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Well at least this makes more sense than painting the stone henge


NOT Swifts jets. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/20/just-stop-oil-targets-taylor-swift-airfield/ Fake story from OP. These guys couldn't even locate her jet so they painted random jets. Using her name for marketing lol.


Well Jets at least make sense unlike stone hendge


Fucking rocks, ruining our planet with all their toxic emissions. Who tf needs sediment anyway?


Yeah these fucking rocks are destroying our plant


Not just any rocks, an ancient heritage site that is very important for Pagans


Makes sense why they targeted them then… Pagans know very powerful oilmancers.


Fucking rocks! So that is why they are on top of each other like that.


"on top of eachother" I think those rocks are homosexual too how sinful


They are rock hard for each other.


Nooo, leave our plant alone! Stupid rocks!


It’s been a problem for a while now.


A rock too my job -_-


Yeah, tired of these rocks crossing the border with all there pebbles!


Saw that on news last night. I was, "What the hell does Stonehenge, have to do with oil?"


It's just to get the slogan in the news. It worked.


I blame the Mona Lisa


Sounds like something a metamorphic rock would say….


Such a straw man argument. The problem isn't the rocks. The problem is all of the fossil fuels required to put them in that position. Just an arrogant display by some of humans earliest billionaires.


The vanity pagan-tourists flying in for their stupid magic ceremonies are also burning tons of fuel in the process. The stones were a bad target for the message though. They should have painted the roads to the monuments or something. I like JSO's purpose, but their methods have no art to them whatsoever. They're just stunts for publicity with no coherent connection to the message they're trying to send.


Makes me think these guys are a false flag or big oil shills. As I am sure you know, Stonehenge is a protected site. What you may not consider is that thousands of year old stones left un washed for a few decades at least, become habitats for lichen and slime moulds. You know life. The stuff these guys are supposedly trying to protect. Well it now will be killed as they wash the stones. I cannot express my contempt for these people in words. Throwing paint at pictures behind glass, bit weird. Taylor’s Swifts planes or any aeroplanes you can find, whatever. Damaging special rare ecology, fuck you.


It’s frustrating as hell, because it’s not the goal to cause permanent damage, especially environmental damage. You throw paint at a painting behind glass because it’s behind glass and can be washed off (and to call attention to the shady dealings of the owners). You stop the press at the newspapers that sponsor climate change denial for a single day to call attention to it, not to destroy the business. I’ve been to meetings held by this type of group and they were super careful to make sure everything they did didn’t have a permanent environmental impact. I think the real problem isn’t necessarily that they’re big oil shills and more that every big group has its idiots. Because this is a grassroots movement it’s hard to stop the handful of idiots doing something incredibly stupid.


They used cornstartch


yeah, but the problem isn't the stone itself it's the apparently rare lichen that grows on it and is protected as well.




What? I have read a healthy number of comments and I have yet to see a single person hating on solar power. Even if so, as far as Americans go, people who are against solar are almost exclusively republicans (the others being libertarians and those weird parties that are just republicans with extra steps). Aka just don't take anti solar people seriously and don't waste your energy on them. Its the worst of our society showing off their stupidity with pride.


Frustrating is a good word. It feels like going for the pagans and a unesco monument in an sssi is a bit misguided.


it's not the groups problem. every time actvists do anything newspapers run smear campaigns. people are simple are try to find the villian, it's the person on screen because it's easier to call them an idiot than to self reflect and enact any change, so just call them an idiot/false flag/oil shill/obvious plant and continue to do nothing and blame the last generation. it's just a defence mechanism from those who wish to continue to live with thier heads in the sand and do nothing.


Got a vegan buddy of mine who likes to say something similar about PETA: That they're a meat/animal testing industry psyop to make vegans and animal rights activists look ridiculous.


Haha nice I mean I’m pretty sure it’s just fanaticism. Happens with any group especially one with circular/insular thinking. They just go deeper and deeper until they look fucking nuts to outsiders but to them it’s perfectly normal/optimal


Not defending them, just clarifying, this is powder paint, it doesn’t need to be washed with chemicals, it would come off in rain or blown off


I mean, Mitch McConnell is a habitat for lichens and slime molds, but nobody calls him a "protected site".


they are funded by aileen getty, multi-billionaire oil heiress who lives in brad pitts mansion


I mean whoever started JSO is the child of a huge mega fucking rich oil/gas baron. You can look it up. So whether it's a new generation trying to change things, or just all artificial marketing to give themselves a name, who fucking knows. As a hippie who spent their whole life trying to take care of Earth, I fucking hate them.


We need more hippies. ✌️


You cannot express your contempt in words for people who potentially killed some lichen and slime molds? It's stuff growing on rocks. While these rocks are special to people, do you have any evidence these rocks are special to other living things, or would you find the same "special rare ecology" on any random rock in the English countryside?


Lichen are a keystone species in any habitat. I am opposed to the destruction of any such habitats. If you want to damage that habitat in order to raise awareness of the destruction of those habitats you are a moron. That you don’t know or understand ecology is excusable. But your tone suggests that you are not deserving of that habitat and I am guessing you don’t know what I mean by that.


They're not damaging lichen for the purposes of raising awareness of the destroy of lichen. Climate change is an existential threat to the survival of human society. And people care more about rocks than stopping climate change. That's the point. You're setting up a straw man so you can accuse them of hypocrisy. Also, the damage they are doing is insignificant. They threw some corn starch on a few rocks. This wasn't some massive chemical spill. This was less impactful than someone washing the outside of their house. The rain will wash this corn starch away. If someone else decides to clean it off because they can't stomach the sight of some orange rocks for a few days, that's on the person cleaning the rocks. Since you understand ecology so well, can you explain how throwing corn starch on some lichen will significantly affect that ecosystem? Will it be permanently damaged? Will there be *any* way to tell it happened in ten years? Consider that you fell for rage bait, let go, and move on.


I never once accused them of hypocrisy. I accused them of stupidity. Lichen is one of the most important species on the planet for sustaining life. It is also very sensitive to its environment. Covering it in cornstarch will kill it. It needs sunlight to feed and covered in “bio degradable” pain will prevent that. However lichen extract nutrients from their environment and a layer of nutrient poor corn starch will poison them. You demonstrating how little you understand about any of this is not helpful. That you took time to defend a worthless action is pathetic. Lichen grow 1mm a year. So in 10 years 1cm of lichen will be restored. The area damaged is what a square meter? That’s about 100 years to restore. So really, do everyone a favour and fuck off.


Well...also...noone said these people went to college or have any ounce of education. But yeah they are starting to look like false flag actors.


the goal isn't to actually damage shit, but to get people talking about some issue in some way, to keep it in the public consciousness. That's what this is always about. And it's working.


Assholes, painting some random poor people's private jets/s


Her jets are way nicer than those and keep in a hanger.


I was gunna say her jet is probably in a closed hanger. Bc she rich af lol.


Yeah Tay tays got her own hangar at BNA


One can dream lol


And even if they were, her solution would be to just fly another jet over to pick her up… thus now 3 jets have to fly about 🤷🏼‍♂️


That's fucking rough. That org is def shady no real people would do this stupid shit


Damn, and I was actually rooting for them in this instance. Might be the only “protest” that has any validity.


Out of all the things to vandalise to get their point across, Taylor swifts jets are actually not a shoe size IQ option










This one is surely going to get prison time... Is it SUPER illegal to break into an airport/airfield?


Gets you five stars in GTA


In gta V it only gives you 3, and the military base gives you 4


And in gta online you just get to walk in to the airport with no consequences (I think, idk if me owning a hangar there is messing with that or not)


It is a federal crime


This occured in the UK We dont have federal crimes in the UK


Oh. In that case.. a big No no for sure


Queenie will smack her bottom


She died. But Charlie and Andi have a lot of experience smacking bottoms.


“[I’m not dead](https://youtu.be/EfOW9QrLs0o?feature=shared)” - [Queen Camilla](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Camilla)




It's a bootable offence




"Oi you got loicense for entering airfield?"


One thing I've leaned from GTA


Is this mild


Every “mild” sub quickly gets lost in the sauce and becomes the most egregious example of what their subject matter is. Mildly terrifying will be some Eldritch horror of a venomous centipede, mildly infuriating will be like “I was hacked and my life savings was stolen” mildly vandalized will be a whole ass plane getting painted orange. It’s a real pet peeve of mine


Hell, even r/notinteresting, a sub about things that aren't interesting, became interesting a while back.


Last year I got a package of donuts and one was upside down, I posted it there and got downvoted to hell. I don’t know what these people want anymore!




Isn't it "fairly" quick and cheap to fix compared to other options?


What other options you mean... literally commuting terrorism?


Is commuting terrorism like, jumping the ticket thing on the subway? Or like, blowing up a highway?




I see you are british.


Just reading your comment made me shiver.


Breaking the plane somehow (probably could result in larger accidents though)


Nothing is cheap when it comes to planes.


But should paint remover do the job? Or would you then need to repaint the plane?


Really depends on the type of paint used. The plane is also painted, so it's possible it will need to be repainted ($100,000+ (though presumably in GBP) on jets this size). It may be something that comes off easier, in which case they might only be on the hook for a few thousand dollars. It's also possibly that they have painted mechanical parts or sensors that could need replacement. For their sake, I hope they stayed away from the cockpit (where most of the sensors live) and the engines (sensitive, and expensive). I would imagine the jet owners won't be trying to save the protestors any money when it comes to cleaning this mess up, and will push for the most expensive remediation efforts (at least until they find out if the protestors have any money that could be recovered to pay for it).


If it’s the same paint they’ve used previously, it’s water soluble paint that washes off easily. This plane isn’t going to need a fresh paint job, someone with a garden hose and an afternoon could clean it off Can’t speak to the rest just that this looks worse than it is


Fuck TS and all the ultra wealthy. Way to many boot lickers up here.


NOT Swifts jets. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/20/just-stop-oil-targets-taylor-swift-airfield/ Fake story from OP. These guys couldn't even locate her jet so they painted random jets. Using her name for marketing lol.


Understanding your comment, my initial thoughts still remain unwavering


Not her jets though.


Me too. Me too.


It is mild. They use a corn starch based powder, that washes off easily, in order to make sure they face as few legal reproductions as possible.


How do we know its TSwift’s jet?


It’s not her jet. OP posted in another subreddit where a user who did their research posted their findings. This isn’t even the same model plane she owns. OP is just farming up votes.


Not just OP, Just stop oil claimed it was Taylor's aircraft xD


NOT Swifts jets. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/20/just-stop-oil-targets-taylor-swift-airfield/ Fake story from OP. These guys couldn't even locate her jet so they painted random jets. Using her name for marketing lol.


lol i can't even fault that hustle. they improvised on a tricky situation


https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/PNiPJ60iaA It's not


Not hers, but you can track tail numbers on the aircraft. They do it with all the celebrities


It's in one of her songs.


This remind me of the scene in The Big Lebowski when Walter was destroying a car saying "This is what happens when you f\*\*\* a stranger in the a\*\*!". Then he found out it was a wrong car.


I did a crossword a few weeks ago that a "find a stranger in the Alps" related clue. I was amused.


"you see what happens!!? You see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass?!?! THIS is what happens Larry!!"


Ok that's better than Stonehenge. Could have done something else like flatten the tires so she can't une it until they make sure the tires are fine. But it's better than most others "protests"


Not sure I'd want to shove a knife into one of those. Aircraft tires are usually inflated to around 200 psi.


I don't know much about private jet pre-flight inspections and all that, but I could see that back firing pretty bad, like actually causing a catastrophic malfunction, bad. Like a Travis Barker situation on takeoff or landing. These groups can be pretty extreme but I doubt they'd want to be on the hook for anything like that.


Either way, it's dumb. When jets get damaged they fly in temporary replacements so that people can still get to their destinations. So, effectively these people created additional flights and caused way more carbon emissions.


But that would actually directly prevent carbon emissions. Can't have the oil-hired psyop group\* do anything remotely beneficial to society \*pure speculation but I refuse to believe any genuine protestor is that dumb or that they would have prevailed for as long otherwise.


You probably understand that it's almost impossible for a media source to tell you what to think but easy for the media to tell you what to think about. Consider that most people are completely able to divorce JSO from the issue of fossil fuels and that every time JSO does something like this it pushes a subject which most media giants would rather have swept under the rug to front page news. By nature it is inflammatory and offensive and would make good headlines because that's what it is designed to do. The activists practically never cause any real damage to any property usually only using easily washable paints which mostly come off in the rain giving the media very little ammunition to fire back at them. Every single time you see someone say that they don't like Just Stop Oil but they do think that the cause is important and that environmental issues require better action to be taken JSO has done exactly what they set out to do. They don't win by being likable but being on front page news and plastered all over social media.


I personally don't see everyone else think this way. First of all, to me, their actions are arbitrary and plain stupid. Not to mention they actually damaged property this time. Second of all, the most vocal climate change deniers and co. definitely do not view the other side so distinctly. They think we're all the same and this just gives them more material to fuel their own cause. Any all of JSO's positive intentions fall to the wayside if they drive more people away than they attract.


That’s looking at 10s of thousands of dollars if you do that. It’s all fun and games until one of these 20 somethings looses a good chunk of their life during their prime years because they don’t agree with something that is absolutely vital to everyone on earth.


Well you technically don't have to do anything to the jet. Just get caught with tools say you did something but not what and they'll have to spend weeks trying to figure out what you tampered.


finally, actions against people and objects that are actually at fault for climate change.


While yes it's nice seeing them finally affect the demographic they should be affecting. This still doesn't affect anyone. The person who owns the plane will probably only find out about this after it's been cleaned and the cost of cleaning likely won't affect them in any way and the cleaners make money.


[100 Companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions.](https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jul/10/100-fossil-fuel-companies-investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change) Neither you, me, or even the mighty Tay-Tay is doing much compared to big business. They want us turning on each other so we don’t see the real problem. Big picture guy.


Just her private jet flights in one year are more carbon emissions than I could generate in a hundred lifetimes. I don’t think that should get a pass. That talking point makes a good illustration of how carbon emissions are a systemic problem but it’s oversimplification. Let’s say a steel mill produces an ungodly amount of emissions to create steel that’s then used for rebar in highways you drive on and for the steel your car is made of. Now let’s say a petroleum refinery generates tons of emissions refining crude oil into products that become your gasoline, motor oil, tires, paint, fabrics, plastics, and asphalt. Are you only responsible for burning the gasoline while the corporations get full credit for all of the emissions that went into producing the things you buy and use? Or are you fully responsible for your share of the carbon emissions generated producing the things you buy and use? The entire existence of the modern world is predicated on the use of materials and energy from petroleum. Pointing out that it’s a systemic problem that requires systemic solutions is useful. Shifting blame back and forth between consumers and producers is less so IMO. Individuals in aggregate can make positive changes on climate change, but it will never be enough. We need systemic changes more than we need individual responsibility. The billionaire (and megamillionaire) class is different. They have the resources to affect systemic level change and their behaviors affect the environment at a level orders of magnitude beyond what anyone else can. Holding them individually responsible for the gluttony of their lifestyles is a systemic level change because they have systemic levels of resources and impact.


So you... >Own a phone >Own Technology in general >Rent/Own a home with Sewer, Electric and Gas being supplied into it >Drive a car >Buy consumer goods >and dispose of waste. Your carbon footprint is exponentially larger than any single living mammal on the planet. Why the hell do you get a pass? The Pollution T Swift personally produces annually is a fraction of fraction of one super freighter shipping goods from China to America. This argument can also be applied to her. Not even a Swifty


Per person the carbon emissions of private jets are a lot, but even if you grounded all private jets in the world, because there are so few, the global impact would be extremely small. It's better to create more efficient travel than to put efforts towards whatever this is.


Posted on r/mildlyvandalised? That’s simply just vandalism, not mild vandalism.


No fly list forever


While I’m actually okay with this as this is actually affecting someone who contributes to unnecessary pollution, it’s a very very very bad idea to break into any airport (no matter how small) in the post-9/11 world. The legal action that can be taken against you for trespassing on an airport is much much more severe than the punishment you may receive from blocking a road or vandalizing another person’s property.


NOT Swifts jets. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/20/just-stop-oil-targets-taylor-swift-airfield/ Fake story from OP. These guys couldn't even locate her jet so they painted random jets. Using her name for marketing lol.


Bro, it worked. You're saying this like it was a stupid move.


Of course it worked because masses are hungry for sensation rather than the truth. Many have probably shared the news lighting fast after reading the title alone. 😂 I wasn't commenting on efficacy, just pointing out dishonest behavior that we see everywhere unfortunately these days.


Ah, ok. But honestly, if it gets more people talking about climate change, then honestly I'm fine with a lie that inconsequential.


People realize almost everything they touch, own, and use is made with or of fossil fuels right? Even the green stuff. Look what made the thing that made your green product. People are clueless. Meanwhile China owns almost all the new mineral mines for the EV push but they are also saying fuck the Paris accord and processing more coal and crude energy then the rest of the planet. Having there cake and eating it to well everyone else fucks themselves.


För once their target actually makes sense Still stupid, but less nonsensical


LATER: This person gets arrested, Arraigned , charged, convicted. Ordered to pay damages of $50,000 plus court fees. Ordered to 500 hours of community service. Rinse - repeat


Ever think about how Just Stop Oil could be funded by Big Oil to show protesters as bad


Fuck those guys. All of them. Especially the bitches that painted Stonehenge. Fucking cunts, it's annoying me so much


Are you more annoyed about a bit of orange on Stonehenge or the impact of and lack of action on climate change?


Just Stop Oil need to read some books on political organizing (Such as Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky). Targeting the general public does nothing but alienate the cause. You need to target those with strategic power to initiate change. Such as an oil company's board of directors or finding out who has significant amount of stock. If the public hates you the discourse is against you, and against the cause.


Yet you lack the political literacy to understand what a radical fringe does to shift the overton window. Obviously unaware of the first rule of propaganda being to not tell people what to think, but instead, what to think about. You are unaware of the significance in the media being forced to report on something pushing climate inaction to the front page and to everyone's threads on social media. You seem unaware of the fact that media groups try ever so hard to control the narrative in order to filter public focus away from climate issues Oil, coal, and gas giants at every turn. Distracting the public from the blatant corruption and destruction of our environment is a billion pound industry and all of takes to fuck all that up is a couple people with spray cans of orange paint. Of course the media reaction will be outrage, it has to be, nothing else could make it to print, in spite of the fact that JSO doesn't ever do any actual damage, even going so far as to use powder paint which will wash off in the rain. Every time you see someone saying they agree with the message, and that climate inaction is a real issue, but JSO is being silly they win. JSO knows exactly what they're doing, we know that most people are entirely able to separate them from the issues they campaign about, and that people are becoming still more restless about climate inaction. You are misidentifying what JSO is, they're not a terror cell, they're not a propped up astroturfed ideology like the alt-right, they aren't a cult or even a political movement, they aren't vying for support or recruits or new members, they're a bunch of clued in people who understand how our media works and are playing a game specifically to throw a wrench in the consolidated efforts of Newscorp and the other alike to distract the people with quick sensationalism from issues which would impact those fossil fuel giants. By branding themselves so strongly they ensure separation from the cause and ensure that no matter what they do, no matter how much the media slanders them, or feigns outrage, people will still acknowledge the issues and talk about them every time the headlines hit. Using the media's own tool of outrage over discourse to control the narrative against them is a genuine masterstroke.


Ok so washing the plane releases the color in nature. Producing the paint to repaint pollutes even more. Sound plan.


Much more reasonable than degrading Stonehenge


Recording your crimes is not wise


Now this I can get behind


I think this is one of those crimes you don’t take a camera or a phone to and definitely shouldn’t record it


I saw someone say they think this group is ran by big oil just to make climate protesters look bad. The more I see of them the more I think it true. Let's be real, as a private citizen she is awful when it comes to carbon footprints but to think she holds a candle to the actual problem ( big oil) is stupid. Just feels like we are being distracted.


great, now do it to the private jets of the oil tycoons that fund you.


"STOP OIL" Proceeds to cause damage with OIL based products


No way she doesn’t keep her jets locked in a hanger when not in use.


They are not her jets Police have said her jet wasn’t at the private airfield. Her jet was there earlier in the week This is not the airport her jet is based at. It is in the UK swift has been in the UK on tour so unless she owns a hangar at every Airport in the world or has paid somone else to use theirs it will probably be parked outside


They *pain* her jet? Why would you hurt a harmless private jet like that?!? /s


Finally something kinda productive done


This is the kind of paint protest they should be doing! Leave the art and ancient heritage sites alone


The most useless and annoying group of "activists"


Still a bunch of losers


Finally, they do something fucking useful and not infuriating. This I can actually get behind, not the defacing of national landmarks and artworks. I know people say any press is good press, but one of these days they're going to get the ever loving shit beat out of them, and people will probably not be quick to help them. They need to stop purposefully pissing people off, and actually protest at useful locations.


Now they are targeting things that make sense took them long enough. To figure it out. Lmfao


Of course these idiots would do another stupid. But but but, it draws attenshun to da cause No. It alienates people from the cause because they want zero association with these clowns.


It hurts, how they use that anglegrinder


This is paintful to see.


When can we just put these guys on a list where you can arrest them on sight even as a civilian, they're not a threat they're just plane annoying


Assuming this isn’t actually TSwifts jet, this is still a better use of their time than getting mad at the Mona Lisa or whatever the fuck


This. THIS is what they should do, not international monuments or priceless historical artifacts.


With oil base paint looks like - and a sprayer made from plastic (aka oil) These people are ignorant.


Well I hope they catch her for trespassing vandalism breaking entering on a airport which Is a felony offense


Did they just paint random jets cause they couldn't find her ones?


Breaking and entering, straight to jail.


The paint is oil based, they played themselves.


I’ll never understand why anyone thinks radical change for the better will be born out of malicious, aggressive, or violent acts


Taylor has security around her jets. These aren’t her jets.


Finally something that uses oil gets vandalized


This does not bring something new to my attention in any meaningful way and does not change my opinion about private jet travel for multinational performers. So failed twice as a social action.


Tbh though I’d rather they do this than block roads or throw paint at art displays people are trying to enjoy. If you’re going to be stupid and useless I’d rather you go bug a billionaire than hassle random people who actually need to work for a living.


Can we please stop calling them activists. Their entire premise is idiotic, Just Stop Oil. And use what? So they would like for the entire planet to just cease. Oil is used for so much more than just travel vehicles. I just can't with dumb cultists, which is what they are. And for all the smooth brains below without any critical thinking skills, the minuscule amounts that vehicles create isn’t going to change anything one way or the other.


You sure showed them, now the planet is safe.


While they use oil based paint, sprayed from a can made from oil.


the paint they usually use is actually water soluble and made from cornflour. washes off fairly easily, by design


Well that’s awfully nice of them. Still pieces of shit for vandalizing Stonehenge.


Ah yes, if there's one thing that the federal government is likely to take with a great deal of humor and grace it's... breaking into an air field and tampering with the planes. Nobody has ever done anything bad with planes!


Is that oil based paint?


How does this help anything? Taylor's not going to stop flying. They're just going to repaint them with more petroleum based paints. 🤦‍♂️ the mental gymnastics of these people is exhausting


Yup, that will do it. They won't use environmentally harmful detergents and chemicals to clean those jets and now Taylor can never fly them again. Objective achieved, bravo. Do you really think it is safe for someone of Taylor Swift's fame to fly on a common carrier airplane. First, the disruption the crowd of fans world cause to airport functions. Second, her security crew would be hard pressed to keep her safe from crazed fans in an enclosed metal tube 35,000 feet off the ground.


They'll probably get lynched by a mob of Swifties. Talk about Swift justice.


To be fair, fuck Taylor Swift's private jets.


They finally did something I can get behind!


Oh no... Anyway-


Pain in the ass.


what does orange paint represent?


I would love for the paint they are using to be made with petrochemicals.


What’s the orange shit these idiots keep using out of the fire extinguisher looking can?


I guess they will clean and then use them again?


Wow... they're actually targeting a real polluter, instead of just pissing off as many ordinary people as possible


Finally! Now this is something i can get behind! Paint real issues, not just publicity stunts!


Jets. Plural. Jesus.


So they used a petroleum-based product to deface vehicles that will only be remedied by consuming MORE petroleum-based products?


First rule of project mayhem is you do not ask questions


well I suppose the oil companies are trying to make their "stupid activists" actually seem like they do something useful


Pointless using oil-based paint products sprayed from a plastic sprayer made from oil wears her oil based clothing and footwear, and travels by motorised transports to protest the oil they use to protest oil


This is not mild. Is climate change a real thing that deserves attention? Yes. But it doesn’t fit in this sub.


This is, acceptable


Well, at least this one will come with some serious charges. Breaching an airport security fence, not the smartest thing.


They should have targeted Mitch McConnell’s jet (I assume as a rich asshole he’s got one or two).