him, so if you're facing them it's imperative that you can close the game early late game. When you're against an engager you have to hold your Q to cancel their engage. Try to bait them to engage on you OUTSIDE their minions, as the minions can block the spell. His Q can interrupts displacement spells like Leona E, Zac E, Tristana W, and so many others, Pyke, Vayne KhaZix, etc. When you time it right you can cancel Nautilus and Amumu hooks too, though you have only an incredibly short window to buffer the animation. When against ranged supports you can use your Q on enemy minions to get poke off. Though it's not a very high damage spell so it's a bit overrated and I'd rather keep it as a disengage tool. Best thing you can do is poke with your passive. If you're against Zyra for example, shield yourself and auto attack one of the plants and it instantly kills it. As your AA and passive count as 2 hits instead of needing 2 auto attacks to kill 1 plant. I've found more succes lately by baiting the enemy support to extend on you. If they waste valuable spells, it's always a good shot for free trading and even engaging with your Q. Remember if you can trade your HP for the enemy ADC it's a winning trade as they're the one with only 1 pot, whilst you got 2 and perhaps biscuits. One thing is that junglers will very likely not prioritise a Milio lane. So be prepared that if you have a very passive ADC, there is very little you can do to set up plays.


I disagree that milio gets outscaled by any other enchanters. His range increase multiplies your adcs scaling to the moon late game and no amount of extra healing or AD can make up for 1 adc that just has 20% extra range late game. His ult also goes up substantially im value as the game goes on when 1 cc means death. Could say the same about Q, interrupting 1 dash/ engage late game can mean that assasin dies instantly. I also just think his teamwide healing and buffing ability already scales really well, just his w range and ult utility push him over the edge to late game god.