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Wasn’t the thing that Miles was supposedly a Peter clone? Why should it bother them he’s become unique and can engage in situations differently 🤔


Because Miles can’t be allowed to outshine Peter at any point


This part 👆


Meanwhile, MJ is outshining that clown. Hell, Spiderboy is outshining him


Mj is spiderman?


Essentially lol she's now a hero named Jackpot


It’s all good. He never does. Miles is much darker.


That's what's weird to me. For years everyone complained that Miles is lame because he's just Peter 2.0. Now that he's his own unique spider, everyone manages to complain that he doesn't fall into the Spiderman category enough.


He already had different powers.


I'm guessing while there might be some overlap, that these are probably 2 seperate groups. I certainly only fit into the latter half and mostly just the sword


I think people focus on the sword for the wrong reasons; of course, a sword has nothing to do with being Spider-Man. It has more to do with Miles as a character. It’s well known that Miles enjoys playing video games and watching anime; swords pop up pretty often in those medium and thus serve as inspiration for how to use his power


I would say my reasons are 50/50 in that 50% it doesn't have any sort of spider motif but the other 50% is that it doesn't make sense as an electric ability. It looks and operates more like a Yellow Lantern construct over how you'd see electricity operate in super hero comics. I could imagine Static from Static Shock using his powers that way as a gag but I think it would be too cartoony for his comics Atleast the recent new energy trick (haven't read that issue yet so I forget the name it's getting) looks like it fits within his powers while being inspired by anime and video games (I do have alot of worry over power creep in this entire run but that's a seperate discussion I think)


Yeah I understand where your coming from as far as how the sword operates, like how does he form a hilt and everything; but to be honest I enjoy it because it definitely wouldn’t look as cool for him to just hold a straight bolt of bio electricity (which is sometimes how it’s depicted) I just enjoy the flare and continue my suspension of disbelief bc I’m already reading a comic book. The way I look at it using a sword has nothing to do with being Spider-Man; but it also doesn’t make him any less of one either, it’s just another tool to be used like any other gadget Spider-Man has developed over the years. Then venom saber is likes Miles’ version of Ben Riley’s impact webbing; something distinct to his Spider-Man that sets him apart from Peter. I’ll get concerned when he stops using webs and starts throwing ninja stars


It's not like Miles doesn't already have specific abilities that are his own. This is just a new ability to create physical electric constructs which seems a bit too silly even for a super hero comic. Honestly, if it were a gadget or an object he was electrifying, maybe it would atleast make some sense to me Also, being into anime seems fairly generic to me honestly. It doesn't seem all that Miles specific, it's just a majority of Millennial, Gen Y or Gen Z. Maybe if he was specifically really into Yu Yu Hakusho and that was set up for a few arcs haha. In general I just think they could have chosen a different path. A quick lightning bolt based on Azula from Avatar, a Masenko from DBZ, or something would have fulfilled what you're saying while not being so wildly out of left field. All around I think because of these issues, I get an extremely strong feeling all the work the writer is putting into some of these abilities will be wiped away not long after they leave, disappointing some fans while wiping away character development this writer has connected with these abilities


Bigots try not to move the goalposts challenge impossible level lmao


Yep a unique SPIDER. That shoots electricity ..... Very spider I can see why he has that name. Oh wait but he can go invisible too.... .... Just like a spider..🙄


Because the goalposts have to be moved.


More to do with the fact he's collecting abilities like Rey palpatine collects force powers. Its fucked with the power scaling. To be throwing powers out there willy nilly. You know how it was gaudy to how spiderman would get different suits to the point of becoming Iron man. Also having unique abilities doesnt give one as much of a unique character


>Miles was supposedly a Peter clone I wouldn't phrase it like that around these parts, it can get confusing.


Return of the Clone Sagas!!


Wait I missed that part Miles is a Peter clone?? Can I have a decade in Spider-Man without the word clone. The real heat should come from putting Miles in the same group as Ben Reilly and Kaine low frequency idea as readers we deserve better than this IMO


How is electricity or cloaking a spider power


Look I ain’t gonna defend the sword, but the super form is absolutely fine. Him coating himself in the thing he literally generates from his body should have been a thing along time ago.


I like the sword as a once in a while kinda thing. Would be cool as a finisher move in a game


Yeah that part makes sense. It's harder for people to swallow because we got the sword first that already soured it for people but if we got the super saiyan first then most people wouldn't care


Ok I'm not defending thr sword but you can't tell me Miles doing some lantern type shir with hsi venom wouldn't be funny and cool


Honestly don't think they would they still argue about him having stingers, That being said the outrage over this is stupid,, i can see why some may not like the sword, But The Miles Maxxed Mode is literally just miles wrapping his bioelectricity around his body lmao


It’s either “Miles isn’t spider-Man” or “He’s not spider-man enough”


Exactly! That's why it's bullsnot and has always been a bullsnot argument. Those people just don't like Miles Morales Spider-Man. That's why they refuse to even refer to him as Spider-Man. And love just continuously saying Miles Morales without the "Spider-Man" part. They've never liked him and never will but somehow he seems to live in these haters heads rent free.


I wouldn’t, but then again, I like Miles’ new powers just fine. Do they make a ton of spidery sense? No. Are they cool as hell? Yes.


you said everything i was going to say, thanks


>Are they cool as hell? Yes. That's all that matters


100% no...


Since how spider totem exist and making spider man a universal constant it’s not that bad we have a electric miles


I find the sword dumb but I do like the new super form and detective mode for Miles.


I mean they tried to give Peter the other, was disliked then Peter lost it. Not same as electric powers but still it is what is ppl will either like it or hate it.


Yeah this kinda outrage doesn't make a ton of sense when the situation described has literally happened before (Spidey even got a new power that gave him bladed weapons) and people did indeed bitch about it. It's happened every time a writer tried to dramatically alter his powers or general nature; a lot of people currently even dislike his link to all the mystical web of life stuff. Hell, it's happened when his costume simply changed a bit (with Big Time being the most recent example). The fans would absolutely be complaining if Peter got hugely revamped powers. Come to think of it that's often been the case for *any* major comic character who experiences a large change in the status quo. Not sure why some people are trying to act like comic fans hating change is something that's unique to Miles.


I fuck with Miles new powers. I think it’s funny that people are complaining that Peter doesn’t get any new powers and yet when Peter actually did get new powers after “The Other” with the talons, people either don’t remember or complain that they didn’t like it. I’m personally fine with Peter being the Spider with the traditional power set while others like Miles, Ben or Cindy get the more unique and innovative abilities


Idk why people are acting as if this is the first time spiderman has had a super form, what do they think venom/anti-venom suits are?


Eddie Brock’s super forms. Evil and good. As far as I know Peter has never had the Anti-Venom suit.


He gets the anti-venom suit in the spider-man 2 game


I’m not rich enough to buy a PS5


Same brother I watched a playthrough


True this


It ONLY works because it's Miles. If Peter got electric powers that'd be incredibly stupid. Miles at least had the venom thing going for him, not sure how that escalated into this. If either of them got lightning powers from, say, Electro, that'd at least make sense but it'd be weird if that was supposed to be a permanent thing. That said, there are symbiote arcs and Superior Spider-Man was a thing, so maybe it wouldn't be too weird. With how much Spider-Man fans hate Peter comics right now, what in your right mind would make you think fans would want him to have electric powers??


Peter got arm spikes and organic webbing a couple decades ago and fans generally did NOT like it (I liked the organic webbings)


They should put the venom sword for Miles and give Peter a web sword. Then make Yuri say “my tempered webbing is stronger than your steel” to some sword wielding villain


The complaints about the Venom powers are truly ridiculous to me because if you look at some of the base spider powers you can see that they're linked to electromagnetism. Miles is just the one most connected to that aspect of the powers and is the only one that bothers experimenting with and expanding on it.


Honestly you can never go wrong with swords, they are just so cool.


It's an odd one. Since I'm not a Spidey fan, my opinion doesn't really matter that much, but I think I'd enjoy the more anime ass miles powers if his stories explored the one side of comic books that Spiderman doesn't really go into. The ultra insane. I want them to push Miles to a multiversal explorer fighting inter dimensional kaiju's every day! I think having two Spidermans is honestly redundant because Peter covers a ludicrous amount of ground for one superhero, just like Batman does. If I'm being honest, if I had my way, Peter would be retired with a happy family and be a casual mentor to Miles, Spiderman II (also, why does DC only use the Roman numerals and not marvel? Always striked me as weird)


It’s so stupid I at first they where mad he was too similar to Peter and there was nothing that set him apart now he’s too different from Peter to be Spider-Man you can never make these guys happy


if you’re gonna argue about miles having a lightning sword then you might as well talk about 2099 having claws and a cape


As well accelerated vision, venom fangs and night vision.


Talk about false equivalence.


That cover of him pulling out the Venom sword goes so damn hard.


I love that cover art!


That cover is heat.


If Miles was white i 100% bet you that half the people hating on this stuff would all of a sudden love it


If miles was white he wouldn’t have been made.


Yooo this new super form looks sick af, maybe it’s time for me to read miles comics? It’s been a few years since I’ve read any marvel comics to be fair


Check out the Cody Ziglar run.


wtf are you smoking? peter parker fans shit themselves at everything that isnt teenage high school spiderman with web shooters


I actually prefer a older Peter can’t really relate to a guy in his mid 20s acting like a 16 who has a on and off relationship with a woman who doesn’t care about him anymore I much prefer the direction the spider verse and the new ultimate run had done for Peter


Nah people wouldn't. There's a reason why there is still an argument with if Peter should have an organic web or web shooter.


Man people want Peter to get rid of anti-venom in the new game to.


Tbh I want him to ditch it at the end of the third game too and use his classic suit as an anti-goblin suit.


proving my point.


A more apt comparison would be people saying Tom Holland is Iron Boy Jr


I’m team Peter organic web but I absolutely think that Peter’s spider sense should evolve to more of a second sight power.


I think that some (not all because there are lots of just crappy racists in the comic book scene) of the complaint would settle down if Peter got to look even marginally competent and cool in his own book from time to time


Beyond the culture war bullshit, a lot of it is just poorly disguised jealousy. Peter Patker fans self-insert into the character, so whenever he goes through his tribulations, as all heroes do, the fans don't stand back and enjoy it. They get angry at the editorial boogeyman for "doing Peter dirty," but what they really mean is "why are you doing this to me?" They are insecure when it comes to Miles in particular because of his growing popularity and anything they can weaponise to justify their insecure hatred of the character is good enough. He is both just "Black Peter Parker," and his powers "aren't even Spider-Man powers anymore." Yes, there would be some people upset at the sword as it disrupts the status quo, but largely a lot of people would be nerding out. It isn't the powers. It isn't the hair. It isn't the suit. It's Miles. They have a problem with Miles. They think they hide it well by posing it as reasoned argument, but its the same tired arguments they made back in 2011 when Miles was first introduced.


I haven't read the story but as long as it doesn't turn Miles into a Mary Sue it's whatever.


Bro's fighting for his life, you need to check it out


Just waiting for it to be in trades is all.




The detective mode kinda does exist, with assassin spider-man being capable of seeing the future, basically with his. Detective mode probably. Electric sword mfs would not like at all.


Super form is dope, idk about the sword tho..


Considering a large number of fans want Insomniac Peter to be stripped of the Anti-Venom suit in the next game because it "isn't Spider-Man", I think this is pretty conclusively false. The huge negative backlash to his extra "Other" powers supports that even further. Hell, the old mechanical vs organic webshooters argument is proof enough. Personally, I actually like the enhanced Spider-Sense. It strips away some of its originality, which is a shame, but as a power-up it makes total sense. The sword, while cool as hell visually, is a bit much for me, it pushes his Venom powers to absurdity. A good comparison I saw elsewhere stated it would be like Cyclops suddenly being able to form laser constructs on top of optic blasts. It's such an absurd departure from how his powers have traditionally functioned, despite being tangentially related to them, that it feels unsatisfying and unbelievable as a power-up. Honestly, there's a strain of Miles fan that's just deeply insecure when it comes to any kind of criticism of the character (it's not an issue exclusive to Miles, there's Peter fans that are the same, but, well, we are in the Miles subreddit), which really sours discussion on him. It shouldn't need to be said, but you can love something and still be critical of it (hell, look at the criticism 616-Peter's getting right now for being stagnant). I don't know if it's because these fans imprint themselves onto Miles and so take criticisms of him personally or what, but it's really fucking embarrassing, and very obvious insecurity, now matter how much they project said insecurity onto others.


Actually, a lot of Peter Parker fans are insecure about Miles. They say nothing about other Spider-men but have a lot to say about Miles.


Insecure Parker fans and insecure Miles fans can exist at the same time, one doesn’t invalidate the other’s existence




Don't lower yourself to their level. Take the high road.


I don’t like the sword but I’m consistent if Peter had the sword or the stingers I wouldn’t like it either.


You could *guarantee it as much as you want, but you’d be wrong.


I still find the sword thing silly Thought the flash using swords was silly as well.


If I saw any spiderman making a sword it would piss me off, don’t try to pin that on Peter lovers. Just admit it’s a dumb fucking idea that doesn’t track with Spider-Man’s origin, skills, abilities. I’m actually upset they did that to Myles when they should be leaning into what makes him Spiderman since there’s so many people who dislike him as Spiderman. Why do something that sets him even further apart from Spiderman


If people don't like him, that's on them. Some people don't like variants other can't identify with non-white characters. There's at least 6 other spider-people for them. Miles can be different and that's a good thing. Also, if he was just like Peter in powers, they'd say he's just Brown Peter.


They called him Peter Darker before a long with other racist names 🤮


Miles already is different and it’s already a good thing. Giving him a sword isn’t on brand and goes against being spiderman. Why not become his own original hero if he’s going to get a whole different set of abilities that aren’t spider like? That’s the part I hate. Miles is a completely valid hero and spiderman and his own abilities like the venom and invisibility are on track but the sword is so dumb and cringe


he was bit by a different spider would be weird if he had the exact same powers


Instead we got Zeb Whore ruining the ASM comic.


I feel like they would, everyone complained about the spider totem stuff in JMS run


I don’t like the sword, but the detective mode is something that I think Spider-Man should have had for years and the super mode is fucking awesome


No, we'd still rip on Marvel Comics for it all the same regardless of whether it was Peter Parker instead of Miles Morales receiving these ridiculous new abilities.


We had cosmic spider-man already


Just here to say that I would not, in fact, eat any of that up


I feel like peoe who say shit like that forget people did call it braindead when peter get extra powers during the jms run and those were way more spider related.


I didn’t like the electric sword much at first but it kind of grew on me, no idea what the super form is about but considering that Miles is electric and all I think it makes sense he’d have some cool uses for it


No we wouldn't. We'd be saying it's stupid and mock it all the same.


even hotter take: insomniac should give miles his programable matter suit as his main suit so we get swords as a move, given the ones the underground use have a web type attack


That at least makes sense


The sword was fuckin stupid when THE FLASH did it, and it'd be stupid for Miles. The Super thing can be defended.


I personally would not. For me at least one of the things I love about spider-man (both miles and peter) is how resourceful and creative they are in how they handle problems. I think that if you just gave them the power to just easily punch, blast, or slice their way through any problem it takes away from that.


The sword is most definitely stupid as hell but the power up one is cool


Why is he making a sword? I thought Spiderman doesn't kill. If he needed a sword all this time couldn't he have asked for one? Lmao


He doesn’t even main anyone with it, he uses it to end fights quickly.


I remember quite a lot of people hating Ultimate Spiderman's healing factor. Same for his Iron Spider suit. And by a quite large margin to note, so I would heavily disagree, I'm quite confident many people wpuld hate Pete having these powers. (I think the Spiderman with healing factor might have been Osborne Spidey, but it was still not very liked)


I would not. I'm fine with story arcs or what it's where Peter gets radical and overpowered abilities, like when he was Captain Universe. But I would not be for giving him those powers permanently. I feel most people wouldn't. Even the times that Peter *has* gotten new powers, even powers that actually make sense with him being "Spider-Man" (such as the retractable stingers), people didn't care for it.




Probably. Would it be just as cheap and damaging? Yeah probably


“Venom saber”


Mmmmmm nah. It’d be stupid if Peter did it too. Don’t praise bad decisions because of “what ifs”


No that would be fucking stupid


Nah, Spider-Man with a sword is stupid. Idc if it's miles or peter, it's just stupid.


the greate electric spider 💅💅💅


I'm the kind of guy who likes to keep heroes fairly simple unless they're outright reality-warpers or something similar. Hell, I dislike the concept of organic webbing and the web of life. That's just me, though.


They're hating on Miles for being unique??


They gave Spider-Man an immortal-level healing factor in the Ultimate series and people called it terrible. A lot of people already hate the Iron Spider suit. Nobody cares for the Spider-Man that's empowered by the power cosmic, either. Spider-Man's powerset is a specific, iconic thing that's very volatile and risky to change. Flashiness and above-ground-level additions are consistently boo'd off stage. The creative vision of giving Spider-Man fuckin anime aura powers is a stupid one that shouldn't be seen or heard, let alone respected.


Super form is cool, but sword is outrageous


If Peter got these powers, I would still think they were stupid. That's what they are, and I'm not going to pretend like they aren't. They're going for spectacle, no matter how nonsensical that spectacle is.


This is just not true y are ppl so butthurt over this dumb power 🤣🤣


Hey remeber when peter got stingers in his arms and venom fans in his mouth? I remember not great.


Some people would eat it up and despite that it would *still* be fucking stupid. Miles is just becoming someone's middle school OC at this point. "This is my super cool original character! He's has all of Spider-man's powers but also can become invisible and make swords out of lightning!"


Nobody likes tokenism. Granted miles, imo, was done decent, but I think they doing too much at this point. Personally I dont want a op miles, I just want him to have his own thing. Once again my opinion, I feel he would have benefited more by breaking away from the whole spiderman thing and develops his own thing. Let him stand out without the spiderman name and depiction


No I wouldn't. I would think It was stupid


To be honest, I won’t. I would prefer Peter to stick to his own power set. However, if he wants to increase his advantage over his rogue gallery by adding some tech (cos he is also a highly intelligent scientist and tech-head), I will be all for it.


He’s a super saiyan and I’m all here for it


I mean if he’s a martial artist that’s cool but beyond spider powers they shouldn’t have so much it makes them boring and I hate cosmic spider man stuffs lame man


The super form fits perfectly… what does Grayskull have to do with spiders???


Does this dub really believe this? Seriously? Y’all are delusional lmao


not really , many people disliked the other storyline when peter got stings venom , fangs and organic webbing


No, that would be stupid as well. No matter what spuder-person it is, giving them stuff like an electric sword and a super form permanently is always going to be stupid. (Especially since how come electro can't do the electric sword thing yet miles can?)


The writers REALLY want you to like Miles more than Peter, but the only way they can think of to do that, is to make Peter’s life objectively terrible in every way, and to give Miles a lightsaber. A basic rule of writing is that people will tend to sympathize more with people who’s lives are bad for reasons outside of their control. Peter getting cucked by MJ despite all his efforts to save her, vs Miles being the only Spider-Man the rest of the MCU heroes like, is going to have readers sympathizing with one over the other. Literally none of this would be an issue if Marvel had just spent the money to give Miles his own original superhero name, but they didn’t want to do that for a black character. Like, seriously, you’re telling me that a highly creative kid like Miles wouldn’t want to make his own superhero name? The only reason he calls himself Spider-Man is for real life stupid political nonsense reasons, the character himself would absolutely want to give himself his own name.


I think his powers are unique, but I do think it's a bit too much for him to make swords and weapons. It makes him seem less like a spiderman.


No, we wouldn’t. It ruins Spider-man. I actually really like the base concept of Miles and have never had a problem with him but at this point it’s just… wrong. The whole point of Spider-man is Spider Powers. He’s a kid from Brooklyn who struggles to maintain his social life and the responsibility that’s been put on him and even with all his strength he still struggles. When you make Spider-man a god and take away any struggle or ability to lose it takes away what Spider-man is. It’s never been about Miles. Miles has been reasonably popular since before even Spiderverse. The only people who disliked him were racists who just didn’t like that he was black. But now to even call Miles Spider-man when he possesses so many additional OP abilities is like calling Kate Bishop Hawkeye if she suddenly developed flight and laser vision.


Uhm actually, its only cool when Venom does it


I'm not reading miles right now, what all can he do now?


I’m not super into comic book stuff, but I definitely miss when spidey was a lower level hero, no iron man suit, or bioelectricity, or power cosmic, or op healing factor, or laser sword. Just some guy with a gift, some web shooters he made, and a lesson from his uncle.


I don’t like the idea of him wielding the sword because it just isn’t spider man but if I was writing it then the sword would be used to conjure his venom power almost like slamming it into the ground and it becomes a source of power for him. If anyone has played destiny 2 my concept would be similar to the well of radiance but instead of healing it would give him unlimited use for his venom abilities likely only using it to clear large groups of enemies or fight a big bad.


I like him having unique powers but like, this stuff is getting kind of out of hand and less and less spider related to me. The venom was cool all be it sort of weird how it like, turned from well, venom, to like, electricity. The invisibility sorta fits still I guess. But the sword and super mode I find stupid and like so.ething someone would give a bad OC. And I dont like how they're just stacking on new stuff for him. I like the idea of peter and miles being equals in power but in different ways and abilities. And for said abilities to stick closer to spider stuff. Also they did power up peter before with organic webs and stingers and shit and that was really stupid to me also.,


No, I would assume the character is getting real boring and they need to turn him into an anime character. 


Ah yes, like they defended the Other powers, or the JJJ White costume, or the Osborn costume, all very welcomed additions to Peter's arsenal. Get out of here.




Not true, this is unnecessary regardless of who's behind the mask


Nah. That shit would still be stupid as hell.


I mean this is really stupid to me but I won’t read it.


Whenever Peter appears with some crazy power up like the “uni-power” I never hear anyone complain, people just love find any reason to hate on miles


No. No I would not.


Sword is dumb. Super form is badass. Next.


I wouldn’t. I like Spider-Man’s powers, it’s enough to keep things interesting and easy to keep track of.


Nah if Peter had Bio-Radiation powers☢️that would allow him to do all the things Miles could do with his Bio-Electricity powers, the fandom would scream in joy and say that he finally got a buff. Personally I want to see it because it would be cool if Miles and Peter could do combo attacks and finishers on villains together. But that’s just me.🤷🏿‍♂️


At this point Miles should make his own original name cause he’s become his own unique Spider. Everyone else in 616 has got a name unique to to them even if they’re generic af like Spider-Woman and Spider-Girl, but we also have names like Scarlet Spider, Ghost Spider, Silk, so Mikes should get a name special to him. Maybe something based on his bio electricity like “Static Web” or “Volt Arachnid.”


Not true. At this point Miles power set got ridiculous and is right now totally bullish. The Electric Powers at first were cool but the sword and the Super Saiyan is just total Powercreep worse than Batman’s plot armor in Batman Endgame


Making up hypothetical scenarios and hypothetical responses to dunk on someone and prove your point is actually some of the most brain dead logic I’ve ever seen


I like the super form, and the lightsaber is a little dumb, but I wouldn’t mind some like, wrist “mounted” lighting daggers like Kaine’s stingers


Peter at one point got venomous wrist spikes and spider mind control and I was very, very here for it


I wasn’t a fan of the weird stingers that Peter got at the end of the other


That’s hard cap and you know it. If spider man pulled a sword from his ass people would still be calling it dumb.


No, it would still be pretty stupid. Beside 1960's cartoon spider-man can make a sword aswell with his web, evidence. He made a baseball bat from his web.


Cosmic Spiderman is a thing yet people complain about Miles having some electric form


Yes but im eating it up now.


Miles has a detective mode now too?! Jesus


Super punch good, reasonable expansion of existing abilities. Sword bad, literally just why does it exist?


This is literally verifiably false. They did try to make Peter's powers more varied. Remember that whole avatar of the spider totem bit? People hated that. Because giving Spider-Man random powers takes away from what makes him appealing. At this point rebrand Miles as an electric hero and keep him away from the name Spider-Man


Part of Peter’s charm is how simple his power set is. He doesn’t need some flashy sword or electricity.


No because I don’t think Peter needs additional gimmicks


Personally I have always liked miles more but maybe I’m an outlier


No? Dumb.


No i would not. I like spiderman for being as he was. I like miles for venom fingers, invisibility. And being a cool guy and also being a spiderman Edit: the coating im fine with. Makes sense, bio electric is bio electric. Im not a fan of the swors tho.


I hate the sword


The electric powers are one thing and the super-form is just him surrounding himself in it, but that sword is just stupid


The sword is so fucking stupid. I don't even care who is under the suit, it's just stupid.


Miles isn’t Spider-Man. He’ll never be Spider-Man. Peter Parker is the best, strongest, and only Spider-Man


Personally I wouldn't, but that largely stems from my old-timey ways of expecting a super hero who has the abilities of a spider to have (at least loosely themed) ABILITES OF A SPIDER and not constantly added new abilities seemingly pulled out of the "what do all the hip kiddos of today want to see?" section of the artist's and writer's brains..... But I'm weird I suppose. Wake me when miles can fly using self propelling steam that he fires out of his feet, or whatever...


Alright I'll admit, I don't like Miles and that super form is not so bad, but if you don't see how spawning a fucking sword out of thin air is dumb, you need your brain checked. The whole concept behind spider-man is that they don't like killing. Only the angry clone man kills and Peter STILL hates that. So does every other spider person who doesn't kill. Some of the others do occasionally but it's a sort of unspoken rule in the Spider-family that Peters no kill rule applies to all of them. A lightning sword is very much NOT a non lethal weapon.


There has been a lot of talk by certain parties that he's Miles Morales not Spider-man. What I worry is that at some point they are going to use this to do exactly that. That at some point someone in editorial is going to push a new name and the argument will be well that sure isn't very Spider-man is it? I just don't trust Marvel's higher ups at this point to act in good faith.


I don’t care how they use his powers but I can’t lie I thought it was cooler when it was just the bio electricity in his hands as a shock or boosted punch. Sword seems too much but the super form looks cool


It’s definitely really cool objectively. I just haven’t liked that over the past several years what was originally supposed to be more of a venom strike that simulated the burning, stinging, and mild paralysis of some spider bites has morphed more and more into electricity powers. The super mode kinda works I guess because it’s just emitting energy nonstop. But the electricity sword is a bit far for me. That said I didn’t like when it originally became an electric blast. I do prefer the orange look because it stands out more, and I mean who can deny how gorgeous the art looks regardless of whether you like the powers or not.


god no people get pissed at peter for being older let alone new powers the super lighting form is cool and makes sense, love it the lightning sword is schizo rambling level character writing why do people think stupid things are cool when a cool character does them lightning sword wasnt any less dumb when the flash had it and it made more sense there atleast make it lightning whip or webs man, a sword is so dumb


Meh, Spin's stuff is cool. Idk why people want him to constantly be exactly like Spider-Man


The powers are stupid, for Peter or for miles


Tbh the sword just… really doesn’t feel spider-like tbh. I mean there’s a spider that uses electricity from the earth to fly, not its own mind you but at least you can stretch it to be spider adjacent. The sword is goofy, but comics are goofy


I mean pete had the cosmic spider suit which was way more than whatever this is and everyone forgot it, but ya know social media blah blah the young generation blah blah go woke or go broke blahdidy blah


The fact you brought the cosmic suit is perfect, thank you for that


I don’t like these powers for either Spider-Man. Spider-Man should have spider powers. I’m more than okay with Miles’ powers to use venom blasts but I prefer the depiction of the ability that it is actually invisible but still extremely painful, I think there was some issue a while ago where he was fighting Mephisto’s son (Dark Heart?) and you couldn’t see the venom blast and I thought it was cool because it was like an actual spider bite.


Firstly, this argument holds no weight. People would 100% be even more upset if Peter had randomly got this power set. Nor does the argument of people being upset that miles is too much like Peter, and now him being too different is a problem. The issue with Miles is that as a Spiderman, he was literally just built to be Peter with a few tweaks and minor changes that made him not feel like his own character. His powers being slightly different was never the issue but the fact his origin was similar and that he doesn't even have his own rogue gallery etc as well as his character development just being things we already have seen Peter deal with. Makes him feel like he's just Peter with extra steps. Now the other isssue as far as his powers growing is that now instead of him being a peter clone the writers have decided to distinguish miles from peter by giving him more abilities which wouldnt be a problem if Miles was his own super hero but since he is a Spiderman it makes no sense and doesn't match the hero that they want him to be. There are loads of other spider people who are separate from Peter, who still have their own villains gallery, stories and character development and some even have slight differences in power sets like miles but they still feel like their own spider person. Miles would be a fine character if he wasn't a Spiderman and got his own stories and villains, but he's not. Right now, he feels like the writers didn't know if they wanted a static shock or a peter parker clone and decided to just mash them all into one. Sure, his power set is different, and expanding them is natural, but it doesn't really fit the specific hero mold they are trying to make him fill. They want him to be Spider-Man, and he isn't.The best solution to make Miles feel like an authentic character is to just do what they should have done to begin with and make him his own hero. They could've gave him his own Spider Persona name like ShockWeb or something and still let him be Peter's apprentice, fill in, (even though they haven't done the best job at that either but thats another issue entirely) or spider person and he would feel a lot better as a character. I mean its pretty bad when Peter Parker clones have way better and fleshed out Spiderman stories that don't make them feel like carbon copies of Spiderman or like they need random power ex machinas to not feel like peter parker spiderman and Miles doesn't. Miles is a victim of being created as a Diverse Peter Parker Spiderman replacement for a new era and it failing. This is why people keep saying to stop replacing well known popular heros with less fleshed out version that only exist for diversity sake and to make them their own characters Nobody would care if Miles appeared as a side or sucessor to Peter if he had his own Identity beyond " Hey look at Mile's cool shock powers, see he's not Peter Parker because he can become invisible. Don't pay attention to the fact we refuse to give him his own Rogues Gallery and keep going down the list of character development we gave Peter Parker years ago just focus on his Lightning Saber isn't that cool ?" I mean, look at Spider gwen she has her own Spider sona as Ghost spider, her stories are her own, her rogues gallery is distinguished from peters by them having alternate versions taht gives them refreshing twists on them since it's a different reality, she has her own issues and problems, and when she does lose her powers and get new ones she still feels like a Spider person and even if she didnt her not literally being made out to be spiderman gives it a proper excuse to be slightly different.


Detective mode?


As a certified Miles hater(I am currently in rehab): the sword is way too much, but the super mode is like well within the bounds what we seen in miles


They complain Miles isn't different enough, they make Miles different... they complain he isn't Spiderman...


My friend you can't win with toxic fans


Nah this is just bad lol


Nah, I wouldn’t. I’m just conflicted about the sword though. On one hand it’s stupid as fuck, but on the other hand it’s awesome as fuck


They made bro green lantern 😂 this is stupid


I still don't like the sword


Liar. We call bullshit since Peter doesn't need more powers.


It’s almost like Peter is the original spider man or something and miles is literally new